0 PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1945 -. I Training Program Gives Industrial Guidance By EUNICE MINTZ Over 300 students from all over the country, and some from Canada, India, and Puerto Rico are enrolled in the Cooperative Counselor Training Program in Detroit which gives guidance courses in industry and retailing, and provides opportunities for teachers, counselors, and school admini- strators to secure summer employment in industrial plants or selected retail stores. The program, under the direc University, is operated under thea Conference on String Music Teaching Opens Morning session of the one-dayr Conference on the Teaching oft Strings, sponsored by the School of Music for visiting teachers, will opent at 9 a. m. EWT (8 a. m. CWT) to- day in the basement room of Lane Hall. Symposium in MorningJ The morning session will consist- of a symposium, demonstrations and general discussions of string music teaching. Donald Armstrong of Grand Rapids will be the chairman and other participants are Hal Ber- gen, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Mrs. Beth Hamilton Johnson, Dearborn; Hom- er LaGassey, Detroit; David Mat-! tern of the University; Conway Pe- ters, Albion; Bernard Silverstein, Detroit; and Miss Mary Jane Ward- well, Knoxville, Tenn. The afternoon session will open at 1 p. m. EWT (12 noon CWT) in the Rackham Building Assembly Hall. At this time, University music students will give a' demonstration of string music. This will be fol- lowed by a meeting of the Michigan String Planning Conference. Informal Reading Session Later in the afternoon there will be an informal reading session of string orchestra music conducted by Mr. LaGassey, Prof. Mattern, and Julius Stulberg. At the close of the afternoon session areception and tea will be held. The evening session will consist of a chamber music concert to be given at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) in the Assembly Hall. Partici- pating will be Gilbert Ross and Mar- ian Struble Freeman, violinists; Louise Rood, violist and Robert Swenson, cellist. Soldier Loses Tough Battle FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 3-tom) -Corp. James E. Newman, 25, who was suffering from tuberculosis of the throat, lungs and stomach, died today at his home here at 5:20 p. m. (CWT). For Newman it was the end of a tough fight for life that started when the Japs captured him at Bataan. He struggled through the March of Death--he didn't remember the last five hours of it. He got through three years of Japanese imprisonment; in a prison camp in the Philippines he endured hopeless starvation and flesh melted ,from his body. .rDoctors at Army hospitals in New Guinea and in New Mexico shook their heads over him. They told him his case was hopeless. But Newman wouldn't give up. He wanted to go home to Fort Worth, he said. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN tion of Dr. Frank Dalton of the auspices of Michigan and Wayne Universities. Sponsorshare the Chrysler Corporation, the Henry Ford Trade School, the Retail Mer- chants Association, MichiganState College, and other educational in- stitutions. Purpose of the program is to pro- vide a background for the professional responsibilities of the persons en- rolled and the work carries college credit. Under this plan, the students are assigned work in factories and retail stores in Detroit. They are paid pre- vailing rates for their work, which lasts a minimum of eight weeks. Those who enter the progiram have the chance to meet the work- er to gain a first hand knowledge of conditions in industrial plants or retail stores, and to meet and talk with labor and management leaders. The student moves from one job to another by a program of job rotation, in order to gain more than one type of experience. Inraddition, four hours each week are devoted to listening to "top man- agement explain the responsibili- ties of their departments as they re- late to the organization as a whole. The type of training that should be given young people still in school who plan to enter industrial fields is also taken up. As their contribution to the plan, the sponsors bring nationally known educators in the fields of guidance, labor relations, social reform and kindred *subjects to lecture. Gale s11 Dance To Feature Brestoff Bacnd 'Stethoscope Ball' Will Honor Med Seniors Phil Brestoff and his orchestra will play for the "Stethoscope Ball," which will be held from 9 p. m. tc midnight EWT (8 to 11 p. m. CWT) Saturday, Aug. 11, in the League ball- room. The dance, sponsored by the Ga- lens Society, is a get-together for LATIN ANALYZED: Methods Used to Study Indian Applicable to Any Language By The Associated Press FORT BELVOIR, Va., Aug. 3 -- Twice discharged from the army be- cause of flat feet, Pvt. Henry L. Nor- ris is back in uniform again - and Little Attention Formerly Given Voice Diseases "Although voic e disorders are among the most common diseases, they have received relatively little attention until very recently," Prof. Charles R. Strother, guest lecturer for the speech department, said in an interview yesterday. According to Prof. Strother, there are few people in the field of treat- ment of voice disorders with scien- tific background, and there are great opportunities for people with this training. Prcf. Strother, who is Associate Professor of Speech and Psychology and director of the Psychological Clinic at Iowa State University, spoke on the differentiation of hysterical and organic voice disorders in a lec- ture yesterday. He will conduct a roundtable dis- cussion on diagnostic problems of voice disorders with members of the Speech 323 seminar at 8:30 a. m. EWT (7:30 a. m. CWT) today at the speech clinic, Glider Produetion. To Stop at Gibson, GREENVILLE, Mich, Aug. 3 -(P) -Gibson Refrigerator Company an- nounced today its contract to manu- facture gliders for the Army Air Forces would be cancelled on Aug. 20. The cancellation willdaffect some 300 employes here and an additional 500 workers of sub-contractors at Grand Rapids. The company said it has requested the AAF to delay the cancellation order until Oct. 1 when civilian pro- duction of refrigerators and ranges will begin. ARCH OF TRIUMPH: Three-TimingSoldier Is in GIs Again those arches are just as horizontal as ever. The drawling North Carolina farm boy gave this chronology today of his experience with Army camps, separation centers and draft boards: Back in 1939 and fresh from a Civilian Conservation Corps camp (remember them?) he enlisted at the age of 17, with his mother's permission. Early in 1940, the doctors decided Army shoes and Pvt. Norris' feet just couldn't get along. So out he; went, on a medical discharge. Ex-Private Norris then went to work in Fayetteville, N. C., got mar- ried and settled down to civilian life. Then in August, 1942, his draft board tapped him, despite his protests to the woman at the draft board.. She said the medics, could decide. They did, a year and ten days later, when Pvt. Norris became Mr. Norris again. Then he started getting word from his Fayetteville draft board again--- "They said I was a job ijumper. I wasn't. I just had to look around for suitable work. But I got tired of their jabber. I didn't want them to put me down for that work-or- fight thing. So I volunteered." Inducted again in May, 1945, Private-Once-Again Norris and his less To (ive Talk on Arctic "The Russian Arctic" is the topic of a talk to be given by Dr. George Kiss of the geography department before a meeting of Russky Kruzhok at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) Mon- day at the International Center. Dr. Kiss will discuss the general problem of navigation on, the sea lane across the Arctic from Europe to the Far East, and the imporatnce of Northern Siberia to air travel. Following the talk, a social hour will be held. All interested are cor- dially invited to attend. flat feet drilled for a week, and then he was told to' be a cook. But he isn't too happy about that -he wants overseas duty. Employment, Real Estate Is Speech 1Topic "The employer's interest in segre- gation is only a casual one; he is not as likely to discriminate as he, is to exploit racial prejudice in order to weaken labor for his own purposes," said Prof. Amos H. Hawley of the sociology department in a recent interview. Prof. Hawley will address a meet- ing of the Inter-Racial Association at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Monday at the Union, speaking on the subject "Real Estate and Em- ployment." "A practical way to solve the prob- lem of racial discrimination would be through redistribution from seg- regated racial areas. Non-segrega- tion is equivalent to assimilation. There have been no minority groups which have not been segregated groups. It is the function of resi- dential segregation to maintain so- cial economic inferiority," he de- clared. Prof. Hawley outlined how dis- crimination can be measured by the degree to which minority groups have been segregated. He will bring these facts out in his Monday speech. Prof. Hawley's lecture is the fifth in the current IRA series, "Tech- niques For Eliminating Racial Dis- crimination In Your Community." Pollen Count Low LANSING, Aug. 3 -(I)- Little ragweed pollen has been found in the air so far this summer by the 46 pollen coleting stations in Michi- gan, the State Health Department reported today. Lansing was the highest in the state Thursday with a count of 15, while most other sta- tions did not record any pollen. Students of American Indian lan-I guages have long had to struggle with the problem of interpreting de- scriptions of these tongues prepared by scholars who started with pre- conceptions based on a study of Latin grammar, but yesterday they turned the tables when members of