it 4 VWt Weather Continued Cool VOL. LIV No. 14-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman Ousts Wallace, Gets Nomination * Rpr Reports Indicate * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Full-Scale Rebellion Rocking Germany _ Blood Bath Initiated To Quell Military Uprising FRANCE Seime Boy By the Associated Press LONDON, Saturday, July 22-A self-styled rebel German officer in- sisted today that a full-scale revolt1 against Adolf Hitler's regime wast continuing, while a welter of re- ports said the vengeful Gestapo hadt slaughtered some of the most illu- seious figures in the army, and theI Nazis themselves admitted the broad scope of the conspiracy even as they claimed to be firmly in control. The dead in a blood purge by which the shaken Nazi chiefs soughtE to, retain power included Field Mar-t shals Walter Von Brauchitsch, Karl Gerd Von Rundstedt, Sigmund Wil-t helm List and Fritz Erich Von Mann-t stein, according to reports via Switz- erland from unconfirmed but usually reliable sources. Executions Reported Travelers reaching Sweden also said there were many well-known names among at least 100 generalsl executed after the unsuccessful at-1 tempt to assassinate Hitler Thurs- day. Early this morning, after the Ger- man home radio had shut down, a mysterious speaker on the Frankfurtt station's wavelength called for at- tention and announced that "by or- der of the commander of the army group of resistance" he was empow- ered to state that although Col. Count Claus Van Stauffenberg, the1 mhan who planted the bomb that al-; most killed Hitler, had paid with his life, this was only "the first blow," and declared:E Initial Action Failedf "Let Hitler know this much for certain-there is more than one Stauffenberg."] 'He admitted the "initial action at- tempt against Hitler's life has fail- ed," but insisted, "the general action] APPROACHING DOOM: continues. We German officers are waging a battle against Hitler and his clique relentlessly and unhesi- tatingly and shall fight until this criminal regime has been finally ex- terminated. "It is not true that the revolt and resistance movement has collapsed." Failure of the plot in its initial stages appeared evident, from the re- peated Nazi broadcasts throughout Friday and Friday night, and from Swiss reports that Nazy newspap- ers still were arriving aboard trains that were on normal schedule. Oth- er quarters, however, confirmed that there still was at least some life in the uprising. * * * High Nazi Generals Reported Exeeuted BERN, Switzerland, July 21.-VP)- Reports that the bloody Nazi purge has claimed the lives of many of Germany's most famous generals, in- cluding Field Marshals Walther von Brauchitsch and Karl Gerd von Rundstedt, spread tonight from us- ually reliable sources although they lacked official confirmation. Reports reaching here also men- tioned Field Marshal Sigmund Wil- helm List, last reported as comman- der in southeast Europe, and Field Marshal Fritz Erich von Mannstein, recently removed from his command on the Russian front, among the prominent officers who had been executed. Information available here indi- cated that the Nazi terrorist action following the reported attempt to assassinate Hit1ler was at least mo- mentarily successful, although the full story of the revolt among the army leaders was hidden behind rigid communications barriers. * * * (Isy . 'nouville Ifs V on Evrec Bourguebus E r y ToPas 8 reitevilN Thury- \\Quosnay H arcourt A CtdifFalaise Conde 0 1U . 'STATUTEneUt ALLIED ADVANCES in Normandy, indicated by the arrows, reached five miles south of Caen under the leadership of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery. St. Martin De Fon- tenay represents the farthest gain of Canadian troops fighting south of Caen. Most significant haul yes- terdaiy was the capture of St. Andre-Sur-Orne beyond the Orne River. * * * J J sl fo u t] ti d L b 1 F S F c t: a L f F J' l e Pollock Predicts Nazi Collapse, But Warns of Overoptimism Professor James K. Pollock, noted observer of German affairs, cautioned, against over-optimism in Allied coun- tries because of the current German situation, but predicted eventual col- lapse of the Nazi regime yesterday in an interview. "Although this is obviously a break in the German situation," he de-; clared, "there is no evidence to date, on the basis of which anybody could get too enthusiastic." "I expect, in the short run, renewed tenacity on the part of German fighting men," he stated, "but it is more important that this apparent revolt spells doom for Hitler faster than we have thought." Plot Made Public "The most remarkable thing about the whole situation," he emphasized, "is the fact that Hitler himself went to great pains to make the plot pub- lic." Dr. Pollock, professor of political science, is a recognized authority on the international scene, served as an election official during the Saar ple- biscite and traveled extensively in Germany until 1934. "Hitler and his Nazi lieutenants will turn this revolt into a morale factor to make it clear to