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July 27, 1944 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-27

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I it

Occasional Showers


















Proposal of Negotiation,
With Farrell Is Rejected
Diplomatic Isolation Recommended
To United Nations by State Department
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 26-The United States tonight denounced Argen-
tina for "deserting the Allied Cause" and decisively rejected all suggestions
that it negotiate with President Edelmiro Farrell's regime on re-opening
diplomatic relations. Instead it recommended to all United and Associated
Nations the diplomatic isolation of Argentina.
Denunciation Uses Strong Language
The denunciation apparently was without precedent for bluntness and
strong language. It was issued by the State Department after Secretary
of State Hull had consulted for several weeks with other American gov-
ernments. Copies were sent to all the American governments except
A department official said there was "virtual unanimity" among those
governments in supporting the principles laid down by Hull for continuing
non-recognition of Argentina on the ground of desertion. One or two,
it was said, have not given endorsement yet but are expected to do so.
Injures Allied Cause
The American declaration asserted that Argentina had taken "two
steps which have resulted in tremendous injury to the Allied cause:"
"1. It has deliberately violated the pledge taken (at Havana in July,
1940) jointly with its sister republics to cooperate in support of the war
against the Axis powers, and in thus deserting the Allied cause has
struck a powerful blow at the whole system of hemispheric coopera-
"2. It has openly and notoriously been giving affirmative assistance
to the declared enemies of the United Nations."
While the declaration emphasized that the present issue is over
the Farrell regime, it said that for two and a half years, Argentina
has persisted "in an open, notorious and contrary course of action
which has given constant aid and comfort to the enemies" of the
American republics.
"Spasmodic token gestures of cooperation have been made," the state-
ment continued. "In almost all instances, however, they have been
designed to do no more than foster the false hope that Argentina might
yet be prepared to honor her solemn pledge of hemisphere solidarity."
Recognition Attempts Rebuffed
On the basis of those "gestures," it is reported, suggestions have been
made to negotiate the question of recognition. To these the United States
"The principles for which the free nations of the world are today
contributing the full measure of their human and material resources cannot
be the subject of a bargain. The controlling issue (on recognition) is
support in good faith of the Allied cause."
~a- - - ~ ---

Take Tinians's
Finest Airfield
Yanks Trap Japs
In Battle for Guam
By The Associated Press
26-Raising the toll of slain Japa-
nese to 4,758, American invasion for-
ces in the Marianas have battled half
way out on Guam's Orote peninsula
against trapped Nipponese and have
won the northern fourth of Tinian
Island, which has a 4,500-foot air-
field, one of the finest in the Mar-
The successes were announced to-
night by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz in
two communiques.
400 Japs Killed
On Guam, where action is center-
ed around Port Apra on the west
coast, the Yanks killed 400 Japs
and destroyed 12 tanks when the
enemy tried to break out of Orote
peninsula Monday night. That rais-
ed announced totals of enemy dead
on Guam to 2,800.
At dawn Tuesday, the Americans
moved out on the peninsula which
has been pounded hard by battle-
ship guns, carrier planes and artil-
Behind Port Apra, Yank forces
have strengthened the sealing off of
that fine harbor, previously accom-
plished by patrols effecting a junc-
ture from north and south beach-
Supported by a battleship, which
blew up camouflaged blockhouses,
and by strafing planes from nearby
Saipan, the Yanks forced a solid line
across the northern sector from Fai-
bus San Hilo point on the west
coast to Asiga point on the east.
Ushi Airfield Scene of Jap Slaughter
Many of the Jap deadhhurl-
ed themselves in suicidal charges
in defense of a 4,500-foot Ushi
point airfield. Together with its bar-
racks and repair facilities, Ushi is
regarded as comparable to Hawaii's
Hickam Field.
For the first time, the comrpu-
nique told of Saipan-based Thunder-
bolts attacking the enemy with "fire
bombs." Others raided Pagan in
the Northern Marianas.
Carrier plane attacks were report-
ed on Guam and Rota.
Task Force Hits Papau
At the same time Radio Tokyo re-
ported an American carrier task
force struck at Palau, east of the
Philippines,kand that an Allied fleet
again bombarded Sabang Harbor on
The attack on Palau, if confirmed,
would be the second by such an
American force on that enemy
stronghold 500 miles from the Philip-
Cassino Veterans
Storin Florence
ROME, July 26-(AP)-Spearhead-
ed by New Zealand veterans of Cas-
sino, Eighth Army forces smashed
today within eight miles of the open
city of Florence, which was expected
to fall without a struggle once its
outer defenses were breached.
(The Berlin Radio said July 1 that
Adolf Hitler had declared Florence an
open city to protect its "irreplaceable
cultural values," and there has since
been no report of Allied planes hav-
ing attacked the city's rail yards.)

