Y it. 431 Wt-w 4 iti? Weather Partly Cloudy VOL. LIV No. 11-E ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1944 Big Assault Breaks azi rne River. * **,* u PRICE FIVE CENTS Line * * * * * * * * * 4 v Toll from Explosion Nears 350 Naval Amnmunition. Vessels Blow Up By the Associated Press PORT CHICAGO, Qalif., July 18.- An explosion of two naval ammuni- tion ships in the worst disaster of its kind in the nation's history left a toll of dead approaching 350 today as rescue workers poked through the rubble in search of more bodies. Blast Shatters Town The twin blasts late last night, shaking 14 counties and felt 80 miles away, shattered this town of 1,500 and wrecked the two freighters, the 10,k00-tn Quinault Victory and the 7,500-ton E. A. Bryant. The ships were loading ammunition at the Port Chicago naval ammunition supply depot, on an arm of San Francisco Bay some 35 miles northeast of San Francisco. The blasts sprayed hot metal over a two-mile area. One ship's anchor was found a half mile away. Most of the dead were members of Navy loading crews at the Port Chi- cago ammunition magazine. In addition, possibly 70 members of the crews of the two ships lost their lives. A number of civilian workers on the docks were killed. The Navy said "at least 200 to 250" of its loading crewmen died. The list of injured may reach 1,000, including those hurt by flying glass. Waterfront Ruined At 10:19 o'clock last night ruin came to the waterfront. The freight- er Bryan, carrying thousands of tons of"explosives, disintegrated in bil- lwing clouds of red and white flame. The great blast flattened every- thing around. As the reverberations swept across the water, the victory shiix.Quinault exploded with a thun-. der that- shook the hills. Navy barracks ivere flattened. Wires, trees, poles, marsh grass- everything, was borne to earth. The pier from which loading operations were being carried on simply dis- appeared. Two small Coast Guard boats were crushed and five Coast Guardsmen are missing. Dewey Defends States' Rights Plan of Voting ALBANY, N.Y., July 18.-(P)-De- fending his plan of state control of soldier -voting, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey declared today it was both "complete and valid" and asserted advocates of a federal supplemental ballot were playing "partisan politics" by sup- porting a "void and worthless" pro- posal. The issue, involving states' rights, thus was drav'n clearly between the Republican Presidential nominee and President Roosevelt, who has cham- pioned a federal ballot for four offices. Dewey, in a press conference, as- serted the New York voting plan gives every serviceman "a full ballot," He said "the partial" supplementary federal ballot "would be void and worthless under the constitution of this state." His statement came three days after expiration of a' deadline for governors to certify their states would accept the federal ballot. Dewey took no action. Last Thursday several hundred New York City residents came to Albany to urge Dewey to permit state servicemen and women overseas to use the federal ballot. Dewey de- clined to see the group. Shields Replaces As Committeeman CHICAGO, Jt4y 18.-(LP)-Univer- sity Regent Edmund C. Shields, of Lansing, was replaced yesterday as Democratic national committeeman for Michigan in a party caucus of state delegates on hand for the open- ing ,of the Democratic national con- vention in Chicago. E. C. Bevan of Oakland County will succeed Shields. Bevan was elected on the first ballot in a four-way con- Truman Support Rises; Race Question Difficult Democrats Hear Appeal From CIO By the Associated Press CHICAGO, July 18-The race question developed tonight as the most troublesome problem confront- ing the party's platform framers asi the CIO joined in demands for a strong declaration on the racial is- sue. Philip Murray, president of the labor organization, went before the platform committee, as a group of embittered southerners organized to oppose any plank declaring for ra- cial equality. "God Help America," Murray de- clared, "if when this war is won overseas we should find ourselves plunged here into a terrifying war, of hatred."' He said the party "should not, avoid a strong declaration on racial, religious or minority questions. It should not equivocate." Murray also demanded abolition of the poll tax, levied in several southern states, and was joined in this positionrby other witnesses. The platform must be ready forf convention action on Thursday, and1 some of the framers were considering the possibility of repeating the words of the 1940 platform, which said: "We shall continue to strive for complete legislative safeguards against discrimination in govern- ment service and benefits, and in the national-defense forces. We pledge to uphold due process and the equalf protection of the laws for every citi- zen, regardless of race, creed orf color." Tojo Relieved As Jap Army , Commpanf der By the Associated Press Tokyo announced yesterday thatj Premier General Hideki Tojo had been relieved as chief of the army general staff in the second sweeping shakeup of Japan's high command in two days in the face of what Tojo himself called "an unprecedentedly great national crisis." The navy, chief sufferer in recent heavy defeats in the Pacific, under- went a similar shakeup Monday, when a relatively obscure admiral replaced the navy minister. The shakeup was announced in a series of broadcasts recorded by the Associated Press and US. Govern- ment monitors. Other broadcasts told the Japanese people for the first time that Saipan had been lost with all its garrison and most of its Japanese civilian population, stress- ing the gravity of the crisis. Tue announcements made no men- tion of Tojo's status as premier and war minister; presumably he retains those posts. Chinese Defend Rail Junction, Hengyang CHUNGKING, July 18.