the German people that the Nazi party is still invincible. We must remember that City May Reach E Bond Quota "There is a fair probability that Ann Arbor will reach its E bond quota before Tuesday," Warren Cook, county bond chairman, said yesterday although the city is still $173,938 short of the $1,300,000 goal. He explained that many reports from payroll deductions had not come in when latest tabulations were made Thursday. Ann Arbor has exceeded its quota in individual bonds not of the E ser- a n ." aln in cnororation sales. The the Nazis let us hear only what they wish," he added. Strategy Evidenced Pollock pointed to this move with all its publicity as being another step in the German strategy of dividing Allied sentiment and warned against "grasping this development as being a sure sign of immediate German collapse." "It -"is not strange that this Army revolt is centered on the Eastern front where Germany has suffered her worst defeats of the war. The number of top flight generals re- ported to have surrendered to the Russians is an indication of dissatis- faction in high Army circles. "This seems to be dissatisfaction over the way Hitler hasreplaced many of his Army leaders and the manner in which he has made the war his personal concern," he said. Hitler Went Too Far Pollock likened the present flare of opposition to the blood purge of 1934 which he observed in Germany and said "this time Hitler seems to have gone too far with the Army, riding roughshod over high ranking officers." "If German reports are true that Hitler is executing scores of Army officers, that is all right with me. That means there will be less for us to kill," he declared. He discounted circulating opinion that this is. an attempt to overthrow the government by the Army and arrange a negotiated peace, called these opinions "wishful thinking," and predicted fighting of a more bitter nature ahead. Center Will Have Summer Reception The Sixth Annual Summer Re-, ception for Foreign Students in hon- or of the 350 foreign students who are studying here will be held from 8 to 10:30 p. m. today at the Interna- Allied Infantry Cements Line Below Caen British, Canadians Crush Counterattack SHEAF, Saturday, July 22-(AP)- British and Canadian infantry ce- mented positions below Caen to a depth of five miles yesterday and smashed back a heavy counterattack as the Germans struck through rain and mud that mired the main Allied drive toward Paris. The enemy counterattack develop- ed near St. Martin De Fontenay,' five miles south of Caen, which was cap- tured in a blinding rainstorm by Canadians. Nearby St. Andre-Sur-Orne was captured by the Allies in the day's most significant gain. The Germans also were forced into slow retreat on the west of Caen as the Allies fought for elbow room. Montgomery Captures Monts Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's forces captured the village of Monts, only three and a half miles northeast of the highway center of Villers- bocage, but the Germans still held out in Noyers, two miles east of Monts. First reports said the British had captured Noyers, but supreme head- quarters later made an official cor- rection. SHAEF also said there was no fighting inside this sector's ene- my stronghold of Evrecy, as re- ported previously, but the British held the railway station just north of the town. Rommel Checks Drive Armor clashed with armor in the battle for the Dives River strong- point of Troarn, eight miles east of Caen, and tiger tanks drove the British back to the railway station just west of the town. However Brit- ish outfianking columns were both north and south of Troarn. Despite the breach in his lines, it appeared Field Marshal Erwin Rom- mel had checked the drive southeast toward Vimont, eight miles from Caen, with a concentrated screen of anti-tank guns. British and Canadians had cleared both banks of the Orne River for a distance of five miles south of Caen except for a few stragglers. Koiso To Suggest New Ja Cabinet Gen. Kuniaki Koiso, long an advo- cate of Jananese expansion, is ex- Reds Cross Bug River Russians Advance On 37 Mile Front By the Associated Press LONDON, July 21-Russian troops smashed across the B g River in force on a front more than 37 miles wide today and advanced nine milest through staggering German opposi- tion aided by a mass of tanks of every description deployed on the rolling1 Lublin Plain for a drive on Warsaw. The Bug was the last big water1 barrier before the Wisla (Vistula), which flows through Warsaw, 130 to 160 miles above the points where the Red Army engineers flung their mas- sive pontoons across in a day's time. Railroad, Highway Besieged The broadcast Soviet midnight communique, announcing the sudden thrust over the Bug, said the railroad and highway between besieged Brest Litovsk and Chelm had been cut by Marshal Konstantin K. Rokossovsky's forces. Chelm, 65 miles south of Brest Litovsk, was the first big ob- jective on the route to Warsaw, and Soviet troops already were less than 12 miles from it on the north and east. This was the most notable of