AE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1945 %OE SIX SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1945 ULTIMATUM TO JAPS Allies Give Specific Terms By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Associated Press News Analyst The outstanding fact of the war with Japan now is that Tokyo's war leaders have before them the Pots- dam surrender ultimatum stating in specific terms what "unconditional surrender" will mean for Japan when it comes. And come it will, soon or late. Even the most fanatical Japa- nese militarist cannot conceivably doubt that. A World Judgment In effect the Churchill-Chiang Kai- Shek-Truman document is a United Student Plays To ie ,Of fere d WJR To Broadcast Quartet Hymns Today Student-written plays to be pre- sented over station WKAR, East Lansing, this week include "Coinci- dence," by Dan W. Mullin, at 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30 p. m. CWT) Tues- day and "The People in the Valley" by Mary Jordan, at the same time on Friday. "Hymns of Freedom," a quartet directed by Prof. Arthur Hackett with hymn commentary and back- ground by Dr. Donald E. Hargis, will be broadcast at 9:15 a. m. EWT (8:15 a. m. CWT) today over WJR. Rev. Blakeman To Speak Rev. Edward W. Blakeman, Stu- dent Religious Counselor, will dis- cuss "The Jewish Religion and Post- war Adjustment" in the second of three programs on that topic at 2:45 p. m. EWT (1:45 p. m. CWT) Wed- nesday over the same station. A student roundtable discussion on "Military Conscription of 18-Year -Olds" will be conducted by Prof. Crocker at 2:30 p.n., EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) Tuesday over local sta- tion WPAG. Preparation for College Another program announced by the University Broadcasting Service for this week is a discussion. "Should All High School Students Be Pre- pared for College?" by Edward C. Kelley, visiting faculty member of the educational school, at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT) Monday over WKAR. He will be followed by the Inter- national Center program, in which Joyce Siegan will interview Betty Chen and Herman Yueh, Chinese students here, at 2:45 p. m. EWT 1:45 p. m. CWT) Monday. "Stump the Professor," with Dr. Donald E. Hargis, acting director of the Broadcasting panel, will be giv- en at 2 p. m. EWT (1 p. r. CWT) Saturday on the same station. It will include Dr. Randolph Adams, di- rector of Clements Library, George Kiss of the geography department, Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School of Music, and Prof. A. R. Harris of the Department of English. #tichiyarh #t ,lt far EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributions to this column should be addressed to Michigan Men at War, The Michigan Daily, Stu- dent Publications Building. Cited for meritorious service in connection with military operations against the enemy, Lieutenant Colo- nel GUY H. GOWEN, Medical Sec- tion of the Seventh Army in Ger- many, was recently awarded the Bronze Star Bedal. Gol. Gowen is a member of the faculty of the School of Public Health at the University. Another recent recipient of the Bronze Star Medal was Special Government Agent WILLIAM K. JACWSON, who received the award for meritorious achievement in con- nection with air force units throughout the Mediterranean Theatre over a sustained period from February, 1943 to June, 1945. Mr. Jackson, who began service with the Armed forces in 1942, now serves with the Counter-Intelligence Corps of the 12th AAF in Italy. He graduated from the University Law School with Doctor of Jurisprudence and Bachelor of Arts degrees. * * * Ensigns RICHARD H. FREE- MAN and LEWIS NEILSON, both of whom attended the University, have reported to the Officers' School at Norfolk, Va., to receive a course of instruction for duties aboard a destroyer of the Atlantic Fleet. When the 321st B-25 Mitchell Bomb Group of the 12th Air Force in Italy was presented its second War De-, partrment'citation, the highest honor attainable by a combat unit, Second Lieutenant PAUL Z. HIGBY, a bom- bardier with the group, shared in its honor. The 321st, one of the oldest bomb groups overseas, received the citation for an attack against shipping in Toulon Harbor three days