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July 04, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-04

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Warmer. Thundershowers
in Afternoon.



Hopkins Retires;
Health Is Poor
War Time Advisor for Two Presidents
To Miss Next Big Three Conference

Giant B-29 Raid Drops Fire Bombs
On Nip Islands of Honshu, Shikoku

* * *

* * *

* * *

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 3-Harry L.
Hopkins, confidential White House
adviser and wartime emissary for two
presidents, stepped out of public life
today because "I must take a rest."
In frail health for several years,
Hopkins turned in his resignation as
special assistant to President Tru-
man. The latter accepted it in a
letter expressingregretand praise
"for all your great and patriotic
service to our country."
The resignation came at a time
when the President was preparing for
his first Big Three conference with
Premier Churchill and Marshall
Stalin. Hopkins was to have attend-
SOIC Council
States Plans
For Meeting
Expect Gore To Give
Youth Confab Report
Representatives of the campus
groups sitting on the Executive Coun-
cil of the Student Organization for
International Cooperation should at-
tend an important meeting to be held
at 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow at the Union, Herbert Otto,
temporary chairman has announced.
This meeting is being held to make
plans for summer activities of the or-
ganization, and it is also hoped that
Jack Gore, who attended the Wash-
ington Youth Conference will be back
on campus in time to present a re-
port on the conference.
Non-Members May Petition
Campus organizations which are
not represented on the Executive
Council may submit to the temporary
chairman a petition stating the con-
tributions which the organization
would be willing to make toward fur-
thering the unity of world youth.
Petitions will be considered at the
Council meeting.
Topics on the agenda for discus-
sion are the adoption of a foreign
University, a dance to raise funds, a
rally for the Washington Youth Con-
ference delegate and publicity for
the organization.
Organization Representatives
Persons who are to serve as repre-
sentatives of their organizations are
Miriam Johnson, Women's War
Council; Marjory Fisher, Assembly;
Charlene Golay, Panhellenic; Joyce
Siegan, Student Religious Associa-
tion; Sheldon Selesnick, Hillel; Jeppy
Madison, Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action; Elizabeth Hawley,
Post-War Council; Kelkar, All Na-
tions Club; Fred Matthaei, Inter-
Fraternity Council; Harold Lester,
Inter-Cooperative Council; Jim Plate,
Union; Rudy Havermann, Engineer-
ing Council.
Further List
A further list includes Bill Aker,
Graduate Council; Bobbie Simonton,
World Student Service Fund; Pris-
cilla Hodges, Inter-Guild; Jim Shiel,
Newman Club; Anita Franz, Daily;
Herbert Otto, Inter-Racial Associa-
tion; Jack Andrews, Veterans Or-
The newly formed SOIC received
official University recognition from
Dean Bursley on June 20, following
a series of mass meetings during
which committees were organized, a
name was voted upon and the con-
stitution was ratified.
Tomorrow: The Executive Council
of the SOIC will meet
at 4:30 p. m. EWT in the
Tomorrow: Post-War Council will
hold its first meeting at

4 p. m. EWT in the Union.
Tomorrow: The French Club will
hold its first meeting at 7
p. m. EWT in the League.
All students are invited.
Tomorrow :All students on cam-
pus are invited to the
French Tea at 4 p. m.
EWT in the International
Tomorrow: Women Students in
Education are invited to
the first meeting of the
Women's Education Club
at 7:30 p. m. EWT in the

