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July 29, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-29

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Britain Moves Forward, to Left



- a.



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Managing Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* * . * Associate Editor
. .' . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited 'in this newspaper. All rights of re-
.publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
..Entered at the Post.Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter. -
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rer, $4.50, by mail, $5.25,
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Campus Election
CAMPUS ELECTION "scandals" are an old
story at Michigan. Almost every year there
has been some flare-up over the handling of the
Generally these tempests in the campus tea'
pot Jiave come as the result of specific charg-
es of stuffing the ballot boxes or loitering too
near the polls. This time there is nothing very
specific about any of the charges-just gen-
eral unrest. There have been some charges of
deliberate cheating, but they are all of a neb-
ulous character.
Robert B. Dunlap, a fraternity brother of the
three men who "won" Friday's Union vice-presi-
dential election, has written us a letter defend-
ing their position. We think his points are. well
taken and print his letter below:
* * *
TO THE EDITOR: "I think that there are
several points which should be made clear con-
cerning the recent election call-off.
"First of all I believe it should be made pub-
lie that the winners of the vice-president's
election were: Thomas Heaton of the Literary
College, Henry Fonde of the Engineering Col-
lege and Edward Miquelon of the Combined
"All of these men won their election without
question. The votes were decidedly in favor of
these candidates and none of the losing men
were close enough to cause any doubt about the
"The cause of calling the election off centered
mainly around the fact that several students
have reported excess casting of ballots, or "stuff-
ing". The rumors or complaints which influ-
enced the action of the Men's Judiciary Council
reported that certain students had voted several
times for one particular candidate.
"What I should like to make clear is that these
rumors all mentioned that the excess votes had
been cast for one of the losing candidates. Not
one story asserted that there was any "stuffing"
for any of the winning men whosoever. In other
words, as far as these stories go, and they are
what influenced the action of the Judiciary
Council almost completely, there was nothing
wrong with any of the votes cast for the winning
"There were also complaints that not all of
the ballots were stamped, hence were disquali-
fied. Of course, this was the fault of the men at
the polls. But after the tabulation of returns
was made these disqualified ballots were counted
and it was found that there was absolutely no
difference in the results.
"The reason I am asking to have these facts
made known to all students is that as things
stand now, it appears that the winners were the
ones who performed the illegal acts in the elec-
tion. This is not fair to them, and the people
who must vote again next Friday should know
that these men who have already won the elec-
tion are completely innocent of any of the mal-
practices which went on during the election.
"I realize that it is the duty of Men's Judi-
ciary Council to re-run the election because of
the fact that there WERE election malprac-
tices. But I also know that it is only fair to
the winning candidates to have any shadow
of suspicion removed from them.
"The facts put forthherein may be verified
by any members of the Men's Judiciary Council.
(Signed) Robert B. Dunlap."
m a

Thus'we are faced with the prospect of an-
other election on Friday. No one is guilty spe-
ciflcally yet, in a sense, everyone is guilty. Stu-
dents are guilty of not being sufficiently familiar
with the election rules to see that their ballots
were not mishandled. The Judiciary Council is

NOTES on the British Elections: 1. Some
piffling attempts may be made here to panic
American opinion on the basis of the British
elections. We will be told that the world is going
Communist; that the entire planet, except our
acre, is now a wilderness of leftism. Our isola-
tionists, who once affected to disdain the United
Kingdom for its knee breeches and silver buckles,
will spurn it again, but this time as a raffish
commonwealth of unwholesomely advanced ideas.
2. But a man is known by the company in
which he mourns. The gloomsters here should
read the dispatches telling of the tears shed
in the smart cafes of Madrid when the news
of the Labor victory reached Spain. It is indeed
well to choose carefully the friends with whom
one cries.
3. Britain has not gone Communist. In the
triumph of victory, we may forget that there is
sometimes an accounting to be rendered for the
pains of war. The Conservative party came to
power before Hitler ,did, and though it fought
him finally, it fed him first. Heroism is a fine
thing, but it is not good to get one's country into
a fix in which quite so much heroism is needed
to get it out again; and many a Briton has
carried this grudge against the Tories in his
Films to Germany
WASHINGTON - Hollywood producers are
champing at the bit as the Army and OWI
continue to ban the showing of American feature
films in American-occupied Germany.
On the theory that "we're not out to enter-
tain the Germans," OWI chief Elmer Davis has
made it plain that it may be some time yet
before entertainment films are permitted into
our military zone.
Hollywood magnates, on the other hand, want
to begin building up the foreign demand for their
films as soon as possible. Also, they argue, prop-
aganda disguised as entertainment is far more
effective than regular propaganda films. Spokes-
man for Hollywood has been Twentieth-Century
Fox wizard Darryl Zanuck, who insists that well-
selected Hollywood features are needed in Ger-
many to supplement the documentary films and
other shorter subjects distributed by OWl.
Zanuck says a steady diet of these "govern-
ment" films is too heavy, and that if they are
bored, the Germans won't learn anything no
matter how many pictures they see. On the
other hand, he argues, they will really learn
about this country and our ideals from Holly-
wood's regular commercial product.
,arly in June, Zanuck discussed his ideas with
President Truman and the State Department,
telling them that Hollywood is prepared not only
to send films to Germany, but also to make
special sequences for showing only in Germany.
Commercial producers, he said, would be glad
to shoot special sections to add to the films
Americans see or even to be substituted in part
for the films seen by domestic audiences.
Since then, Zanuck has been in Europe, where
he was asked by the State Department to record
his observations on film use in Germany. He is
expected to report soon.
Meanwhile - and this is not making Holly-
wood any happier - the Russians are sending
entertainment films into Germany. Nearly all
these films are specially adapted to carry an
anti-Nazi message. But the Russians are clever
enough to know that their film propaganda
will be effective only if they present programs
the Germans want to see. For that reason
they are screening a number of the best attrac-
tions produced for Russian audiences during
the last several years.
The Germans have been screamed at by Hitler
for so long that they are supercritical. Anxious
as they are to see movies, they won't swallow
out-and-out propaganda films.
Jap Resistance Dwindles . .
1ERE are some of the factors which are almost
certain to increase Japanese peace feelers
until an official formal surrender proposal comes
1. If, as the Japs believe, Stalin pledges Rus-
sian participation in the war against them, they
must continue to strengthen their forces in Man-
chukuo at the expense of Jap armies throughout

