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July 19, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-19

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WED * AY. Y 19. 1944

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jFi fty-Fou rttiea
Fifty-Fourth Year

The Pseudontellectuals

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho
Peg Weiss

Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor

sLee Amer

Business Staff
Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

FRANKLY, this furor over a liter-
ary question surprises me. Is did
not think it would create such fierce
interest. That it does is encourag-
ing-and I mean to pursue the point
Despite all the dissent, I think it
demonstrable that the trend in
Anglo-American literature is away
from the excellence it has sometimes
It is the kind of trend that leads
Stephen Spender to write in the
March issue of "Horizon", a re-
view of literature and art, "Iead-
Ing the year's poetry, for the third
year now, I cannot help wishing
that instead of schools of poets,
there were schools for poets."
The citation of authorities, in
itself, is a worthless debate techni-
que, and we have here a debate of
major importance. Simply because
Mr. Spender, who should know,
thinks today's poetry inferior is no
conclusive reason for accepting that
assessment. But, at least you will
know I am not alone in this matter.
For instance, Edmund Wilson than
whom there are few more highly re-
puted critics-what does he think?
As a matter of fact, the view put'
forth in this column has been sub-
stantially the same as Mr. Wilson's.
If I present it myself, this is called
by the untutored "pseudo-erudition".
So take it from J. Donald Adams,
editor of the New York Times Book
Review Section, "Mr. Edmund Wil-
son . . . recently expressed the opin-
ion that the Nineteen Twenties and
the early Thirties provided an atmo-
sphere much more favorable for writ-

ers than that of today. I must ex-
plain at once", Mr. Adams continues,
"that Mr. Wilson was not basing his
contention upon the fact that we. are
now a nation whose thoughts are!
largely occupied winning the war,
but upon the difference between the
intellectual and social climate ob-
taining in the years just previous to
the Great Depression and that which
has since prevailed." p
The deeper we probe into the
matter, the more indubitable this
re-statement of what I reported to
you two weeks ago becames. One
can select at random and find cor-
roboration for it. Look at last
week's Saturday Review of Liter-
ature. In it Francis Hackett ob-
serves, "We have passed From
"Crime and Punishment" to the
mood of "Arsenic and Old Lace".
A tree grows in Brooklyn, complete
with drunkenness and abortion,
and yet it contrives in some quaint
way to have no fruit of knowledge
on it."
To inject an unauthoritative voice
for a moment, may I ask if this is
not the case in the drama too? Is
it not significant that the Critic's
Circle did not see fit to give an
award for 1943 in the field of drama?
The one play they did consider, "The
Skin of Our Teeth" was found to be
a plagiarization of a novel by James
Joyce begun in the Twenties.
1ET us take Professor Slosson's list
of luminaries. How does the
Maxwell Anderson who wrote "Win-
terset" stack up with the Maxwell
Anderson who could perpetrate "The
Eve of St. Mark" upon an over-indul-


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Memsber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Mask for i1944


Let's Get on With the War,

A T FIRST THOUGHT one would be amazed at
what he found in South Lyon. Here was a
group of 1,000 or so people -whose families have
lived together in the same community for more
than 60 years. Families are deep rooted in
the city and they feel that close-knit unity of
a small American rural society.
Then suddenly this peaceful town-as all
others-found itself cau'ght in the stresses and
atrains that war brings, and the high tension
of re-orienting its easy-going life to the enor-
mity of a world war has been a difficult job.
For one thing, the intellectual activity of the
majority of the people, from a national point of
view, has been dormant although the aca-
demic pursuits of the community have been ex-
cellent. There is a new high school supported by
a well administered system of elementary
schools, but with all this academic background
the people lack wide 'perspective.
In a broad sense this lack might be ascribed
to some ill in our way of life where signs of.
prejudice have been ignored instead of faced
directly-where action has been predicated
on tradition and the fear of breaking prece-
In this community there is a disaffection for
strangers. We can't call it a hatred exactly
because it hasn't resulted in harm. It is rather
a dislike for the new, the strange, anything
that runs contrary to the everyday life of the
A newcomer to South Lyon has a difficult task
in getting "into" the community. A cursory
view of the 200-odd families that have moved
into the Federal Housing Project as war workers
is proof enough.
In this setting it is not unusual to find racial
prejudice, but it is difficult to understand it in
the midst of the war emergency.
T HE PEOPLE in South Lyon have a particular
job to do in war production. They must
support a vital war industry carried on in the
local plant.
A striking conflict of interests is now hold-
ing up production there. The local industrial
union definitely has stated that its members
under no circumstances would work with
Nisei Japanese.
The proposal to bring in these people to
eliminate the acute labor shortage has been
met with stern opposition. Why? The only
answer is that the men don't understand or
appreciate the position of the American-born
'he union argument runs something like
this.: We have heard about the treachery and
bestiality of the Japanese. We know that
that action is part of their nature. How can
we trust them? Aren't their relatives now
killing our boys? We don't want to take the
chance of working with them.
Several members of the Union presented
their views. There is William Miller, presi-
dent, whose mother and father were born
in Germany. Should we put him into a relo-
cation camp as we have done the Japanese
born here?
His answer was no, I am an American citi-
Yen. Aren't these Japanese American citi-
zens? Yes, he answered, but they are Japs.
Aren't you a German? No, American. The
tale seems endless.

