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July 19, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-19

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-Daily Photo by John Horeth
SORTING CHERRIES-Part of the Army crew who responded to a volunteer call to harvest cherries
are pictured sorting the "mountain" of cherries they picked. They are left to right, Pfc. Samuel
Buchin, Company D., of New York City; Pfc. Bob Commanday, Co. D.; Kenneth Russell, County Agri-
cultural Agent; Pfc. Lou Pollak, Company D., of New York City; and Frank Anderson, farm manager.
U.S. Health Shows Continuous Designs Chosen
Improvement, Emerson Says Current Exhibit Depicts
Despite recent press criticisms of that increasing death rates inthese Growth of University
the state of the nation's health, sta- instances show no neglect for the Three designs from the current
tistics prove that since 1929 we have people's health. Rather, he said, exhibit of pictures in the Michigan
shown continuous improvement. Dr. they indicate better health 'condi- Historical Collections have been cho-
Haven Emerson said Monday in a tions, for deaths from these diseases sen as new University wedgewood
occur late in life. People who die patterns, Mrs. Lucille Conger, execu-
lecture to Public Health students. from heart disease at 70 have been tive secretary of the Alumnae Coun-
Dr. Emerson, who is a nonresident protected from dying of various other cil said yesterday.
lecturer in the School of Public diseases earlier in life. Growth of the University from the
Health, is also professor emeritus of Situation Is Not Bad first Detroit buildings to the present
Public Health at Columbia Univer- The situation is not bad, Dr. Emer- in represented in the exhibit of 24
sity and is a member of the Board of son summarized, a great task re- pictures, arranged for display in the
Health of New York. He has also mains ahead: to try to prevent all Rackham Building by Mrs. William
served in the past as health commis- preventable diseases. The means by R. Leslie, assistant curator of the
sioner in New York. which this can be done are the same historical collections.
Record Compares Well in wartime as in peacetime, he ad- Pictures chosen for the new wedge-
Dr. Emerson took issues with those ded, education and authority. wood china are the old observatory
who criticized America's health pro- Though some problems can best be on Bates Street in Detroit where the
gram stating that we stacked up well met by either local, state or federal University had its beginnings, the
in comparison with other nations authority, he stressed that most campus in 1854 and the campus in
and with our past record. Certain categories must be dealt with through 1856. In spite of the war, Mrs. Con-
indices, Dr. Emerson said,, are used education. ger says, designs are still being made
to measure the state of the nation's We must not forget, Dr. Emerson in English wedgewood factories, and
health. Using Infant Mortality sta- concluded, that there is no sudden shipments of old designs are begin-
tistics, for example, he pointed out way to make the United States a ning to arrive.
a continuous decrease. Maternal healthier nation. What we must seek Proceeds from the sale of Univer-
Mortality, another index used, has always to develop, if we are to reach sity wedgewood are used to support
dropped from .006 to .002 in New our goal of preventing all prevent- University alumnae projects such as
York city, he added. able diseases, is a nation of "biologi- scholarship funds and the Hender-
Explaining certain increases in the cally liberate" people. son Cooperative dormitory

