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July 29, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-29

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Governor Dewey Rejects Support of Hamilton Fish

Central American Federation
Strongly Urged, States Zamora

"There are many people in Cen-
tral America who want a union of all
the Central American countries,"
Jose Zamora of El Salvador said in
an interview yesterday.
This group of unionists is not very
large at the present time, but, he add-
ed, it is steadily increasing and the
people from all the Central Ameri-
can countries are working on the
Site of Capital is Problem
"One of the main problems that
Soviet Writings
Reflect True
Life of People
"A true reflection of socialistic life
in Russia, modern Soviet literature
belongs to the people," declared Dr.
Ernest J. Simmons, of Cornell Uni-
versity, in an address yesterday in
Rackham amphitheater.
Mirroring the viscissitudes and
struggles undergone by the Soviets
and depicting a hero who is a man
of action, as contrasted with the
"superfluous man" of former Rus-
sian literature, Russian literature of
today is humanistic and realistic, ex-
plained Dr. Simmons.
Traces History of Soviet Literature
Dr. Simmons traced Soviet litera-
ture through the revolutionary years
and continued through the various
periods of Soviet history to the pres-
ent time. He showed how few of
the older writers were able to em-
brace revolutionary ideas, and the
"literary morning" after the revolu-
tion was drab in all fields except that
of poetry, which flourished. Mayo-
kovsky was pointed out as the most
talented of these poets.
"Quiet Flows the Don," the great-
est of Soviet epics, was produced dur-
ing the epoch of war communism.
In the following years, the period of
the New Economic Policy, Soviet
authors either satirized reactionary
governmental, movements or wrote
tales reflecting their lost idealism.
Plan Produces Few Great Works
The Five Year Plan produced few
great works, which Dr. Simmons at-
tributes to regimentation of authors.
Prolificacy of good literature return-
ed with the 2nd Five Year Plan, when
literature was given back to the
people, according to Dr. Simmons.
Although war has brought a halt to
progressive forces in Soviet literature,
the dominant note being fierce, un-
dying hatred for the enemy, Dr. Sim-
mons concluded that there is always
a note of faith and optimism for the

we are facing in this regard is that
we don't know where to put the
capital and then each country wants
a citizen from that country to be
president. These and numerous oth-
er problems would have to be solved
before any kind of a union would be
possible," Zamora stated.
He said that El Salvador is greatly
overpopulated, having 1,800,000
people to 27,000 kilometers of land.
"We have a democratic, repre-
sentative form of government with
an executive, legislative and judi-
cial branch just as in this country.
About four months ago we had a
revolution in order to get rid of
the man who has been president
since 1931," he said.
Zamora explained that the revolu-
tion wasn't successful, and that aft-
erwards many of the people who had
participated in it were killed. The
people in the country were so angry
because of this that they went on a
"The doctors didn't go to their
hospitals, the commercial houses
didn't open and none of the labor-
ers went to their jobs. Therefore,
the whole country was at a stand-
still and the old president had to
leave the country.
"My parents write to me that an
election will soon be held to choose
a new president. In such an election,
all the citizens, men and women, who
are 18 or over will be able to vote,"
he said.
No Racial Problem
In El Salvador, according to Zam-
ora, they have no racial problem.
Most of the people are a mixture of
the Indian and white races. Spanish
is the universal language. Coffee
is the chief product produced. About
400,000 acres of land are used for
growing coffee. About 62 per cent
of the coffee which is exported comes
to the United States.
Former 'U' Professor
Receives Promotion
Col. Robert B. Hall, former Profes-
sor of Geography at the University
of Michigan, has received a promo-
tion in the field from the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel to full Colonel in
recognition of meritorious service.
Colonel Hall is with the office of
Strategic Services in the China-
Burma-India theatre of operations.
It is thought that the Colonel is now
somewhere in China.
The colonel left the University for
the Army in the fall of 1942. He had
been a member of the faculty since
1924, and was also Director of Far
Eastern Studies.

DANCING UNDER THE STARS-Pictured above is part of the crowd that turned out last week end to
dance in the open air at Palmer Field to the music of Bill Layton. Tonight's dance will be Layton's
last appearance on campus for the summer.