Dr. C. F. Voegelin's class in Struc- tural Types of American Indian Languages set about analyzing Latin by methods which Dr. Voegelin has' taught them. Urge to Reverse Procedure The urge to reverse the procedure, which early missionary explorers of the New World introduced four cen- Orchestra Will Play Tuesday The University of Michigan String Orchestra will present a concert at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) Tuesday in the Pattengill Auditor- ium of Ann Arbor High School. The orchestra is under the direc- tion of Gilbert Ross of the School of Music. The program will be devoted to literature of the 17th and 18th cen- turies, and will include both well- known and seldom-heard works. The String Orchestra was formed in the fall of 1943 and now consists of 29 players. Most of the members are University students although there are a few guest performers. The program will be open to the public. English Princess Gains Promotion in British ATS LONDON, Aug. 3 -(I)- Princess Elizabeth, who recently completed her non-commissioned officer's course in the Auxiliary Territorial Services, has been promoted from second subaltern to junior comman- der, it was announced today. The ATS is the British equivalent to the American WAC. turies ago, came upon the Indian language students wihen they attend- ed a Linguistic Institute Conference at which Dr. Robert A. Hall, Jr., a member of the Institute faculty, pre- sented a paper on "Classical Latin Noun Inflection." They invited Dr. Hall, who was attempting to state the facts of Latin. declension as con- cisely as possible, to analyze Latin declension before their class, using only methods which students of American languages would use, the class themselves judging when he transgressed this rule. Since time machines exist only in comic strips, no ancient Roman wasl available as an informant, and thel students drafted the services of Dr Adelaide Hahn, head of the classics~ department at Hunter College and a visitor at the Institute this sum- mer, to pronounce Latin as classic- ists are convinced it should be pro- nounced. Partial Analysis Made In one class period only a partial analysis could be made, but members of the class and visitors were given a practical demonstration showing that the methods developed by mod- ern students of American Indian tongues can be applied to the study of any language. Barnes To Lecture On 'British Politics' "British Politics" will be the sub- ject of a lecture by Prof. E. H. Barnes of the history department before a meeting of the Post-War Council at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Tuesday in the Union. Prof. Barnes will outline the sig- nificance of the recent British elec- tion and will tie it up with current British political problems. Following the lecture. there will be a short question period. INVEST IN VICTORY PHIL BRESTOFF ... to play at "Stethoscope Ball" medical students, especially seniors before they are graduated at the end of the summer term. Tickets may be purchased from Galens members or at the Galens stand at University Hospital.. The 11-piece orchestra, with a vo- calist, is the regular Michigan Theatre (Detroit) band and broad- casts over WXYZ. (Continued from Page 2) side Park to join the Lutheran Guild for recreation, a picnic supper, and a closing worship service. In case of rain both groups will meet in the Parish House, Washington and 5th. Congregational Church, State and William Sts. 10:45 a. m. (EWT) pub- lic Worship. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will give the sermon, his subject being, "Creative Living." 4:00 p. m. The Congregational - Disciples Student Guild will have a joint meeting with the Lutheran Group at Riverside Park. The Lutheran Student Association will meet this Sunday afternoon at 4:15 at the Parish Hall, 309 E. Wash- ington St. The group will leave from there and join the Congregational and Disciple Guild at Riverside Park for an outdoor meeting and supper. Zion Lutheran Church will have an early German service at 9:00 and the regular English service at 10:30. Trinity Lutheran Church will hold its regular Sunday morning service at 10:30. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship: "Creation vs. the Missing Link" Lane Hall, Fireside Room, 4:30 p. m. EWT. Sunday, August 5, 1945. 10:45 a. m. Dr. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship will be entitled, "The Reversal of Human Judgment." Learn to FLY! It's part of a Modern Education ENROLL NOW IN OUR LOW-COST CLUB PLAN This ad is worth $5.00 to you if you enroll during the month of August. Bring the ad with you. Gridley Flying Service (Formerly Ann Arbor Aircraft Co.) ANN ARBOR AIRPORT Phone 25-8825 4320 S. State St. VISITORS ARE WELCOME WHEN YOU TRAVEL... 0 0 S LE c Carry funds you can't lose! TRAVEL MONEY or theft and is c 1i i v .. r Published by The Michiganensian IS SAFE from loss always in a readily fl_