f PAGE TWO TiE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 2; 1940 .... W..U..A. U U S 2 1 4 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: British Labor Personalities Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub- lished every day during the week except Monday and Tuesday. Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer betty Rothr, bill MVuilendore Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor * * ,. Associate Editor . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Dick Strickland Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ft re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or 6tbe'rwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rie, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. PEPPESENTE FOR NATONAL ADVERTLNG YV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. ' NEW YORK. N.Y. CtICAGO " OSTO" * LOs ANQELKS * SAN FRANCiSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. All-Nations Club THE NEW All-Nations Club, which is to hold a meeting today, was formed to foster closer relationships among students of all nationalities on campus, both socially and culturally. This will be attempted through a series of entertainments to which the club hopes to invite students of all nationalities with special at- tention to foreign students. Although the club was originated by the staff of the International Center, and works in col- laboration with it, it is an independent organiz- ation and does not wish to compete, but to co- operate, with other international organizations on campus. The All-Nations Club and other organiz- ations similar to it are doing on a small scale what the world security organization attempts on a world-wide plane. Peace and goodwill can exist only with knowledge and mutual understanding. Fear and hatred spring. from the unknown. -Marjorie Mills Stay' at Home! DESPITE THE short-sightedness of the WPB and the War Manpower Commission, who have severely restricted materials an manpower fcr the railroad companies in the United States, the railways have managed to meet seemingly impossible demands in transporting troops from the East to the West Coast. Their biggest job lies ahead: that of moving as many troops across America in the next 10 months as they have done in the last three years. Needless to say the civilians ride only at the pleasure of the army. But each individual has a responsibility. No trips for pleasure or need- less excursions should be attempted while this greatest troop movement in our continental his- tory is taking place. With the end of the Summer Session in sight, many of us may plan to take a detour- ing jaunt on the way home, just to repay a roommate's visit, or to take advantage of a two month vacation by stopping at one or two interesting locales. But . . . the request the army and railroad companies are making applies to you. Stay at home! Your small trip added to thousands of other seemingly insignificant trips will make a great deal of difference in the success or failure of the job facing the railroad companies. Their facilities are inadequate without add- ing to their burden unnecessary civilian travel. -Margery Jackson Surrender Offer TIDE JAPANESE have turned down the Anglo- American surrender offer by informing us that the offer was unworthy of reply and that Japan is ready for a long war. That Japan should reject the offer was in- evitable.- They may want to give up, but they .don't want to give up to unconditional sur- render. And they are capable of holding out for awhile. But the rejection of the surrender offer does nct mean the attempt was futile. It showed Ja- pan that we would gladly quit the war, but that We have no intention of mitigating our demands in order to gain peace sooner. The tremendous power we are thrusting against Japan now is By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-Britain's Labor party which swept Churchill out of office is a strange mixture, resembles the liberal branch of the Democratic party more than any socialist move- ment. It has its liberal and its conservative wings, has had no labor troubles similar to ours during the past decade. Clement Attlee, Britain's new prime minister, is a poor man. He was little known among the fashionable people of England until 1935 when his salary was raised to 2,000 pounds a year. After getting this pay boost, Mrs. Attlee was able to venture into society for the first time, was able to start playing golf, hire enough help to keep her home going. Attlee like to putter in his garden, do odd jobs around the house constantly puffs a pipe, is a sharp contrast to fiery, charming Ramsey MacDonald, England's last Labor prime minister. Attlee is no forthright leader, is considered more of an impartial middle man, will have all he can do to keep peace within his own widely split party. Attlee's Rivals . .. ATTLEE'S GREATEST RIVALS for power in- side the party are paunchy, jovial Herbert Morrison and hard-headed, deep-voiced, testy Ernest