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July 29, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-29

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Fifty-Fourth Year

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Mark Twain Brought Up To Date

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

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Editoriil Staff
Jane Farrant m . .
Betty Ann Koffmnan E
Stan Wallace . .
Hank Mantho .
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . . . B
Telephone 23-24-1

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
usiness Manager

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A .

WE WERE thinking, yesterday,
about the sad state of affairs in
Poland: about the difficulties the
government-in-exile is having with
the Polish National Liberation Com-
mittee, and with the Polish people,
who don't seem to like the idea of
returning to the feudal society, with
its Church-State domination, which1
existed there before the war. LaterI
in the day we started reading a sel-
ection from Mark Twain's "A Con-
necticut Yankee in King Arthur's
Court": you may see the connection.t
You may even notice how it relates i
to the postwar British Empire, to
the question of freedom for India, to
the status of the tenant farmers in
the South, and to the position of1
freemen everywhere.1
Hank Morgan of Hartford, a ma-t
chinist at the Colt factory, is knock-t
ed unconscious. He dreams that he
awakens in the year 513, when King
Arthur reigned in England. One day
he goes forth seeking knightly ad-
venture. "I came upon a group of
ragged poor creatures who had as-
sembled to mend the thing which
was regarded as a road. They were
as humble as animals to me; and1
when I proposed to breakfast with
them, they were so flattered, so over-
whelmed by this extraordinary con-
descension of mine that at first they
were not able to believe that I was
in earnest.
"And yet they were not slaves,
not chattels. By a sarcasm of law
and phrase they were freemen.
Seven-tenths of the free popula-
tion of the country were of just
their class and degree: small "in-
dependent" farmers, artisans, etc.;
which is to say, they were the na-

tion, the actual Nation; they were
about all of it that was useful, or
worth saving, or really respectwor-
thy, and to subtract them would
have been to subtract the Nation
and leave behind some dregs, some
refuse, in the shape of a king,
nobility and gentry, idle, unpro-
ductive, acquainted mainly with
the arts of wasting and destroying,
and of no sort of use or value in
any rationally constructed world.
"And yet, by ingenious contrivance,
this gilded minority, instead of being
in the tail of the procession where
it belonged, was marching head up
and banners flying, at the other end
of it; had elected itself to be the
Nation, and these innumerable clams
had permitted it so long that they,
had come at last to accept it as a
truth; and not only that, but to be-
lieve it right and as it should be.
The priests had told their fathers
and themselves that this ironical
state of things was ordained of God;
and so, not reflecting upon how un-
like God it would be to amuse him-
self with sarcasms, and especially
such poor transparent ones as this,
they had dropped the matter there,
and become respectfully quiet.
"I ASKED them if they supposed
a nation of people ever existed,
who, with a free vote in every
man's hand, would elect that a
single family and its descendants
should reign over it forever, wheth-
er gifted or boobies, to the exclu-
sion of all other families-includ-
ing the voter's; and would alsoJ
elect that a certain hundred fam-
ilies should be raised to dizzy sum-
mits of rank, and clothed on with
offensive transmissible glories and

privileges to the exclusion of the
rest of the nation's families-in-
cluding his .own.
"They all looked unhit. and said
they didn't know; that they had
never thought about it before, and it
hadn't ever occurred to them that a
nation could be so situated that every
man could have a say in the govern-
ment. I said I had seen one-and
that it would last until it had an
Established Church. Again they were
all unhit-at first. But presently one
man looked up and asked me to state
that proposition again; and state it
slowly, so it could soak into his under-
standing. I did it; and after a little
he had the idea, and he brought his
fist down and said he didn't believe
a nation where every man had a vote
would voluntarily get down in the
mud and dirt in any such way; and
that to steal from a nation its will
and preference must be a crime and
the first of all crimes. I said to my-
self: " 'This one's a man. If I were
backed by enough of his sort, I would
try to prove myself its loyalist citi-
zen by making a wholesome change
in its system of government.'


National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered. at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


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Getting Cleaner Every Day!


