PAGE TWO THE MTCT1TcAN rbATIN~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1945 m 4_I Ali V .GJ. FA .S .0.r1 .0. Fifty-Fifth Year WASIINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: General's Wife Overseasfor 0WI I INTERPRETATION OF POTSDAM: 'Versailles Treaty Like Child's Play' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of :Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. E Editorial Staff y Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Mullendore Dick Strickland . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Associate Editor * * * * Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Business Stafj . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. "FPqNSRNTP pFOR NATIONAL AOVERT'31NG SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAvos0N AVE. " NEW YOK. N. Y. CHICAO . BOSTON + Los ANMS * SAN rNANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FARMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - V Unfinished Work BEFORE its adjournment Thursday, the Senate left a scratchpad of things undone that would appear to encompass an- almost complete program for postwar United States. But the list is of "things undone." In a pre-adjournment speech, Democratic Leader Alben Barkley enumerated the unfinished work: Government re-organization legislation. Agricultural legislation dealing with farmers in the postwar period. Full employment legislation which Presi- dent Roosevelt had asked for in his annual message to Congress last January, and which President Truman has endorsed. Program for rehabilitation and re-integration of the armed forces. A Federal housing program. Revision of the surplus property law. A national medical care program, and ex- panded social security legislation. . Removal of monopolies and cartels. Development of waterways and water power. The bill of rights for the common man, which Barkley noted President Roosevelt had submitted more than a year ago, covering many, of the problems already mentioned, in addition to education. The importance of these nmeasures cannot be over estimated. To have a clear-cut pro- gram ready for V-J day is essential. It is probably wishful thinking to say that the war might end before the Senate re-convenes. But that little "if" is always there, and in the event that the conditional should become the actual, the United States would be unprepared. It is unfortunate that the Senate has ad- journed. But there is still a possibility of cut- ting short this inopportune vacation. Senator Barkley; Rep. John McCormack, Democratic Leader of the House; Sen. Wal- lace White, Senate Republican leader; Rep. H. Joseph Martin,. House Republican leader; and President Truman all have the power to call Congress back immediately. A deluge of letters to these men might make them aware of the fact that the Amer- ican people want a post-war plan now. -Anita Franz One-Man Horror EVERY CLOUD has a silver lining, and even Senator Bilbo has some redemption in the grossness of his vindication of racial prejudices. By his stark, unashamed revelation of his hat- red of Negroes and other minority groups and his belief in white supremacy, he repells many people from his stand. He is, as the current Nation points out, "Exhibit , A of what free americans have been fighting against throughout their history," and we might easily thank him for being so outspoken that people who might otherwise favor his ideas become opposed to them by this manner of presentation and his method 6f propagating hatred. , "The advocates of white supremacy, of Anglo- $axon superiority, have employed all manner of specious devices to conceal the twisted quality of mind and -soul behind their racial bias," the Nation continues. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-G. I.'s in the American Army of occupation for -Germany will not be able to bring their wives to Europe, despite the fact that some of them have been separated from their families for two and three years. President Truman made this very clear in his . recent interview with the Stars and Stripes, and, because of tight transportation, this ruling seems logical. But apparently the rule won't apply to gen- erals. Almost simultaneous with Truman's statement, it became known that the wife of Gen. Robert A. McClure, head of the Army's psychological warfare division, was able to go to Europe. Furthermore, General McClure's wife was transported across the Atlantic at the taxpayers' expense-as a clerk for the Office of War Infor- mation. General McClure works in close and intimate cooperation with OWl. An official cable hiring Mrs. McClure as an OWI clerk follows: "Effective commencing July 15, Marjory McClure will be paid $75 every 28 days at post. Balance of her base pay of $200 plus overtime minus usual deductions will be paid power of attorney. Annual living al- lowance effective on arrival, $1,980." Accordingly; Mrs. McClure departed for Eu- rope on July 15. This neat little scheme for generals to get what G. L's can't was set in motion at the very same time OW was laying off clerks and other personnel, due to a drastic cut in funds by Congress. So, while some clerks are fired, generals' wives are hired. NOTE-OWI officials state that Mrs. McClure will serve as a receptionist in Paris; that she has ability in meeting people; and that they have long needed someone in Paris who could act in this capacity. No Duke Churchill W HEN WINSTON CHURCHILL turned down a knighthood this week, his son Randolph Churchill probably heaved a big sigh of relief. For it meant that his father, in turning down this lesson honor, probably would not accept a dukedom or any other high reward. Should the elder Churchill accept a peerage, he would move into the House of Lords, which would mean that his son Randolph, upon his father's death, auto- matically would become a Lord, thereby forfeit- ing the chance of a fighting political career as a commoner. To inherit a title is the last thing young Churchill wants. His future career lies in the House of Commons, like,his father. Knowing his son's ambition, the prime min- ister used to hold a