0 PAGE TWO THE MICHGAN' AILY SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1945 Clement Atlee Rej ois Truman, Stalin at Potsdam Big Three Resume Work To Finish Document Deciding Fate of Europe k I ,r c t F 1 i f 1 C ,2. C r E 1 IC ifi t C E. By The Associated Press POTSDAM, July 28-Britain's nev Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, re- turned to Potsdam tonight to hell President Truman and Premier Sta- lin draft the final chapters of the historic document upon which the future fate of Europe hinges. With the colorful Winston Church- ill misisng for the first time, the con- ference picked up where it left off Govt. Bureau Sees No Food Relief in Year Survey Report Says Shortages to Continue By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 28-The Bu- reau of Agricultural Economics ad- vised civilians today to expect no sig- nificant relief from food shortages within the next 12 months. In a report on the national food situation, the bureau-which is the Agricultural Department's statistical agency-said such foods as meats, fats and vetetable oils, sugar, cheese, condensed and evaporated milk, poultry, eggs, canned fruits and can- ned vegetables will continue short in relation to demands. Some Shortages May Increase In addition, rice, dry beans, apples. and processed foods using large amounts of sugar and fats and oils may become short, it said. On the other hand, civilian sup- plies of fluid milk, skim milk products, canned fruit juices, many fresh veg- etables and fruits, including citrus fruits, fresh fish, and most grain pro- ducts are expected by the bureau to be fairly plentiful. Listed as the basic food problem of the United States in 1945 was how to distribute an over-all food output one-third greater than in 1935-39 to meet an over-all civilian, military, and export demand approximately one-half greater than the pre-war demand. Distribution Percentages Announced Present plans indicate that the 1945 food supply will be distributed about as follows: U. S. civilians 77 per cent, Armed Forces-including relief feeding by the military-17 per cent, government purchases for lend- lease and civilian relief abroad 4 to 5 per cent, and other commercial ex- ports 1 to 2 per cent. The bureau said over-all supplies of meats for civilians may be a little larger this winter than in recent months, but that most of the seasonal increase in meat production will be taken to meet the needs of the Armed Forces. Threats Force Japs To Fight {I n Philipines MANILA, July 28-()-A former Japanese war correspondent said to- day that iron discipline, backed by harsh decisions of courtmartial, keeps restless, starving Japanese soldiers on the firing line in northern Luzon, where cases of cannibalism have been reported. Information that the Japanese mil- itary police enforce rigid discipline among the isolated enemy troops came from Ken Murayama, an Amer- ican born Japanese who recently sur- rendered. Murayama, who predicted yester- day that Japan would surrender with- in a few weeks, reported cases of mur- der, fights and thievery as starving Japanese fought for food. James Hutcheson, Associated Press war corespondent with the U. S. 38th Division in northern Luzon, reported increasing evidence of cannibalism among isolated Japanese soldiers, al- though possibly on a small scale. His information came from an American patrol just returned from the heart of the rugged Sierra Madre Mount- ains. Yank officers of the patrol, Hut- cheson said, reported one or two JaP- anese surrendered in fear of canni- balism that had befallen others. State Troops Train in Camp GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, July 28- 1 A nnriMAtl l 5 N0Michiaan Nednesday when he flew to London o learn of the nation's crushing re- jection of his government. The new Big Three began immed- iate work on the last phases of the )arley amid the general impression hat it might be concluded early next -veek. Attlee's presence in Potsdam throughout the early part of the meeting enabled him to replace iurchill without a break in the con- uinuity of the discussions. These have overed everything from President Truman's primary objective -vic- ory over Japan - to the future gov- 2rnment of Germany. ince Thursday's ultimatum by the U. S., Britain and China that Japan urrender immediately or be wiped ,sut there has been no further com- ment on how long the Japanese will be given to comply with the stringent Allied terms for surrender. Judge Samuel Rosenman, special counsel to Truman, was disclosed to have been summoned by the Presi- dent, presumably to help him draft a report of the conference to be broad- cast to the American people immed- iately upon his return to Washing- ton. Chinese Retake Kweilin Bases UT. S. Airfields Siezed As Armies Smash On By The Associated Press CHUNGKING, July 28-Chinese troops recaptured the prize air-base city of Kweilin yesterday and seizei its three former American airfields from the Japanese, the Chinese High Command said tonight. The victory ended a savage six-week battle. Kweilin, walled capital of Kwang- si Province, once was the biggest U. S. airbase in SouthCentral China. It had been occupied by the Japanese since last November. Its recapture was the most significant victory in the recent comeback of the Chinese armies. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's veterans smashed into the rubbled streets of Kweilin, 360 miles south- east of Chungking, at 4 p. m., yes- terday. The last Japanese defenders of the city, headquarters said, withdrew to the northwest to escape annihilation. Kweilin, abandoned by the U. S. 14th air force eight months ago, was the third former American air- base recovered in three days by the Chinese, whose current drive rapidly is strengthening American air pow- er on the Asiatic mainland. It also was the ninth airbase recaptured in recent months. Meanwhile, the Chinese also were threatening the vital transcontinen- tal Japanese corridor that links Korea with Canton and Hong Kong. The High Command reported that spearheads were pressing toward the strategic communications center of Hukong, 120 miles north of Canton, on the Canton-Hankow railroad. Tax Cases Are Before Jury WASHINGTON, July 28-()-The Treasury said today "scores of ma- jor cases" against alleged tax chisel- ers are being prepared for early pres- entation to federal grand juries. It made that statement in a report on the Treasury's enforcement activi- ties during the fiscal year which end- ed June 30. Meantime a Treasury spokesman said the often-mentioned tax case against the owner of a New York restaurant chain continues to be de- layed by the discovery of additional evidence. The Treasury has given out details of this investigation from time to time, but never has named the res- taurant owner. The fiscal-year summary just re- leased said that during the year the Bureau recommended for assessment the record amount of $885,000,000 in additional taxes and penalties-of which $700,000,000 represented delin- quencies in income and excess-pro- fits taxes. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORYI NEW HEADACHES FOR MIKADO-Formation of th e B-32 Dominator sunerbombers, the Air Forces newest sky giant, in flight. One of the Major characteristics of the B-32, now rolling off the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation's assembly lines at Ft. Worth, T ex., is its 32-foot tail surface which gives the plane greater stability and maneuverability than any other bomber of comparable size. Battle Looms on Merits of Report General Thinks By, Dethmers on Jackson Prison By The Associated Press LANSING, July 28-A battle over the merits of the John R. Dethmers report on the State Prison of South- ern Michigan loomed as inevitable today even as a second prison in- vestigation in Michigan impended. Suspended officials of the South- ern Michigan institution, which At- torney General Dethmers declared was ridden with malpractices, flayed recommendations in the report which brought about their temporary oust- er and made plain that they would fight its charges. To Conduct Hearings Hearings for the accused group will be conducted by the State Cor- rections Commission on dates yet to be determined. The Dethmers report was made public in four sec- tions this week and seven prison offi- cials had been suspended before the last chapter was released. In the meantime a group of sus- Weekend Bike Trip Planned Hostel Grou Reveals Summer Program A weekend bicycle trip to South Lyon for folk dancing, hiking, canoe- ing or horseback riding, has been planned for Saturday and Sunday by the Ann Arbor Council of the Amer- ican Youth Hostels. Reservations should be made at the local hostel office in Lane Hall ('phone-4121, ext. 2148) by Wed- nesday. Announce Plan for Summer Recently organized at the Univer- sity, the Ann Arbor Council has an- nounced plans for a full summer pro- gram of weekend trips. An all-day round-trp bicycle ride of 30 miles, with swimming at a destination yet to be announced, is planned for Aug- ust 12. The following Sunday, host- elers will hike to a farm four-and- a-half miles from Ann Arbor. An all-day canoe trip on the Huron River, with swimning in the after- noon, is planned for August 26. Three Day Campout The biggest event of all, a campout at Cedar Lake in the Waterloo Rec- reation Area, in cooperation with the Wolverine Hiking Club of Detroit, will be held over the Labor Day week- end, September 1 to 3. Reservations for the campout must be made at the Lane Hall office by August 22. Hiking, swimming and square-danc- ing on Saturday evening are schedul- ed for hostelers, who must each bring a sleeping bag or blankets. Students wishing to participate in or join the Ann Arbor Council aire requested to contact the Lane Hall office to receive an A. Y. H. pass, required of all hostelers. Under the leadership of Prof. How- ard Y. McClusky of the School of Education, the Ann Arbor Council was organized in May as part of the national organization, A. Y. H., an educational, non-profit organization. Throughout