Blood Plasma Needed
W ITH THE forthcoming Red Cross Blood
Bank, University civilian students will have
an opportunity to make a real and concrete
contribution toward the saving of human life
on the battlefield-an opportunity no one in
good health should overlook.
The importance of blood plasma is empha-
sized by war correspondent W. A. S. Douglas
in a recent issue of PM. "A third of those
wounded on the battlefield," Douglas says, "are
gravely' hurt. Blood transfusion service, as we
all ;know, has revolutionized the early recovery
of such cases.
"Blood and blood products are available
everywhere, right up to the front line, and
those Americans who donated blood so gen-,
erously at the start of the war and who con-
tinue to do so would feel well-repaid could
they get a glimpse of life's own fluid being
poured back into bodies deprived of it.
""The doctors seem reckless of their blood
stores and there must be an amazing quantity
piled up over here. Even so, it is going fast-
so continue to give, give, give."
UNIVERSITY WOMEN are already well on
their way toward filling their quota of sev-
enty-five blood donors, and men will have a
chance to sign up Monday.
Although the entire student quota has been
set at 275, arrangements could undoubtedly
be made for more than that number. To give
a pint of blood is but a small contribution for
most of us, and we have the unanimous word
of medical men that there are no detrimental
efects involved'. The fact that we can aid in,
saving a life should be all the encouragement
The Blood Bank offers to those of us here in
school the greatest opportunity for important
contribution to the war effort.
Let's top that quota!
-Peg Weiss
Latvia Protest
DR. ALFRED BILMANIS, whom our govern-
ment recognizes as the official Latvian mini-
ster in this country, has communicated to the
State Department a statement by the under-
ground Social Democratic party charging that '
Soviet Russia has established an unlawful dic-
tatorial regime in Latvia and proposing a post-
war confederation of the Baltic nations inde-
pendent of the Soviet Union.
Dr. Bilmanis claims to be expressing the sen-.
tiinent of the Latvian people, but it should be
remembered that he is making this request on
behalf of the Social Democratic party of Latvia.
When Latvia was an independent nation,
the Social Democrats had only about 20 per
cent of the seats in the Latvian Parliament.
Therefore, a request of this nature cannot be
treated as an expression of the desire of all
the people, of even that one country.
As. for the idea of a Baltic federation, it would
be desirable if all the Baltic nations agreed
to it. As yet, however, there is no real evidence
that these other nations are even interested in
such a possibility. In many ways they will gain
more by staying with Russia.
THEIR main complaint is that Russia has
established an unlawful dictatorial regime
in Latvia. But here, too, there is no proof
that Russia will continue this dictatorship after
the war. For a long time the world was shocked

Hitler's New Set of Jews

NEW YORK, July 28-That poor Adolph, he
has no Jews to blame his troubles on. So he
has pressed the Junkers into service to be his
new Jews. They shall serve as the Jews of Ger-
many's Defeat II, as the Jewish Jews were the
scapegoats for Germany's Defeat I.
Nazi propaganda is hammering the point
that the Junker Generals deliberately failed to
bring up sufficient reserves to halt the Russian
drive on the eastern front. These "reserves" are,
of course, imaginary: the Junker Generals failed
News, a Way to Peace
'WHEN Great Britain and the United States get
together this autumn in Washington, as
they plan to do, and discuss the future of world
communications, there will be before them a
bi-partisan declaration of American opinion
that a free press and a free radio demand free
transmission from every spot on the globe.
Both the Democratic and Republican parties
have adopted plans for news freedom, at the
urging of a committee of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors headed by Ralph McGill
of the Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution. The guaran-
tees which the editors seek are two: First, free-
dom from censorship in any country in time of
peace. Second, equal rates to all for the trans-
mission of news-which means an end to the
discrimination which the British communica-
tions system has practiced in favor of the
Empire and to the disadvantage of all other
If these principles which have now been so
unmistakably enunciated can be made to prevail
in the new world which is to come after the war,
the hopes of an enduring peace will be greatly
THIS FACT has been demonstrated at its most
dramatic by the new technique of revolution
which, as practiced in the past several years in
several European countries, starts with the seiz-
ure of radio stations.
It follows, therefore, that one of the strong-
est guarantees that dictators shall not sway
their people with prejudices and hatreds is to
be found in a free and functioning press and
radio. Rightly used, these agencies of public
information will, instead, enable peoples to
know one another better, and, through in-
formed acquaintanceship, to like one another
and learn to work together.
Sumner Welles, in his new book "The Time for
Decision," wrote that the German newspaper
under Hitler as he knew it printed fantastic un-
truths. He quoted Chamberlain as saying that
the democracies were totally unable to get over
to the German people any true understanding
of the facts, and repeating President Roosevelt's
assertion that one of the essentials to a lasting
peace is freedom of information. "When this
war is over," Welles wrote, "the peoples of the
earth must never again permit a situation to
arise where any people should be deprived of
their inherent right to know the truth."
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