-(/P)- fiant Chinese still hold the Can- ton-Hankow rail junction of Heng- yang in the face of furious enemy assaults. They have thrown themselves against the Japanese on the ap- proaches to the city and "penetrated many enemy positions," the high command announced tonight. Wallace Support Is Reported Waning By the Associated Press CHICAGO, July 18-A sudden surge of support for Senator Harry Tru- man of Missouri placed him tonight in the top flight of compromise possi- bilities for the Democratic vice presi- dential nomination. "It's a natural," exclaimed Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico. "Har- ry Truman is going to be nomi- nated." Apparently the shift toward him- originated partially with the CIO. Heretofore the big labor organization has given unswerving fealty to the renomination aspirations of vice president Henry A. Wallace. Wallace's Strength Drifting But some of Wallace's strength seemed to be drifting away after President Roosevelt gave a weak nod last night to the man he demanded, and got, as a running mate four years ago. The vice president, in fact, is on the way to the convention, which opens tomorrow, to try to stem a tide which was turning to some degree toward War Mobilization Director Rayburn Is Not Candidate CHICAGO, July 18.-to)-Speaker Sam Rayburn notified the regular Texas delegation to the Democratic convention tonight that he is not a candidate for vice-president and does not wish his name presented to the convention. 0®yv -_ -a Seine 8e yF RA NC E La{ye Hen n srnyae CAE esa>nBAYEUX - ^ ,-' Cabot Lesy ~es '; 'Ja r', Toue Y R. Rem!ly BlSt Cro'x St Lo Noyers ,. Caumont ii".ol Vi ers 4cagsquay S" O UTANCES Coulvain O d EvrecyP T=rign BretteYvI Aunay q SiennThury. Qu esnay Bre aHarcourt Brelial'' /s- Gavray Pont d~ugllyFalais, Granvile d'Ouilly ae Vileie VIRE Vassy STAtUTE MES. AMERICANS BREAK NAZI LINE-Arrows locate Allied drives in Normandy including an American advance into $t. Croix, a suburb of St. Lo. Other U. S. troops to the west are in the outskirts of Lessay and have captured Les Milleries and Remilly. Brit ish forces southwest of Caen captured Vendes and are in the outskirts of Noyers and Evrecy. I SATIRE ON SOCIETY: Repertory Players To Present 'The Learned Ladies' Today 7 i l 1 Zeta Barbour will play one of the leading roles in Moliere's "The Learn- ed Ladies" to be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech at 8:30 p. m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Byron Pershing will be cast as the worthy citizen, Chrysale, Merline Case will portray his arrogant wife, James F. Byrnes, Senate majority leader Alben W. Barkley and, belat-N edly, toward Truman. As for the presidential picture, Mr. Roosevelt's renomination was as cer- tain as ever,;but a-boomlet continued for Senator Harry F. Byrd of Vir- ginia. Louisiana followed Mississippi into the Byrd column, voting to cast its 22 votes for him. That made 46 Byrd votes, counting four from Flor- ida. Truman Second Choice In the vice presidential contest,1 Truman, chairman of a special Sen- ate war investigating committee, was reported reliably to be the second choice of CIO president Philip Mur- ray. The senator was in conference earlier with Sidney Hillman. Free Flow of News Proposed CHICAGO, July 18 - (AP) - A Democratic platform declaration for the free and untrammeled flow of news throughout the world was pro- posed today by spokesmen for Am- erican editors who said it would be a vital factor for insuring a durable peace. John S. Knight of Detroit told the resolutions committee that what it would discourage was "If the real causes or motives for war were ex- ploded through the daily publication of news free from the influence of self interest." Knight, publisher of the Detroit Free Press and other papers and President of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, joined with Ralph McGill, editor of the Atlanta Con- stitution and Representative of a committee of newspaper editors, in urging a forthright committment. Yanks Reach rGothic Line;' Near Livorno ROME, July 18.--(P)- American troops crashed through strongly held German positions today and swept three miles across open country into the town Pontedera on the Arno River between Pisa and Florence, reaching the enemy's "Gothic Line" defenses and virtually outfianking the great west coast port of Livorno. Pontedera is situated on the south bank of the Arno-12 miles east of Pisa, 18 miles northeast of Livorno and 32 miles west of Florence. Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark's infantry and armor reached the Arno in a week's drive down the Era River val- ley from the Volterra sector after stubborn Nazi resistance had checked the Fifth Army's push directly up the west coast. United Nations Will Begin Peace Talks WASHINGTON, July 18.- (A)- Secretary of State Hull reported to- day that the four-power talks on world peace organization here next month will be but the first of a series. of international conversations de- signed to lead to formation of a permanent United Nations. Because of the time to be consumed in this series of talks, it became in- creasingly probable that no decisive actions for organizing the world could be taken for several months, and Clara $ehringer. will play the role of his ardent sister, Belise. Other members of the cast in- clude Annette Chaikin as Armande, Eleanor Hutchison as Henriette, Bob Acton as Clitandre, John A. Mere- wether as Ariste, George Hale as Trissoten, Carol McCormick as Le- pine, Dan W. Mullin as Vadius, and Orris Mills as the notary. A brilliant satire displaying the famed playwright's skill in character drawing, the comedy involves Chry- sale in situations full of hilarity and bristling with ridicule of the man- ners of society. Theodore Viehman, who is nation- ally known for his interpretations of both Moliere's and Shakespeare's works will direct the production. Miss Lucy Marton will be in charge of the costumes, Robert Burrows and Ernest Asmus will handle the techni- cal direction, and Herbert Philippi will take charge of the setting. Tickets for the full season of plays and single tickets for the individual productions and the operetta are on sale from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily except Sunday .at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Lobanov Will Talk on Russia Prof. Andrei Lobanov of the history department will speak on the topic of "Russia and the War" in the'first lecture in a series on the Soviet Union at 4:10 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A visiting professor from the his- tory department of the University of California, Professor Lobanov was born in Yokohama, Japan, and stud- ied in Russia and France. Before coming to the country in 1930, he was a foreign correspondent for Bar- ing Bros. and Co. in London as well as a lecturer abroad. He joined the staff of the Univer- sity of California shortly after his arrival to the United States, and was promoted to the position of an asso- ciate professor of history in 1936. t Red Armies Crack Defenses Near Lwow Gains of 31 Miles AreY Registered on Frontf By the Associated Press LONDON, Wednesday, July 19- Red armies of the south in a power-E ful new offensive have cracked strongE German defenses around the great bastion of Lwow in Old Poland for three-day gains of 31 miles on a 125- mile front, and reached the Bug Riv- er within five miles of the frontiera from which the Germans attacked the Soviet Union, Moscow announced' last night. Ripping through tottering German lines defending the direct invasion routes to Central Germany, the So- viet first Ukraine Army was within 22 miles of Lwow, one of the biggest rail terminals in Europe, Premier- Marshal Stalin said in an order of the day. Capture Pitovka In the far north other Russian troops had smashed eight miles into Latvia with the capture of Pitovka, and were racing toward the Baltic Sea in an effort to throw .a 'great noose around hundreds of thousands of German troops. In the center of the Russian front, which now has been expanded to 550 miles. other Russian armies yes- terday plunged to within nine miles of Brest Litovsk and within 22 miles of Bialystok, strongholds defending the plains leading to Warsaw. Seize Omelinka The Russians seized Omelinka, nine miles above Brest Litovsk, and Golynka, 22 miles northeast of Bial- ystok, in an onrush which has car- ried Soviet troops to a point only about 100 miles from Warsaw, Polish capital which fell to the Germans in September, 1939. Five miles to the northwest is the 1939 German- Russian demarcation line established after the partition of Poland. The boundary follows the Bug to that point, then swings southwestward be- yond Lwow. Pull-Scale Offensive Develops Hillside Site Taken -At Strategic St. Lo By the Associated Press SHAEF, Wednesday, July 19- ritish and Canadian armored for- es broke through the German line cross the Orne River at the eastern nd of the Normandy front Tuesday n a full-scale offensive which was olling in dust southeastward across he Caen plain this morning with a power recalling the historic British ssault at El Alamein. On the American sector to the vest, Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley's loughboys captured the hillside inge stronghold at St. Lo after an ight-day battle, forcing a German withdrawal of a mile to a mile and a. half and threatening a crumbling' f the Nazi positions westward all the way to the coast. Using airpower instead of the ar- illery