On Campus ...
Supper ToBe Served...
A supper, for a maximum of 50
persons, served free to servicemen
and at cost to students will be given
at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the Hillel
Reservations must be made by
Friday night, Netta Siegel, student
director in charge of the supper, said.
Following the supper, an informal
record concert, open to everyone, will
be given in the Hillel lounge.
Lecture To Be Given ...
Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza of Hon-
duras will give a lecture on "Latin-
American Women in the Post-War
World" at 8 p.m. today in the
Kellogg Auditorium.
Mrs. Mendoza, a consultant in
the Curriculum Workshop in Inter-
American Cultural Relations, has
been a delegate to several of the
Inter-American conferences that
have been held since 1937.
Prof. Hobbs Will Speak
Prof. William Hobbs will speak on
"Fortress Islands of the Pacific,"
accompanying his talk with pictures
at a meeting of the Men's Education
Club at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316
of the Union.
All men interested are invited to
'e * *
Ballet Club To' Meet ...
The University Ballet Club will
hold its first meeting of the term at
2:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Barbour
Gymnasium dance studio, and all
women interested in joining the
group are urged to attend.
The club will meet once a week,
at a time which will be decided
upon tomorrow, for two hour peri-
ods. Anyone interested in the club
who cannot attend the first meet-
ing should call Miss Rae Nita Lar-
sen at 2-4896.
Chu Honored at Tea ...
Prof. Shih Chia Chu will be the
guest of honor at the International
Center's weekly tea after his lecture
tomorrow on Chinese Civilization.
The tea will be held from 4:30 to
6 p.m. tomorrow at the International
Center. All friends of foreign stu-
dents are invited.
USO Holds Dance ...
The USO will sponsor a mid-
week dance to be held from 7:30
p.m. to 11 p.m. today in the club
ballroom, it was announced yester-
day by Miss Barbara Starr, assis-
tant club director.
Center Holds
Sixth Reception
The Sixth Annual Suhimer Recep-
tion for foreign students will be held
from 8 to 10:30 p. m. Saturday at the
International Center.
Honor guests will be the 350 for-
eign students who are studying on
campus. At the reception foreign
students here last semester, Ameri-
can students, members of the facul-
ty and townspeople will have an op-
portunity to meet the foreign stu-
dents who have arrived this summer.
In the receiving line will be Dr.
Esson M. Gale, counselor to foreign
students and director of the Inter-
national Center and Mrs. Gale, Dean
Alice Lloyd, Prof. and Mrs. George
C. Carrothers, Prof. and Mrs. Ar-
thur S. Aiton and Prof. and Mrs. W.
Carl Rufus.
Drys Pick Candidates
LANSING, July 18.- (p)- The

Michigan Prohibition Party today
nominated the Rev. Seth A. Davey of
Hastings, as its candidate for gover-
nor and Harold A. Lindahl of Iron
River as candidate for Lieutenant-

Discussing the importance of the
Democrats' selection of a vice-presi-
dential candidate in the coming con-
vention, Prof. Preston Slosson said
yesterday that if a candidate suit-
able to FDR were chosen, the presi-
dent may retire after the war em-
ergency is over, provided that he is
If President Roosevelt wishes to'
extend his influence in the Demo-
cratic party beyond his term of of-
fice, he will have to find within the
next four years, some outstanding
candidate who will carry over 'his
political and economic program, Pro-
fessor Slosson continued.
His agreement on the selection of
a vice-presidential candidate may
well be based on this view, he added.
"The vice presidential contest will
also be a testing ground of the
strength of the anti New Deal ele-
ment in the party indicating whether
the South will be able to force any
concessions and whether the vice
presidency will be one of them," he
A number of the men who have
been mentioned for the vice presi-
dential nomination would be both
acceptable to the President and to
the discontented minority of the
party who don't want the re-nomina-
tion of Vice President Wallace,". he
stated. Among these are Samuel
Rayburn, Speaker of the House and
Senators Alben Barkeley and Harry
S. Truman, he added.
"As a bid for the progressive ele-
ment of the Republican party, Am-
bassador John Winant and Wendell
News Analyst
Harry Clark
To Speak Today
"Radio networks demand a college
education of their announcers," Har-
ry Clark, CBS announcer and news
analyst, who will speak in a program
sponsored by the Department of
Speech at 3 p.m. today in Rackham
Amphitheatre, said yesterday.
"Silly as it may seem, practice
reading stories, acting out the parts.
To squeak in the tone of an old lady
or boom like a tough man is the best
technique for lending flexibility and
range to the voice," Clark said.
Envious of a nephew announcer
who seemed to have a good time
earning his living by merely "open-
ing his mouth every fifteen minutes,"
Clark decided to transfer from his
position as engineer in a power plant
to announcing.
During his first week on a Colum-
bia station, Clark was given the op-
portunity to take the place of the
chief announcer on a "Man in the
Street" program.
"I didn't eat two meals, I was so
scared," he said. "In fact I even
considered quitting."
"Unions have done a great deal for
the conditions of workers in radio.
The American Federation of Radio
Artists (AFL) enables radio men to
earn a living, which wasn't possible
for some men on some stations be-
fore," according to Clark. The union
controls programs on all major net-

