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See Page 2
Alexander Is New'
Canada Governor
Field Marshal Is Chosen To Succeed
Lord Athlone; Date for Change not Set
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 31-Field Marshal
Sir Harold Alexander, British hero
of the Allied Mediterranean cam-
paign, was named Governor General
Uni 7on, Engine
Council Electionl
To Be Re-Held
Sane Candidates Will
Remain on Ballots
Re-running of the Union vice-pres-
idential and Engineering Council elec-
tion will be held from 9 a. m. to 2:15
p. m. EWT Friday. it
The election last. week was de-
clared void by the 'Men's Judiciary
Council because of "irregularities" in
handling the ballots.
Candidates for the election remain
unchanged. They are: Thomas Don-
nelly, Henry Fonde and Robert Royce
for vice-president from the engineer-
ing school; Tom Heaton and Richard
Hurd for vice-president from the
Literary School; William Crick and
Edward Miquelon for vice-president
from the combined schools of busi-
ness administration, public health,
music, forestry, pharmacy and phy-
sical education. Henry Kaminski will
oppose Eugene Sikorovsky for the
position of sophomore representative
on the Engineering Council.
A joint meeting of the Men's Judi-
ciary Council and all of the candi-
dates held last night, it was decided
that all voters must show summer'
Union membership cards in order to
cast a ballot in this election. Names
of voters will be recorded at the poll-
ing place to assure that there is no
duplication of ballots.
The University rule on campaign-
ing was clarified for the candidates.
No candidate is allowed to circulate
handbills or display banners or post-
ers on University property. The only
exception to this is that posters may
be tacked to University bulletin boards
by the candidates.
Kurath Talks of
Sound Changes
Sound changes originate at some
particular place and spread from that
place over an entire speech area, but
are not adopted at the same time in
all words of a group, nor are they
adopted at the same rate even by
members of the same social group
or by people of the same age, Dr.
Hans Kurath, director of the Lin-
guistic Atlas of the United States and
Canada, declared in a lecture last
night before the Linguistic Institute.
Members of the Institute, while in-
clined to admit that sound changes
do occur in the manner described,
differed as to whether it was the us-
ual or an exceptional way by which
such changes take place. Further
discussion is expected when Dr. Kur-
ath speaks on "Spotting and Delimit-
ing Speech Areas" tomorrow at 7 p.
m. EWT (6 p. m. CWT) in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The lecture will
be illustrated by slides.
Crisler To Speak
Before Club Tonight,
Michigan's athletic director, Her-
bert 0. (Fritz) Crisler, will talk' on
"Experiences in Athletics" at 7:15
p. m. EWT tonight at the Union be-
fore the Men's Education Club.
Preceding the meeting, members
of the club will meet for a dinner
at 5:45 p. m. EWT in the University
Club Dining Room.
of- Canada tonight, succeeding the
Earl of Athlone.
The brief announcement from
Buckingham Palacethat King
George VI had chosen the 54-year-
old soldier to succeed Lord Athlone,
71-year-old uncle of the king, did
not fix a date for the change in of-
Youngest Field Marshal
Alexander, Britain's youngest field
marshal, fought the Germans from
the parched African deserts around
El Alamein to the snow-covered Alps
of Italy, serving as supreme Allied
commander in the Mediterranean
theater since 1944.
The new Canadian Governor Gen-
eral won fame with the historic Dun-
kerque evacuation, which he directed.
From the sodden French beaches he
was transferred to the jungles of
Burma, where he fought staunchly
against the Japanese.
Fought Afrika Korps
Called into the Mediterranean
campaign when Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel's German Afrika Korps was
pounding hardest against the Allied
line, Alexander marshaled his forces
for a supreme effort that hurled the
Nazis out of Africa, brought the Ital-
ian surrender and eventually the
German collapse in northern Italy.
Alexander, son of the
of Caledon and grandson
Earl of Norbury, resides
Forest, England.
fourth Earl
of the third
at. Windsor
Kelly Will Get
Prison Report
Governor To Organize
Senate Investigation
By The Associated Press
LANSING, July 31-Governor Kelly
is to receive a complete report tomor-
row on the status of the State Prison
of Southern Michigan and its seven
dismissed officials and then to turn
to plans for a senate investigation of
the entire Michigan penal system.
Kelly, returning from a vacation in
northern Michigan, had appointments
with Leslie P. Kefgen, chairman of
the State Corrections Commission,
and with Lt. Gov. Vernon J. Brown,
who will name the Senate investigat-
ing committee.
Grad To attend
Benjamin H. Kizer, 1902 gradu-
ate of the University and present di-
rector of the United Nations Relief
and Rehabilitation Administration
Chungking office, is enroute to Lon-
don to attend the third UNRRA
council meeting to be held Aug. 7.