Bevin. Morrison lost his right eye when he was three days old, has had a "leftist" outlook ever since. Morrison has played runner- up to Attlee in many elections, carries on con- stant behind-the-scenes warfare with Bevin. Bevin had the same war job which Sidney Hill- man took over in the OPM after Pearl Harbor- handling labor relations. However, Bevin made a better go of it, fought grimly and successfully for better rations for workers. Morrison is a cockney, has a spry sense of humor, likes to dance, is head of the Labor party in politically potent London. He is also a man of daring, had the ancient tradition-en- crusted Waterloo Bridge torn down because he found it unserviceable, afterward had traffic rolling more smoothly through the center of London. Morrison is a hard ruler, loves effi- ciency, is known as a practical reformer, a power- ful party man. Ernie Bevin is a hard-headed union boss. He hates dictatorships but is a dictator in his own union, the giant transport workers. Bevin runs his own union like John L. Lewis runs the mine workers. Outside his union, however, Bevin's labor practices are more like those of Sidney Hillman and Phillip Murray. He believes in negotiation rather than strikes. Bevin took a bad trouncing from Winston Churchill in 1926, has never forgiven the ex- BY WILLIAM S. GOLDSTEIN WHAT STARTED OUT to be a friendly rivalry has of late developed into a raging dispute which threatens to get completely out of hand. What might have been passed off with a smile three weeks ago is now the center of a bitter dispute. With our honor at stake we .decided that as alast resort '"e would present our side of the argument to the campus, fully confident that the student body, alwaysquick to pick up to the fight of the underdog, would rise to the occasion in a righteous wrath. Feminine Support . . . TO GET FEMININE support, the new Labor government will lean heavily on a red-head- ed fiery Labor M. P., Ellen Wilkinson. Miss Wil- kinson is at home in a fight. knows the world, has contempt for Britain's colonial policies, is a scrapper from the word go. She knows about riots and bloodshed first hand, was in the thick of the black and tan trouble in Ireland, even led hunger marches on London during the depression. Miss Wilkinson lives in the Bohemian Bloomsbury section of London surrounded by poets, painters, actors and writers; has persuaded many of them to pitch into labor's fight. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) RANGEFINDER: Veterans' Groups By JOHN A. MEREWETHER THE RECENT DISCUSSION on these pages about the merits of the veterans' organiza- tions was very useful. It raised up, like a ghost, the entire problem of the organization which the veterans should undertake. Like a spook spe- cialist I will try to lay that ghost. Analyzing the problem from the point of view of the needs of the veteran, we need only look at one U. S. Representative John T. Rankin. As an important member of the House Veterans' Committee, his treatment of Albert Deutsch of PM and his anti-labor bill hardly recommend him as a friend of the veteran. Rankin threat- ened Deutsch with imprisonment for contempt over articles the reporter wrote criticizing the administration of the medical part of the Veter- ans' Administration. Rankin apparently was more interested in stopping criticism than in helping the veterans through the investigaton. Rankin's anti-labor bill was designed to smash labor unions and cause practically a civil war between 14,000,000 veterans and 10, 000,000 union members, under the clever guise of "allowing" veterans to work in plants where there is a union without either joining the union or paying any dues. This is Mr. Rankin's touching generosity for the veterans: "allowing" them the unique priv- ilige of being scabs, of suffering speed-ups in an open-shop, and of getting low, non-union wages. In the light of these facts Mr. Rankin is not a friend of the veteran, but rather a foe. Looking outside the House Veteran's Commit- tee we find that Rankin is a member of the no- toriously undemocratic House Committee on un- American Activities, popularly called the Dies Committee. This committee spent more time hounding labor leaders than in persecuting Nazis and their friends and agents here in America, the latter activity which would have aided the old veterans as well as those of this war. Here then is the catch, in regard to such nationalistic veterans groups as the American Legion. They support reactionary Rankin on the Dies Com- mittee but not on the Veterans' Committee. The question naturally arises as to whether Mr. Ran- kin works for the veterans' interests in the Dies Committee or anywhere else. If he doesn't, and it doesn't look like it, then the Legion has no business supporting him and the Dies Commit- tee, at least if it is a veterans group. This leads me to what I wish to say about veterans' organizations. They diust be pro- gressive to really do any good. They must op- pose Rankin, the Dies Committee, anti-labor