ed that conference in the same ad-
visory capacity in which he accom-
panied the late PresidentRoosevelt
to all previous Big Three meetinges.
White House Confidant
The ailing White House confidant
returned to Washington recently
from a special mission to Moscow,
undertaken at the request of Presi-
dent Truman. He has made. many
such secret trips since the war start-
ed, despite his failing health.
In his letter of resignation, Hop-
kins wrote:
"The time has come when I must
take a rest. I have therefore reached
the decision that I should now retire
from government service. Hence I
shall not be able to accompany you
to the Berlin area for your impend-
ing conference."
Substantial Role
In accepting the resignation Presi-
dent Truman wrote:
"There are few people in the Unit-
ed States who know more fully than
I the substantial role you have played
in the prosecution of our war."
Hopkins came into the government
as. Works Progress Administrator in
1935 and immediately became one of
the closest advisers to President
Dunhel, Agard
Will Lecture
On Linguistics
The first of the weekly Thursday
luncheon conferences of the Linguis-
tic Institute will be held tomorrow
at the Michigan League, with Dr.
Harold Dunkel, of the University of
Chicago, and Dr. Frederick Agard, of
Princeton University, speaking on
"The Chicago Language Investiga-
The luncheon will be held in the
League dining room at 12 noon EWT
(11 a.m. CWT), and the conference
will begin at 1 p.m. EWT (12 noon
CWT). The number of the room in
which the conference will be held
will be psted on the League bulletin
board on the first flor. Members of
the Institute who do not wish to
attend the luncheon are welcome to
come to the conference.
Measure Progress
The investigation with which Drs.
Dunkel and Agard have been asso-
ciated is an attempt to evaluate the
effectiveness of various approaches
to foreign language teaching by mea-
suring the progress of students who
have been taught by different meth-
ods. The work was carried on with
an experimental group set up at the
University of Chicago.
Linguistic Science
The opening session of the Insti-
tute's course, "Introduction to Lin-
guistic Science," to which faculty,
students, and public are invited to
come and disagree with the pro-
fessor, was held last night in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, with Prof.
Charles C. Fries, director of the In-
stitute, as the lecturer. His declara-
tion that the modern development
known as "structural linguistics,"
which was worked out by the study
of living languages, would probably
result in fuller understanding of th.
structure of languages of the past
provided the chief topic for discus-
The second lecture of the course,
on "The Nature and Function of
Language," will be given by Prof.
W. F. Twaddell at 7 p.m. EWT (6
p.m. CWT) Thursday. '
(See LINGUISTIC, Page 4)
Daily Try-outs To Meet
Students interested in working
on the editorial staff of The Daily
during the eight-week summer
session should attend the try-out
meeting to be held at 3:15 EWT
(2:15 CWT) in the Student Publi-
cations Building conference room.

Aussies Gain
Beachhead on
East Borneo
Capture Airfield; Oil
Refineries Secured
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Wednesday, July 4-A
field dispatch today disclosed that
Aussie invaders of Balikpapan, bomb-
wrecked oil center on East Borneo,
have a beachhead seven miles long
and two miles deep and the cap-
tured Sepinggan airfield already is in
Reporting from Balikpapan, Asso-
ciated Press Correspondent Russell
Brines said the diggers, who landed
there Sunday, already have buried
500 Japanese. He said the Aussies,
by securing the last ridge facing the
town, virtually have secured its cen-
tral refineries and docks, long since
rendered unserviceable to the enemy
by bombing and shelling.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique today confirmed Melbourne
radio reportsdthat Sepinggan airfield
was captured at nightfall Monday,
putting the Allied Air Force within
fighter plane range of Java, heart of
the Dutch East Indies, for the first
time in more than three years.
Brines said troops advancing on the
right flank won the airfield against
light opposition and also took the
nearby village of Sepinggan.
Although the airfield runway was
cratered, one 600 yard stretch was
quickly made serviceable for use by
Aussie scout planes.
Churchill Booed
By Laborites at
Poaliticl IRally
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 3-Prime Minister
Churchill, booed and heckled at one
of the stormiest political meetings in
British history, tonight carried his
fight for a Conservative Party vic-
tory before a crowd estimated at
25,000 persons in the Labor Party
stronghold of northeast London.
Greeted by organized sections of
hecklers chanting "we want labor,"
Churchill told the big open air rally
in Walthamstow Stadium that "win-
ners cheer and the beaten boo."
Almost constant heckling, and re-
sponsive cheering by the Prim Min-
ister's supporters, forced him at times
to wait several minutes before con-
tinuing his speech.
Swapping verbal punches with par-
tisan opponents, the 70-year-old
Prime Minister endured half an hour
of booing as he made his last major
speech of the hard-fought campaign
alongside Conservative candidates
seeking the 27 Parliament seats in the
"The first element of our policy,"
Churchill told his stormy audience,
"is to beat Japan. The next thing is
to bring our Army home and then
we have to build up the homes and
houses shattered by enemy bombard-
Churchill promised full employ-
ment for the next two or three years
as Britain starts to produce long-
needed goods.
He estimated six years of war had
left Britain short nearly 2,000,000
homes "which otherwise would have
been built, apart from all of those
which the enemy blew down or broke
into pieces. Why have we not re-
paired and rebuilt those houses?"
He was interrupted by cries from
all over the stadium.
"The reason why . . . " Churchill
began but stopped and announced
"another two minutes will be allowed
for booing, if you like."

