THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY S, 1944 Fithgan Baly Fifty-Fourth Year THE PENDULUM: Insincerity of Wallace Bandwagon Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant , . . . Managing Editor Betty Ann Koffman . . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor Hankt Mantho . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Lee Amer , . . . Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 ia /: c, rsI -' ' r . ~ "' ". .... '.' . y ' i r, ",t { r r r . . t 2 Per M1 z/ ty y r; 4, l By BERNARD ROSENBERGE G -- - - _ ROOSEVELT is still the an. with something like reverance by re- It has been said of him that he actionaries everywhere. retreats but never surrenders. He Henry Wallace is the same Henry retreated at Chicago. He will ad- Wallace he was before the Demo- vance in Washington-for the recu- cratic Convention. If anything, he perative powers of liberalism are most stands more definitely for uncondi- extraordinary. While loss of Wallace tional progressivism. The press knows is a blow it is no knock-out. this. That is why their sympathy for Now, instead of having two great him must be taken with several men on their ticket, the Democrats grains of iodized salt. It is approxi- have one great man, which is one mately as sincere as Warren Gamile great man more than the Republi- Bricker's promises to American labor. cans can claim.B Thev had their guns set for Wal- F y l) . I RIiPREBtENihO POR NArIONAL ADVEIRTIi.G Wy National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CaCAG * BOSTO " LOS AGELE" * SAN FRACNCISCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matterseherein -also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: DOROTHY POTTS Editorials published in The Michigan Daly are-written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I j Tiij For eleven years the RepublicanJ press has been riding Henry Wallace with all the venom it could muster after having exhausted itself in at- tacks on the president. They have called him every name in the book: communist visionary, crack-pot, uto- pian, astrologist, madman. They, never relented until one day at Chi- cago, Wallace was defeated for re- nomination to the vice-presidency. Then they sprang to his defense. They mourned over the fact that poor persecuted Henry, a man of infinite wisdom and integrity and insight, was thrown to the wolves by machine politicians. If Wallace had been renominat- ed, he would have been bombarded with a new avalanche of abusive editorials. But, because he is on the outside nudging Wendell Will- kie for look-see inside, The New York Herald-Tribune suddenly discovers what a fine, incorruptible fellow Wallace really is. This is an old, old tactic. In the early days of the New Deal, Jim Farley used to be the target of ultra-conservative groups. He was the immoral politician who bludgeon- ed America into electing FDR. In 1930, however, he broke from his boss, stricken with what Charley Michelson has called "presidential fever," and overnight Jim Farley be- came the darling of the newspaper world. Another one of the presi- dent's intimate advisers was Profes- sor Raymond Moley who was scorned so long as he remained with the New Deal as a member of what was re- ferred to as the lunatic fringe; but whose opinion today, because it j no longer pro-Roosevelt, is respected lace but since his defeat, they havet presented him with an unsolicited laurel wreath. I witnessed the last day of the1 Democratic convention, and wept all the way through it at the miscar- riage of popular will. But I also; saw the CIO Political Action Com- mittee very much in evidence. For every Ed Crump in the Democratic machine, there is a Joe Pew in the, Republican machine. But for every Hillman in the Democratic ranks, what has the GOP to offer? They have the one major leader in the whole movement with whom organ- ized labor as a whole will have no truck, John L. Lewis. For all those years when John L. Lewis backed F. D. R. and gave money to the Dem- ocratic National Fund he was an unmitigated scoundrel. But as soon as he changed colors and spoke up for the Republican nominee in 1940, he was a respectable representative of the working people. The Republicans have the rene- gade Lewis; but the Democrats have the support of every other important. labor group in the U. S. A. There are Democratic crooks and there are Republican -crooks. So much on the negative side of the ledger. Take any positive approach, from President Roosevelt to a fairly straightforward platform, and the Democrats have it all over their opponents. Boss-ism was rampant at Chi- cago last week. But behind the bosses who were behind the dele- gates were the Big Business inter- ests. Oscar R. Ewing is one such industrialist. Ewing is vice-chair- man of the Democratic National -AP t6 7< ; -git