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August 02, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-02

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Potsdam Conference Ends;
Report To Be Made Tomorrow,
Big Three Leaders Keep Silence While Meeting
At Cecilienhof, German Prince's Residence

Punctured Once, Mississippi
Back On Hunt for Hiding Japs
Battleship's Firepower Increased 300 Per Cent j
After it Fights for Three Months Without Repair

By The Associated Press
POTSDAM, Aug. 1-The chieftains
of the world's three most powerful
nations tonight finished the broad
blueprints of their common future
foreign policies dealing apparently
with the Pacific war as well as the
rebuilding of a peaceful European
Their report to the ,world was
scheduled for release Friday in Mos-
cow, Washington and London.
Keep Secrecy
President Truman, Premier Stalin
and Prime Minister Attlee adhered
to the last to the self-imposed secre-
cy behind which the Big Three have
worked in Potsdam since July 7.
As they moved through the closing
diplomatic formalities, a fleet of
transport planes waited at a nearby
military airfield to whisk Truman to
Plymouth and a meeting tomorrow
with King.George VI, and to return
Attlee to London to take over the
reins of the Laborite Government.
Stalin To Leave
Stalin andvForeign Commissar
** *
Truman Ship
Manned By
Member of Engine
School in 1920
A University graduate is captain
of the Augusta, the ship which took
President Truman, and Secretary of
State James Byrnes to the Potsdam
Conference, a letter informed T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni Association.
Capt. James H. Foskett, comman-
der of the Augusta and a recipient
of a British award for his work in
the Mediterranean Theater, attend-
ed the School of Engineering here
in 1917-18 and 1919-20, and was a
member of Delta Upsilon.
At the outbreak of the war, Capt.
Foskett was working in Washing-
*ton at the office of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Committee, Naval Intelli-
gence Branch. After a year he
went to the Mediterranean as liai-
son officer on the staff of the
Commander in Chief of the East-
ern Mediterranean and Levant.
For his part in the invasion of
Sicily and other activities in the
Mediterranean Theater; -Lord Hali-
fax, on behalf of the British, con-
ferred the title of C. O. B. E. (Com-
mander of the British Empire) on
Capt.dFoskett. From the United
States he received a Legion of Merit
award and a citation.
Two months ago, Capt. Foskett
was ordered to the Augusta from
his command of the USS Savanah,
where he had been stationed since
April, 1944.
Johnson Asks
Release of Five
Million Soldiers
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1--A)-Sen-
ator Johnson (D-Colo.) demanded
today that the Army discharge 5,-
000,000 men, shortly after the Gov-
ernment promised additional army
aid to ease the railroads' manpower
Asserting in a speech prepared for
Senate delivery that an army of 7,-
000,000 or 8,000,000 men never can
be used against Japan, Johnson said
the War Department's "lack of co-
operation" in returning surplus
troops to civilian life is "blind, stu-
pid and criminal."
Snyder Issues Order
The promise of future Army aid to
railroads, taxed with the job of re-
deploying troops from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, came from War Mobil-
ization Director John W. Snyder. He

said the War Department will fur-
lough 4,000 men temporarily to take
railroad jobs. Early discharge of
more than 3.000 men with railroad
and shop experience was forecast by
the Army yesterday.
3,000,000 Men Maximum
"The maximum number of men
that we can transport, supply and
use on the Japanese front by the end
of 1946 cannot be more than 3,000,-
000 men," Johnson said.h ,
Air Vets Will
Get U. S. Duty
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-0-)-Thet
Army Air Forces disclosed tonightf
that 80 percent of its combat veter-
ans from Europe and the Mediter-
ranean will be assigned to duty in
the United States.
Maj. Gen. Frederick L. Anderson,1
assistant chief of Air Staff for per-;
sonnel, said in a talk over the Mut-
ual Broadcasting System that the