a long series of successes announced by the Russians in a day of lugging ad- vances. Previously, Marshal Stalin in an order of the day announced the fall of Ostrov, 475 airline miles north of the Bug crossings. Some elements of Gen. Ivan Kon- ev's Ukrainian Army already had raced across the Diver north and south of Sokal and were in possession of Rawa Ruska. They were expected to join Pokossovsky's forces farther north for an advance on Lublin. Fishermen, Farmers Volunteer The major crossings of the Bug were described by Moscow dispatches as a spectacular undertaking, in which fishermen and farmers from many miles around volunteered to help thousands of engineers connect the pre-fabricated bridges. Overhead, airplanes of every de- scription kept the Germans from in- terfering, while Soviet artillery hurl- ed a thunderous fire into the enemy and Soviet tanks, ranging from light bruiser models to massive "KV's," rumbled out across the newly-built bridges. The Russian infantry, which had slogged through the mud to reach the eastern banks, dashed out dry-shod across the big stream and slashed into the Germans on the western side almost without pause. Daily Distribution Special arrangements have been made so that on rainy or windy days students may pick up their copies of The Daily just inside the front door of the main library in- stead of in the customary place on the Diagonal. Yanks Hold Guam Gains Nimitz Announces, Added Landings By the Associated Press U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- QUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, July 21. - American forces have es- tablished good beachheads on Guam and additional troops are landing against light initial Japanese resis- tance, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an- -nounced tonight. Nimitz reported in a communique that the progress of fighting begun yesterday morning for the first re- conquest of an American naval base lost 31 months and nine days ago. Thanks to a terrific record-smash- ing naval and aerial bombardment of beaches and defense installations, marines and soldiers were meeting little opposition in effecting their landings. Jap Resistance Stiffens However, Nimitz reported Ameri- can troops advancing inland were "meeting stiffened resistance in some sectors." This was to, be expected. The ex- cellence and precision of the bom- bardment was believed to have neu- tralized many if not a majority of the defenses. But it is impossible to knock out inland guns and mortars, many of which are well concealed and have to be hunted out singly and silenced. Nimitz said preliminary estimates indicate "our casualties are moder- ate." This is in contrast to landings made against the fiercest resistance five weeks earlier at Saipan, where American forces were unable to de- liver such a concentrated, continuing bombardment. Some conception of the beach bom- bardment of Guam can be gleaned from Nimitz's report that 627 tons of bombs and 147 rockets were expended by carrier aircraft alone on the day preceding the landings. Record Aerial Tonnage Set This is believed to be a record for a one-day aerial tonnage preceding any landings in the Pacific. In addition, naval guns fired thousands of rounds of big shells into beach positions. This tonnage was not announced. This terrible bombardment con- tinued "up to the moment of land- ings," then began searching out Jap- anese artillery batteries as their loca- tion became known. It seems highly probable that the ground troops already have landed heavy artillery to join in the barrage. HARRY S. TRUMAN .. . the victor. 3,000 Planes Climax. Attack Over 'Germany LONDON, July 21-(AP)--United States air forces flung 3,000 war- planes-paced by more than 1,600 heavy bombers-against high-prior- ity targets in Germany today in a thunderous climax to six days of the greatest sustained assault in the his- tory of aerial conflict. Thirty-five British-based bombers and eleven fighters were lost, prob- ably to intense anti-aircraft fire, for so potent was the American fighter screen that the few enemy fighters which braved it penetrated to only one of the formations, the U. S. stra- tegic air force communique announc- ed. Sixteen enemy planes were shot down by the big task force from brit- ain, ten of them by bomber gunners. Official Tabulation .. . CHICAGO STADIUM, July 21- (AP)-The final official tabulation of the second ballot for vice presi- dential nominee at the Democratic national convention: Truman 1,100, Wallace 66. Douglas 4. Absent 6. Total 1,176. Second Ballot Decides Vice-Presidential Race By The Associated Press CHICAGO, July 21-Harry S. Truman, ten years ago a political un- known, triumphantly captured the Democratic party's nomination for vice president tonight, The Missouri Senator thus replaced Henry A. Wallace as the running mate for President Roosevelt's unprecedented fourth term bid. Wallace had led on the first ballot but one after another, the state 'delegations swarmed behind Truman on the second. Grinning and waving, Truman, the lean, gray, 60-year-old chairman of the senate war investigating committee, climbed to the speaker's plat- form, as soon as he won his uphill battle, to receive the convention's noisy acclaim. Labor Supported Wallace Although Wallace's name spelled political poison to many Dixie Dem- ocrats, the former secretary of agri- culture commanded powerful support from some elements of labor, among them the CIO Political Action Com- mittee. Its.chairman, Sidney Hillman, promised the Roosevelt-Truman team " .:''our complete and whole-hearted .