Slosson Reviews Democratic
Vice-Presidential Candidates


Wilkie have also been suggested,"
Professor Slosson said.
To circumvent the Nazi threat of
complete devastation of the occu-
pied territories at the onset of their
defeat, alternative peace terms de-
pending on their future atrocities
might be proposed instead of the
terms of unconditional surrender, he
"However, the range of devastation
will be limited because the Nazi gen-
eral staff will not undertake such a
program until they are sure that
they cannot promote a negotiated
Coeds Needed
n j
For Dressirs
Each woman on campus is asked to
give at least one hour a week work-
ing at the League Surgical Dressings
Unit if the organization is to com
plete its quota for the term, it was
announced by Billie Jones, '46, head
of the Unit.
The Unit is open from 1 p. m. to
5 p. m. today and tomorrow. Work-
ers must wear cotton dresses or
smocks and are asked to reihove
fingernail polish. Hours which a
coed contributes to the Unit will be
credited to the house in which she
will live next fall, according to Miss
Good Conduct Medals Are
Presented to 367 Men
Good conduct medals have been
presented to 367 men from the 3651st
S. U. Capt. William H. Cooper, pub-
lic relations officer, announced yes-
Lt. Frank H. Labiaux, command-
ing officer of Co. G, awarded these
medals to 129 men in his company.
Medals were also given to 97 men in
Co. D, 82 men in Co. A and 59 men in
Co. B.

from 1 P.M.





Last Times Today -

death rate from heart disease, can-
cer and diabetes, Dr. Emerson stated
Prof. Chu Will Lecture
Tomorrow at Rackham
Prof. Shih Chia Chu will give a
lecture on "Cultural Relations Be-
tween China, Japan and Korea" at
4:10 p. m. tomorrow in the Rackham
This will be the second in a series
of seven weekly lectures which Prof.
Chu is giving on Chinese Civilization.
'Fairer' Tax Asked
LANSING, July 18-(AP)-Michi-
gan municipalities set up a cry today
for a "fairer" share of state auto
tax money, arguing that they were
bearing an undue share of the cost
of operating city streets in compari-
son with the expenses laid to rural

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(Continued from Page 3)
July 20, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Mlle. Helene dj Landis will
talk on "La population francaise sous
les Nazis." Group singing and social
hour. All students of the Summer
Session and the Summer Term as
well as all servicemen are cordially
invited to the weekly meetings of the
French Club which are free of charge.
Charles E. Koella
Social Dancing, University Stu-
dents: A social dancing class will be
offered for University students on
Thursday evenings at 7:30 beginning
July 20. Anyone interested may reg-
ister in office 15, Barbour Gym. Class
will meet in Barbour Gym.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Thursday,
July 20, 4:15 p.m., tea at the Inter-
national Center.
These gatherings give the student
a fine chance to practice Spanish.
All interested are urged to be present,
at one or all meetings.
French Club: The third meeting of
the Club will take place tomorrow,
Thursday, July 20, at 8 p.m., in the
Michigan League. Mlle. Helene de
Landis will talk on "La population
francaise sous les Nazis." Group sing-
ing and social hour. All students of
the Summer Session and the Summer
Term as well as all servicemen are
cordially invited to the weekly meet-

ings of the French Club which are
free of charge.
The A.I.E.E. will hold its first meet-
ing of the Summer Term Thursday
evening, July 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. Mr. Kenneth Moehl,
an Electrical Engineering staff mem-
ber, will discuss "The Wright Wind
Tunnel." Refreshments will be serv-
ed and all electrical engineers are
invited to attend this meeting.
Tea will be held at the Interna-
tional Center on Thursday from 4 to
5:30 p.m. Students, faculty, and
townspeople are cordially invited.
Russian Film: "SGeneral Suvarov"
will be given Friday and Saturday
evenings, July 21 and 22, at 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. Admission
The second open clinic of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp
will be held Friday, July 21, at 8:30
p.m. at the Main Lodge, Patterson
The consulting specialist will be
Dr. Leo Kanner, visiting child psy-
chologist, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore,

Play Pals.. .


Sweetest Blouse,
gay skirt - ador-
able twosome to

frolic in all




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How about that date Tonite?

Cool rayon jersey
skirt, white back-
ground with gay
flowers strewn on.
July Clearance
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Frosty white cotton
peasant blouse is--

Enjoy the moonlight

i\\ ' ,
\,S s# r

Other blouses and
skirts, too, of all




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