be trusted, that he is a parasite and will
lower the standard of life there. They have
heard these stories and they take them for
Gospel. They don't investigate. They.haven't
got time.
This is the seemingly unsolvable paradox
that the government and management must
solve if additional workers are to be brought
into the plant immediately. "Both groups
are available for war work, yet which group
would it be most discrete to send in?
There hasn't been too much time for dis-
cretion. The urgency of war matters must
come first and, aware of the Union's opposition
to the Nisei and the town's apprehension over
the Negro, the authorities have taken the
chance of going ahead, with the recruitment of
Our immediate reaction would be to brand
these people any number of things. Their
actions are hindering the war effort. They
don't seem to regard the lives of their own
fighting men as of much value. They are
now concerned over a personal problem and
their selfishness' prevails.
At the moment the big problem is getting
production in that plant up to capacity.
A SOLDIER IN A FOXHOLE doesn't bother
to wonder whether Negro hands, Nisei
hands, or white hands made the hand gre-
nade he is about to throw. All he nows is
that he must kill the enemy first and his life
depends on weapons made by American hands.
South Lyon does pose a problem for future
education but the .more immediate need is for
war production.
Negroes are now being recruited to fill in the
gap and the proper authorities should take
every step necessary to insure their safety. If
drastic measures are needed they should be
employed without a moment's hesitation.
In peacetime, we might have had time to
work with these people and straighten out
their thinking. Though this is necessary,
it is impossible in war time.
Let's get on with the war and forget petty
talk about protecting somebody's interest when
lives are at stake.
-Stan Wallace
THE MOON HASN'T COME UP on the wrong
side of the barn for some time now, but there
are a couple of other odd phenomena worth not-
ing. Earl Browder's son, according to the New
York Times, graduated from high school with
scholarship awards from the American Legion
and the Daughters of the American Revolution,
and the New Masses has reprinted a speech by
William Witherow, a past president of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers.
We pass these items idly along for whatever
pastel confusion they can give to anyone who
still likes his world drawn black and white.
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, July 18-The opponents
of Mr. Roosevelt are circling about the con-
vention like restless pachydems, pacing, pacing,
occasionally stamping and pawing the ground,
and wondering what to do.
Over at the Blackstone, Jim Farley tries to
decide whether to make trouble, or only to make
a gesture. He is tentative with reporters, going
in for a good deal of "Um!" as his answer to
hard questions, a monosyllable which is not in
the Farley tradition.
Room 1414
Some of Senator Byrd's supporters for the
Democratic nomination have taken a small
corner suite on the fourteenth floor of the Sher-
man Hotel. There is no banner, and no liter-
ature, for these are not really headquarters,
being just a couple of little hotel rooms, smoke-
filled. The Sherman is a good twelve blocks
from the Stevens, the convention center, a
circumstance which gives this particular Byrd
command post an air of being on the outside,
looking in. Colonel Robert R. McCormick's
Chicago Tribune (circulation, 960,000) oblig-
ingly carried the room number, 1414, on page
one, all editions, with a broad hint that ene-
mies of the fourth term might wander over to
the good old Sherman, and see the boys. Only
five or six persons seemed to have taken advan-
tage of this information during my brief call,
and since most of them have had their coats off.
I. can only assume that they were not visiting
the Byrd room, but that they lived there.
As in a Diagram
There has been a curious, restless, tentative
something in the air here, the first few days of
the week; an effort by the opposition to get
something started, but an inability to jell on
it, to decide what. I get the strong feeling
that portions of the American press have over-
emphasized the opposition to Mr. Roosevelt
within his own party. The great thing about
a national political convention is that every
tendency in the life of the party has to take a
room somewhere, and show itself, and let itself
be counted; here it turns out to be Mr. Farley,
looking rather lonesome, and unlike himself;
some of the Byrd people; a bit ,of noise ambng
the Texans, and not much more. It is not im-
pressive opposition, in percentage terms. If,
there were any less, there wouldn't be any.
The oppositional movement within the Demo-
cratic party makes a big noise, but stands on a
small base.
A convention gives you a simplified picture,
like a diagram. After a few hours here, you
realize that there stands the Stevens, big-
gest hotel in the world, or something, and it
is filled from cellar to roof with Democrats
working for Mr. Roosevelt.
THE C. I. O. Political Action Committee is
also at the Sherman, like the Byrd group;
it is not a part of the Democratic party, and
it, too, is in a sense on the outside, looking
in. Its rooms are the busiest in town. This