Vyacheslav Molotov may depart al-
most immediately by special train on
the long journey to Moscow.
The full score of what the Big
Three accomplished may not be dis-
closed for a considerable time - per-
haps not before a decisive turn is
reached in the Japanese war.
Soviet Military Future
Stalin, by lending the prestige of
his physical presence to the Truman-
Churchill-Chiang Kai-Shek ultimat-
um from Potsdam to Japan, and by
consenting to the disclosure that he
had talked in the palace here to Ad-
miral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Brit-
ain's highest commander in the Far
Eastern struggle, gave strength to
the widespread belief he was actual-
ly coordinating Soviet military forces
with those of the United States in
the Asiatic theater.
Apparent Agreement Had
There is evidence that proposals
of a military aspect which Truman
presented to Stalin were such that
bargaining was not necessary. Agree-
ment in principle apparently had
been reached previously by the Big
Three. Thus, U. S. Secretary of War
Stimson could leave Potsdam much
earlier than Truman's political ad-
On the European side of the par-
ley's agenda, there were numerous
indications that 'agreement came
quickly for some issues which observ-
ers on distant sidelines had specu-
lated might be severely disputed.
Voice Disorder
Study To Be
Speech Topic
"Special Techniques in the Diag-
nosis of Voice Disorders" will be the
topic of a talk to be given by Prof.
Charles R. Strother, guest lecturer
for the speech department, at 4 p.m.
EWT (3 p. m. CWT) tomorrow in
Kellogg Auditorium.
Prof. Strother, who is particularly
interested in organic voice disorders,
is Associate Professor of Speech and
Psychology at Iowa State University,
director of the Psychology Clinic there
and the author of many professional
The lecture tomorrow is open to the
public. At 8:30 a. m. EWT (7:30 p.m.
CWT) Saturday Prof. Strother will
hold a round table discussion of voice
disorders with members of the Speech
323 seminar at the speech clinic.
* * *
Readings Given
Readings from H. G. Wells' "Tono-
Bungay" by Prof. Louis M. Eich form-
ed the program of the weekly assem-
bly of the Department of Speech yes-
terday afternoon.
Before the readings began, Prof.
Richard Hollister read a tribute to
the late Dr. Ray K. Immel, who, with
Prof. Eich and Prof. Hollister, form-
ed the early faculty of the speech de-
partMent, shortly after it was found-
ed by Prof. Emeritus Thomas C. True-
blood in 1892.

STOCKING UP FOR INVASION-Two American soldiers examine the rows of amphibious "ducks" lined up at
a Manila depot in the Philippines, where Army Serv ice Forces are gathering supplies to be used in future
invasions in the Pacific. The Philippines have become a staging area similar to the one England became prior
to the Normandy invasion.
Famous Island Ofe rs GI Memories

(Marine Corps combat'Correspondent)
OKINAWA-World-shaking events
haye taken place since American
troops landed on Okinawa April 1,
but years from today Marines and
soldiers may recall the little inci-
dents-humorous and tragic-which
won't be in history books.
It was on Okinawa that word came
of President Roosevelt's death. It
was here that Ernie Pyle, Lieutenant
General Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr.,
and thousands of our friends were
killed. It was here, too, that we
learned of Germany's collapse, of the
end of Hitler, Himmler, and Musso-
And it was here, during one of the
longest and bloodiest battles of the
Pacific war, that tense, tired men
found relief in laughter--even in the
gratitude of children.
Interrupts Poker Game
En route to Okinawa an officer in-
terrupted a poker game.
"Didn't you men see the signs pro-
hibiting gambling?"he asked.
"Oh, we're not gambling, sir," a
Marine private said.
"No? Then what's that money do-
iscuss Co-ops
New Intercooperative
Council Group Chosen
Albert K. Stevens of the University
Extension Service, who is working on
the new labor education program,
will discuss the "Cooperative Move-
ment in America and Abroad" at
7:15 p. in. EWT (6:15 CWT) tomor-
row at Robert Owen House, 1017
Preceding the talk, a buffet dinner
for cooperative members will be
served at Owen House.
At a recent meeting of the Inter-
Cooperative Council, Dick Hunt was
elected president, Homer Underwood
vice-president, Vivian Lundin secre-
tary, and Gabriel Alleq treasurer.