Kizer, a native of Spokane, Wash.,
has been with UNRRA since June,
In addition, John W. Rourk, for-
mer Detroit Juvenile Court Proba-
tion Officer, who attended the Uni-
versity Graduate School in 1941, is
heading for an overseas assignment
with UNRRA to work as a Welfare
Officer in the Displaced Persons Di-
vision in Germany.
TO Receive
25,000 Troops To Be
Flown Across Country
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 31-The Wa
Department announced tonight it i
expediting release of former railroa
men from the Army and makig
available enough planes and pilots t
fly 25,000 troops monthly across th
Acting Secretary of War Rober
P. Patterson said the two measure
were "intended to relieve the pres-
sure on the nation's railroads in con-
nection with the redeployment o:
American troops."
The Department said 1,362 mer
with railroad experience will be re-
leased from military railway servie(
in Europe by Aug. 10 for return tc
this country and separation from th
Ickes Warns
That Shortage
Of Coal Looms
Asks Furlough of
Miners To Ease Crisis
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 31 - Warn-
ings that American homes will be
colder than ever next winter and that
American industry must go on a
four-day week unless the Army fur-
loughs coal miners were voiced today
by the Solid Fuels Administration.
Secretary of Interior Ickes, who is
head of the Fuels Administration,
told a responsive Senate Committee
that 30,000 miners should be fur-
loughed immediately to prevent a
prospective deficit of 37,000,000 tons
of coal next winter.
Dr. C. J. Potter, Deputy Solid
Fuels Administrator, followed him in
testifying before the Senate War In-
vestigating Commiteethat he expects
"all industry, including steel mills"
to have to go on a four-day week
unless more coal can be mined.
'U" Band Will
Give Srmmer
Concert Today
Graduate students from the Uni-
versity School of Music will exercise
their skill at conducting musical
selections today at Hill Auditorium
when the University of Michigan
Summer Session Band will present
its annual summer concert at 8:15
P. m. EWT (7:15 p. m. CWT).
These guest conductors, many of
whom come from almost every sec-
tion of the country where thy lead
high school and college bands of
their own during the regular school
session, will share the baton with the
band's usual director, William D.
Revelli, who promises that this sum-
ner's 75-piece band is one of the
best to play on campus for several
The program includes a number of
varied selections, Prof. Revelli states,
including compositions by such ar-
ists as Sousa, Holmes, Gibb, Morton
3ould and Gershwin.
A special feature of the evening's
program will be presented by the
and when Prof. Revelli concludes
he concert with his interpretation of
Anachreon Overture, written by
Cherubini, a number that has long
>een a favorite of Arturo Toscanini.
Preceding this composition, the
band will play Pfc. Kenneth Summer-
elt's arrangement of George Gersh-
win's "Summertime." (Pfc. Summer-
elt is a former member of the Uni-
versity's Concert Band.)
LeMay No
That They
Superfortresses Have Burned Six
Leaflets Inform Cities;
J:'":,-9 Are Told To Evac u ate
By The Associated Press
GUAM, July 31-Maj. Gen. Curtis E' Lemay warned 12 Japanese cities
today they are marked for quick destruction by his 20th.Bomber Command
Superfortresses, increasing to 19 the total of warned targets-six of
which the sky giants already have burned out.
Six of the B29's carried today's warning-in the form of 720,000
leaflets-to the doomed municipalities, four of which were among the
11 cities listed in the first warnings--
. _._
four days ago.
"Evacuate these cities immediate-
ly," the 1,300,000 persons in the 12
places were told.
The eight new cities added to the
list are:
Mito, Hachioji, Maebashi, Toyama,
Nagano, Fukuyama, Otsu and Maiz-
uru, all important small centers on
Honshu island. *
Nagoaka and' Nishinomiya on Hon-
shu, Hakodate, largest coastal city
on Hokkaido Island, and Kurume on
Kyushu all received their first warn-
ing last Saturday and had it repeated
Koriyama on Honshu, the 19th
city, was on Saturday's list but not
* * *
POW Camps
Protect Targets
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 31-The State
Department said tonight that despite
repeated American protests, the Jap-
anese persist in trying to protect
target areas from bombing by locat-
ing war prisoners' camps nearby.
Denouncing this practice anew, the
department issued a statement say-
ing it was seeking to verify a Tokyo.
Radio report that a war prisoners'
camp was hit during the bombing of
Kawasaki July 26, with casualties
to American prisoners.
12 Jap
Minister, Clement Attlee (right) and his foreign secretary, Ernest s
Bevin, walk to a plane near London for departure to attend the Potsdam,
Germany, conference.