Trimingthe Suit to Fit Junior I'D RATHER .BE RIGHT: the Last Long Mile of War N THE FIRST test case of its kind, three American citizens of Japanese ancestry filed suits in a Los Angeles court recently to permit them to return to the West Coast's evacuated area. In the name of military necessity and because of fears of enemy landings on the coast the evacuation decrees were issued following the Pearl Harbor attack. Thousands were sent inland to relocation centers.. Although questioning the validity of the or- ders, the evacuees complied and cooperated as their ,part in the total prosecution of the war. It has been emphasized that this defensive measure of the Army is not proof of the group's disloyalty. "There is no basis whatever in any avail- able evidence for such an inference," stated Mr. Robert Sproul, president of the Univer- sity of California, "and there is abundant testimfony in the acts of Japanese Americans and the words of other loyal Americans to the contrary." A Fifth Army communique from Italy commenting on the brilliant fighting of the famous Japanese American 100th in- fantry battalion substantiates his statement. However, events in the Pacific, especially dur- ing the past months, show how military strategy has changed from the defensive to the offensive and that the previous necessary for evacuation does not exist. If there is continued delay in allowing Nisei to return, the efforts of race propagandists in the west will become more bit- ter and "yellow peril" mongers will have more opportunity to spread their threats. The suc- cessful outcome of this case will help make the reacceptance of the evacuees in the coastal areas easier now rather than waiting until the end of the war. -Dorothy Potts By SAMUEL GRAFTON v W EW YORK, July 27--We have reached that final stage of war in which a strange distor- tion of values takes place. In the earlier stages of war, it requires an enormous effort to pro- duce a small result. But we have reached the level where a small additional effort may now produce an enormous result. One additional mile may now be too much for tired Gefman troopers to travel by foot; they must be made to walk that mile. One additional Allied landing may complete the bankruptcy of' German transportation; there must be that landing, or its equivalent. The Thousand-and-First Each German death now produces an effect greater than a thousand deaths two years ago; because each is now the thousand-and-first German Junkers who could maintain their loy- alty to Hitler during a thousand miles of re- treat from Stalingrad, now seen unable to stand up against the strain of even one additional mile of retreat into East Prussia. That final mile is worth as much as the first thousand; the thousand miles loaded the gun, the thou- sand-and-first discharges it. It is hard for us to understand what is now going on in Germany; the impression is one of confusion and blur, precisely because all the ordiffary values of war and of life are now distorted and altered; we are in something like that weird world of high pressures which exists in the laboratories of the physicists. Once the pressure is high enough, one more pound, and a gas becomes a liquid; so in Ger- many today, a stone in his shoe may make a mutineer of a soldier who, last year, would have given his right arm with a laugh. Price Control: Two Views..-- IN VIEW of the amount of cussing which price- control comes in for in our own country, a resolution adopted by a Mexican organization is of interest, even of startlement. The resolution proclaims that public officials who do not enforce price-control measures are traitors and should be put to death by shooting. This view is perhaps extreme. But it could well enough bear pondering, without any notice- able ill effects on the ponderer, by those various blocs and lobbies which maintain that price- control is unprofitable to them and should be put to death by amendment. -St. Louis Post Dispatch It is the extra day of pressure, following a year of pressure, that he cannot stand; we must make sure to give him that extra day, for that is the only way we can cash in for our hard year. Strangely enough, at this high climax of the war, every small additional quantity of men and munitions is more important than it could have been a year ago or four years ago. When we had no planes, a thousand planes more (lid not mean very much; but when we have almost enough planes to complete the ruin of the enemy, then even ten more planes, at the right place, on the right day, may take us over the top, by starting that revolt in German ranks whose basis was laid by earlier Allied planes which are now but ghosts. T HE GHOSTS of these earlier Allied planes, which did their work and died, now fly with every Allied aircraft left in battle, and they are its comrades still; for