FIC-According to Marine Platoon
Sgt. Horace E. Templeton of Odes-
sa., Tex., a Marine commanding
officer and his interpreter stopped
in a small village on southern Oki-
nawa to find out if friendly troops
had passed through, reports Staff
Sgt. Ed Ruder, Marine Corps com-
bat correspondent.
Even before the question was
asked, it was answered.
A brown-skinned youngster yell-
ed from the side of the road:
"What cookin', Joe, Got any
ing on the table?" the officer de-
"We're using that to keep score
with," came the bland answer.,
On L-Day-minus-1 two Marines
were cleaning their rifles on deck.
"Don, are you scared?" one. of

them asked.
"Honestly? You
even a bit scared?"
"Nope, I'm savin'
Date for Meeting
Col. Wilburt S.

mean you're not
all my scared for
Brown, popular

They bleat continually and the sound
is similar to a child's cries.
One night two infantrymen in the
First Marines were awakened by wail-
j"I wish that goat would cut it out.
He sounds just like my baby daugh-
ter," one said.
"Yeh, I'd better take a shot at him,
or he'll keep us awake all night," the
other answered.
Shot Brings Silence
The shot brought silence, but not
for long. Half an hour later, the
bleating resumed. They shot again
-ducking each time because of a
possible answer- from Jap snipers-
but the crying continued throughout
the night.
In the morning, tired and angry,
the Marines went out to get the goat,
which still was wailing. And in the
underbrush 20 yards from their fox-
hole they found the culprit-a two-
year-old Okinawan girl! One 'of the
tired, angry Marines reached into his
Two chocolate bars later, everyone
was happy.
French Poet
Is Topic of Talk
Picard Will Discuss
Paul Valery's Work
"Homage To Paul Valery" is the
topic of a talk to be given by Richard
Picard of the romance languages de-
partment before a meeting of the
French Club at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m.
CWT) today in the Union.
Picard will present an introduction
to the art of writing poetry, taking
examples from the works of Vaude-
laire and Mallarme.
Picard will discuss Paul Valery,
contemporary French writer and poet
who died last week. Valery lived in
France during the occupation and
exerted a great deal of influence
Some of Valery's poems will be read
by Picard.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-The Bat-
tleship Mississippi, punctured by a
suicide plane January 9 at Lingayen
Gulf in the Philippines, is back on
the prowl for Japanese with 300 per
cent more fire power.
The Navy waited until today to tell
about the action.
Went On Fighting
Twenty-two men were killed on
the "Old Miss." Eighteen more were
injured, and so was the 28-year-old
battlewagon. But she went right on
fighting for three months, then went
to Pearl Harbor for permanent re-
pairs and general overhaul.
The extra fire power, added during
the overhaul, the Navy said, "prob-
ably will save the lives of hundreds
in the future."
Plane Hits Ship
It was early in the afternoon when
a carrier-based dive bomber danced
around on the Mississippi's super-
structure, grazing the navigation
bridge, damaging several anti-air-
craft guns, putting two larger guns
out of action temporarily,, and rip-
ping out some communication chan-
Before the enemy plane went over
the side, its bombs ripped loose and
exploded 15 feet from the battle-
ship's side. Seventy-five shrapnel
holes were found in the skin of the
Gale Points Out
Valid China Bid,
For Manchuria
Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center speaking yes-
terday before the Ann Arbor Rotary
Club, described Manchuria as a ma-
jor post-war prize of empire, to
which China has the most valid title.
Reviewing the'history. of this rich-
est segment of Northeast Asia, Dr.
Gale pointed out that Japan his con-
sidered it an. essential buffer state
against either Russia or China,
whereas Russia is interested in Port
Arthur and Dairen as alternatives
to gaining. a year-round port on the
"With the Japanese Empire now
visibly disintegrating, the problem of
who will inherit this area comes a-
cutely to the fore," Dr. Gale said. ,
"Whether an experience of nom-
inal independence in the past 15
years will dictate a demand for a
genuinely independent state by the
Manchurians or a reversion to China
may depend on Soviet Russia, hold-
ing the key to this enigma of the
future of East Asia," he concluded.