the Asiatic mainland and even Japan itself.
2. Meanwhile, Japan faces a major famine,
with its potato and vegetable crops extremely
poor, almost no fishing possible even in home
waters because of Allied air and naval units,
and food shipments from the Chinese main-
land constantly being smashed up by U.S.
China-based aircraft. The Jap government is
coming in for much criticism because it has
concentrated its efforts on telling people to eat
less rather than on raising more.
3. The Jap fleet, which continues in hiding,
finds itself faced by the overwhelming naval
strength of two powers rather than just one. It
has been afraid of the American navy for nearly
a year now. Today, powerful British naval forces
are cooperating with the Americans in bold
attacks which look very much like pre-invasion
All this time the Japs appear to be concentrat-
ing on one thing only - fighter planes. They
are hoarding these planes for the day of actual
invasion. Also fighter-plane production has been
given priority over all other Japanese manufac-
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

belly, beneath the uncomplaining surface of his
participation in the war.
4. With the war in Europe over, the Tories
have shown an almost fanatical desire to get
back to something like the conditions which
brought the war on in the first place. They
have not been anxious to dismantle German
industry, or to try German war criminals; they
have shown themselves the friends of the
friends of fascism, in Spain and Italy and
Greece; and it is not enough to hate fascism
if one does not also hate fascists. 'The Tories
have tried to resell the past, and the British
voters have listened to their story and rejected
it as a twice-told tale. They don't want to
have to be heroes again because somebody was
5. The change means that none of the Big
Three is now in the hands of a reactionary gov-
ernment. That is a startling fact; it will take
weeks and months to absorb its full meaning.
But we may say now that, in a sense, the British
elections ratify the doctrine that the Big Three
shall proceed by agreement. Agreement should be
more easily possible now, for, while the Labor
party is strongly anti-Communist, it will not
consider that every Italian who wants butter on
his bread is an agent of Stalin and a foe of
western civilization. It will not try to prop up
odd little kings as the knock-kneed Atlases of
the brave new world.
6. The effect within the Empire may be con-
siderable. One point is that Australia, New Zea-
land and the mother country all have Labor
governments. An increase of sympathy among
the parts of the Empire on this basis would be
an unexpected development, but it is a foresee-
able one. Another point is that British industry
has never been a real mass production industry
except in limited fields, and largely for export.
7. There is a reasonable hope, therefore, that
the world will survive this election, and may,
in fact, be bettered by it. I base this on the
theory that the majority usually knows what
is best, a thought which has occurred to me
out of nowhere.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
Domninic Sas
"HERE IS A QUALITY of existence which lies
always beyond the mere fact of life and
religion is the direct apprehension of it." Thus
speaks Alfred N. Whitehead, that noble English-
American scholar, known there as a mathema-
tician and among us as a philosopher. He was
thinking of those deeper insights on which some
men draw in times like these, times when even a
partial peace is as sweet compared with the cruel
prosecution of a world war, that one finds every
effort futile but prayer and then must use a
faith devoid of words, a yearning to "touch the
face of God" as that young American flier, John
Mac Gee wrote. Today we are in such a time.
Winston Churchill, the immortal defender, is
defeated. The sweating workers and the fight-
ing Tommies have voted for a different world.
The men, who responded heroically to his call
in 1939 and in 1940 went forth to hait tyranny
as one man against might well equipped, have
set aside that great leader. Here is pathos, the
fact of life seems inexplicable, except when
man can by prayer directly apprehend the
immortal quality of existence back of it all.
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT is dead. Standing
forth as early as 1937 to advocate the quaran-
tine of national pirates he could defy his malady,
live to make the Four Freedoms vivid by such a
mobilizing as the imagination a decade before
would not have grasped, could stand against
physical suffering, strike alliances with remote
nations abroad and rival parties at home to cross
the wilderness or world war and reach Kedesh
Barnea, as another Moses, but could not live to.
enter the promised land of fifty nations in a
charted peace. Here is the fact of life falling
meaningless at our feet, as if to mock the millions
of our men who fought in behalf of the free-
doms he clarified, unless, with Alfred N. White-
head, we can reach up to a quality of existence
just beyond. It is by that direct apprehension,
alone, that our experience can become a satisfac-
The author of One World walked for a few