following Nations pronouncement, an expres- sion of world judgment upon Japan. It cannot be otherwise construed in Tokyo. As to when or how any Japanese government answer will be forthcom- ing one guess is as good as another. There is a time factor involved in the war beyond the Pacific that runs in Japanese favor in so far as it allows a considerable interval before the full weight of Allied attack on Japan and Chinese assaults on the mainland is apt to develop. Weather Conditions Poor Weather conditions in the Pacific and the East China Sea will not be at their best for the massive amphi- bious operations in preparation against Japan until after the year's end, through January and April. April weather is also the war season in most of China due to weather con- ditions. And on April 25 next the Russo-Japanese five-year peace-pact definitely expires. It was formerly denounced by Moscow last April as required by its terms to avert auto- matic renewal for another five years and because Japan was making war on Russia's allies. Still another element in the situ- ation tending to allow Japan time for reffection over her plight before the final Allied assaults to crush her, with or without Russian participa- tion, are launched is the Anglo-Amer- ican redeployment from Europe for that purpose. It is definitely ahead of schedule so far as the United States is concerned but still far from complete. There is much to indicate that British mustering in the South- east Asia Command Theater is also well advanced but there, too, wet monsoon weather is certain to re-~ strict major activities until late Octo- ber or November. Invasion Preliminaries It is clear that the air and Naval preliminaries to invasion of Japan's home islands are to pro- ceed relentlessly and on an in- creasing scale by air regardless of the typhoon season in that theater. It is also clearhthat the Chungkink gov- ernment has planned sustained and cumulativegroundnattacks in Central China backed by expanding Allied air power as a prelude to the final mainland victory effort. First formidable American air for- ays against Japanese deployments in Northern China have already come from the west. Okinawa based Army medium bombers have attacked Shanghai airfields twice within the last week. That is due for expan- sion to strategic battering by B-29s at Japanese war -potentials in all Northern China and Manchuria when General Doolittle's redeployed and equipped 8th Airforce also goes into action from Okinawa. Fritz Crisler To Lecture On Athletic Experiences "Experiences in' Athletics" will be the subject of a talk by Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler, athletic director, at a meeting of the Men's Education Club at 7:15 p. m. EWT (6:15 CWT) tomorrow in the Michigan Union. Preceding the meeting members will meet for dinner at 5:45 p. m. EWT (4:45 p. m. CWT) in the Uni- versity Club Dining Room. MRS. ROOSEVELT GETS STAMP HONORING FDR-Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of the late president, receives the first sheet of the new one-cent Roosevelt memorial stamps from Postmaster General Robert Hannegan at ceremonies at the post office in Hyde Par!:, N. Y. L. to R. are: Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt, Joseph J. Lawlor, third assistant postmaster general, Hannegan, and Brig. Gen. Elliot Roosevelt, the late president's son. INTIMATE OF PRESIDENTS: Kirke Simpson, AP Veteran, Retires After 38 Years WASHINGTON, July 28-(R')-The young reporter's ear hurt. As he lay in his berth, speeding across the Arizona desert, it seemed that he would never get to the next stop and a doctor. Suddenly the curtains rustled, and a high-pitched voice said: "Mr. Simp- son! Mrs. Roosevelt wants you to try this oil in your ear." Kirke Simpson-Simpson of the AP-took the little bottle from the hand of Theodore Roosevelt. The medicine helped. Next day a doctor lanced an infection. TR's lecture tour rolled on. It was 1911. Kirke Simpson had U. . Rubber Co. Strikers Return By The Associated Press DETROIT, July 28-A majority of the 6,000 employes of the United States Rubber Company have voted to end a twoweeks strike at the com- pany's local plant but less than half the normal day shift of 2,800 reported