PAGE FOUR~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUGUST 3s 1945 *7 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Administration's Weak Spot LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Questions Raised on SOIC Election Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Editorial Stafff Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Betty Roth Bill Muliendore Dick Strickland * . , . Managing Editor Associate Editor , Associate Editor * , . . . Sports Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- ier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. RFPRSENTED FOR NATONL AViRTiING Y National Advertising Service, Inc College Pabisers Representative 42o MADiSON AVE . 4NEW YORK, N.Y. ciicA"O °soSio .og AeiLs . SAN FRAci5 Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL ZACK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Picking a Justice WITH THE RESIGNATION of Associate Jus- tice Roberts from the Supreme Court, the problem of nominating a man for the position now faces President Truman. Conservative ele- mnents in this country are urging the President to appoint a conservative justice to maintain a so-called balance of power between liberals and conservatives. Before discussing the need for this balance of power, let us discover whether there really is such a balance of power right now. Both liberals and conservatives seem to think that there was a distribution in the Court; so that there were five liberals and four conserva- tives. While the court has often shown a 5-4 split in favor of liberalism in recent months, never- theless it has also shown a 5-4 conservative split over matters dealing with economic policy. This latter allignment would have Douglas, Rut- ledge, Black, and Murphy constituting the liberals while Stone, Frankfurter, Jackson, Rob- erts, and Reed would make up the conserva- tive bloc. Reed was the shifting element between the two groups and it was Reed who made the liber- als majority on most issues; yet, voted with the conservatives on such matters as protect- ing the rights of labor and regulating inter- state commerce. The so-called liberal majority just is not there. If President Truman intends io follow the liberal leadership of Roosevelt, he is faced with the necessity of nominating a lib- eral jurist to the bench. The new appointee will determine the balance of power. And even claiming that there was a constant liberal majority on the bench, why is it neces- sary to rely on 5-4 decisions? Men have been deriding the work of the Court because one man could override the will of an entire nation. It used to be that Justice Roberts found himself in that position and Justice Reed might be in a similar position today. If it is a liberal philoso- phy that this nation is to follow, how much better it would be were the court to solidify its opinions with 6-3 majorities. By such major- ities, the nation would not be able to criticize "one man decisions." Liberals in this nation must demand the ap- pQintment of one of their number to the bench. Liberal economic programs depend on the con- currance of the Court. Today there is no liberal majority on the bench when these programs are considered. Therefore, the appointnent of a conserva- tive justice at this time might threaten the ef- ficacy of any liberal program of action. -Arthur Gronik Trman's Faux Pas PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S statement that the United States does not want any terri- torial conquests from this war should not be taken too literally. It has already caused a flurry among naval groups in Washington. The Navy undoubtedly has no intention of relinquishing Guam, Wake, Midway and other island bases in the Pacific necessary to the ,m+. , rdP.f ncofe nnUncnifr -qne e PAra ov By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-One conclusion drawn from the British elections is that the people in England were thinking about peace-time pros- perity and post-war reconstruction more than the military achievements of their wartime lead- er: Likewise in the U.S.A., all the political soundings of congressmen, all the reports of political experts indicate that the American public is beginning to worry about what's going to happen here at home after the war. The many letters pouring in on this writer; especially from G.L's substantiate this. In view of the above, Harry Truman may have pulled his first important domestic boner when he suddenly jerked Judge Fred Vinson out of the war mobilizer's office to make him Secretary of the Treasury, replacing him with the St. Louis banker, John Snyder. Actually, the Office of War Mobilization has come to be the Office of War Demobilization and Reconversion, and it is one of those deli- cate cogs in the governmental machine which, if it gets out of gear, can smash just about every wheel in the shop. Versatile Judge Vinson, even after his many years of experience, was finding it a nerve-racking, back-breaking problem-and he will be the first to admit it. Therefore, to put John Snyder, almost fresh out of St. Louis into this intricate job is like transferring a product of the sidewalks of New York into a submarine and asking him to operate it. This is meant as no reflection