FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1944 T1lE MICIGAN1" DAILY PAGE THflEE Crisler Puts Gridders Through Hard Drill BACK AGAIN: Roy Hughes Sparks Cubs in Drive for First Division Spot Hughson Hurts Red Sox To 6-1 W in Over Tigers DETROIT, July 27.-(P)--Behid > the effective pitching of Cecil (Tex) Hughson, who spaced six Detroit Tiger hits to become the first Ameri- can League pitcher this season to win 16 games, the Boston Red Sox de- feated Detroit today 6 to 1. Hughson, who has been beaten only four times, struck out six and walked none as the Red Sox backed him with an 11-hit attack on three Tiger hurlers. Frank (Stubby) Over- mire, who started and was knocked out in the third inning, was charged with the loss, his 10th. Boston jammed six hits and four runs into the first three frames but was quieted by Johnny Gorsica, who relieved Overmire and pitched shut- out ball for 4 2-3 innings. The last two Red Sox markers came in the ninth when outfielder Leon Culberson pounded one of Wal- ter (Boom Boom) Beck's slants into the left field stands with Hal Wagner on first and two out. It was Culber- son's first homer of the season. Hughson, who now has beaten the Tigers three times against no defeats this year, got his usually fine batting support from his mates. Ex-Tiger Pete Fox had three singles in four trips. Only three Tigers reached base besides the six who hit safely. Pinky Higgins was hit on the left side by one of Hughson's second inning pitches; Jimmy Outlaw was safe on a fielder's choice when he forced Higgins in the seventh, and Dick Wakefield made first on Joe Cronin's error in the ninth. Detroit bunched three hits in the; seventh to score its only run. Rudy York fanned to open the inning but Wakefield hammered a double down the left field line and Higgins singled past Jim Tabor at third to send him home. Boston .......1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2-6 Detroit .......0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-11 Hughson -- Wagner (Boston); Overmire, Gorsica, Eaton, Beck- Swift. INVEST IN VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS NIPPED AT THE PLATE-Ab Wright, Braves leftfielder, is tagged out by Ray Mueller, Cincinnati catcher, in a close play at home plate during fourth inning action at Boston (July 25). Wright tried to score from second on a single to right field by Phil Masi but failed to beat out Max Marshall's throw into Mueller. Reds won the game 6-2. KEEP 'EM GUESSING: Success of Night Baseball Amazed Skeptical Critics - - _ _ - - ~ ~ ~- SUMMER CLEARANCE Of on ALL SUMMER DRESSES 1 Group of SKIRTS and SWEATERS ALL SLACKS and SLACK SUITS 345 Maynard Street ..near the Arcade (ADVANCE) NEW YORK, July 27 -(AP)-It's pretty well known that the horse-and-buggy men of major league baseball looked with a jaun- diced eye toward the night game when it first was introduced by the Cincinnati Reds back in 1935, few' of them admitting the durned thing was here to stay. These die-hards must get a little red around the gills now when they look back on their expressed opin- ions, although it's true enough that if they had come out at that time with the fiat prediction that some day nearly all the major teams would be playing at night whenever they had the urge they would have been considered dopey visionaries like the guys who thought Germany and Japan were getting ready for an- other war. Anyway, the general idea of the baseball men at that time, summed up in a review of the season in a baseball guide for 1936, provides the party of the first part in a then-and- now situation. From the 1936 guide: "Cincinnati is the first major league city in which night baseball has been given a trial. It was a success from the standpoint it was most hoped it would be-attendance. from the SPORTS SHOP The night games (seven) attracted about 130,000 spectators.-It must not be taken for granted that similar attendance . would follow general adoption of night baseball in the major leagues." Now: Night baseball has been adopted to the point where all but five parks are equipped with lights, installed be- cause the clubs found they could profit as handsomely as Cincinnati by playing at night. From the 1936 guide: "There is always the possibility of being hit with a pitched ball, which of course increases with the playing of the game at night.'' Now: Comparatively few beanings are suffered in night games. In fact, the most serious instances of hit bats- men in recent years have occurred in daylight games. From the 1936 guide: "The popularity of the novelty of night baseball has so impressed other owners that some who are seeking means to increase attendance are thinking of adopting it on their own grounds. It is a fact, however, that only thosetclubs favor it which are rarely out of the second division." Now: The St. Louis Browns and the St. Louis Cardinals, leading their re- spective leagues, are among the strongest proponents of the night game. All of which is just an indication of how easy it is to make wrong guesses, says he after picking the Browns for sixth place in the 1944 pennant race. Tribe Swamps New York, 8-1 CLEVELAND, July 27.-(P)-Allie Reynolds pitched the Cleveland In- dians to an 8-1 victory today, over the New York Yankees, as the tribe battered young Walter Dubiel for 13 hits, to take a 2-1 edge in their series. Myril Hoag led the tribal attack with four hits including two doubles. He batted in three runs and scored three others himself. George Stirnweiss continued his prolific hitting with three safeties, one a double, and stole his 29th base to increase his league lead. As a result of their loss, the Yank- ees dropped into a virtual tie for third place with the Boston Red Sox. Reds Spill Boston 4-2 BOSTON, July 27-(AP)-In com- parative privacy-paid attendance was 785-the Cincinnati Reds de- feated the Boston Braves 4 to 2 to- night in a twilight game which was finished in a rainstorm. The Reds' two runs in the fourth resulted from an error. With one out, catcher Ray Mueller singled and went to third on Eric Tipton's single. Cincinnati ... .000 200 020- 4 7 0 Boston .......000 001 100- 2 8 1 Konstanty and Mueller; Andrews, Hutchinson and Kluttz, Masi. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Cr isler Drills Wolverines oni 'T' Formation New System Will Be Alternated with Single I Wingbaek Style Offense I By BILL MULLENDORE The famed and fabulous "T" for-' mation dominated the Wolverine! football scene yesterday as Coach H. 0. Crisler put his charges through a brisk 45-minute scrimmage in which plays off the "T" played a major role. Crisler introduced the "T" to Mi- chigan two years ago, but has used it sparingly as a surprise lineup to throw the opposition off-stride. He indicated yesterday that the same procedure would be used again this fall. The basic Wolverine style of of- fense is the old Notre Dame system, a shift from a "T" into the single wing with a wingback in motion. 'By run- ning directly from the "T" occasion- ally, a team may often catch the op- posing linemen offstride. Quarterback is Key Yesterday's scrimmage showed po- tential promise for the "T" but num- erous fumbles and missed assign- ments demonstrated that plenty of work is needed before it will be ef- fective. Key man in the "T" is the quarter- back who must handle the ball on a short pass from center on every play, either keeping it himself or handing it off to one of the other three backs. Joe Ponsetto occupies this important post in the Michigan lineup.' Stanford and Chicago Start It Another requisite is a fast, hard- hitting line which can open up a hole with lightning speed. The "T" moves with quick precision, and if the hole ,is not opened at the right instant, the play goes awry. Although it is one of the oldest of- fensive formations in the book, the "T" was hailed as something new and revolutionary a few years ago when Stanford and the Chicago Bears sim- ultaneously revived it. Both teams enjoyed great success, and the sys- tem was widely copied all over the nation. Leahy Takes Up "T" Perhaps the prime Mid-Western ex- ponent is Notre Dame where Frank Leahy suddenly abandoned the style which bears the name of the school and took up the "T". His success was forcefully demonstrated last fall to Wolverine fans when the Irish humbled the Maize and Blue, 35-12. In spite of its meteoric rise in favor around the nation, the "T" has prov- ed to be no cure-all for mediocre teams. Stanford's great backfield of Albert. Standlee, Kmetovic, and Gal- larneau made it click for Coach Clark Shaughnessy, and the star-studded rear guard of both the Bears and Notre Dame made its performance possible. Although the Wolverines will prob- ably never attain the proficiency of these outfits in the intricacies of the "T", they have the material to use it to a limited extent. While the "T" was being pushed up and down the field in yesterday's scrimmage, the second half of the "Defiance Twins" combination Chuck Wahl joined the injured list with a badly gashed lip. His fellow Ohioan, Gene Derricotte, suffered a recur- rence of an ankle injury in Wednes- day's practice. Both boys will be back with the team shortly. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY NEW YORK, July 26-(AP)-Roy Hughes literally was blown back into' baseball and today is largely respon-I sible for the Chicago Cubs rise out of the national league cellar into a contending position for a first divi- sion berth. Hughes' diamond career virtually was ended in 1940 when he emergedE from a collision with Frank Crespi with torn ligaments in his right shoulder. Hughes was with the Mon- treal Royals in the International League at the time. Hughes went home to Cincinnati and while trying to thaw out some tar in the basement of his home, the tar exploded and severely burned him on his arms and shoulders. Hughes was in a hospital for weeks but when he came out there was new life in his dead arm. "That explosion blew me right back into shape. The doctors said r---------- I few remaining Spring coats atd suits 1/2price Were 29.95 to 59.50. Mostly year 'round classics with a few softer type suits included. Fine wool fabrics . . . worsteds, crepes, flan- nels, gabardines, shetlands. Misses' and junior sizes. suiner dresses t Balance of stock. Cottons, novelty rayons, a few rayon crepes. Classics, dressy types, a enw -of-seas on Clerarance STATE STREET STORE Mondlay lHours: Noon to 8:30 p.m. it was a miracle." Roy returned to Montreal in 1941 and then played for Los Angeles in '42 and last year, He was brought up by the Cubs this season and his outstanding work both at bat and in the field won him the regular third base job. When Stan Hack returned, Hughes, whose stickwork was the best on the club, was transferred to shortstop. And today, Hughes is playing the best baseball of his career. JHis .321 bat- ting average is tops for the club and fourth highest in the league. TYPE WRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 6615 a, ! ere,6 I A00 1 & in those lovable checks and plaids. The first touches of fall in a beau- tiful range of colors. 5.95 to 1O.95 c in kitten's ear soft, pure wools. A color to match every costume. Cherry, spruce green, navy, black white, light blue, lilac, yellow and pink. 10.95 short sleeve slipovet 12.95 long sleeve slipover 14.95 cardigans few two-piece suit dresses. Misses' and junior for a daily change of cos- tume With your shirts, slacks and over your blo u s es, s w e at ers a nd dresses. Pure wool, shet- land type with lapel col- lar and cardigan neck- lines and contrasting V braid trim.- Light blue, brown, cocoa,k green, navy, new gold, CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request LOST AND FOUND TAKEN BY MISTAKE-Men's green raincoat--was given out Wed. morning by error at Rackham desk. Real owner has presented check and is anxious for its return. Will the person whose raincoat was left in the auditorium Tues. return raincoat given to you and sizes. I' ely kithats 98to 2.98; Youthful shapes in a wide yariety of colors ...m pastels, bright shades, basic brown, black and navy. Calots, turbans, Dutch caps, pill boxes. 3 groups of blouses W St. Louis.......54 New York........48 Boston'.........49 Cleveland ....49 L 41 43 44 Pct. .568 .527 .527 GB 4 4 1.98, 2.98 and 3.98