for work yesterday. The'strike which followed the dis- missal of 12 workers at the request of Local 101, United Rubber Workers (CIO), developed into a factional dis- pute and the setting up of a picket line by supporters of the 12 workers accused by Local 101 of Anti-Union activities. The strike has tied up production of tires for planes needed in the of- fensive against Japan, according to Army Air Forces officers, who in ad- dresses at Union meetings and through the use of Army trucks equip- ped with loud speakers at the plant have urged the strikers to return to their jobs. Management representatives said today they did not know whether to expect a full crew at work on to- morrow. been an AP man for three years. He has been one ever since-the inti- mate of presidents, of many another great and near-great, but always a real pal to every newspaper man. Now, after 37 years with the AP, he is retiring. Monday he will write his daily morning paper war column for the last time and turn it over to other hands. Friday evening his fel- low AP men and women will entertain him at a small party. Later he and Mrs. Simpson will head west for their old home in San Francisco. Simpson joined the AP there in 1908, but he started his newspaper career as editor of the Daily Sun in the gold town of Tonopah, Nev. One day he found a bundle of dy- namite lying against the outside wall of the frame newspaper office. It was just opposite his desk. Sup- posedly it had been placed there by the faction the paper was opposing in a labor dispute. The fuse, provi- dentially, had charred out. Before Tonopah, Simpson served as a bugler in the Spanish-American war. He tells a little story about it. His regiment was poking its way through Manila. Sixteen-year-old Simpson, carrying his trumpet and a pistol, spotted a Spanish sniper. Quick as a wink he hauled out his shooting iron. "But just as I got him in my sights," he recalls, "I weakened. I couldn't shoot him. I had to call on one of the men to handle him." Army Nurses To Be Shifted Nearly Half in Europe Seek Overseas Duty By The Associated Press PARIS, July 28-A redeployment program for United States Army nur- ses was announced today by the Army Chief Surgeon who said that more than 40 per cent of the 17,948 now in the European theater had volunteered for further overseas ser- vice. The program, designed to shift nur- ses and not to discharge them, is based on a critical score of 70 points for assignment to service in the Unit- ed States. Some May Return to U. S. Preference for return to the Unit- ed States, in addition to the point score, will be based on whether the nurses are married and have hus- bands in the United States, and on physical condition. Of the Army nurses now in Europe, 2,800 have volunteered to go directly to the Pacific, 2,500 more to go to the Pacific via the United States, and 1,300 to continue serving in the Army of Occupation in Europe. Nurses Sent to Pacific More than 1,000 nurses were re- deployed to the Pacific in June. Unmarried nurses with scores of between 55 and 70 points will be plac- ed in Army of Occupation hospitals, or redeployed to the Pacific via the United States. Unmarriedsnurses with scores of less than 55 points will be sent di- rectly to the Pacific, or placed in oc- cupation Army hospitals in Europe. EDUCATION SCHOOL NEWS The following is the schedule of M. Ligon, Professor of Religious Edu- lectures to be given at 3:05 p.m. EWT cation, Union College, will be given (2:05 p.m. CWT) in the University Tuesday with Prof. Howard Y. Mc- High School auditorium this week: Clusky presiding as chairman; "The "The Postwar Outlook for Physical Significance and Formation of Evalu- Education" by Prof. Elmer D. Mitch- ative Attitudes" also by Prof. Ligon, ell of the Physical Education depart- Wednesday with Prof. Willard C. ment, Monday; "The Development of Olson of the School of Education pre- Guidance Programs through In-Serv- siding: "Securing a Better Position" ice Training of Teachers" by Marie by T. Luther Purdom, Director of the Skodak, Director of the Flint Guid- University Placement Service, Thurs- ance Center, Tuesday; "Educational day. Problems of Slow Growing Children" * * * by Prof. Byron Hughes of the educa- .1 