Sword of Damocles over Randolph's head. When the mercurial Rand- olph got out of hand, his father half-jokingly would warn: "Tut, tut. Be careful or I'll take a peerage." Battle Over Steel ONE OF THE HOTTEST fights in the whole hot history of the War Production Board has been raging backstage regarding the future allo- cation of steel to industry. It is a fight affecting almost every business in the country-large and small-and if the bigindustry boys get their way, civilian manu- facturers will get less material even than during the third quarter of this year, when we were still fighting a two-front war. The fight is over how sheet steel shall be allocated. Basically, this bols down to whether the big automobile companies will get it all, or whether other manufacturers will be given at least a little. It is exactly the same fight, in reverse, which occurred before Pearl Harbor. At that time, the automobile industry was using up most of the sheet steel. War production was held up until their output could be curtailed, and the auto boys pulled all sorts of wires to keep on pro- ducing cars. Now, the same wires are being pulled to let steel be completely free, and not allocated to anyone. This is just another way of saying that the automobile companies will get it all, because they are the biggest peacetime buy- ers of steel and the steel companies naturally, like to please their best customers. Big Business WPB TODAY, the War Production Board, under Chairman "Cap" Krug, is more big-business- controlled than ever, so the automobile boys may get their way. Their fight inside WPB is being led by vice- chairman Harold Boeschenstein, whose glass company sells headlights to auto manufacturers. He and other WPB moguls argue that the present "controlled materials plan" should be "open- ended," in other words, after a steel mill has completed its "must" government- orders, it can sell whatever steel is left over to anyone it wishes. Hitherto, farm machinery, hardware, the rail- roads and various war-supporting industries got definite steel allocations from the government. They were always assured some steel. Under the new proposal, however, they would have to scramble for it in competition with the auto- mobile companies. While the railroads, farm implement com- Xy panies, et al, doubtless can look after them- selves, a long list of small manufacturers also would be affected-those making hardware, electric irons, washing machines, etc. Hith- erto, they have been able to get a certain amount of steel allocated to them by WPB. But under the proposed new plan, they would have to scramble for it.. And in any battle with the auto companies, it is not difficult to guess where .they would come out. Actually there will be very little steel to scram- ble for. After war needs and war -supporting needs are met, it is estimated only about 1,000,- 000 tons of sheet steel will be left over. If WPB moguls have their way, however, the scramble will begin in the fourth quarter of this year. NOTE-It will be up to new war mobilizer John Snyder to make the final decision. British Black List ATTENTIONERNEST BEVIN, new British MFAinisterofForeign Affails: take a goo look at the British black list and the way your predecessors in. the Churchill government were trying to keep a director of I. G. Farben off that list. He is: Arpad Plesch, who not only was a directoi' of Hitler's largest cartel, but attempted some interesting financial transactions in Swit- zerland. For some reason, the Churchill government removed Plesch's nme from the black list, though the U.S. Treasury vigorously opposed. It's worth looking into, Mr. Bevin (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Deadlocks By SAMUEL GRAFTON rTHE NEXT two months will be noisy news, for a great fight is forming up in the market- place of opinion. The question is whether the government has a duty to protect the American people against the pains and sorrows of recon- version, or whether it should simply close its eyes, hold on tight, and let reconversion happen. Both schools have adherents, and these are beginning to dislike each other very much. The debate over reconversion brings to a current focus our family quarrel of the last fifteen years as to how much government owes to the individual. Shall government pay each dismissed war worker up to $25 per week, for up to six months? Shall government continue price control, and control of the flow of materials into the peace, to avert inflation? Shall government ease manufacturers gradually back into civilian production, spoon-feeding them the goods they need, according to a master plan? Or shall gov- ernment do none of these things, but, clapping its hands over its ears, simply say "Go!" and then watch what happens? We are deadlocked on these issues, so badly deadlocked that, in the face of them, Con- gress has been able to think of nothing to do but adjourn and go home for two months. Perhaps during those months Congress will receive a clear directive from the people, something like that wave of sentiment which swept the Charter through to almost unani- mous ratification. THE FIGHT is on. Thirteen liberal Democratic Senators, led by Pepper and Kilgore, met privately in Washington on Tuesday to talk about reconversion issues. The group denies vigorously that it has any quarrel with the Truman admini- stration. It assumes that the Truman admini- stration is on its side; it points to the fact that the "$25 for 26 weeks" unemployment insurance proposal came directly from the President. But the most striking political fact of the mo- ment is that the conservative wing also assumes that President Truman is on its side; the finan- cial papers report with gratification that the War Production Board seems inclined to throw off regulations as rapidly as possible, and to give business its head. Both Senator Pepper and Mr. William Randolph Hearst's cartoonists are praising the President; and the balance between liberal and conservative action which Mr. Truman has maintained so carefully and skilfully now approaches its critical test. Will it tip one way or the other