laws, and also poor administration of govern- ment agencies dealing with veterans. Further- more since veterans need and want jobs, their organization must support the Roosevelt-Wal- lace platform of 60,000,000 jobs, which includes a well-operated Fair Employment Practices Act for all minorities, especially the Negroes. Logically the next step is to question whether we should seek to change the policies of the American Legion by having liberal veterans of World War II join up, or should seek rather to organize a new, liberal group among the men back from this war, a group like the already established American Veterans' Committee. Friends in the American Legion say it can be reformed. I hope they are right. Nevertheless a liberal campus group of veterans is a good idea and would serve the students in a way the non- campus groups would not. For example, any weaknesses in the Veterans' Bureau or the Vet- erans' Administration could be overcome by a campus group more political in character than the Veterans' Organization. Not only recreational activities, but social and political ones are needed. If anyone should be interested in world politics and world peace it should be the veteran. He must organize himself not only for fun but for keeps. prime minister. It was Bevin who called the 1926 general strike in England, a strike which Churchill dealt a shattering blow. Bevin is a forthright anti-Fascist, was against Hitler, Mussolini and the Cliveden set from their inception, was responsible for the tough-minded positi jn his party took interna- tionally from 1933 to the outbreak of war. As leader of the transport workers, Bevin con- trols considerable of the Labor party, is rough on his enemies, gruff with his friends, loses his patience frequently. DRAMA Quality Street-James M. Barrie. LIKE the Kamikaze, the Michigan Repertory Players seem to thrive on adversity. Finding themselves dealt "Quality Street," they played it like something good. Sir James Barrie, hardly inferior to Maeterlinck and almost half as good as W. S. Gilbert, is often de- fended on the basis of this play. It is, of course a mistake to do so: very few of the dramatic possibili- ties of the situation (if it can be called that) are exploited; the characterization is ambiguous and the last act is almost wholly unne- cessary. This may be called charm -but it is obviously incompetence. Last night's performance showed the extent to which it is possible to patch "Quality Street" up into an acceptable play-to a rather large extent. Frankly accepting Phoebe and Valentine as jerks, Miss Godwin and Mr. Hale read the frequently sickly lines with just the proper leer. The other players were equally good, and worked together to make "Qual- ity Street" the most nicely acted play of the season so far, and almost clever in spots. Consider, however, the confused technicians. Trying to affect the early nineteenth century, they achiev- ed the early twentieth. To choose mistakes at random: the piano pro- duced Percy Grainger, the map show- ed Europe after the Balkan wars of 1912, and the garden was decorated with Japanese Lanterns. It is interesting to notice the only respect in which the players were more squeamish than the playwright: Sir James chopped off Mr. Brown's hand in the war, but Michigan has restored it. -Frank A. Haight By SAMUEL GRAFTON THEIMPOSSIBLE is impossible again. During the war in Europe, the impossible was easy. and we dids it all the time; if, during that war, we had found it necessary to ship 25,000,000 tons of coal to the Conti- nent to win, we would have dug it and done it. somehow. But we will not do it to win the peace; with the end of the shooting, we have subtly lowered our sights. Northwestern Europe needs 25,000,000 tons of Amer- ican coal to survive the coming win- ter, and America turns out its hands, palms upward, and says it cannot be done. We will not concede that some- times you have to do the impossible to win a peace. War, to us, is a matter of shooting only; we will not recognize it as a social convul- sion, of which shooting is only a symptom. Our conception of war and peace has all the profundity of a Wild West thriller; the war ends when the villain lies quivering in the dust. A SURE SIGN of the slackening of our intensity can be seen in the fact that, with such awful questions as the above hanging fire, Congress has decided to go home for two months. It might be supposed that Congres- sional conservatives particularly, with their deep concern about the "left- ward drift" in the world today, would want to stay in session, and do some- thing about the fact that northwest- ern Europe is going to have a cold and idle winter. Congress could properly ask whether America, which is capable I I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Congress Adjourns; Ignores Starving, Freezing Europe of producing more than 700,000,000 tons of coal a year, and which is go- ing to produce 570,0-00,000 tons, could not squeeze out 25,000,000 tons for