Russian Troops Reach Vistula;
Fight for West Bank Bridgeheads

* * *

* * *

Narva Captured as'
Nazi Defenses Sag
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Thursday, July 27-Rus-
sian troops, having reached the Wisla
(Vistula) River on a 30-mile front
in Central Poland, fought today for
bridgeheads on the western bank
which would outflank Warsaw, 57
miles to the northwest, and place
them across the last large natural
defense line guarding Germany, 140
miles away.
While these sagging Nazi defenses
on the Wisla underwent the scourge
of Marshal Konstantin K. Rokossov-
sky's massed forces, the north Baltic
front split open with Soviet capture
of the Estonian city-fortress of Nar-
va and neighboring towns on the
south shores of the Gulf of Finland,
and the Germans and their Hun-
garian puppets in the south reeled
back into the Carpathian Mountain
passes below encircled Stanislawow
and Kolomyja on the routes to
First Round in Battle of Warsaw
Up and down the Wisla from Deb-
lin the first great round of the battle
of Warsaw was being fought, with
the Poles eagerly anticipating that
they might be the first liberating
army to march into that enslaved
But the eight great Red Army
groups were carrying the main weight
of the tremendous offensives which,
besides ground gained, had doomed
the German garrisons of Stanis-
lawow, Lwow, Brest Litovsk, Bialy-
stok, Daugavpils and probably also
From north to south, the main bat-
tlefronts presented this picture, as
described by Moscow accounts, the
Soviet Communique and German ad-
Reds Capture Biala Podlaska
Narva, a fighting fortress through-
out its 600 years of existence, was
taken by flanking movement and
storm after having been partly en-
circled since the Leningrad armies
cleared the Germans from that big


Danxi AS
*Allenstein Grodno
Bydgoszcz -'Toruniaystok
2 4. Kamenka
.Kota Q ie
,--+-WARSAW Sietr1
POLAND .*k Brest Pinsk
Lodz Q Lukow r,,,
,reslau Radom. ubln Kowel
Beizhitse i r(.e
Kielce. i
Son R.Luck
w165 Mi. 4 Rowne*
Krakow Jaroslaw
l aworow
a so H UJ N G A R Y - Ceranti
proaches of Siedlce in the main frontal assault. In Southern Poland
the capture of Lublin and the drive beyond Lwow threatened to out-
flank the Warsaw region as Soviet armies moved to within 165 miles
of the pre-war German border. In the north Russian army groups
were within two hours forced march of East Prussia, 130 miles from

Air AttacksHit
German Cities
LONDON, July 27, Thursday -
AP')-Allied bombers were sweeping
over the Reich early today from vir-
tually every direction, the German
radio reported, in what appeared a
continuation of the gigantic three-
cornered blasting Nazi strategic tar-
gets have been given on preceding
Various German broadcasts told of
the approach of formations of bomb-
ers over East Prussia, the Kiel Bay,
western, northwestern and southern
Germany as well as the lower Danube
After giving the great naval base
of Kiel a crushing blow Sunday night
the RAF slashed at Stuttgart twice
in succession, dropping more than
2,000 tons of explosives and fire
bombs on the precision tool center
Tuesday night. Russian bombers
have hit the important railroad cen-
ter of Tilsit in East Prussia twice in
a row and Mediterranean bombers
at the same time ranged into the
Rhone Valley and the Munich area.
Bad weather in daylight yesterday,
kept American heavy bombers in
Britain grounded and confined aerial
activity. over the Normandy battle
zone 'to a series of attacks on enemy
transport and military installations
by medium and fighter bombers.
'Three American planes were lost in
this action. The Luftwaffe made only
one appearance, sixteen FW190s
pouncing on a group of Lightnings
over the Vendome railway yards and
then scurrying into the clouds after
making a single pass.
Commons Discuss
Robots After Raid
LONDON, July 26-(AP)-The
House of Commons went into an im-
promptu secret session today to dis-
cuss flying bombs after a night in
which the Nazi robots battered at
London and southern England at