Pierre Laval1
Surrenders to
U. Authorities
He Is Immediately
Turned Over To Frenci
By The Associated Press
SALZBURG, Austria, July 31-
Pierre Laval, arch pro-Nazi collab-
orator and No. 2 man in the French
Vichy regime, surrendered to Ameri-
can authorities today after being ex-
pelled from Spain and tonight was
enroute to Innsbruck to be handed
over to French justice.
Wanted as a war criminal by Gen.
Charles De Gaulle, the swarthy for-
mer Chief of Government of the
Vichy State was expected to reach
Innsbruck tonight. With his wife,
Laval was in the custody of Brig.
Gen. John E. Copeland, Assittant
Commanding General of the U.fS.
65th Division.
The pouting fugitive, who sought
refuge in Spain 90 days ago, flew into
Austria with his wife" and two uni-
formed German Luftwaffe fliers this
The party, which took off from
Barcelona at dawn in a speedy Jun-
kers 88 dive bomber, landed on an
airstrip at Horsching, southwest of
Linz. They were immediately arrest-
ed by members of the U. S. 76th
Fighter Squadron.
Laval was sentenced to death in
his absence by a court at Marseille
on October 20, 1944, but a re-trial
probably will be ordered.
To Be Destroyed;
Lobanov Discusses RussowU,
Keniston Talks on Latin America
Russia and the United States are
ever moving closer together by the
inevitable pressure of historical
forces, Prof. Andrew Lobanov-Ros-
tovsky of the history department-
declared in a Postwar Conference
lecture yesterday. f
Answering those who believe a
war between the United States and
the USSR to be inevitable, Prof. Lu-
banov-Rostovsky surveyed the points
of possible friction between Russia
and the United States.
The psychological danger of mu-
tual distrust, half truths, loose think-
ing and lack of knowledge, according
to Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky, is per-
haps the realest danger of all. Bet-
ter knowledge of Ru sia by the Unit-
ed States and better knowledge of
the United States by Russia, he as-
serted, would best alleviate this dan-
The people of both countries, he
stressed, must be brought to realize
that the history of Russia and that
of the United States are different
and that the two cannot be com-
pared as though they had similar
Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky crossed
off territorial clashes as a possible
cause fcr war between the United
States and Russia. Neither did he
see any reason to expect economic
conflict, declaring that Russia, is
about a generation behind the
United States in industrial devel-
erment. Rr ssia, in fact, will be
one of the best customers of the
United States and neither custo-
mer nor salesman will find it prof-
itable to fight the other,
Stressing the improbability of
Russia's converting her spheres of
influence to Communism, Prof. Le-
banov-Rostovsky &aw no great men-
ace in this quarter either.
"Our goal in Latin America must
be the creation of a public opinion
everywhere that has faith in the
ideals of human freedom, human
dignity and human opportunity,"
Dean Hayward Keniston of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, said yesterday in the fourteenth
lecture in the Postwar Conference
Exploitation Causes Ill Will
The exploitation of the natural
resources by foreign investors has
given rise to the resentment and ill-
will on the part of the average Latin
American, Dean Keniston stated. The
successful solution of the issues
raised by Mexico's confiscation of
the oil rights, without recourse to
violent measures, points the way to
the future, he continued.
Tracing the historical relations of
the United States with Latin Ameri-
ca, Dean Keniston said that Wood-
row Wilson was the first American
to define clearly the basis of a fu-
ture understanding with Latin Amer-
ica. Franklin Roosevelt found a fit-
ting term to describe the new trend
when he announced the policy of the
"Good Neighbor". Roosevelt became
the symbol in Latin America for the
common ideas of freedom and he left
a heritage of goodwill, Dean Keniston
Geod Neighbor Policy
The policy of non-intervention in
the Latin American republics is the
very foundation of the "Good Neigh-
bor" policy, Dean Keniston contin-
ued, and our cultural ties should be
strengthened and encouraged. Inter-
Americanism is only one aspect of
the growing internationalism.
Kendall ells of
Low Countries
The low countries and the United
States will be in conflict as long as
the United States considers the Neth-
erlands and Belgium as 'small na-
tions,' and insists upon the breaking
up of empires and cartels, both of
which are necessary to these coun-
tries, according to Henry M. Kendall,
associate professor of geography at
Amherst college.
Discussing the "Problems in the
Relations of the United States and the
Low Countries" yesterday, Prof. Ken-
dall claimed that if the United States
persisted in its attitude that empires
should be placed under trusteeships,
it would run head on to the fact that
these two nations, controling large
areas, insist they be left alone.
Speak Now Or*.
The following is an excerpt from
a letter sent the University Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information by the Millington,
Mich. superintendent of schools:
"Two of our teachers have de-
cided to get married. If you know
of anyone that feels as if they
could postpone a marriage con-
tract until June, 1946, please men-
tion the name of Millington. We
are offering $1,900.