the nation, A. Y. H., an educational, non-profit organization. maintains hostel inns under the sup- ervision of resident houseparents. Hostels in this area have already been established at Chelsea, Saline, South Lyon and Mason. Students wishing assistance in planning a trip, who want informa- tion about the A. Y. H., or would like to volunteer their services in plan- ning and leading trips, help make maps, signs and mark trails, assist in the Lane Hall office, edit or illustrate the monthly news-letter, or serve as photographer, are requested to ap- ply at the Council's office Wednes- day. pended officials hailed Lt. Gov. Ver- non J. Brown's announcement that he would name a state senatorial in- vestigating committee next week to study Michigan's whole penology system. The inquiry was authorized by the State Senate last spring. Pettit Anticipates "Vast Good" D. C. Pettit, suspended assistant deputy warden, said at Jackson that "vast good" could come from the new investigation if conducted by "un- biased individuals." Brown said he would name three senators, includ- ing two lawyers, to the committee, which will have powers of subpoena. At the same time Harry H. Jack- son, suspended as warden of South- ern Michigan Prison, said in his first formal comment on Dethmers' report that the charges against him "will not be borne out by the facts." Jackson "Astounded" at Charges Jackson said he was "astounded" at the charges but that he preferred to make his "supported denial" to the Corrections Commission. He said he had not received copies of the charges, either from Dethmers or the commission, and that his only know- ledge of them was from reading the newspapers. "Those charges against me, which I have seen only in thenewspapers, will not be borne out by the facts which I will be able to present when I have a chance to be heard," Jack- son said in a brief statement. Bhush Praises Russian Science Russian Science Despite the handicap of war, Rus- sia has kept right on the ball in basic scientific research-the kind that doesn't pay off immediately but is the most important in the long run. That's the report made by Ameri- can scientists returning from the So- viet Union. In our own country, according to Dr. Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment, there's a real need for de- veloping basic 'research. Jap Defenses V Will e Weaker By The Associated Pressr WASHINGTON, July 28-An Army Engineer General, veteran of scoresa of landings in the Pacific, said todayX he believes beaches of the Japanesee home island and the China coast willc be less difficult for invasion thanv those encountered up to now.I Brig. Gen. William F. Heavey, com- mander of the second engineer spe- cial brigade, just returned from two and a half years and eighty-two land- ing operations in the Pacific war, made these points: The Japanese and China coast beaches do not have the hazardous coral formations that fringe the beaches of most of the southwest Pacific islands.I Landing forces going ashore onr Japan will have behind them long experience and better equipment. C The weather forecasting in thec Pacific is so good that invasions cant be timed to fit in between typhoons,( making possible landings during thate stormy season.C Heavey said General Douglas Mac- Arthur fooled the Japanese by land-t ing on Leyte at a time when the ene- my thought he wouldn't-in the ty- phoon season. Spe ech Classes/ To Hear Expert Hoffman of CBS Is Second Guest Speaker Elwood Hoffman, the second of a series of radio experts sent by the Columbia Broadcasting System to lecture before speech classes, will be in Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday, it was announced by Prof. David Owen of the Department of Speech. Hoffman, who is script editor for CBS, will speak to radio writing and other radio classes and will hold a public conference at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT) Thursday in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. He joined CBS as a staff writer in 1943, Four-Star General Craig Wore Civies WASHINGTON--)P-Malin Craig, the four-star general who died re- cently, spent the last two years of his service fighting with the War De- partment. Recalled from retirement to head a board assigned to provide officers quickly for the expanded Army, Craig showed up for duty in civilian clothes. Repeatedly his superiors insisted he wear a uniform; repeatedly he re- fused. He told a reporter: "I'm running an officer factory. It's pretty secret. If I walk around here in four stars, every Congress- man in town will know it and be down here trying to get some lieu- tenant colonel promoted." Craig won the argument. Russian Engin4 Study Educatic "No American could appear in Moscow V-E Day without being cheerfuly greeted by Russians whom, they would meet on the streets." Ccnveying the gratitude of the Russians toward Americans, Prof. Anatcli P. Kreshkov of the Mende- eev Institute of Chemical Engineer- ing and Prof. Alexander I. Richkov rm the Moscow Institute of Chem- ical Industries