barrage for which he is famed, Gen, Sir Bernard L. Montgomery "pened the onslaught in the Caen area at dawn under cover of the, greatest aerial bombardment since D-Day-A crushing assault by 2,200 bombers of all kinds which pounded the enemy with 7,000 tons of ex- plosives and moved along just ahead of powerful forces of tanks and in- fantrymen. Gen. Montgomery struck at the gateway to interior France, driving into the heart of the Nazis, strong- est positions, protecting the route eastward to Paris, 120 miles away, Heavy fghting was raging tonight, with the Britons and Canadians cleaning out the town of Vaucelles on the south side of the Orne oppo- site Caen and strong armored and mobile forces spreading out into the Caen plain-open, ideal tank fighting country southeast of the city, seven to ten miles wide and extending 20 miles southwestward all the way to Falaise. *, * * Allied Planes Attack Coast LONDON, Wednesday, July 19- (AP)-Allied warplanes swarming over Europe in the greatest combin- ed air offensive in history yesterday unloaded at least 11,000 tons of ex- plosives on Hitler's fortress, mot of them in a 75-mile square area around Caen to pave the way for Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's smashing breakthrough on the Orne river front. Supreme headquarters announced last 'night that the tremendous air assault was sustained for four hours, starting at dawn over the Caen sec- tor, as waves of heavy, medium and light bombers showered enemy troops, artillery and strongpoints. Navy Strikes at Jap Held Guam Tinian Island Shelled, Adm. Nimitz Reports U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD- QUARTERS, PEARL HARBOR, July 18--(AP)-Some of Adm. Raymond A. Spruance's heaviest battleships, accompanied by cruisers and destroy- ers, steamed within "close range" of Guam Island on July 16 and poured an earth-shaking bombardment of shells into Japanese defense positions for the second straight day. Adm. Chester W. Nimitz reported the attack in a press release today. He added that lighter surface units shelled Tinian Island, just south of American-conquered Saipan, in a night assault Saturday. The Tinian shelling was continued Sunday. Meanwhile Admiral Nimitz re- ported that a "few remaining snip- ers are being hunted down" on Sai- pan. War Council Backs Dean's Slacks Ban LECTURE SERIES WILL OPEN NOV. 16: 1944-45 Oratorical Program Includes Outstanding Speakers wad-ooin-eiorofFotue -. C+> __ Outstanding personalities in gov- ernment, journalism, exploration and dramatics will be included in the 1944-45 season's program of the Ora- torical Association Lecture Course. The Honorable Francis B. Sayre, United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, will open the series Nov. 16 speaking on "Our Relations With the Philippines After the War." Mr. Sayre was appointed to his Philippine post in July, 1939, and re- mained there until after theJapa- nese occupation of the Islands. He recently returned to the United .- 4.- .-n a f , ,fj on the subject "From Hollywood to Broadway." A foremost performer in motion pictures and on the stage for many years, she will be appearing in Hill Auditorium for the first time. She has starred in such motion pic- ture classics as the "Birth of the Nation," "Broken Blossom," and "Or- phans of the Storm." Her most re- cent motion picture characterization is in "The Commandos Strike at Dawn." Her stage appearances have been in."Uncle Vanya", "Hamlet," "The Star Wagon," and most recent- ly in "Life With Father." nsa Jahnson Will Lecture pictures of wild animals. Her book "I Married Adventure" was the Book-of-the-Month-Club selection for June, 1940. Mme. Wei To Appear On Jan. 11 Madame Wei Tao- ming, distinguished feminine leader and wife of the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, will speak on "The Future of China." Madame Wei has had wide diplomatic experi- ence and is well known as a lecturer. The first Chinese Woman lawyer in Shanghai, in the '20's she was nomi- nated as president of the Shanghai District Court and served as a mem- ward-looking editor of Fortune Mag- azine, will speak Jan. 23. He is an able author and analyst of public affairs, both domestic and foreign. He has represented Time, Life and Fortune Magazines at the Republi- can Conventions and is now present at the Democratic National Conven- tion. Numerous articles from his pen have appeared in these magazines. He will analyze present conditions in the American political scene. Ruth Draper Scheduled Ruth Draper will present her ini- mitable character sketches Feb. 6. She is an actress in the grand tradi- I ular appearances on the lecture ser- ies Feb. 20. From his years of ex- ploration and study of Alaska, he has finally evolved a new motion picture which is entirely in color and will portray "Post-War Alaska." Fisher Will Show Film The final number on the 1944-45 series to be presented March 15, will be a complete color motion picture entitled "Seething India." Joe Fisher, an outstanding author on the Far East will present this story, Mr. Fisher had extensive theatre proper- ties in Malaya for fifteen years and