it is because of them that every stick of bombs dropped today is not merely one stick of bombs, but the thousand- and-first stick; they lend it its peculiar and intensified value. In this sense, no Allied plane has ever died; they all fight still. Each has contributed its bit toward so increasing the pressure upon our German enemy, that all manner of climatic and cataclysmic change is now taking place in his ranks. And Now Hitler Kills Germans, Too It is because the Allies have killed so many Germans that Hitler now finds it necessary to kill Germans, too; he must kill them in order to keep Germany in a war in which more Germans will be killed. Because we have fought well against Germany, Hitler himself has had to de- clare war against Germany. Both men and materials behave in bizarre fashion, once the pressure against them mounts high enough. To increase that pressure, to bend our backs willingly to the job, makes all the agony of our last three- years good, and keeps the work of even our dead soldiers alive. For we are now in that final moment, when one more degree of heat makes water burst into steam. As for him who chooses this day to start brawls among us, to murmur against our allies, to deny the validity of our task, it may be said that he acts so as to snatch the kettle from the fire. Ie works so as to kill our dead men twice. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) Committee and-according to 1. F. Stone-Principle Washington lobbyist for the Aluminum Co. of America. ALCOA, of course, fear- ed Wallace's anti-monopolistic views. Another is Edwin J. Pauley, treasurer of the DNC who, says Stone, "is curiously fraternal with the big oil companies, notably Standard Oil Co." Standard Oil hates Wallace for his anti-cartel views. Yes. Big Business swung the nomi- tation away from Wallace although tot far away. The reason they con- entrated on the vice-presidency was >ecause they could not touch the residency itself-and it is the presi- lency which counts. The Republicans who want to make n issue of this boss-ism business had >etter walk with care, at least as long s they remain the instrument of Nall Street, the Grange Trust, the Lu Ponts, the Rockefellers, the Bab- >itts, and the upper middle class in eneral to the exclusion (remember im?) of the Common Man. F acethe Facts rAM HAPPY that The Daily seeks to give us both sides of the current political campaign. But it seems to me that the Republican standard could be borne ina much wiser man- ner than that selected by Lee Landy in "Democrats Misinterpret History." Landy criticizes the Democrat's treatment of the World Disarmament Pact of 1921. The phraseology at- tributed to the Democrats is obvious- ly ridiculous, but we can overlook that as we observe the real Democ- ratic viewpoint on the subject. The real irony is evident when we see the feeble attempts of an iso- lationist government to bargain with other countries. The government of the United States at that time want- ed no part in international affairs; yet, here and there, we selected a few choice tidbits which would not com- mit us in any way and would keep us head and shoulders above our neigh- bor-nations. The Disarmament Pact is a good example of this. Naturally we "felt proud" in reducing our naval tonnage-we were maintaining power relatively. Sure, the Pact was O. K., but it is the whole attitude of the Repub- lican Government that the Demo- cratic Party takes issue with now! We want to make sure that our post-war government this time will meet every issue, and will join with all other nations without any men- tal reservations that will allow us to back out at any time. The ques- tion is now: Can we put our faith in the Republican Party again this time? Since Landy chose to bring up "the aims of the present administration," let us look at the date of the Atlantic Charter, August 14, 1941. Rather than attack it as insufficient, let us praise it for being an early ground- 4ork which has been of vast import- ance in unifying British and Ameri- can principles, and in readying the way for peace shortly .after the fight- ing war itself had begun for us. In the future, then, Miss or Mr. Landy, before you accuse the Demo- crats of reading "only half the facts, and coating them with a trumped-up rationalism," read and listen a little more carefully. Compare, if you will, the various speeches given at the two national conventions-compare them line for line; compare the platforms and decide for yourself which of them attempts to get down to earth, uncover the issues, and propose to do something about them. Keep your eyes and ears open- see for yourself who is hiding be- hind the bush. -Fred Springborn play. Ground floor cases, Architec- ture Building. Student work continued on dis- planning. South end of downstairs corridor, Architecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, through July 30, except on Sunday. The public is invited. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1944 VOL. LIV No 18-S. All notices for The Daily Official Buil- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh- manfive-week progress reports will be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors The five-weeks grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps) will be due Aug. 5. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Arthur Van Duren Supervisor, Navy V-12 Graduate Students: Applications for degrees to be awarded at the end of the* current Summer Session should be in the Graduate School office by Monday, July 31. Students applying for degrees after that date cannot be assured of graduation. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 9 to 11, Saturday evening, July 29, in case the sky is clear or nearly so. The moon will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accom- panied by adults. Lectures The Pei), ted Pen Today: "Critical Problems in School Finance," Lee M. Thurston, Professor of Educational Administration, Uni- versity of Pittsburgh. (UHS auditor- ium) 11 a.m. Today: Dr. Ernest J. Simmons, Directorrof the Intensive Study of Contemporary Russian Civilization being held at Cornell University this summer, will lecture on "Soviet Rus- sian Literature" at 4:10 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Tuesday, Aug. 1: Professor Preston W. Slosson. "Interpreting the News." 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Wednesday, Aug. 2: "China and America Face the Future." The Hon- orabe Walter H. Judd, M.D., repre- sentative from Minnesota and former medical missionary in China. 8:30 p.m.,. Rackharn Lecture Hall, The public is cordially invited. Thursday, Aug. 3: Professor Shih Chia Chu will not lecture 'n this date, but will lecture, as previously scheduled, on Aug. 10, Thursday, Aug. 3: "Interpreting China to the West." Dr. Arthur Ham- mel, Chief, Division of Orientalia, Library of Congress. 8:30 p.m., Rack- hame Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Friday, Aug. 4: "China Hopes and Aims." Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor- dially invited. Academic Notices Make-up examinations in History will be given today from 3-5 in Rm. C, Haven )-all. Concerts Carillon Recital: On Sunday, July 30, at 3 p.m., Percival Price will pre- sent a carillon recital which will in- clude original carillonaarrangements of folk songs, as well as piano pieces by Schumann and Couperin All Russian Choral Evensong: First Methodist Church Choir, conducted by Professor Hardin Van Deursen, School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and Harriet Porter, Contralto; organist, Irene Applin Boice. Russian instru- mental selections will be rendered by Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Ruby SOME QUARTERS noted with glee the defeat of Senator "Cotton" Ed Smith in the South Carolina democratic primaries on Wednesday. "Cotton" Ed trailed far behind the democratic governor Olin D. Johnson in final tabulations. One thing for sure. The White House won't shed any tears over "Cotton" Ed's defeat. Ad- ministration forces can take the mandate of the voters of South Carolina as a belated sanction of their opinions. It will be recalled that Smith was the target six years ago of President Roosevelt's "purge" of obstructionist Southern members of Congress. At that time Smith barnstormed the state and the well-knit Democratic political organization saw to it that he was re-elected. The new nominee, Governor Johnson, is at the moment a political enigma, but he will be assuming a Senate seat (election in the solid South being a foregone conclusion) whose stature. it may be hoped, he will raise to a BARNABY As soon as I get your sailboat back, I'll give You almost all my time to that pirate treasure. ..One ht it thing about it being under water. It's not that time, guarded by Leprechauns. We won't have Mr. O'Malley. to cope with THOSE nasty little creatures.. . -~r By Crockett Johnson I Cushlamochree! The boat seems to be deliberately avoiding me! It's taken on a perverse quirk- Who's a poivoise quoik? t Launcelot McSnoyd, the Leprechaun! And he's invisible. In poyson! Clements books. Library: Association J --- i 7 I IL-,- 6i "a .+" .,Q( -4cKt Jo-\Nsjot Rackham Galleries: "People of the Minorities in the U.S.S.R." (this week only), photographic exhibit circu- lated by the National Council of American - Soviet Friendship, New York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The Growth of the University of Michigan in Pic- tures. Legal Research Library: Fine bin- ,i -27 Copy, q~t7944 Fi dd Pubh co *- 1--27, L ,, -.,, _ . o, - - - ... . . . . .. r t / .. I F, , I -I,. --, - -.. --, - I -It. -.--a -- --- L.-. -,-I I