"Of course we could use a com-
mercial teacher nicely. By the way.
our janitor plans to stay with us
another year."
Four Convicted
At Hooper Trial
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., July 31(/P)
In what Special Prosecutor Kim Sig-
ler termed "an opening wedge to the
solution of the Hooper murder," a
jury of five women and seven men
Tuesday convicted all four defend-
ants charged with conspiracy to mur-
der the late State Senator Warren
G. Hooper of Albion.
All were immediately sentenced by
Judge Blaine W. Hatch to serve not
less than four and one half nor more
than five years in prison. The four
were released after furnishing new
bail of $15,000 each pending a motion
for a new trial
After only two hours of delibera-
tion the jury's verdict was read in a
courtroom packed with . spectators.
The four defendants, Harry Fleisher
and Mike Selik, whom State Police
say are former member sof the Pur-
ple Gang; Pete Mahoney, reputed
small time Detroit gambler, and Sam
Fleisher, brother of Harry, stood fac-
ing the jury when the verdict was
Latourette Sees
*e *e
Christian Unity
"Although cooperation between ex-
isting religious organizations, Christ-
ian and non-Christian, is unlikely-
world-wide cooperation among
Christians is not only possible but is
actually in progress and is growing,"
said Kenneth S. Latourette, professor
GUAM, Wednesday, Aug. 1-P)-
Raids on Japan "soon by 1,200 Sup-
erforts carrying nearly 8,000 tons of
bombs were predicted today by Lt.
Gen. Barney M. Giles, who said step-
ped up attacks will continue "until
the war lords are forced to uncondi-
tional surrender."
Swinton, '41
Returns Home
Stan Swinton, a 1941 graduate of
the University and son of Prof. Roy
S. Swinton of the engineering me-
chanics department, returned to Ann
Arbor last weekend with an honor-
able discharge after four and a half
years of Army service.
Stan, who was city editor of the
Daily in 1940-41, was the first Amer-
ican reporter to see Mussolini's body
after the Duce's assassination. As
Stars and Stripes correspondent in
the Mediterranean theatre, Stan cov-
ered the Italian campaign and the
invasion of southern France and
worked with Pat Conger, United
Press correspondent and a close
friend of Stan's at school. Pat is the
son of Mrs. Lucile Conger, executive
secretary of the Alumnae Council of
Alumni Association.
Saw Schussnig, Blum
Stan was also present when Kurt
Schussnig, Austrian chancellor, Pas-
tor Martin Niemoeller, Leon Blum
and Hjalmar Schacht were released
by Allied troops at the Lago di Braes
internment camp in northern Italy.
One of his son's escapades is told
by Prof. Swinton. Stan and a fel-
low correspondent, travelling in a
jeep, joined a convoy of trucks filled
with Germans. The two rode along
the line for some time, and then, no-
ticing that the drivers were also Ger-
mans, they hurried up to the head
of the convoy.
'We Aren't Prisoners'
Asked where-the guards were, the
truck-driver at the head answered,
"Oh, we aren't prisoners." He re-
quested to be directed to an Ameri-
can officer in order to surrender.
Stan led the line of 32 trucks of Ger-
mans into camp, where they surren-
Stan's homecoming reunited the
Swinton family. Prof. and Mrs.
Swinton returned from Santo Tomas
prison camp in May.
Alvarez Will Speak to
Q...±L. C' ! _. TTI -
Chaiken Will Star in 'Quality Street'
Today The University Summer
Session Band, under the
direction of William Re-
velli, will present a con-
cert at 8:30 p. in., EWT,
(7:30 p. m. CWT) in Hill
Today "Quality Street," will be
presentedby the Michi-
gan Repertory Players at
8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Today George Kiss of the geog-
raphy department will
discuss "Problems in the
Relations of the United
Miss Annette Chaikin has one of
the leading roles in "Quality Street,"
the Michigan Repertory Players'
third presentation of the summer
season, which opens at 8:30 p. m.
EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) today
through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Miss Chaikin appeared last in
"Blithe Spirit," the first play pre-
sented by the Players of the Summer
Session, in the role of a mischievous
ghost. In Sir James Barrie's classic
she portrays Miss Susan Throssel,
one of the well-disciplined old maids.
der, George Hale. Ruth Branscom,
Byron Mitchell, Elizabeth Kneeland,
Louis Calfin, Zoe Motter, Linda Lof-
berg, Sigrid Asmus, George Sparrow,
Rodney Cook andJackMarshall com-
plete the cast.
The play is under the direction of
Mrs. Claribel Baird, professor of
speech at Oklahoma College for
Women, and a guest teacher of the
speech department for the summer
session. Ann Arbor audiences will
remember Mrs. Baird in her role of
the medium in "Blithe Spirit."