to bring them up because they do not exist;
Germany has no strategic reserves, in the or-
dinary military sense of the term.
He Can't Be Wrong
But that Adolph, he can't be wrong; everybody
else can be wrong, but he can't be wrong. So he
argues that the Junker revolt is responsible for
the defeat in the East, whereas it is obvious that
the defeat in the East is responsible for the
Junker revolt.
And thus we have an internal German
breakup. It is grotesquely similar to the war
of ten years ago between the Nazis and the
Jews. Hitler's man, Robert Ley, refers, to the
Junkers as "blue-blooded pig-dogs." The Jews
were attacked because their blood was not
blue, enough; the Junkers are criticized for
having blood that is too blue. Jewish blood
did not have the mystic qualities of the Ger-
man soil in it; Junker blood seems to have too
damn much German soil, or something. Any-
way, they are both the wrong bloods; they sim-
ply will not do. 'eil 'itler!
Does Life Begin in '44?
The Nazis seem to be making almost a bur-
lesque effort to start life over again. They have
no resources for establishing a new blitz, but
Dr. Goebbels talks of secret weapons; these will
be the new blitz. They have no Jews left, bitt
the Junkers will serve as Jews; these aristo-
crats will provide the occasion for a racial cru-
sade. Dr. Goebbels threatens to establish total-
itarianism in Germany, ten o'clock sharp tomor-
row morning; as if Germany has had anything
else for a decade. The Nazis are telling each
other fervently that life begins in '44; and their
new "beginning" is a distorted parody of '33.
FOR IT IS not really true that history repeats
itself; rather, it parodies itself, even more
clumsily and grotesquely, as it returns to its
initial themes.
The Nazis will probably burn the Reich-
stag again soon, if it still stands. 'eil 'itler!
It is in this light that Dr. Goebbels' big speech
of Wednesday must be read and understood.
The Nazi party is trying to relive its youth. It
trots out Goering and Himmler, with a delight-
ed air of discovery, as if these were new charac-
The Party Doesn't Answer
After proclaiming the gospel of "order" for
eleven years, the Nazi party now announces that
it is going to solve Germany's problems by "es-
tablishing order." There is not a whisper nor a
vestige of a new idea in all of Dr. Goebbels'
long oration; it is a bargain-counter of used
The seventeen captured German generals in
Moscow have given the German people a pro-
gram; to lay down their arms, to stop dying.
The rebellious Junkers have given the German
people a program: to kill Hitler. Dr. Goebbels'
speech must be considered as outstanding in
competition with these offers. It is his attempt
to give the German. people an answer to their
problem, and his answer is that he has no
answer. 'eil 'itler!
(Copyright. 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

VOL. LIV No. 19-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Hcalth: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Aug. 3. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh-
man five-week progress reports will
be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
The five-weeks grades for Navy and
Marine trainees (other than Engi-
neers and Supply Corps) will be due
Aug. 5. Department offices will be,
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
Arthur Van Duren
Supervisor, Navy V-12
Graduate Students: Applications
for degrees to be awarded at the endj
of the current Summer Session
should be in the Graduate School
office by Monday, July 31. Students
applying for degrees after that date
cannot be assured of graduation.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 9 to 11,
this evening, July 29, in case the sky
is clear or nearly so. The moon will
be shown through the telescopes.
Children must be accompanied by
The United States Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D.C., an-
nounces that they are accepting ap-
plications for Accountant and Audi-
tor Positions. Salary ranging from
$3,163 to $7,128 a year. For further
details stop in at 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the