Vladivostok HKAD
HONSH JAPA Farthest Extent
CHINA Tokyo*
Chungking Shanghai PesnLim Pociic Ocean
oLuchow -MARCUS a
T Kong Harbor
- -- BORNEO - - - - - - ADMIRALTY.- -- --..-....., - - -- - - -- -
*BaIikpaanf i
HIGH SPOTS IN WEEK OF WAR IN PACIFIC-Major Allied blows at the Japanese during the past
week included: Smashing of a Jan convoy by U. S. warships west of Kuriles, heavy Superfortress raids on
the enemy homeland plus raids by Okinawa-based lighter planes, an American fleet thrust into Makassar
Strait, and a Chinese push to the outskirts of Liuchow. Black areas are Japanese.
(AP Wirephoto Map)



Board of Regents Announces
Several Personnel Changes,

At its final meeting of the spring
cemester the Board of Regents ap-
proved several changes in the Uni-
versity faculty and administrative
Leaves of absence were granted
five staff members. Those included
Figures Show
More Civilians
Than Last Year
University enrollment figures as of
last night revealed a marked increase
in civilian registration over the same
period last year. Thus, far, civilian
enrollment is 4,145 as compared with
the '44 total of 3,228.
Total University enrollment now
stands at 5,979 with 1,053 Navy train-
ees registered and 782 Army men en-
On the civilian registration side,
women still outnumber male regis-
trants, 2,427 coeds to 1,718 men.
These figures are not final, Univer-
sity registration officials said.
Is Identified
The Moscow radio said today that
the Body of Dr. Paul Joseph Goeb-
bels, former Nazi Propaganda Mini-
ster, has been "unmistakably identi-
The German language broadcast,
reported by the FCC, said the body
had been carried from an air raid
shelter under the reichschancellery
in Berlin by Nazi SS troopers on the
night of May 1 and that they had
attempted to burn it.
The body did not burn, the broad-
cast said, adding that Goebbels had
"remained in such a state of conser-
vation that he could be unmistak-
ably identified."

are Miss Margaret Smith, chief re-
search librarian; Dr. Lewis B Kell-
um, director of the Museum of Pale-
ontology; Miss Sarah K. Vann, Gen-
eral Library Senior Cataloger; Dr.
Margaret Bell, director of the Physi-
cal Education for Women program;
and Elizabeth B. Steer, assistant cat-
alog librarian.
The Board of Regents also ap-
proved the resignations of George E.
Gere, Acting Cashier; Lawrence E.
Towe, Director of the News Service;
and Prof. Elmore S. Pettyjohn of the
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering Department.
Gere will become Assistant Comp-
troller at the Carnegie Institute of
Technology, Pittsburg, while Towe
will serve as publisher of the Lassen
Advocate, Susanville, Cal. Prof. Pet-
tyjohn has been appointed director
of the Institute of Gas Technology
at the Illinois Institute of Techology.
Retirement of four veteran mem-
bers of the faculty were also an-
These include: Dr. Waterman who
became Professor of Semantics at
the University in 1915 and was
Chairman of the Department until
1944. He will be 70, today.
Dr. Ward, a member of the Uni-
versity staff for the past 42 years,
has served as president of the Mich-
igan State Dental Society, the Amer-
ican Dental Asosciation, and the
American Association of Dental
Dr. Bailey who has been on the
faculty since 1900 is a graduate of-
the University. He will be 70 August
7. All three men will be retired with
the title of Emeritus Professor.
Prof. Davis Will
Address Club
Prof. Charles Davis of the geog-
raphy department, recently returned
from the Pacific after two and one
half years of active service with the
Navy, will address the Men's Educa-
tion Club at 7:15 p. m. EWT (6:15
p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Michi-
gan Union.
Prof. Davis will speak about his
experineces in the Pacific war, where
he served as a navy commander in
the Special Air Task Force directly
under the command of Admiral Nim-
itz. .
Entering the Navy in October, 1942,
Prof. Davis was first assigned to the
office of the Chief of Naval Opera-
tions in Washington, D. C. From

Yank Troops
Roll Into Beaten
German Capital
By The Associated Presst
BERLIN, July 3--American'occu-
pation troops rolled into Berlin today,
speeding through the beaten capi- -
tal's mammoth wreckage to the ac-
companiment of scattered waves and1
tears from bread lines and work-t
chains of women and girls.
The American veterans of WorldI
War II entered as conquerors and
returned the crisp salutes of Red
Army women traffic police. There
were tears of joy and cries of "God]
be thanked" from some Berliners, but
others were silent and sullen.
4,000 Vehical Convoy
Vanguards of a vast 4,000-vehicle
convoy reached suburban Zehlendorf
this afternoon after leaving Halle at
4 a. m., crossing the Elbe river and
driving through Russian-occupied
Germany west of the capital.
"Bridge trouble," however, delayed
the combat veterans of the U. S. Sec-
ond Armored (hell on wheels) Divi-
sion and the prospects were that the
division's main strength might not
arrive before midnight - making
them at least eight hours late in ful-
filling a pledge they took three years
ago to bivouac in Berlin.
Red-skinned Hero
A red-skinned hero of the U. S.
Army was the first American soldier
to enter the Russian-held center of
Berlin as a veteran of the 2nd Arm-
ored Division, which will take up
positions in the American occupation
zone in the southwestern part of the
He was Pfc. Harvey Natchees of
the Ute Indian reservation in north-
eastern Utah, a 25-year-old veteran
due to return home on points after
a few more days. He drove this cor-
respondent to Adolf Hitler's reichs-
Girls in freshly-ironed frocks work-
ed in lines along the route, removing
the debris from great piles of ruined
buildings. In an eight-mile drive
through the center of Berlin, not a
single block was seen intact.
The Daily will not be pubuished
tomorrow because of the Fourth
of July holiday. Publication will
be resumed Friday.
War Veterans
Form League
CHICAGO, July 3--(P)-Asserting
that "preservation of the American
way of life can best be entrusted to
those who have offered their lives

