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July 23, 1944 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-23

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Picnics, Talks
Missions' Role To Be
Center of Discussion
tR Wesleyan Group.
Discussion groups and picnics will,
again be on the program of church
guilds today when the Wesleyan
group meets at 5 p.m. today at the
First Methodist Church to hear sev-
eral talks.
Following the general theme, "What
Should the Church Be Doing?" dis-
cussion will center around the role of
the church, laymen, minister and
missions. A supper and fellowship
hour will be held afterwards.
Virginia Rock To Speak
Miss Virginia Rock, '44, former
vice-president of the Lutheran Stu-
dent Association, will speak to the
group at 4:30 p.m. today at the Zion
parish hall. Her topic will be "What
the Church Meant to Me While a
Student at Michighan."
Gamma Delta, the Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, will meet at the Rackham
Building steps for a picnic at the
Island park. In case of rain, supper
will be held at the Lutheran Student
Center at 1511 Washtenaw.
Milton's "Paradise Lost" and "Par-
adise Regained" will be the topic for
Dr. William Lemon's talk at 4:30 p.m.
today at the First Presbyterian
Church. This series on religion in
world's literature will be concluded
next Sunday. A supper and social
hour will follow.
Picnic To Be Held
Students and servicemen will leave
for the Congregational - Disciples
Guild picnic at 4 p.m. today, from
the Guild House on Maynard, for
games, supper and vesper service. Ir
case of bad weather the group will
meet in the Congregational Church.
Canterbury Club at St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church will hold a picnic
supper and discussion group at 5 p.m.,
today. William, Muehl, acting direc-
tor of the Student Religious Associa-
tion, will be the leader.
Dixie Men Express
Desire To Forgive
CHICAGO, July 22-(AP)--Ex-
pressing a willingness to forget, tem-
porarily at least, the factional strife
which brought "third party" talk for
a time, southern Democratic leaders
found comfort today in the defeat of
Vice-President Henry A. Wallace and
called for a united front to put the
Roosevelt-Truman ticket acioss in

TO SING "FOR THEIR SUPPER"-Pictured above is part of the more than 50 voice University Men's
Glee Club, which under the direction of Prof. David Mattern, will participate in a combination carillon
accompanied songfest and campus sing in front of the library at 7:15 p. m. Friday.

Varsity Glee
Club To Appear
Friday at Sing
The Varsity Glee Club will make
its first appearance of the summer
at an all-campus sing at 7 p. in.,
Friday, at the Main Library steps,
under the direction of Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music.
Among the selections of the Glee
Club, which has more than 30 civil-
ians and servicemen members, will
be several Michigan songs. Copies
of these will be distributed so that
the audience may also participate.
Oswald Lampkins, distinguished
Detroit baritone, will sing concert
numbers and spirituals by French
composers. He was a former solo-
ist with the Fisk University Jubilee
Prof. Percival Price will also 'par-
ticipate in the program, playing Mi-
chigan songs on the carillon before
and after the Glee Club's selections.
Chinese Association To
Hold Monthly Meeting
The Chirnese Christian Student As-
sociation will hold its monthly meet-
ing at 4 p. m., today, at the home of
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University
religious counselor.
Dean Alice Lloyd will give an in-
formal talk to the group.

Indian, Chine
Described byJ
"Conditions in India that have
been depicted by returning soldiers
cannot reveal in full detail the de-
plorable situation in that country,"
Major Earl Isensee, a member of the
Third Contract Termination Class of
the Judge Advocate General School,
said in an interview yesterday.
Maj. Isensee, who spent 28 months
overseas serving as an adjutant and
personnel officer for an air combat
unit in India and China, said that
there is a complete lack of sanitary
conditions and health regulations in
"India is a country possessed of
abundant raw material, but there
is always fanine there. However,
in two or three of the large cities
food is plentiful without regard to
rationing," he stated. Maj. Isensee
added that wherever dissatisfaction.
arose among the Indians with
British rule, of course, Amerjcan
soldiers did not interfere.
"China presents a very different
situation than India," he said.
"China is a country where individual
initiative can be exercised and it is
not uncommon to find traces of wes-
tern civilization among the better off
According to Maj. Isensee, some of
the more recent business and home
structures in China are of modern
architecture. The people are indus-
trious and display marked admiration
for the American soldiers, he said.
"Suring my stay in China, I ob-
served the development of nation-
alism in the area where I was.
There was no trace of communism
as we understand it in this coun-
try. The communism in China,
he stated, is not a state owned and
operated community basis.
"Rumor to the effect that Gen.
Chiang Kai Chek deems the com-
munists his major enemy and the
Japanese enemy number two, is not
true according to my observation,"