100 World War II Veterans
Enrolled in 'U' for Summer

One hundred veterans of World
War II, a large percentage of them
former students of the University,
are enrolled here this summer, Clark
Tibbitts, director of the Veterans Ser-
vice Bureau, said yesterday.
Approximately one-fourth of the
veterans enrolled this summer have
been discharged because of relatively
serious disabilities, according to rec-
ords compiled by the Bureau. One-
third already have their A. B. de-
grees and are working toward profes-
sional degrees in medicine, law and
the graduate school. Average number
of months spent in service is 9 and
Individual Attention Given
These veterans have all received
individual attention in making their
educational plans with help of the
Veterans Service Bureau, Tibbitts
said. Facilities of the psychological
clinic are made available to help vet-
erans who are uncertain about the
field in which they should prepare
themselves, to determine their spe-
cial abilities and make a vocational
Other veterans who had not pre-
viously planned a college career mayI
not meet University entrance re-
quirements. These men are given

scholastic aptitude tests and subject
matter tests to determine whether it
is wise for them to attempt a col-
lege program and whether they need
further pre-college preparation. Such
preparation is made available
through the University's Division for
Emergency Training.
Financial Assistance Needed
Many veterans who are in need of
financial assistance are given help
in making out applications for as-
sistance under the Servicemen's Re-
adjustment Act or "GI Bill." Under
this act, eligible veterans receive tui-
tion, books and all regular Univer-
sity fees, plus $50 a month if there
are no dependents and $75 a month
if there are one or more dependents.
About 30 applications for assist-
ance have been received so far.
Formal Dance To
Be Given By USO
Following the "Good Neighbor Pol-
icy," the USO will hold a formal
South American party from 9 p. m.
to midnight today in the club ball-
room, Miss Barbara Starr, assistant
USO director, announced yesterday.
"The whole atmosphere will be
South American with congas and
other south-of-the-border music,
plenty of hostesses and Latin Ameri-
can scenery," Hester Tasker, regi-
ment W colonel, stated. She added
that all members of regiment W are
expected to attend the dance. Re-
freshments will be served.
Miss Starr said that the usual
Saturday afternoon swimming party
will leave for Whitmore Lake at 1
p. m. today.

Prof, Thurston
Seeks Federal
Aid for Schools
"We need federal aid for schools,
if for no better, reason than that
we've already had it in part for a*
century and a half," declared Prof.
Lee M. Thurston, of the educational
administration department of the
University' of Pittsburgh, yesterday.
Conference Is Ended
In the concluding lecture of the
Fifteenth Annual Summer Education
Conference, attended by 400 educat-
ors, including 75 school superintend-
ents, Prof. Thurston declared that
although more federal aid to schools
is probably necessary, he fears fed-
eral infringement on state rights as
a result of federal control of schools.
Strong reasons for the necessity of
federal financial aid to schools, on
the other hand, were pointed out by
Prof. Thurston. "The Strength and
security of our government rests with
the competence of the people; there-
fore, the government has a stake in
the education of its people," he
Denouncing the inequality of
education throughout the United
States as unfair, Prof. Thurston
added, "For every dollar spent on
a Negro child, six are spent on a
white child in Louisiana and even
the amount spent on the white
child is small compared with edu-
cational expenditures of northern
Various Problems Discussed
Problems in guidance, the curri-
culum, music, finance, and health
education were also discussed by ex-
perts in these fields during the week
of the conference. The purpose of
the conference was to bring out var-
ious views on the great educational
problems of our time and to give
teachers more interest and informa-
tion on these questions.

Dewey Hits
At Fish for
Racial Bias
Anti-Semitic Speech
Flayed by Governor
As Un-American Act
By The Associated Press
ALBANY. N.Y., July 28.- Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, Republican candi-
date for President, publicly rejected
the support of Rep. Hamilton Fish,
New York Republican. He issued a
statement terming injection of a ra-
cial or religious issue into a political
campaign "a disgraceful, un-Ameri-
can act."
Dewey's statement, which brought
prompt retorts from Fish and Re-
publican leaders backing his drive for
reelection in New York's 29th district,
was released by James C. Hagerty,
executive assistant to the governor,
who said it was prompted by an in-
terview with Fish published yesterday
in the New York Post.
Hagerty Quotes Fish
In the interview, Hagerty said,
Fish was quoted as asserting, ."The
Jews are more or less for the New
Deal, unfortunately" and that "I
think it would be much better for
them if they split their vote between
the two major parties."
"Two years ago I publicly opposed
the nomination and election of Con-
gressman Fish," Dewey's statement
said. "The statements attributed to
him confirm my judgment expressed
at that time," the Governor added:
Fish Is Seeking Reelection
Fish, veteran of 24 years in Con-
gress and seeking reelection in a dis-
trict embracing Delaware, Rockland,
Orange and Sullivan Counties, is
opposed in the Aug. 1 Republican
primary by Augustus W. Bennet,
Newburgh lawyer.
Fish reiterated his support of the
Dewey-Bricker ticket.
"When I referred to the fact that
the people of Jewish origin are large-
ly in favor of the New Deal I stated
a fact that everybody knows," Fish
said. "I made no attack whatsoever
and never have, on the Jewish peo-
ple. I have never been anti-Semitic.
What I stated was just the plain
truth-that the Jewish voters are
largely for the New Deal and Presi-
dent Roosevelt."
Prof. Akiya To
Speak on Nisei
Opening a series of three lectures
on "The History of Anti-Japanese
Prejudice in the United States," Prof.
Carl Akiya of the Japanese Language
Department will speak at 8 p. m.
Monday in Rackham Amphitheatre.
The topic for this first lecture will
be "Pre-Pearl Harbor." Prof. Akiya
will discuss the historical position of
Nisei in American life before Dec. 7.
Born in the United States Prof.
Akiya was educated in Japan. He
was forced to leave that country in
1931 because of his anti-fascist, anti-
militarist activity. Before coming to
the University in 1942 he served as
leader of adult education in the
Topaz Relocation Centre in Utah.
Prof. Akiya will discuss "Pearl Har-
bor and Relocation" on Aug. 7, and
"Nisei in the Future" on Aug. 14.
The public is invited to attend this
series which is being presented by
Inter-Racial Association.