All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Aug. 3. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August and October: A
list of candidates has been posted on
the bulletin board of the School of
Education, Rm. 1431 U.E.S. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
is the only headquarters I have
ever seen where they are sometimes
too busy working to talk to report-
ers. In the average convention
headquarters almost everybody
drops dead when a reporter comes
in, and fair, fiushed ladies, with
strangling intakes of breath, dust
chairs for him. The Political Ac-
tion Committee has only nominal
expectations that the big press will
ever fall in love with it, so it avoids
the floozier aspects of campaigning,
and devotes itself to mobilizing its
people, and to communicating its
ideas to as many consequential
politicians as it can reach.
The Cool, Withdrawn Figure
Its rooms are crowded with delega-
tions from many States and indu-
stries; it is the liveliest center in
Chicago; and its vigorous presence
here brings a yeasty something to the
Democratic meeting. Love it or hate
it, it's alive. I don't know whether
the P. A. C. expects to get Wallace,
but it fights for him as if it does.
Mr. Roosevelt is curiously out of
it all, a cool, withdrawn figure. One
realizes here the value of such a
symbol. Without him this meeting+
might easily break down into riot
and dismay; because of him, it willj
not. He alone can bring these Am-
erican de Gaulles and Girauds to-
gether, so to speak; his decision
about Wallace is being made from
the standpoint of what will bestrdo
just that. And that is the picture
as of the eve of the big meeting.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


JULY 19, 1944
No. 11-S

Registration for positions is being
held and blanks may still be had
today from 9-12 and 2-4 at 201
Mason Hall. University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
To students and others interested
in business education: Dr. Godfrey
Dewey of New York, author of the
Script Shorthand System, will dis-
cuss problems in the development of
shorthand systems in Rm. 3002, Uni-
versity High School, at two o'clock on
Thursday afternoon, July 20. - All
persons interested in business edu-
cation are cordially invited to meet
Dr. Dewey and participtate in his
There will be a joint meeting of the
Men's and Women's Physical Edu-
cation Departments on Thursday
evening, July 20, at 7:30 in the
Women's Athletic Building. Movies
of the P.E.M. program and the Wo-
men's Physical Education program
at the University of Michigan will
be shown.
All students, graduate or under-
graduate, in physical education and
related fields are invited.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Fraternity House Presidents: There
will be a house presidents' meeting
Wednesday, July 19, 1944, at 7:15, in
IFC office.
A. Lobanov, visiting professor of
Russian History from the University
of California, will speak today on+
"Russia and the War" at 4:10 p.m.,1
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza, delegate of
Honduras on the Inter-American
Commission of Women, will speak on
"Latin-American Women in the War
and Post-War World" this evening at
8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. The pub-
lic is cordially invited to attend free
of charge.
Tomorrow, July 20, Professor Shih
Chia Chu, on the staff, Oriental Sec-
tion, Library of Congress, will present
his usual Thursday afternoon lecture
at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.-
Professor Chu's subject this week is1
"Cultural Relations Between China,
Japan and Korea." Everyone is wel-
For Students in Business Education:
Clyde Blanchard, editor of The Bus-
iness Education World, will discuss
trends and developments in businesh
education 'in Rm. 2015 UHS, at 1
o'clock on Friday, July 21. All per-
sons interested in business educationk
are invited to attend the meeting.
J. M. Trytten
Speech Assembly: Harry Clark,l
CBS newscaster and announcer, willt
speak at the assembly of the Depart-D
ment of Speech at 3 p. m. WednesdayI
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Thee
public is invited.
Academic Noticest