+:::::::.>.'.'support." Tonight, for a second time in four years, Democrats tossed a vice-presi- dent onto the political scrap heap and A GOOD LOSER: Wallace Pledges Full Support o Roosevelt-Truman Ieket V CHICAGO, July 21-(AP)-Vice President Wallace said tonight "the cause of liberalism has been further advanced by developments at the Democratic convention and announc- ed that he would whole-heartedly support the Roosevelt-Truman ticket. That was his comment immediately after he learned over the radio that Senator Harry S. Truman had de- feated him in their battle for the TU' Fresh Air Tag Day Nets $941 for Fund Boy campers yesterday collected $941 in their summer Tag Day drive when students and townspeople were asked to contribute to maintenance of the University's Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake. Top sum collected by one boy was $27. About 93 boys, from nine to 13 years old were brought by truck from the FreshAir Camp made their head- quarters the First Methodist church where they had lunch. After the day's soliciting was over they were treated to a movie. The total amount collected in the summer Tag Day was considerably less than the $1,900 netted in the spring drive which was carried on by University students. One reason giv- en is that the boys were not able to solicit all day, but were allowed to stay on the streets only about six L _.. l.« «...rv. . ,-- +1 gency and during the peace." Wallace, in shirt sleeves, met news- papermen in his hotel room where he had remained throughout the bal- loting for vice-president. He smiled and shook hands with a number of visitors who had waited outside his door. "I am very happy about it--really I am," the vice-president said. When he was asked if he would support the ticket actively this fall he replied: "Of course." He told the reporters that his poli- tical views were well summed up in his speech to the convention yester- day when he seconded' President Roosevelt's nomination, and sug- gested that they refer to it. In Hotel During Ballot Wallace remained in his hotel dur- ing the tense developments at the convention hall which ended in his defeat, He did not even listen to the radio for a long time and, in mid-after- noon, took a nap. He got up about midway through the first ballot, and sat down with friends around a radio to listen to the finale. As for his fight for renomination, Wallace said, "I did what I thought was right, and I am very happy about it." Picked a newcomer to meet with, Roosevelt a Republican challenge to take over the national administra- tion. History Repeated Four years ago, it was John Nance Garner who was dropped at the in- stigation of the chief executive. This year, the president had said he would vote personally for Wallace if he were a convention delegate, but that he likewise thought Truman-or Su- preme Court Justice. William O. Douglas-would add "real strength" to the ticket that will oppose the Republicans' Thomas E. Dewey and John W. Bricker. Democrats took the weak White House endorsement Wallace as their cue. National Chairman Robert E. Hannegan, himself a Missourian, was credited by convention delegates with engineering the Truman victory. Truman Addressed Convention In his career-climaxing victory tonight, Truman told the convention: "You don't know how very much I appreciate this very great honor which has come to the great state of Missouri." "There is also connected with it a great responsibility which I am per- fectly willing to assume. "I expect to continue the effort which I have been making as Senator to help shorten the war and win the peace under our great leader Roose- velt. "I accept the honor with all the humility that a citizen of the United States can assume in this position." Truman still did not have a clear cut majority the first time through the second roll call of states, but vic- tory was just barely outside his grasp. Some states already had shifted to him and the Trhman drive was all set to mow down a host of favor- ite son candidates. U.S. Infantry Gains on Arno ROME, July 21.-()-American infantry and armor have hammered out new gains along a 25-mile stretch of the lower Arno River west of Florence and have sent patrols across the river against a hurricane of fire from Nazi mortars, anti-tank guns and automatic weapons, Allied head- quarters announced today. Returning patrol members said the hills rising north of the Arno were studded with pillboxes and protected by extensive mine fields. The Nazis, I-_ - ,A 1- _ n si-.ivl..-A ,. HENRY A WALLACE ... the vanquished.