Europe. It could consider the War Department's refusal to release 30,000 coal miners from the ranks, as requested by Secretary Ickes. But the long, thin line of Congressmen is streaming toward Union Station. They will be back in October, when it begins to get cold. OF COURSE (as the Mead Commit- tee has hinted) the war with Japan might end during the interim period, too, leaving us with the most startled of expressions on our faces; though really, when a nation is in a war, it ought to consider the end of same as a reasonable possibility, and it ought to do something to prepare for it. But President Truman's re- quest for unemployment insurance of $25 a week, to tide war workers over when the end comes, has never been met; it remains on Congressional desks as unfinished business. The adjournment is, in fact, an implicit "no" vote on the Presi- dent's request, and through all this, as through Congress' indiffer- ence to Europe's plight, one feels a deep and bitter Congressional dis- dain for the problems of transition. To admit that there are such prob- lems is to accept a certain respon- sibility for human happiness, and warmth in winter, and jobs, and Congress has voted a great no against this whole area of trouble by simply going home. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) """C" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN We regret that we must enlist the aid ofI students, but this thing has grown too big one man to handle, and the implications are reaching. * * * the for far Publication In the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Summer Session office, Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 22S Notices The American Red Cross has ur- gent need for Social Workers, Rec- reation workers and Staff Aides to help in Hospitals in this country as well as for overseas positions. Age 23 to 50 and college men and women preferred. Personnel secretaries from Headquarters will be in Ann Ar- bor on August 13 and 14 to inter- view interested persons. Appointments for interviews may be made at Red Cross Headquarters, 25546. All Nations Club will meet Thurs- day, August 2, at 7:00 p. m. EWT, at the International Center. Refresh- ments will be served after the busi- ness meeting. Everyone is cordially invited. Pi Lambda Theta and women in education group will meet at 7:30 (EWT) on Thursday, August 2 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Marie Sko- dak will speak on the topic Notes to the Teacher from the Guidance Clinic. A social hour will follow the program. Meet your friends for tea at the Russian Table, Thursday, 3:00 (CWT), at the International Center, and brush up on your Russian con- versation. Frene Club: The fifth meeting of the Club will take place today at 8 p.m. (EWT), 7 p.m. (CWT) at the Michigan League. Mr. Richard Pic- ard, of the Romance Language De- partment will give a talk entitled: "Hommage a Paul Valery." Games, group singing, social hour. Come all for having a good time and practice your French. La Sociedad Hispanica is giving a Tea this afternoon at 4 p.m. EWT in the International Center. All those interested in Spanish are cordially invited. French Tea today at 4 p.m. (EWT) 3 p.m. (CWT) at the International Center. Lectures Friday, August 3, University School Auditorium. It all began when we found that we had a malignant competitor for the readers' atten- tion: the "Daily Official Bulletin." The "D. O. B.," as it is affectionately called in in- timate circles, appears on the same page we do and usually occupies two or three columns that are as long as your arm or maybe even longer. We don't begrudge them the space (after all it was here first), and we must admit that up until recently the "D. O. B." has been a powerful albeit impersonal competitor. A little good, clean competition never hurt anyone, but when the "D. 0. B." begins to institute foul play, that's where we draw the line. E TRIED to ignore their attempt to curry favor with the' ditor. Typical of the petty methods they employed was the apple-a-day stunt. In all fairness let us say that we too. managed to polish up a couple apples and put them on the editor's desk, but when the "D.O.B." brought over fifteen and then proceeded to squeeze them down into an even "fifth," that's carrying things too far. The devious and underhanded methods em- ployed spon reached the point where the "D. O. B." began to pad its copy by printing central and eastern war times in its notices. The best that we could do was to drop in a couple extra "ands," "buts," commas, etc. When the "D. O. B." began to compete for the campus women with tempting offers of tennis, golf, swimming, and dancing, we de- cided that there was something sinister and sordid about the whole thing that ought to be brought to he attention of the campus. BARNABY High Lecture: "Adjusting Personnel Ser- vices to Changing Experiences of Youth," James M. McCallister, Regis- trar and Personnel Director of Herzl Junior College. 