on Snyder. He is a hard-working, conscientious gentleman, an able banker, and faithful to his good friend Harry Truman, with whom he trained every year in the Missouri National Guard. But it just isn't fair to put him on such a hot spot. No man not previously steeped in the complex reconversion, demobilization picture, as Judge Vinson was, can expect to step in cold and do the job. Result is that John Snyder sits in meetings, his ears literally flapping, as curved balls fly at him from every direction. He does-. n't even know the terminology of various recon- version problems. Meanwhile, if the Japanese peace should come suddenly-as it may well do-this coun- try might be in for a sudden stoppage of war orders, disastrous unemployment and the worst economic dislocation since 1930. Army Communists THE OTHER DAY a sub-committee of the House Military Affairs Committee, with sen- sible Representative Ewing Thomason of Texas at its head, released a report on the records of 16 army officers investigated as possible Com- munists. The report was the work of attorney Ralph Burton, counsel for the Military Affairs Committee and close adviser to Chairman And- rew Jackson May of Kentucky. The Army and even Gen. William Donovan of the Office of Strategic Services immedi- ately issued statementt lauding the military records of the 16 men involved. Representative Hugh De Lacy, scrappy first- - --- - - _- termed from Seattle, became inerested in cer- tain things he had heard about counsel Bur- ton, and did some researching. He verified Burton's connection, as counsel, with Kurt Wilhelm Ludecke-Number Two American Nazi and founder of the American National Socialist Party more than ten years ago. He found also that Burton had been adviser to the once-prominent demagogue Father Charles Coughlin. Burton was also a legal adviser to a coalition of "patriotic" societies which in- cluded the most dangerous of the various "nightshirt" groups in this country. Instead of rushing to the house floor with his findings, however, DeLacy went to sub-com- mittee Chairman Thomason, related that he had this information and asked whether he should submit it to Thomason in the form of a letter. "Are you sure of your facts," Thomason asked. DeLacy said he was. "Well, I'm sure not going to put up my should- er to protect anyone with Nazi connections," Thomason replied. "If you've got your facts nailed down so you're sure of them, you go on the floor and make a speech about it. I want to hear it." (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Psychological War By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE LEADERS of Japan have tu'rned down our surrender offer, and now we must put our little thinking caps on again, mustn't we? There are conclusions to be drawn from this incident, In the.first place, those Americans who have been loudly demanding that we frame a surrender offer must now take seats in the back row and maintain seemly silence for a time. Their policy has been tried, and it has failed, which means that they have failed. This policy has usually rested upon the as- sumption that some sort of approach is possi- ble to the Emperor and to the Zaibatsu, or Japanese big business community. We have had a loud "No!" slammed back at us. Some of the experts who have been reading the Japanese riind for us are now shown to have been reading it incorrectly. The New York Times suggests that we make a sharp turn in our psychological offensive, and begin to address ourselves directly to the Japanese people. The suggestion is profoundly right. But, as always when this suggestion is made, the counter-argument will be raised that the Japanese people are so wedded to their Em- peror that no wedge can be driven between them. The western world accepts this idea, and indeed there is evidence to support it. YET the strange truth is that the Japanese government has never been nearly so con- vinced of the unassailability of the Emperor as the American government has been. Every standard modern book on Japan is filled with descriptions of the secret police, as vicious as, and apparently almost as numerous as the Ges- tapo. In a country in which, we are told, no one opposes the policies of the government, thou- sands of plainclothesmen make careers for themselves hunting down those who oppose the policies of the government. All literature is frantically censored; one re- cent writer says that more editions of news- papers and magazines have been suppressed in Japan than, probably, in any other coun- try in the world. The heart of Japan is de- scribed as filled with patriotism, but its poli- tical jails are full, too. This is not the picture of a unanimous society in operation; it indi- cates that there must be Japanese who do not automatically accept as sacred any policy enunciated by the imperial clique. Sometimes one has the feeling that the purest form of Emperor-worship shows up in Anglo-Saxon theoreticians who have made brief visits to Japan. BUT THERE is another ground for suggesting that we cannot really know what feelings the Japanese people are going to entertain about their Emperor. We cannot know, because we have no way of telling what will happen to Japanese opinion as the result of crushing