Campus Sing
Will Be Held
The old familiar and favorite Mich-
igan songs, "Yellow and Blue," "Var-
sity" and many others, will be heard
at the Campus Sing to be held from
7 to 8 p.m. tomorrow in front of the
Main Library.
The Varsity Glee Club with more
than 30 members this semester will
lead the singing with the audience
joining in on the Michigan songs.
Copies of the words will be distrib-
uted so that everyone can partici-
Both civilian students and service-
men are in the Glee Club this sum-
mer. Their rehearsals and tomor-
row's concert will be under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Mattern of the
School of Music.
A well known baritone from De-
troit, Oswald Lampkins, will also be
heard on the program. His selections
will be several spirituals and some
concert numbers by Strauss and La-
Mr. Lampkins was a former pupil
of the late Karleton Hackett at the
American Conservatory of Music in
Chicago. During that time he also
gave numerous concerts in Chicago
and in Michigan. Later he joined
the famous Fisk Jubilee Singers and
was soloist with them for eight years
before returning to Detroit.
Prof. Percival Price will give a
carillon recital of Michigan songs at
the beginning and at the end of the
Campus Sing.


city's fringes last February.
East of Warsaw the Germans were
struggling to stabilize their line
somewhere between Warsaw and the
Siedlce area, 40 to 50 miles from
the capital, while the Russians an-
nounced the capture of Biala Pod-
laska, 65 miles eastward, tightening
the ring around Brest Litovsk.
Warsaw's suburban rail junction
town of Prage was heavily bombed
by the Red Air Force Tuesday night,
as was Tilsit, East Prussian town,

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
University Students Killed in Mexico City ...
MEXICO CITY, July 26-Two national university students were killed
and many hurt today in a clash between opposing factions set off during
a law students strike.
Fighting started this morning after a group of striking students "cap-
tured" a downtown law school building and the opposing group attacked.
Ten members of the law faculty resigned while the rioting raged.
* * * * * *
Goebbels Urges Germans To 'Fight and Work' .. .
LONDON, July 26-Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels
tonight outlined a program for a stepped-up German war effort and
urged the battered German nation to rally around Adolf Hitler and
"Fight and Work" to overcome "the present difficult times when almost
the entire world is storming against us."
In an effort to reassure the German public, shaken by the historic
events of the past week, Goebbels promised once more that a secret
weapon soon would be used against the Allies, declared "Total war will
now become a reality" and said "Next month" would begin to show
results at the fronts, where Nazi armies have been suffering defeat
after defeat.

where four German troop trains were
The battle of extermination being
waged in the streets of Lwow made
progress, aided by American planes
that flew from Russian bases.
Of all the Russian successes, how-
ever, the one of greatest early prom-
ise appeared to be that on the Wisla
River, replete with the threat to Ger-
many itself and presenting another
of the now-famous Russian by-pass-
ing actions,
Nazis Unable
To Make Stand
LONDON, July 26.-(iP)-The pow-
er and scope of the current Russian
offensive are so great that London
military circles are discussing seri-
ously the possibility that the Nazis
will be unable to make a firm stand
against the Red Army until they
reach the Oder River line running
well inside Germany.
South of Warsaw the Russians
already have reached the Wisla Riv-
er, the last remaining line of natural
defense in front of the German fron-
tier. The swift Soviet advance has
given the Germans little time to
reorganize their armies fleeing
through Poland. It is 142 miles from
the Russian position on the Wisla to
the border of German Silesia, 358
miles to Berlin.
If the Wisla River line fails to hold,
the next important river barrier is
the Oder which, as it approaches the
sea, runs only 35 miles northeast of
Conference on
China Planned
Growth of Republic
Will Be Discussed
A panoramic view of China encom-
passing the growth of the republic to
post-war plans will be presented at
the Conference on China in a five
day session beginning Wednesday.
Under the joint sponsorship of the
Institute of Pacific Relations and the
University Summer Session, the con-
ference will consider the institutions
of the Chinese Republic, the war per-
iod of China, and her probably posi-
tion in the nostwar world in a serien