short years among us in this middle-west, this
home of isolationism, racial discord, corn fed
security, business acumen, and irresponsibility;
but he has passed. Wendell Willkie, on first
appearance could charm a jaded convention, and
cut across party lines to arrest the impending
danger of Nazism and Racism. He could cross
Russia, and China, with rare insight to become a
telescope through which the millions may more
plainly view distant aspects of a world culture,
but he could not a second time get a place on
that convention platform. Again, here is a social
phenomenon for Whitehead to penetrate. He
says "We live in a common world of mutual
adjustment, of interest concentrated on self, of
vision directed beyond the self, of short-time
and long-time failures or successes, of different
layers of feeling, of life-weariness and life-zest."
(Religion In The Making, p. 80)
To have an immediate apprehension of the
purposeful and compassionate God in whom
we live and move and have being is to be a
person adequate for our age.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

By Irv Stahl
AN ITEM among the current crop
of recordings which should inter-
est jazz listeners is Coleman Hawk-
ins' waxing of "It's The Talk Of The
Town" and "Stuffy" on Capitol. The
former side showcases the great
tenor man's very slow, relaxed, weav-
ing improvisation on an old jazz
standard, while "Stuffy", a sharp,
gutty riff tune, features Hawkins'
throaty, forceful horn.
"Lover Man" and "That Ole
Devil Called Love" by Billie Hol-
iday on Decca is interesting only
for the first side, which exhibits
the delicate, dragged phrasing of
the Negro vocalist in one of her
finest recordings, despite the dis-
tracting, string orchestra back-
ground. "Tabu" and "Bedford
Drive" by Artie Shaw's Orchestra
on Victor are above-average exam-
ples of big band jazz.
The former opens with a too-typ-
ical Shaw clarinet solo, and is fol-
lowed by clean, rhythmic sax en-
semble, with successive trumpet, sax
and trombone solos finishing out the
record. "Bedford Drive" is a riff
tune which shows how tasty and
meaningful ensemble work can be,
and displays the drive of Shaw's,
brass section.
The new Art Tatum Trio album on'
Asch is unexciting, slow and empty.
Tatum sounds little inspired, and his
venture in boogie on one of the four
sides is stiff and meaningless. Sup-
port from guitarist Tiny Grimes isn't
supporting, and Slam Stewart's now1
hackneyed bass bowings are rep-
etitious and unsuggestive.
John Kirby's revamped unit (now
seven instead of six men) does not
measure up to the former, exciting
little 'band in its recent album for
Asch. The septet is too closely-
knit and restrained, with emphasis
on idea-less ensemble work, in con-
trast with the old Kirby band of
spontaneity and inspired solos and
section work. Except for theleader,
Buster Bailey is the only holdove'
from the old unit, and while he is
still one of the mainstays of the
band, his clarinet work is less excit-
ing than formerly.
The best disc among the four is
"K. C. Caboose" and "J. K. Spec-
ial", the latter side displaying 'the
versitile pianistics of Rodger Ruo-
mirez, which, though quite listen-
able, are far from the stimulating
individualistic solos of Billy Kyle,
former Kirby pianist. Unfortunate-
ly, the best moments of the album
are the fewest, as Emmett Berry's
thrilling trumpet work comes in
for only a few bars on several of
these Kirby recordings.
WE HAVE always felt that poli-
ticians and government went
hand-in-pocket, so to speak. It was
only the other day, however, that we
read in our favorite campus news-
paper what the government of Dear-
born had done to inject a little life
into what had previously been a
rather dull political scene. Every
time the mayor tried to talk, some-
one was standing ready to stuff an
ordinance in his mouth.
It seems the ordinance stopped
the mayor from saying much of
anything. Some people will do any-
thing for a "gag." The gag, good
for one or two laughs, was repealed,