de- feat in a major war. All the experts are experts on a vanished Japan; they are experts on a Japan which has never lost a war in modern times; but they are not experts on the new Japan. Nobody is, not even the Japanese. Of all possible suppositions concerning the state of public feeling in Japan after the de- feat, the wildest is to suppose that it will be exactly the same as the state of public feeling be- fore the defeat. History tells us that of all conceivable alternatives, that is precisely the least likely, yet some of our experts have blithely accepted it as the most likely; they have calmly projected the past into the future, skipping over an appalling national disaster. We cannot say that we know more than the experts, but we can say that they don't know and that we don't know what Japanese opinion will be after the defeat; nobody knows, it is an unknowable. Japanese opinion will be shaped by action, action which includes our psychological offen- sive; it is not a set of hieroglyphs to be read, but a battle to be won. What some of our experts have really been muttering is that the war will make no difference in Japan, and one cannot believe that their ears have heard what their mouths have uttered. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) EDITOR'S NOTE: Despite the postpone- ment of the SOIC election announced today, we deemed these letters worthy of publication inasmuch as they reflect the opinions of certain students on the is- sues involved. Urges Large Dote 0 0 . To the Editor: rFHERE are 6,300 students on this campus. Of this number, only 517 voted last Friday in the election for the adoption of a foreign univer- sity. This election was sponsored by SOIC. a student organization, yet the nmembers of this organization, the students themselves, who should be so concerned about what happens to their fellow students in other countries, showed an apathy that cannot be justified. Today, from 9 a. m. to 2:15 p. m., we will be given another chance to express our choice of a foreign university for adoption. Although it may have been advisable to car- ry the election over to the fall term when the full student body could be represented, the SOIC Executive Council has agreed that a decision should be reached now. The results of today's election can be representative of student opinion only if every member of this school casts his vote. We are members of a large Ame- ican university, and as such we must concern ourselves with the situation of foreign universities; their prob- lems, their aims. It is our part in the enormous task of promoting un- derstanding and cooperation between the nations. Our worth as students, as edu- cated people, depends on how much we have learned to care for our education and that of others. -Lois Robinson * * * Calls for Re-Ballot . ''. Te the Editor: THE Executive Council of the SOIC took a rather undemocratic stand this past Wednesday when they de- cided that the re-vote for a foreign university be held this Friday. Pe- titions had been circulated widely on campus, and hundreds of students had signed them, signifying their de- sire to have the run-off election this coming fall. This action would have facilitated more democratic action in that a larger and more representa- tive section of the University would be enabled to voice their opinion.) However, the Executive Council dis- regarded the wishes of all these stu- dents and acted on its own wishes, declaring the vote for Friday. Their reason for such action was simply that they felt they had committed themselves already in declaring a re-vote; consequently, the action should be forced through, regardless of campus opinion. This is synony- mous to saying, "We have made a mistake already, let's go on and fin- ish it before we become complete fools." It is reported that only one dissenting vote was cast in favor of' re-election this coming fall. One member was willing to take a risk, to do the just thing. . We wonder if the SOIC is worth the faith students have put in it. However, this is the action that has been taken. The decision be- tween the University of the Phil- ippines and the University of Tsing Hua must be made today. But be- fore we vote, I think it would be advisable if we all know that when we vote for the University of the Philippines, we are voting for a university which the United States Government supports through a land grant. And in view of the other universities which were placed on the original ballot, it seems unfair to contribute to a university which can receive so much aid from this country al- ready. The suggestion has been made by many, many students that we still disregard the decision of the Execu- tive Council of SOIC in the fall, and hold another election. It is futile to waste money on a project which is not representative of those who spon- sor it. I suggest we take action today and call a re-vote in the fall. Let's do things the just, democratic way! - -Betty Nancarrow Asks Pont ponement * . To the Editor: T HERE has been a great deal of talk about the recent elections. Even assuming that the last week's elections had been carried out in ab- solute accordance with all rules and regulations, I nevertheless think that the election