British Drive
Stalls Before
Nazi Defenses
14 Towns, Road
Junctions Taken
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, July 27, Thursday- A
great combined American tank and
infantry assault smashed through
the German first and second defense
lines and into rear artillery positions
west of St. Lo Wednesday, scoring
gains up to five miles deep through
a four-mile-wide breach in the Nazi
At least 14 towns, including two
important road junctions, fell in the
drive, which outflanked the stubborn
Nazi line running northwestward to
the coast.
Setback in Orne-Odon Wedge
On the eastern flank of the Allies'
Normandy beachhead the British-
Canadian offensive bumped to a
standstill against the toughest de-
fense belt yet encountered, and press
dispatches reaching London early
today reported a serious setback in
the Orne-Odlon wedge where the
British were said to have been hurled
from the town of Esquay and Strate-
gic Hill 112. This dispatch remained
without headquarters confirmation.
The new push in its second day was
"marked by a precision and coopera-
tion among armored infantry, artil-
lery and air units not reached by any
American Army thus far in the war,"
Associated Press Correspondent Wes
Gallagher wrote from the front late
last night.
Yanks Cut Highway
The Americans cut the highway
from St. Lo to Countances near St. 1
and made their deepest inland pene-
tration of the invasion, leaving in
their wake uncounted dead and cap-
tured of the badly-mauled Nazi 353rd
infantry and Third Parachute Divi-
The assault, with doughboys riding
tanks into battle like cowboys on
steel ponies, breached the enemy line
between St. Lo and Periers, badly
mauling two enemy divisions in a
hailstorm of tank fire, bullets, artil-
lery shells, and bombs from the sky.
The American First Army 'was at-
tacking all along a 20-mile front
from Lessay inland-in its biggest
blow since Cherbourg and possibly
since D-Day-
Blood Donors
Are Needed
Red Cross Bank Wants
200 Male Registrants
Two-hundred campus men are ask-
ed to register as blood donors for the
forthcoming Red Cross Blood Bank,
it was announced yesterday by Sandy
Perlis, USNR, chairman of the Union
The Blood Bank will be held Friday
and Saturday, August 11 and 12, in
the Women's Athletic Building.
Hours will be from 1:30 to 3:30 p. M.
Registration will be held for cam-
pus civilian men from 9 a. m. to noon
and from 1 to 2:30 p. M. Mon-
day on the Diagonal, Perlis said yes-
terday, and registrants may then
make appointments. Persons who
are under 21 years old must secure
the written consent of their parents
or guardians before serving as blood
Campus women are responding ad-
mirably to the call for seventy-five

ing to Pat Coulter, '45, president of
the Women's War Council. The quota
is, however, not yet filled, and spe-
cial registration will be held between
1:30 and 3 p. m. today and from
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Social
Director's Office of the League.
Dental Students To
Hold Ball in August
The mid-summer Odonto Ball will
be held Friday, Aug. 4, in the League
Ballroom, featuring Bill Layton and

* * *

* * *

Jap Patrols Attack on New Guinea Front.. .
July 27-Small Japanese patrols are trying to break through American
lines across the Driniumor river on the Aitape front in British New
Guinea, headquarters announced today.
Far to the west in northwestern Dutch New Guinea, fighter planes
and patrol torpedo boats raised havoc with the Japanese base of Manokwari,
damaging barges, fuel dumps, trucks and bivouac areas.



Bricker Predicts Republican Victory in Border States

Associated Press Correspondent
ALBANY, N. Y., July 26-Gov.
John W. Bricker, GOP candidate
for vice-president, predicted today
a Republican victory in November

questions almost entirely to his
The two began their talk imme-
diately after seeing reporters.
Dewey said results of their discus-
sions would not be disclosed until

the GOP ticket would draw a
"good labor vote."
"If the election were held today,
I think we would win," said Brick-
er. "We are going to win in Novem-
her. Thn nennl are rnadv for a

Action Committee, headed by Sid-
ney Hillman, "would have any
"I think Hillman's extreme ac-
tivity on the other side may force
many of labor's ranks into the

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