visited the University during the past week as a part of an investigation of American techniques of education in the engineering field. They will present a report on their visit to Scviet authorities. Toured Universtiies In America as advisors to the Gov- ernment Purchasing Commission of the Soviet Union in the United States -the two profes.ors have toured var - ious universities throughout the country, purchasing textbooks to be translated into Russian. Expressing gratitude for a warmE welcome from the University facul- ty, they commented on the fact that students in America begin their training earlier than in Russia. How- ever, a European student is faced with a more rigid and lengthy edu- cational program, they said, point- out that a Russian school day is longer, and more requirements are necessary for a degree. Americans take a more practical approach to their teaching, they ex- plained, the Russians placing more emphasis on theory. American lab- oratories also are more fully equipped with a finer type of apparatus. j Russia Needs Equipment Impressed with the beauty of the Universtiy campus, they noted that Plans Announced For L of A. S. Dance The Institute o f Aeronautical Science will give a semi-formal dance Friday, Aug 10, at the League Ball- room. Leroy Smith and his 12-piece or- chestra will play for the dance. The orchestra was one of the first to in- troduce "Rhapsody in Blue" as a dance piece, has recorded for Victor and played at the Hotel Statler and other hotels. Tickets will be on sale beginning tomorrow at the Union and League. The dance is open to all students. INVEST IN VICTORY ering Profs in Methods many of Russia's cultural and edu- cational institutes have been de- stroyed by the Germans. The two professors said that the lack of new apparatus is so great that all of the laboratory equipment concerns in the United States could not fill Russia's needs. Interested in exc-anging students, they investigated atdission require- ments and living conditions of the University. OfFull Living ring onors BY HERBERT PEELE MANTEO, N. C., July 28-(P)-Just once in a long while, there lives a man whose fame and friendships spread far beyond the limits of the little locality in which he roots his life. Alpheus Walton. Drinkwater, first citizen of Dare County, is such a man. For 70 years, he has been content to live within a dozen miles of the Coast Guard station here where he was born. But to his trim white house and its never-locked door have come Presidents and Ambassadors, as well as, just plain neighbors, He is known and fondly remembered by Mary, Dowager Queen of Great Brit- ain; "Hap" Arnold, General of the Air Forces; Eleanor Roosevelt, and, in their day, Orville Wright and Gen. Billy Mitchell. Next Tuesday, Dare County will honor Alpheus Drinkwater with an official holiday. It will be his 70th birthday and he will retire after 45 years in the Coast Guard. The com- pany will include a busy Vice-Ad- miral whose life Drinkwater once saved. In the long years he has been, among'other things, telegraph oper- ator, weather observer, Associated Press correspondent, and officially, senior communications engineer for the Coast Guard. There has been no secret along the wild reaches of the outer banks that Drinkwater has not shared - and guarded. But it is the working newspaper- man that he has served with the greatest of diligence and patience. He has in his files bales of valuable Imanuscript, particularly the first- hand accounts from Kill Devil Hill when the Wrights were trying their wings there. He has refused $10,000 for six of those stories. The Department of Speech Presents The Michigan Repertory Players in By Sir James M. Barrie Wednesday, through Saturday at 8:30 P.M. (E.W.T.) Tickets $1.02 - 78c -- 54c (tax included) LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ~E~em' flow s To Rome To Sleep - ' ' Latest sidelight on the Washing- ton housing shortage is the story of the girl who had to settle for a room in-Rome, Italy. Coming to Washington to take a job with Army Intelligence, she found temporary quarters at the YWCA but couldn't find a permanent room. The Army offered her an assign- ment in Rome. She took it, saying:' "I'd rather stay in Washington, but after all, I had to have a room and the Army assured me I'd have one in Rome." Time Out . . . During debate on the United Na- tions Charter the Democratic cloak- room in the Senate suddenly was darkened. A Senate employe ex- plained: "One of the Senators is taking a nap." Marriage Is Sub ject Of Guild Discussion, "Love and Marriage" will be the subject of a discussion led by Rev. Eugene Tenat of the Disciples Church at the Roger Williams Guild today. Supper will be served at 6 p. m. EWT (5 p. m. CWT) Herman Jones will lead the discussion. I COOL! A RED-HEAD AND A BLONDE! SHOWS DAILY at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. N AROUND THE CLOCK WITH WPAG gar 1 ETWEEN TWO It's Something To Remember... 0N4-E N1: P.AN E I q V N.. JULY 29. 1945 11:05-Free Methodist 6:05--Wilson Ames. I