Strikes Made
At Industrial
Home Cities
Ground Forces Gain
In Borneo, China
By The Associated Press
The tempo of the American aerial
offensive against the Japanese home-
land reached a new high today (Wed-
nesday)-nearly 500 night-flying
Superfortresses spilled about 3,000
tons of fire bombs on industrial tar-
gets on Honshu and Shikoku Islands.
Striking for the third time in three
days, the B-29s ushered in July 4,
Japanese time, by hitting Himeji, a
big railroad terminal on Honshu,
and Tokushima, Takamatsu and Ko-
chi, on Shikoku. War industries were
the targets.
Allies Make Gains
On Pacific-Asiatic ground fronts
Allied successes were reported from
both Borneo and China. On oil
rich Borneo Australian invasion for-
ces were reported by Melbourne radio
to have captured two airfields as they
punched northward from flaming
The Australian commander in the
Balikpapan sector of Borneo declar-
ed the campaign already won stra-
tegically. Aussie troops pressed
northward from the Balikpapan re-
finery area, headed for the last Bor-
neo oil fields still in Japanese hands.
As the Aussies pushed along a road
leading to an airstrip they came upon
the scene of another Japanese atro-
city-the uncounted charred bodies
of native slave laborers burned alive
when retreating Nipponese soldiers
put the torch to a hospital. Only two
survived the fire. One told his story,
then died. The other is dying.
Japs Claim Gains
Radio Tokyo said the Japanese gar-
rison at Balikpapan had "pressed the
enemy, back to the coastal area"
where the Aussies .landed last Sun-
day, Nippon time.
With another of Japan's vital
homeland oil centers written off by
Superfortresses, the B-29 command
at Guam summed up the work of the
sky giants-117 square miles of Nip-
pon's main industrial and naval base
cities devastated.
One B-29 crewman returning from
the pre-dawn strike Tuesday, Tokyo
time, against the aviation gasoline
and fuel refinery at Shimotus, 35
miles from Osaka, said "We won't
have to go back there again."
B-29s Wreck More Area
Reconnaissance photos showed
that the B-29s added about two
square miles to Japan's homeland
wrecked areas in their raid of June
29 against naval bases and indu-
strial cities. The 117 square mile
report does not include areas devas-
tated when a record flight of nearly
6$$ Superforts hit four .Japanese
naval base and industries centers
with the greatest fire bomb raid of
Food Supply
To Run Low
WASHINGTON -(P- American
civilians are moving into the season
of lowest level of meat, egg, poultry
and sugar supplies since the war be-
Eggs, a major substitute for meat
which has been scarce for weeks, are
in "tight supply" the country over.
Poultry is virtually non-existent in
many sections. The sugar shortage
is growing acute.
Furthermore, bad weathe has cut
into anticipated production of fresh
vegetables and fruits in many sec-

The next two months may be the
periodof greatest stringency. Some
improvement in meat supplies is ex-
pected to show up early in August.
The new pack of canned goods will
begin to show up on retail shelves.
Prospects are, however, that it will
fall below this year's pack and how
much civilians will get is yet un-
certain because needs of the armed
forces have not been determined.
But sugar is expected to be short
until next year and this summer's
shortage likely will reduce home can-

Fraternity Rushing Registration To Be in

New men on campus, returning vet-
erans and all others interested may
register for fraternity rushing from
3 to 5 p. m. EWT (2 to 4 p. m.
CWT) every day except Saturday
until July 13 in the Interf-raternity

men may be initiated at any time
during the semester providing they
are not on warning or probation.
Interfraternity Council serves as
the medium through which the var-
ious fraternities carry on rushing.
The council orovides each fraternity

Theta Delta Chi, Zeta Beta Tau and
Zeta Psi.
However, actives of other frater-
nities, although their houses are at
present occupied, will nevertheless
carry on rushing activities.
"With the rise in the male enroll-

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