2:05 p. m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT, Thursday, August 2. University High School Auditor- ium. Lecture: The Mayo lecture this year will be delivered by Dr. O. T. Clagett, one of the surgeons of the Mayo clinic. He will speak on surg- ery of the pancreas in the main amphitheatre, second floor, Univers- ity Hospital today at 1:30 p.m. Academic Noticesr Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports below C of all Navy and Marine students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum; also for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7 of the Prescribed Curriculum are to be turned in to Dean Emmons' Of- fice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than August 4. Report cards may be obtained from your depart- mental office. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of all civilian Engineering freshmen and all Navy and Marine students in Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib- ed Curriculum are due August 4. Re- port blanks will be furnished by cam- pus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. Students who intend to take the Language Examination for Masters' degrees in History should sign up in advance in the History Office, 119 Haven Hall. The examination is to be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at 4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall. Attention Engineering Faculty: The first in a series of semi-technical lectures on Electron Tubes (sponsor- ed by the Electrical Engineering De- partment) will be given on Thursday August 2 at 3:15 CWT (4:15 EWT) in Room 246 West Engineering Build- ing. Graduate Students expecting mast- er's degrees at the end of the Sum- mer Session must have their diploma applications turned in to the Grad- uate School'office by August 3. Ap- plications received after that date will not be considered until the end of the Summer Term. The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps will be due Saturday, August 4. Department of- fices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will re- ceive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Conferences for Music Teachers. Two conferences for teachers of school vocal music, and teachers of string instruments, will be held in Ann Arhr Thursdav Fridav and freshman five-week progress reports will be due Saturday, August 4, in the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, and Music: Each student who has changed his address since June registration should file a change of address in Room 4, U.H., so that the report of this summer work will not be mis- directed. The Fourth Clinic of the season at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be held Friday, July 13th, 8:00 p. m. (EWT) at the Main Lodge. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director f of the Flint Guidance Center, will be the consultant. The camp is on Pat- terson Lake, near Pickney. Students interested in mental hygiene and the problems of adjustment are wel- come to attend. Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con- ference. Thursday, August 2. Lunch- eon at 11 a. m. CWT (12 noon EWT), League Ballroom. Conference at 12 noon CWT (1 p. m. EWT), ABC Room, Michigan League. "Classical Latin Noun Inflection." Dr. Robert A. Hall, jr., lecturer in Romance Languages. Linguistic Institute. Introduction to Linguistic Science. "Spotting and Delimiting Speech Areas." Prof. Hans Kurath. The lecture will be illustrated with slides. 6 p. m. CWT (7 p. m. EWT), Thursday, August 2, Rackham Amphitheatre. Concerts Chamber Music Program: On Thursday, August 2, at 7:30 p. m. CWT, Gilbert Ross, violinist, Louise Rood, vocalist, Robert Swenson, cel- list, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will be heard in the third program of the current series of chamber music programs being given in Pat- tengill Auditorium. The program will be open to the public and will con- sist f Mozart's Divertimento in E- flat major, K. 563, for violin, viola, and cello, and Brahms' Sonata in F major, Op. 99, for cello and piano. Exhibitions Clements Library. Japan in Maps from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854). -Architecture Building. Student work. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Uni- versity of Michigan in the war. Museums Building, rotunda. Some foods of the American Indian. General Library, main corridor cases. Early military science. Selec- tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27, memorial collection, presented by Col. T. M. Spaulding, '02. Events Today Play. "Quality Street" by Sir James Lecture: ucation," Counselor 2:05 p. m. "Trends in Religious Ed- Edward W. Blakeman, in Religiouis Education. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT, ~~~~ I r, 11 Why is the living room furniture Well, maybe, but-Say! .. J'1 A....L_; - -4_11 [ wg- :. ..e . an ir 2 (Now she's out there encouraging &n h-..c . JL: Lal: iht F .;.n i By Crockett Johnson But my Fairy Godfather isn't) II tomnr i folr nnrty Aunt