and the mayor is now free to throw
his voice around as he sees fit.
PERHAPS misunderstandings be-
tween the politicos and the people
could be avoided if the two groups
knew more about each other. In our
own case, the only politician we have
ever known lived in Louisiana. He
became interested in Louisiana pol-
itics at the age of forty, and for many
years he was a faithful servant of
the people. He was, in fact, the
finest politician that money could
buy. In '34 he ran for sheriff; in
'35 he ran for mayor, in '36 for rep-
resentative, and in '37 when Louisi-
ana politics began to blow sky high,
he ran for the border.
His political career would have
ended anyway. They passed a law,
making it mandatory that public
officials take intelligence tests; some-
one is always trying to destroy rep-
resentative government.
* * * '
His life ended rather tragically
only a few months ago, when he
was killed in a "shooting accident."
He was "shooting" for a five, and
it was by accident that they foundr
the dice were loaded. After many
years of stringing the public along,
he himself was strung up.

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 20S
Phi Delta Kappa. Initiation of new
members will be held in the West
Council Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on Tuesday, July 31, at 7:30 p. m.
The address will be given by G. Lester
Anderson, Associate Professor of
Education and Principal of the Uni-
versity High School of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota. Professor Ander-
son will speak on "Horizons of Pro-
fessional Opportunity." Members of
all chapters are cordially invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
The Russky Kruzhok (Russian Cir-
cle) will hold a short social meeting
on Monday, July 30th at 8:15 p. m.
(EWT) in the International Center.
Tea will be served.
Outing Club: The Graduate Outing
Club is sponsoring a bike picnic on
Sunday, July 29 at 2 p. m. (EWT).
Each person is to bring their own
bike and lunch and are to meet at
the back entrance to the Rackham
Building. All faculty, alumni and
friends are cordially invited to at-
The regular meeting of the Out-
ing Club will be held Monday, July
30 at 8:30 p.m. in the Outing Room
of the Rackham Building. Everyone
interested in folk-dancing is urged
to attend.
All Tri Deltas. There will be an
informal get-together of all Tri Delta
actives or graduates who are in school
this summer at the chapter house
718 Tappan, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday.
July 31. Transfers from other chap-
ters and graduate students are espec-
ially invited.
Linguistic Institute. There will be
no lecture Wednesday evening, Aug-
ust 1, in order that members whc
wish may attend the lecture by Dr.
Waldo G. Leland, Director of the
American Council of Learned Soci-
French Club: The fifth meeting of
the Club will take place Thursday:
August 2, at 8 p.m. (EWT) 7 p.m
(CWT) at the Michigan League. Mr
Richard Picard, of the Romanc
language Department will give a tal
entitled: "Hommage a Paul Valry.
Games, group singing, social hour.
Come all for having a good time and
practice your French.
French Tea Tuesday at 4 p.m
(EWT), 3 p.m. (CWT) in the Grill
Room of the Michigan League.
Lecture: "The Postwar Outlook
for Physical Education," Elmer D
Mitchell, Professor of Physical Edu-
cation; auspices of the School of
Education. Monday, 2:05 p.m. CWT
3:05 p.m. (EWT) University Higl
School Auditorium.
Lecture: "The Development of
Guidance Programs through the In-
Service Training of Teachers." Marit
Skodak, Director of the Flint Guid-
ance Center. Tuesday, 2:05 p.m.
(CWT), or 3:05 p.m. (EWT). Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.
Rabbi Leon Fram, Ph. D.-Temple
Israel, Detroit, will lecture upon "At-
titudes Taught In The Jewish Home,"
Sunday at 7 p. m. CWT or 8 p. m.
EWT in Kellogg Auditorium, a Reli-

gious Education Workshop lecture.
Academic Notices
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7
of the Prescribed Curriculum are to
be turned in to Dean Emmons' Of-
fice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not
later than August 4. Report cards
may be obtained from your depart-
mental office.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports on standings of
all civilian Engineering freshmen and
all Navy and Marine students in
Terms,1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib-
ed Curriculum are due August 4. Re-
port blanks will be furnished by cam-
pus mail and are to be returned to
Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255,
W. Eng. Bldg.
Students who intend to take the
Language Examination-for Masters'
degrees in History should sign up in
advance in the History Office, 119
Haven Hall. The examination is tc
be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at
4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall.


Gosh, Mr. O'Malley, Pop had
those old newspapers all tied
innrAm nf

By Crockett Johnson
I I-- ,


4The conversation at the dinner
in your aunt's honor is certain

I must read at least one review
if I'm to be familiar enough with

Why don't you read the book?
There's a copy of it upstairs.

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