Old Miss' and the bomb blast bashed
in four watertight compartments
along the port side.
Fixing the partly flooded blisters
was the first consideration.
Cofferdam Built
A cofferdam was constructed of
metal, manila, canvas and mattres-
ses," the Navy said, "and rigged to
conform to lines at the ship's side.
"Forced into position by flotation
pressure, the cofferdam stopped the
leak long enough to enable welders
and cutters to repair the shrapnel
holes, and eventually empty the
flooded areas.
Confab Opens
On Vocal Music
For Schools
Start Two-Day Parley
For Visiting Teachers
A two-day Conference on School
Vocal Music, sponsored by the School
of Music for visiting teachers, opens
today in the Grand Rapids Room of
the League.
The morning session will open at
9 a. m. EWT (8 a. m. CWT) at the
Grand Rapids Room of the League
with Haydn Morgan of Michigan
State Normal College as chairman.
A demonstration and discussion of
the high school chorus will be led
by Carol Pitts of New Jersey State
'Teachers College. This will be f ol-
lowed by the lecture, "A Well Ad-
ministered Music Department-As I
See It," delivered by Ennis Davis,
music publication editor.
The afternoon session will con-
vene at 1:15 p. m. EWT (12:15 p,
in. CWT) in the Grand Rapids
Room with Miss Pitts as chairman.
An address will be delivered by
Claude Rosenberry, state director
of -music in Pennsylvania, on the
subject, "Music and Character
Building." Following this, there
will be a symposium, on "Choral
Objectives, Materials and Proced-
The evening session will consist ,of
a chamber music concert to be held
at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT)
today in Pattengill Auditorium of
Ann Arbor High School.
A Mozart and Brahms program
will be performed by Gilbert lRoss,
violin; Robert Swenson, cello;
Louise Rood, viola; and Joseph
Brinkman, piano. The program is
part of the regular chamber music

commanding officer of the 11th Ma-
rines, was late for a staff meeting and
"We were stopped by an MP ser-
geant, who insisted we put chains on
the jeep. If he'd have been a major,
I'd have given him a piece of my
"But you can't argue with a Marine
If the dove is a bird of peace, cer-
tainly the goat is her animal count-
erpart. There are thousands of goats
on this island. Few are found in com-
bat areas. Far behind the lines, how-
ever, in fields and abandoned houses,
one sees them contentedly munching
straw mats and old kimonos.
*They have one disconcerting trait.
Jet Plane Hits
589 M. P. H

Jordan Hall Entertains Deans, Faculty

Deans and faculty members were
the guests of honor at the Jordan
Hall faculty dinner last night in the
dining room of Stockwell Hall.
After dinner coffee was served at
Jordan Hall.
The guests of honor were Miss
Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women; Joseph
Bursley, Dean of Students; Prof.
ames Edmondson, Dean of the
chool of Education, and Mrs. Ed-

mondson; Deal Walter Rea, Assist-
ant Dean of Students, and Mrs. Rea;
Dr. Clarence Yoakum, Dean of the
Horace Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Stud eies, and Mrs. Yoakumn; Dr.
and Mrs. John Sundwall, Prof. and
Mrs. L. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fran-
cis Shiel, Miss Kathleen Hamm, chief,
dietitian; Miss Dorothy Leslie, Stock-
well Hall Dietitian; and Mrs. Walter
Newell, house director of Helen New-

EWT (3
(7:15 p.
Ideals in
United i
United S

NEW YORK, Aug. 1-(,)-Travel-
ing nearly as fast as sound, a jet-
onference Programpropelled P-80 -"Shooting Star"
roared in from Dayton, Ohio, and
se are the remaining lectures of , the Conference on the hissed to a stop at La Guardia Field
States in the Postwar World, now being sponsored by the today after covering the 589 miles
Session Office for clarification of some of the problems that in one hour and two minutes.
the peace. The afternoon lectures, will be held at 4:10 p. in. The trim gray superstreamlined
:10 p. m. CWT) and the evening lectures at 8:15 p. m. EWT craft, described by 'the Army as the
. m. CWT) in the Rackham Amphitheatre unless otherwise world's fastest, touched the runway
. an hour and 341/2 minutes after leav-
DAY Aing Wright Field, Dayton. The pilot,
DAY, AUGUST 2 Col. William H. Council, said the ex-
ernoon: Charles M. Davis, "Problems in the Relations of the tra 321/2 minutes were taken up by
States and the Southwest Pacific." landing preparations.
!ning: Dwight L. Dumond, "The Conflict of Tradition and Displayed publicly for the first
: American Life." time, to mark the Army Air Forces'
(, AUGUST 3 38th anniversary, the jet-propelled
ernoon: Frank L. Huntley, "Problems in the Relations of the fighter flew most of the way at 20,000
States and Japan." feet because of adverse weather. Its
ning (Hill Auditorium): Homer Ferguson. "The Role of the top speed has been announced as
tates Senate in Framing the Peace." more than 550 miles an hour and its
ceiling as at least 45,000 feet.
Sorry, NL.o Seeds in This Fruit Salad