Sight seeing tours by bike.
Don't let gas rationing keep
you from seeing Ann Arbor and
the surrounding country side.
Rent a bike for the day or hour


It's the P-BELL, an old Michi-
gan tradition which will enrich
your college days. All newcom-
ers on campus are invited to
join in an evening at the Bell.

1. I




i //W11yf .


(Continued from Page 2)
Servicemen on campus: Every-
body's "Going Home" to Stockwell's
Open House Party this afternoon
from 2:30 to 5 p.m. There will be
dancing, bridge, and ping pong a-
mong the activities to supply that
much - needed relaxation. We're
counting on you !
Stockwell Residents
Coming Events
A Conference on China will be held
at the Rackham Building from 10
a.m. next Wednesday, Aug. 2, through
Saturday evening, Aug. 5. There will
be special panels, luncheons, lectures
by renowned speakers and Chinese
exhibitions. A pomplete program for
the conference may be secured by
anyone interested at the Summer
Session Office, 1213 Angell Hall, or
in the Rackham Lobby.
Play "Journey to Jerusalem" by
Maxwell Anderson, will be given next
week, Wednesday, Aug. 2, through
Saturday, Aug. 5, by the Michigan
Repertory Players, Department of
Speech, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are on
sale at the box office daily except

Dr. Alexander Paul will speak briefly
at the vesper service. In case of un-
favorable weather the program will
be held inside. The group will return
to campus by 7 p.m.,
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): Hill and Tappan Streets. 11
a.m. Sunday morning worship. Dr.
Alexander Paul will be the speaker.
At 4 p.m. students and servicemen
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street, for a trip to River-
side Park for games, a picnic supper
and vesper service. Dr. Alexander
Paul will speak briefly at the vesper
service. The group will return to cam-
pus by 7 p.m. In case of unfavorable
weather the program will be held
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, will have its regular ser-
vice Sunday at 11, with the sermon
by the Rev. Alfred Scheips.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a Supper Meeting at
the Student Center Sunday at 5:30.
A-S Ralph Hoffmeyer will review
Christian Behavior, by C. S. Lewis.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall this Sunday afternoon at 4:30,
and will have the pleasure of hearing

10:45 a.m., Morning worship and
Communion Service. Dr. Lemon's ser-
mon will be last on the series on the
Great Prophets "Hearken Unto the
Voice"-Jeremiah. The Session will
meet the new members at 10 a.m. in
the Lewis Parlor.
4:30 p.m. Summer Series on "Reli-
gion and the World's Literature-
Goethe's Faust" will be Dr. Lemon's
subject. Supper and social hour fol-
Wesley Foundation: Party with
games and folk dancing on the lawn
tonight Saturday at 8:30 p.m. In
case of rain, it will be held inside.
All Methodist students and service-
men and their friends are cordially
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Sunday Student Class
at 9:30 a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman is
leading a discussion on the "Post-
War Family." Morning worship ser-
vice at 10:40 o'clock. The Rev. Ralph
G. Dunlop will preach on "The Power
of Faith." Wesleyan Guild meeting
at 5 p.m. Three discussion groups on
the topics "The State of the Church,"
"Education" and "Missions and
Church Extension." These are in
the program "What Should the
Church Be Doing?" Supper and fel-

For healthy exercise and a good
sun tan try your skill on our
beautiful green turf. If you
want instruction our pro will
gladly help you. Come out
serves good food at pre-war
prices with good service.
Max Heald
Cool pleasure along our
wooded bridle paths. Enjoy
horseback riding, through the
,summer and early fall. GOLF-
SIDE STABLES has a courtesy
car at your disposal.

to the mnsic of BIL LIA YTON

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