tion school, Wednesday; "Adjusting Edu at r To Personnel Services to Changing Ex- Speech periencesofYu" by James M.M- S e k o l Callister, Registrar and Personnel Di- T rector of Herzl Junior College, Thurs- day; "Trends in Religious Education" prof. Schorling Tells by Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education, Friday. Need for Cooperation iEducation "If the people accept compulsory The weekly Women in Eucatnmilitary training, then we are vitally luncheon will be held from 11:45 to concerned that the fine cooperation 1 p.m. EWT (10:45 to noon CWT) that has been achieved between mil- Wednesday in the Russian Tea Room itary and education shall not be lost," of the Michigan League. Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the School * * * Iof Education said in speaking to an Phi Delta Kappa will meetat 7:30 education conference Friday on the p.m. EWT (6:30 p.m. CWT) Tuesday tour he directed of 26 Michigan edu- in the West Council Room of the cators through 17 military installa- Rackham Building. Prof. C. Lester tions in the East. Anderson will be the speaker, and The educators who returned to refreshments will be served. Members Ann Arbor this week after a month are requested to attend, trip have gained "a wider contact * * * with the military training programs Dean James B. Edmonson, Prof. than other groups have had or are Clifford Woody, and other members likely to have," said. of the School of Education faculty Referring to military instructors, will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. EWT Prof. Schorling said they believe (6:30 p.m. CWT) Monday in the lec- themselves now more effective teach- ture amphitheatre. of the Rackham ers than previously. They paid tri- Building for candidates for doctorate bute to civilian educators, to those in education. converted into military teachers, and The program will consist of an to such reasons as good materials illustrated lecture entitled "The Citi- and almost constant supervision for zenship Project of Detroit." Dr. Stan- that. ley Dimond, director of the Civil Edu- The final report of this tour will cation Study of Detroit, will deliver be published in the fall by the De- the lecture. Prof. Woody will explain partment of Public Instruction. the plans for a citizenship study he will direct with funds provided by Siam Alpha Mu Elect the state chapter of the DAR. A re- ~m lh uEet ception will close the evening. Summer Term Officers Three lectures will be given at 4 Sigma Alpha Mu officers for the p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) this week in summer term are Henry B. Keiser, the University High School audito- Prior. Bernard Meislin, Recorder, and rium. "The Personal Equation-Why Seymour Lichter, Pledge Master, the We Behave as We Do" by Prof. Ernest fraternity announced. Sigma Alpha Mu's pledge class for this term was also announced. In- cluded are David Miller, Stewart New- BUY MORE BONDS blatt, Edgar Simons, Alan Leese, Sheridan Winkleman, Jerry Milstein, -__Daniel Tannenbaum and Morris Kob- -lenz .p -I. ilk, ,,t 1~ . COSMETIC STOCKING TRIUMPH IN LEG MAKEUP For really beautiful legs --Alexandra de Markoff's Cosmetic Stocking, that creamy liquid film that sim- ulates the sheerest, silkiest hose! It applies quickly and evenly, scoffs at raindrops, and simply will not rub off. Try either Light Sheer or Dark Sheer for that lovely smooth, shapely look. 6 ounce bottle, $1. COMPLETE SELECTION - Our stocks include other fine brands including DuBarry, Mexitan, Marie Earle, and Dorothy Gray. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN. A small deposit will hold your purchase. \ti C HA 4 BSummer 's Prettiest Playgirl::, -.9- /7 1 9 PRETTY AND PRACTICAL at July Clearance. Sale Prices! Brighten up with these lovely, soft, fluffy, string rugs or terry Mats. They are charming and very practical and cone in new ( I I Kbij y COTTON and Spun Rayon Dresses - $7.00' and $10.00. White Sharkskin tailored dress - $6.00. Smooth Slacks -$7.00 I III y. , r:" : - f. sq:1 ;; _" .. ; y r.4''.,/. , . that double for dresses - $7.00 and $10.00. Gretta Plating's Cot- ton Dirndl Skirt and [Drawstring Blouse - I $5.00 each. Tricky Shorts and Shorts and Bra in sets or separ- ates. / 111 I