Army Gets Preview of Jap Soldiers

By The Associated Press
July 26-Pacific-bound GIs are get-
ting a preview of how the Japanese
soldier looks, fights and thinks.
Military intelligence training units
which include in .their personnel
Nisei, Americans of Japanese paren-
tage, are doing the coaching. To date,
the army has seven such teams at
ground forces installations, includ-
ing one here, with three more sched-
uled to go into operation by August
Both the soldier new to battle
and the veteran of fighting in Eu-
rope who is being redeployed thru
the United States will be taught
by these teams.
The Nisei coaching troops use
weapons captured from the enemy;
they speak Japanese in the manau-
vers; move in the short, half-trot of
the Japanese soliders and wear en-
emy uniforms.
The Nisei are volunteers for the
training team jobs. The army felt
that it could not order these Ameri-
can citizens to play the distasteful
role of so hated an enemy. Daily, a
Nisei stands before outdoor classes
while an officer points at him and
expounds: "There is a Japanese rifle-
man, your enemy. He is tricky, he
is murderous. Watch him. Learn his
methods carefully."
The GI sees some of the favorite

techniques of the small Japanese
unit. A light machine gun squad
shows how the enemy prefers to take
an American position - a machine
gunner crawling out toward the po-
sition to draw fire and attention
while another man moves in closer
to blind the defenders of the posi-
tion with a smoke grenade screen;
then a flanking sweep by the major-
ity of the 13-man squad to take the
position with a sudden charge.
American troops are taught the
words they will use in the attack
on the Nipponese: kosan shiro (sur-
render); te wo age (hands up); ijime
wa shimasen (we will not harm you)
and uguku to utsu zo (if you move,
I'll shoot you).................
Object lessons on what happens to
souvenir collectors (and what Yank
isn't a collector?) are thrown in the
course for whatever value they may
have. An old axiom is repeated for
the benefit of the unwary who thinks
the enemy is dead because he looks
that way: "If he doesn't stink, stick
The GI is made familiar with en-

emy weapons. He learns how they
operate, in the event that he cap-
tures and is required to use an enemy
gun. By comparative demonstrations
with similar American weapons, he
is taught how to identify the sharp
crack of the .256 caliber rifle, com-
,monly used by enemy infantry, told
to listen for the tell-tale rattle of
the dust cover on the enemy rifle
when the bolt is pulled back prep-
aratory to fire.
He hears that the common Jap-
anese light machine gun chatters
with a higher, apparently quicker
tone than an American gun, that
the heavy machine gun has a slow-
er cyclic rate of fire, about the ca-
dence of a woodpecker working on
a hollow tree. He learns the miaxi-
mum and effective ranges of his
enemy's weapons.
Most of the special military intel-
ligence training units are made up
of about two white officers, at least
one of them with Pacific experience.,
several white enlisted men and a
dozen or so Nisei soldiers.

Although we never may have seed-
less watermelons due to the expense
and time involved in producing them,
many other seed-fruits may be grown
seedless by using a chemical with a
jawbreaking name, 2, 4-dichlorophe-
noxiacetic acid.
Prof. F. G. Gustafson of the botany
department who as early as 1936 had
developed seedless fruits has recently
been conducting experiments with
the growth hormone.
Fruit Without Seeds
Applying the chemical growth-pro-
moting substance as a spray to the
plants will produce fruit without
seeds. Plants so sprayed, Prof. Gust-
afson states will continue to grow
withnn t Co fC' a 1rnrA nn1 +imp Th

of the leaves making the leaves of a
tomato plant more jagged, smaller,'
and even thicker. However, the to-
mato; itself looks and tastes like
ordinary fruit-except that it does-
n't have seeds. Prof. Gustafson,
therefore, is experimenting with an-
other chemical which doesn't change
the leaf structure. The first plants
he grew were seedless, and he is now
waiting to see if the second crop will
be the same without additional spray-
Weed Killer
Despite being a growth-promoting
substance, a high concentrate of 2,
4-dichlorophenoxiacetic acid is a pow-
erful weed killer. This concentration

plantain are impervious to its


Another growth experiment is be-
ing conducted on the importance of
zinc to plant growth by Chang Tsui,
a Chinese student. Although zinc is
present only in infinitesimal quanti-
ties, it appears to be necessary to
praper growth. Growing the plants
in distilled water, to which is added
all the elements necessary for life
except zinc, Tsui is attempting to find
out the - influence of zinc on the
growth hormone content in plants.

I - -


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