for the adoption of a foreign university was an extremely unjust one. This adoption that we have under- taken is not just a summer project. It's a long term undertaking which involves the entire student body. If I were not attending the summer session and came back to find a uni- versity already dumped in my lap, I'd be pretty mad about it. I don't think it's fair for a handful of stu- dents, many of whom will not be here in the fall, to speak fol the bulk of the students who will be expected to work on this project. In all fairness to a truly demo- cratic procedure, and to the large majority of the student body, I strongly urge that this election be postponed until the fall semester. -Rose E. Lessin * * * Speaks forT sing Him , . To the Editor. SHE decision of the SOIC to hold a second election has had the healthy effect of stimulating a great- er consciousness among Michigan students to the trying conditions now faced by those in Europe and Asia. Who finally wins is of but secondary importance. Yet achieving the sec- ondary objectives is necessary in reaching those which are primary. As an attempt to achieve these sec- ondary objectives, I hereby present the case for Tsing Hua University of Kunming, China. Last year, when the Japanese moved dangerously close to Kun- ming, 400 miles south of Chunking, many Tsing Ilua studelnts volun- teered for the army, although Chi- nese university students, because of their limited number, are ex- empted from the armed forces. Those who remained never lost their composure. For it is always with a Chinese student that when the world around hi goes dark, he faces it either with eager ace- tivity or with calm reflection. Merely to grow excited, yet re- main inactive, is a sign of imma- turity. The Chinese student does not like to regard himself as im- mature. Today the Japanese are on the run. These students of Tsing Hua University can laugh easily. There is no longer existent the danger of having to migrate once again, as was necessary in 1937 and 1938,'when the students were forced by the war to travel 3,000 miles under the worst possible conditions. They can laugh now, not because life is easy, but be- cause life is possible. No longer the danger of bombs. No longer the fear of forced migrations, merely for the sake of helping to keep alive a na- tional identity, and of being free of the Japanese. Yet life remains diffi- cult. When even the barest neces- sities are sometimes unobtainable, then life becomes difficult. Today, at Tsing Hua University, there are still cases of students who find life diffi- cult. There are many reasons for this: families have been broken up; young men and women have left their homes in distant provinces for Tsing Hua, inspired mainly by the love of learning and of free ; dom; the lack of commodity goods, due to the long blockade of the Chinese coast; the monetary in- flation, wherein an egg costs $30, a haircut S100 - these and other factors have caused the hard con- ditions which Chinese students in general have to undergo. SSo when, it is said that the stu- dents of TsingsIua University need the help which those of the University cf Michigan can give, it is said with a hope that that, help not only CAN be given, but also WILL be given. -T. C. Ku Need for Action Cited.. . To the Editor. HAVE followed and encouraged the activities of the SOIC with great interest, because it seemed as though a larger group on campus were becoming aware of our interna- tional interests and responsibilities. For this reason I view with alarm the. recent snag developed by said organ- ization. I certainly agree that the cam- pus election does not give any uni- versity a majority vote - the fig- ures show that. However, I recall the publicity letters published be- fore the elections; there was scarcely a one which did not em- phasize that it did not really mat- ter which university was chosen, since the need was universal. Where is this altruism now that we have got down to cases? I also recall the sense of urgency communicated by the visiting for- eign delegation, particularly by their forceful spokesman, Svend Pedersen. There was no doubt in their minds that it mattered not so much who was helped as that someone was helped- and soon. This is not a need which can be taken care of whenever we may get around to it. True, the small summer enrollment cannot do much toward the actual aid of our chosen university, but they can, and should, get things off to a good start - establish commun- ication, ascertain needs, and state our intentions. Then next fall's larger and perhaps more enthusias- tic group will have a going organi- zation through which to work. Oth- erwise, all this organizational work wil have to be done again,- and in- terest may have fagged completely. Resides all this, time is a pre- cirrus commodity. There is no doubt that these students can re- build their institutions without our help, but it would take a long time. We can present them with material gifts to save them time, and a feeling of comradeship to save them disillusionment. All this, besides the benefits which Mr. Gore always emphasized that we would obtain in return.' This time let's avoid the cus- tomary American dilatoriness and get something