dlosing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for Technical Aid, Ordnance
Development( Trainee), $1,970 a
year, will be extended to Aug. 31,
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the
closing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for Control Specialist, Expe-
diter, Maritime, Commission, Inspec-
tor, Signal Corps Equipment, and
Radio Mechanic-Technician, will be
Aug. 9, 1944. Applications must be
filed with the United States Civil
Service Commission, Washington 25,
D.C. on or before that date.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Mr. Karl Akiya will be presented by
the Inter-Racial Association in the
first of a series of three lectures on
the "History of Anti-Japanese Preju-
dice in the United States" on Mon-
day, July 31, at 8 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
Tuesday, Aug. 1: Professor Preston
W. Slosson. "Interpreting the News."
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Tuesday, Aug. 1: University Lec-
ture. "What Language Do You
Speak?" Fred S. Dunham, Associate
Professor of Latin and of the Teach-
ing of Latin. 4:05 p.m., University
High School Auditorium. Auspices,
School of Education.
Wednesday, Aug. 2: "China and
America Face the Future." The Hon-
orable Walter H. Judd, M.D., repre-
sentative from Minnesota and former
medical missionary in China. 8:30
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
Wednesday, Aug. 2: University Lec-
ture. "Brazil, Steppingstone to Al-
lied Victory." Dr. Egberto Teixeira of
Brazil. 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Auspices, Latin - American Society
and the International Center.
Thursday, Aug. 3: Professor Shih
Chia Chu will not lecture on this
date, but will lecture, as previously
scheduled, on Aug. 10.
Thursday, Aug. 3: "Interpreting
China to the West." Dr. Arthur Hum-
mel, Chief, Division of Orientalia,
Library of Congress. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
cordially invited.
Friday, Aug. 4: "China Hopes and
Aims." Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of
Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Academic Notices
Intermediate Swimming- Women
Students: Those who have missed
one class meeting may make up this
absence on Monday evening at the
Union Pool, 7:30 to 9:30.
Dept. of Phys. Educ, for Women

"VOU SEE my kind of loyalty was
loyalty to one's country, not to
its institutions or its office-holders.
The country is the real thing, the
substantial thing, the eternal thing;
it is the thing to watch over, and care
for, and be loyal to; institutions are
extraneous, they are its mere cloth-
ing, and clothing can wear out, be-
come ragged, cease to be comfortable,
cease to protect the body from winter,
disease, and death. To be loyal to
rags, to shout for rags, to worship
rags, to die for rags-that is a loyalty
of unreason, it is pure animal; it
belongs to monarchy, was invented
by monarchy; let monarchy keep it.
I was from Connecticut, whose Con-
stitution declares 'thateall political
power is inherent in the people, and
all free governments are founded on
their authority and instituted for
their benefit; and that they have at
all times an undeniable and inde-
feasible right to alter their form of
government in such a manner as they
may think expedient.'
Soprano. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Thursday evening, Aug. 3.
All Russian Choral Evensong: First
Methodist Church Choir, conducted
by Professor Hardin Van Deursen,
School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie
Ruth VanrDeursen, Soprano, and
Harriet Porter, Contralto; organist,
Irene Applin Boice. Russianinstru-,
mental selections will be rendered by
Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Ruby
Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday,
Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First Methodist
Church. The public is cordially in
vited to attend.
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture and Design:
"Look at your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Student work continued on dis.
planning. South end of downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building.
Open daWi, 9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public;
is invited.






Rackham Galleries: "Scenes an4I
People of the Caucasus," (this week
only) photographic exhibit circu-s
lated by the National Council of
American - Soviet Friendship, Nem
York. Open daily except Sunday,
and 7-10 p.m.
Rackham Exhibition Rooms: f
afternoon during the Conference orik
China, beginning Wednesday thit
week, there will be on display from
four to six p.m. an exhibit of Chinese
objects of art, with a collection of
articles in everday use, which have
been loaned for this occasion by the
Museum of Anthropology of the Uni-
versity and by private collectors. The
Institute of Pacific Relations' will
have on display books, publications
and educational materials of particu-
lar interest to teachers planning a
China program in the school cur-
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the Universitv of Michigan in Pic-

Legal Research Library: Fine bin-
dings by William C. Hollands, Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
Events Today
Good neighbor night at the USQ:
No. not a lecture, not a fireside chat,

Pop. An invisible Leprechaun
is sailing around in my toy

By Crockett Johnson

Nonsense... Is if stuck? ...
Can't you pull it in? I put

Barnaby. . . Jane... I won't
believe a story like that-

- Copyright 1944 Field Pblicwi-s
He said you wouldn't believe
us... But will you come and-

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