at last? Or will the war end with the balance evenly maintained, but nothing decided, while the country stares at the featureless blankness of a Congressional adjournment? We have talking to do, and searching of souls, for it is a kind of failure on a grand scale for Congress to have carried its indecision right up to the point of going home. It is strange that America should have given the blank reply of adjournment to the great question of the human side of reconversion, the very week after Brit- ain gave a powerful affirmative answer, through the Labor election victory. It would seem that the least President Tru- man could do would be to insist that Congress go into special session to deal specifically with reconversion; that would be our method for finding out how the country stands on helping its people over the transition bumps, much as a general election was Britain's method. It is impossible to assume that the questions which found a reply in Britain do not also trouble Americans; and any answer openly reached would be better than this evasive and sidelong business of closing the desk and going home quietly, as on tiptoe. (Copyright, 1945. N. Y. Post Syndicate) BY LOUIS P. LOCHNER Associated Press News Analyst RESIDENT Truman, Premier Sta- lin, and Prime Minister Attlee after conferences lasting over a per- iod of 17 days submitted to the world a report on their. agreements where- from it appears: 1. The conditions imposed on de- feated Germany make the Versailles treaty look like child's play 2. The Big Three intend firmly to hecld the world's fate in their hands as final arbiters. 3. Soviet Russia emerges as the dominating power in Europe. 4. Soviet Russia in control of Koenigsberg and former German Baltic regions east of that city, has enormously improved her position as a maritime power. 5. The Western Allies' war in the Pacific received the indorsement of Premier Stalin, in that the Russian leader agreed that Italy should be rewarded by an early peace treaty for joining the war against Japan. 6. Italy, Romania, Bulgaria,Hun- gary and Finland will be back on a peace basis long before Germany can hope for such status. Germany will pay for her folly in unloosing the second World War. The end of the first war left German industry and shipping -- two of her greatest economic assets - intact- The Versailles treaty also permitted the development of her civilian avia- tion on a big scale. The Pctsdam conference agree- ment breaks up German cartels and trusts, puts an end to all Ger- man industry potentially service- able to or convertible into war pro- duction, eliminates such world competitors in shipping as the Hamburg lines and prohibits all German aviation of any kind. Potsdam flatly tells the Germans to concentrate on agriculture and peaceful domestic industries, thus shattering any hopes they n'iay have that Germany will again become a To the Editor: TODAY while we are allegedly fighting this war to preserve de- mocracy throughout the world, it is common knowledge that a large seg- ment of our population is being de- nied. the very rights which democ- racy is supposed to confer upon them; we are specifically referring to the American Negroes. While over a million Negro sol- diers are helping to forge the final victory ahead - while on battle- fields these soldiers are constant- ly furnishing proof of their devo- tion to our country's ideals - their white neighbors back home are making sure that when they re- turn from the war, they will not forget their "right place" in soci- ety. The more liberal among us are conscious of the sa facts, and de- nounce them aloud; we extend our sympathy to a persecuted race.How- ever, sympathy alone is not wanted; tolerance alone is not requested - the need today is for action. We have the opportunity, here in Ann Arbor,. to demonstrate to our Negro compatriots and to ourselves that we are really sincere in -our opinions about race equality; we can show that we mean business. Here is our plan for action: 1) We suggest that the Daily set up a committee of students to in- vestigate racial discriminations in local barber shops, restaurants, ho- tels, and other public places. 2) We propose that any concern discovered to be guilty of discrimi- nation be given notice to cease such activity. 3) We further suggest that if the committee's warnings go unheeded, the Daily publish a list of the recal- citrant establishments, asking the student body to boycott the latter: At the risk of being repetitious, we want to state again that we wholeheartedly believe that action is the only means through which we can prove to the world that we are fully aware of all the implica- tions of the word democracy. -Joshua Grauer -John Houston -Jack Weiss EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily is forced to limit itself to its function of publishing the Daily. We suggest that you take up the formation of such a committee with more suitable organizations. Inter-Ra- cial Association, which last semester made an investigation (see Daily of July 3. 1945), Michigan Youth for Democratic Action or Post-War Council might adopt the plan. great exporting nation with inter- ests throughout the world. Territorially, Germany loses not only all she gained by the brow-beat- ing negotiations of Adolf Hitler - such as Austria and the Sudeten- land -or by conquest - such as Al- sace-Lorraine and Poland - but she must write off some of the most val- uable regions of Germany proper - such as Silesia, East Prussia and large sections of Pomerania. And DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office,l Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. M. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1945 1 VOL. LV, No. 24S Notices The American Red Cross has ur- gent need for Social Workers, Rec- reation workers and Staff Aides to help in Hospitals in this country as well as for overseas positions. Age 23 to 50 and college men and women preferred. Personnel secretaries from Headquarters will be 1 in Ann Ar- bor on August 13 and 14 to inter- view interested persons. Appointments for interviews may be made at Red Cross Headquarters, 25546. The University of Michigan Polonia Club will hold a meeting at the Inter- national Center next Tuesday at 7:30 EWT. Plans will be made for a picnic to be held at the Island. All students Iof Polish descent are cordially invited to attend. Graduate Outing Club: The Gradu- ate Outing club is meeting for a hike Sunday afternoon, August 5, at 2:30 p. m. EWT at the back entrance to the Rackham Building; destination will be decided at that time. Bring your own lunch. Dr. George Kiss of the Geography Department will speak on "The Rus- sian Arctic" at 8:00 p. m. (EWT), Monday, August 6th, in the Interna- tional Center. The Russky Kruzhok (Russian Circle) invites all who are interested to attend. Tea will be served following the talk. Lecture. "Interpreting the News." Professor Preston W. Slosson, 3:10 p. m. (CWT) 4:10 p. m. (EWT) Tues- day, August 7, Rackham Amphithea- tre. Auspices of the Summer Ses- sion. Academic Notices Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports below C of all Navy and Marine students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum; also for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7 of the Prescribed Curriculum are to be turned in to Dean Emmons' Of- fice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than August 4. Report cards may be obtained from your depart- mental office. The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps will be due Saturday, August 4. Department of- fices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will re- ceive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Each stu- dent who has changed his address since June registration should file a change of Room 4, U. H., so that the report of this summer work will not be misdirected. Conferences for Music Teachers. Two conferences for teachers of schoi vocal music, and teachers of string instruments, will be held in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 2-4. David Mat- tern, Professor of Music Education, is in charge of the programs, which will include demonstrations and discus- sions on the materials and procedures of t'eaching music in public schools. Registration for the conferences will take place at 8:30 a. m. EWT, on the second floor of the Michigan League, on Thursday, August 2. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of all civilian Engineering freshmen and all Navy and Marine students in Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib- ed Curriculum are due August 4. Re- port blanks will be furnished by cam- Dus mnil and are to he returned to Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in School of Education. These examinations will be held dur- ing the summer on August 27-28-29 from 8 till 11 o'clock (CWT). Any- one desiring to take the examinations should notify Dr. Woody's Office, 4,000 University High School, before August 10. Symposium on Molecular Structure. Dr. Theodore Berlin will speak on "Wave Mechanical Principles and Chemical Resonance" in Room 303 Chemistry Building on Monday, Aug- ust 6 at 3:15 p. m. (CWT), 4:15 p.m. (EWT). All interested are invited to attend. Concerts Student Recital: Dorothy Jeanne Gentry, a student of organ under Palmer Christian, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements of the degree of Master of Music, at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Wed- nesday, August 8, in Hill Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some roods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science. Selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today Play. "Quality Street" by Sir James M. Barrie. Michigan Repertory Play- ers, Department of Speech. 7:30 p. m. CWT or 8:30 p. m. EWT. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Coming Events y Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have an outing to Portage Lake Sunday afternoon, meeting at the Student Center at 2:30. Trans- portation will be furnished. Call 5560 Friday for information or reser- vation. Churches First Church of Christ, Scientist: 109 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p. m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject "Love." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. A special reading room is maintained by this church at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and 'other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except .Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, has its Sunday service at 11:00 a. m. This Sunday the Rev. Alfred Scheips will preach on the subject, "Is Your Conscience a Safe Guide?" Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will meet Sunday at the Stu- dent Center at 2:30 to go on an out- ing to Portage Lake. Lutheran Stu- dents and Servicemen cordially in- vited. Please phone 5560 for infor- niation or reservation. First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation. Morning Worship Ser- vice at 10:40 a. in. Dr. James Brett Kenna will preach- on "The Dusty Highway." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p. m. Topic for discussion "Re- ligion and the India Problem." Sup- per and fellowship hour. First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron, Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister and Stu- dent Counselor. Saturday, Aug. ,4, the Guild members will meet at the Guild House, 502 E. Huron for an Open-House Party. Sunday, Aug. 5, 10:00 Bible Study class will continue its study in Mark. 11:00 Morning Wxrch'in 5-R4iGCIcrtn Al Pv rant-+ the age-long dream of German col- onies must be buried forever. Stalin can return to Moscow well satisfied with the results. By the wording of the Potsdam agreement the United States and Britain vir- tually acknowledged disinterested- ness in Bulgaria, Finland, Hun- gary and Romania except that their press representatives are as- sured full freedom of movement to report in these countries. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I When Barnabv told Minerva his Fairv ' But, oft any rate, Mfnervo s ms tfnnne I Yes- m bov. fhtrp hnvn kpf n n to%" wh,, I I I I