gent public? Where is the Robert
Sherwood who wrote "The Petrified
Forest". His job with the OWL has
not prevented him from writing a
series of flops. Molnar? He has
been in this country for years, but
he has not been as venturesome as
Henri Bernstein, the famous French
playwright who wrote a couple of
failures and gave up. Synge and
Capek are dead. Dunsany I do not
know, and Shaw has long since ceas-
ed to be a fad, good Victorian drama-
tist though he was.
Now, the exemplification of all
that I have been saying can be
seen in the person of the greatest
playwright the Twentieth Century
has produced, Eugene O'Neil,
O'Neil has written plays in the past
decade, but he refuses to release
them because he does not think our
age conducive to artistic appreci-
ation. Or take Odets. There are
oceans separating "Waiting For
Lefty" from "Clash By Night".
One is almost impelled to repeat
the terse criticism accorded a late
Odets play, "Odets! Where is the
Lastly, it would be enlightening if
Professor Slosson told us whether he
really believes Alice Duer Willer and
Edna St. Vincent Millay are poets
of great stature.
The honest observer must conclude
ineluctably that Arthur Koestler (one
of the few top-notch novelists of
our times) in correct when he says
"that pessimism is obligatory". Au-
thority: GranvilleHicks in this
week's New Republic.
But, what the hell, they are all a
bunch of pseudo-intellectuals any-
Pictures Move and Talk, Main Dish
(2 reel).
Thursday, July 20, 2-3: Milk and
Health, Vitamins A, B, C, D (4 half
reels). 3-4: Handle with Care (2
reel), Care of Teeth.
Make-up examinations in History
will be given on Friday, July 28, from
3-5 in Rm. C, Haven Hall. All stu-
dents wishing to take such an exami-
nation should consult with their ex-
aminers' by Monday, July 24.
Student Recital: Paul Bunjes, or-
ganist, will present a recital in parti6l
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, at 8:30
p.m., Wednesday, July 19, in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Bunjes will play
compositions by Bach, Sowerby and
The public is cordially invited.
Faculty Recital: The second in the
series of three sonata recitals to be
presented by faculty members, Mabe
Ross Rhead, pianist, and Gilbert
Ross, violinist, will be held in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing on Thursday evening, July 20, at
8:30 p.m., rather than in the Assem-
bly Hall, as previously announced.
The program will be devoted to the
music of Mozart and Beethoven. The
public is cordially invited to attend
without charge.
Record Concert tonight, and every
Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the
International Center, and daily from
3 to 9 p.m. in the second floor con-
course, Michigan League.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be hed in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing at 7:45 p.m. The program will
consist of some new records which
have been purchased recently in an-
swer to numerous requests: Mozart's
"Divertimento in E Flat Major," "The'
Wayfaring Stranger" by Ives Burl,
the "Surprise" Symphony of Haydn,
and Enesco's Roumanian Rhapsody
No. 1 and 2. Graduates and service-
men are cordially invited.

Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture and Design:
"Look at your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
planning. South endnof downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building
Student work continued on dis-
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Open daily, 9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public
is invited.
Clements Library: Association
Rackham Galleries: "Labor and
Industry in the U.S.S.R." and "Col-
lective Farms in the U.S.S.R.," pho-
tographic exhibits circulated by the
National Council of 'American-Soviet
Friendship, New York. Open daily
except Sunday, 2-5 and t-10 p.m.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the University of Michigan in Pic-

Ive decided against employing
that big salvage corporation...

By Crockett Johnson


Especially when I told them
all about myself. And about


Yes. I stressed that point. To
show I personally could vouch

I gave her the number of the
skee ball establishment and I



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