se Conditions
JAG Officer-

he continued. The Chinese people
as a whole are united in their de-
terinination to destroy enemy num-
ber one which is the Japanese im-
perialists," he stated.
"China is a country to be watched
after the war for progress and de-
velopment," he added.
Maj. Isensee is a graduate of the
University of Minnesota Law School
and practiced law in Minneapolis be-
fore entering the Army.
'Whiy Marry' Is
Dr. Blakeman' s
Subject Today
"Why Marry" will be the topic dis-
cussed by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman
at the class for University students
10 p. m., today, in the First Methodist
Older, religious motives for mar-
riage as well as the modern reasons
will be given. The view that chil-
dren are or should be the only object-
ives of marriage and that parents
have the responsibility of producing
improved members of society will
also be presented.
"When marriage is entered into
selfishly, egotistically and as an ex-
periment, the children become a
crop of delinquents, and divorce may
also follow," Dr. Blakeman stated.
University graduates as parents were
said to have done somewhat better
but were not completely successful.
The class is a weekly event this
summer and will hold four more
meetings. Past discussions have dealt
with the differences in American,
German and Japanese homes. The
general theme of the series is "The
Post-War Family."

On Campus ...
Spanish Club To Meet ...
Spanish violin music, a talk en-
titled, "Costumbres Campesinas de
Colombia," by Sr. Ernesto Delgado
of Colombia and a social hour is on
the agenda of the meeting of the
Soviedad Hispanica to be held at 8
p. m. Tuesday in the League.
The other meetings are conversa-
tion hours intended for the Spanish
student who wishes to supplement
his classroom instruction with infor-
mal practice. These will be held at
4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in the
Grill Room of the League and at
4 p.m. Thursday at the International
Music School Presents . ..
Because of the limited seating
capacity of the Assembly Hall, the
School of Music has arranged to
have its final program given in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The third recital in a series of
Beethoven and Mozart sonatas will
be presented at 8:30 p.m., Thurs-
day, July 27. The program will
open with the Sonata in B-flat
major, K.378, by Mozart and will
continue with Beethoven's Sonata
in A minor, Op. 47 ("Kreutzer").
The final presentation will be
Mozart's Sonata in A major, K.526.
Council To Meet...
The B'nai Brith Hillel student
council will meet at 10:30 a.m., today,
in the Hillel Foundation lounge.
The meeting will be held to discuss
the summer program of Hillel and
to push the membership campaign to
a successful conclusion, Stan Wallace,
president, announced.
Carillon Recital Today ...
Classical selections and his own
compositions will be featured by
Prof. Percival Price at his carillon
recital at 3 p.m. today.
Five pieces from Handel which
will open the program are "The
Harmonious Blacksmith," "Angels
Ever Bright and Fair," "Sara-
bande," "Two Pieces for a Musical
Clock" and a march from "Judas
Two arias from Verdi's "Rigo-
letto" and his "Agnus Dei" will
also be heard. "The Bells of Sha-
lott," "Andante No. 6," "Fantaisie
No. 5" and "Debout les Gas" by
Price will conclude the program.

Beginning at Noon

Last week of super saving on clothes you

need for your vacation ... fo
for later on




DETROIT. July 22-(AP)-All of
a sudden today it developed that the
top man himself of the U. S. Depart-
ment of Justice was taking an in-
terest in the case of two young
women who reputedly for a lark
helped two German prisoners of war
to escape from an Owosso Work

Attorney General Francis Biddle
happened into town and promptly
conferred with Federal men here over
charges to be brought against Kitty
Case, 20, and Shirley Druce, 19, who
are being held in the Owosso jail.

Biddle Looks into Owosso Case

i7 _ _ _ __



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The Coats
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also Fall weight Tweeds-Camels Hair
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The Suits
2 groups of Summer Suits of Rayon Flannel Gabardine
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Original Values to $35.00
2Groupsof BetterSuit
100% wool mostly dark colors
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Original values to $59.95-Sizes 9-40

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3 Groups of Dresses
Spring and Summer Prints-Jerseys-Crepes
1 and 2-piece suit types, also darker crepes
good for Fall and Winter Wear
at 10.00,12.98,14.98
Original values $16.98 to $29.95
at 5.98


4.95 group
9.95 group
15.95 group
24.50 group

Now 2.95
Now 6.95
Now 10.95
Now 19.50

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Play Suits
formerly up to 15.00, Now 6.95 & 10.95
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Our customers want
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It f/Y /)J

One group of printed and plain Jerseys-Prints
Spun rayons-Cottons
Original Values $8.95 to $12.95
Sizes 9-17 10-44 1612-2412
Groups of Playsuits, Slacks, Jackets, Handbags, Skir
At 3.98
Playsuits, Slacks, Skirts, Blouses, Summer Bags
Ad 200
Odds and Ends in BAGS-BLOUSES

At 79c

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7.95. group

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2 groups cotton gabardine Raincoats
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1 group of sheer spunglass Raincoats and Copes
at 3.98
Buy ... Buy ... Buy, Today and Everyday.
War Saving Stamps and Bonds



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