done! -Shirley Ann Drawz r:4 Yield & creamn DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN WHEN A PERSON that you had always con- sidered to be a deadbeat suddenly discovers ithat you are the finest fellow on earth, it's time to be a little suspicious. We get the same feeling when a girl says she loves us more than anybody else in the world. It proves that she's been experimenting, and we don't trust her. It turned out that our suspicions were con- firmed, for our newly found friend suggest- ed that we vote several times for his candi- date in the election held July 27. Now, we had been assured by responsible parties that this election was going to be the tightest thing since last year's bathing suit. For publication they insisted that there are more ways of get- ting out of "P.E.M." than there would be ways of voting plural. This sort of cinched things, as far as we are concerned, for an honest, accountable vote. THE WAY that they threw out the results of the election on the 27th made us stop and reminisce. We can remember what happened on the campus of old Sam Houston Tech during one of the big elections. We didn't notice any cheating at the polls until the third time we vot- ed. One campaigner said that his side offered a dollar as an inducement to voting and that the other side had come along and offered two dollars. He said that it was a terrible blow to reform. Election day taxidermy,-the stuffing of ballot boxes was a lucrative practice dawn at old Sam Houston. Several fraternities had to take out second mortgages on, their houses to finance the contest. With dismaying regularity, the votes and the number of students voting refuse to jibe on this campus. Something could be done. We should hate to see the situation deterior- ate to the point where Mayors Hague and Kelly will be sending representatives up to the campus to find out how things are really done. We have a rather forlorn hope that somehow the fundamental honesty of the voters will prevail today, and that stuffing will be held at a minimum. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hal, by 2:30 p. m. of the day1 preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1945 ] VOL. LV, No. 23S Notices The American Red Cross has ur- gent need for Social Workers, Rec-; reation workers and Staff Aides tor help in Hospitals in this country as) well as for overseas positions. Age 23 to 50 and college men and women, preferred. Personnel secretaries from Headquarters will be in Ann Ar- bor on August 13 and 14 to inter- view interested persons. Appointments for interviews may be made at Red Cross Headquarters, 25546. The University of Michigan Polonia Club will hold a meeting at the Inter- national Center next Tuesday at 7:30 EWT. Plans will be made for a picnic to be held at the Island. All students of Polish descent are cordially invited to attend. Graduate Outing Club: The Gradu- ate Outing club is meeting for a hike Sunday afternoon, August 5, at 2:30 p. m. EWT at the back entrance to the Rackham Building; destination will be decided at that time. Bring your own lunch. Lectures Lecture: "Trends in Religious Ed- ucation," Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religiouis Education. 2:05 p. m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT, Friday, August 3, University High School Auditorium. may be obtained from your depart- mental office. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of all civilian Engineering freshmen and all Navy and Marine students in Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib- ed Curriculum are due August,4. Re- port blanks will be furnished by cam- pus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. Graduate Students expecting mast- er's degrees at the end of the Sum- mer Session must have their diploma applications turned in to the Grad- uate School office by August 3. Ap- plications received after that date will not be considered until the end of the Summer Term. The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps will be due Saturday, August 4. Department of- fices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will re- ceive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Conferences for Music Teachers. Two conferences for teachers of school vocal music, and teachers of string instruments, will be held in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,. August 2-4. David Mat- tern, Professor of Music Education, is in charge of the programs, which will include demonstrations and discus- sions on the materials and procedures of teaching music in public schools. Registration for the conferences will take place at 8:30 a. m. EWT, on the second floor of the Michigan League, on Thursday, August 2. The Fourth Clinic of the season at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be held Friday, Aug. 13th, 8:00 p. m. (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I I Your Fairy Godfather is no snob, Barnaby,' but your aunt has misrepresented herself. I was led to believe her book was serious f I'd be glad to sponsor a dinner in honor of a novelist. Or even a poet. But a writer of cook books! ... As a patron of the arts, I it's delicious! Magnificent! M'bov. your aunt is an artist! | 1 I r- I