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July 16, 1944 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-16

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The Learned Ladies' To Be
Given by Repertory Players
Speech Department To Present Moliere
Satire at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

__ -_

Moliere's well known comedy, "The
Learned Ladies" will be presented as
the second offering of the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday
through Saturday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Brilliant Satire
A brilliant satire displaying the
famed playwright's ease and sureness
in character drawing and in pictur-
ing the life of his time, the comedy
involves Chrysale, an honest bour-
geois, Philaminte, his pretentious
Cause Waste of
Factory Space
DETROIT, July 15.-(/P)--George
Romney, managing director of the
Automotive Council for War Produc-
tion, said today that as a result of
production cutbacks, contract can-
cellations amounting to $14,000,000,-
000 to date, and design modifications
on war productions "mountainous
piles" of obsolete parts, scrapped
manufacturing equipment and idle
raw materials are beginning to clut-
ter up valuable manufacturing space
in the automobile factories.
Romney said that partiala and im-
portant steps for prompt' clearance
are represented in the recently en-
acted Murray-George Contract Ter-
mination Law, but asserted that
much remains to be done "if we are
to avoid a maze of last minute diffi-
culties when mass cancellations of
war orders occurs."
He cited the case of one automo-
tive company where, he said, as much
as 30 acres of space, both indoors
and out, is currently occupied with
parts and materials from a cancelled1
tank contract. The original produc-
tion schedule under the contract, het
said, called for delivery of 7,040 ve-
hicles, but after 2,728 had been man-i
ufactured, operations were ordered1

wife, Belise, his stupidly romantic sis-
ter and Armanda, his pedantic child.
During the course of the drama,
Chrysale becomes involved in many
family situations which are full of
comedy and bristling with ridicule
for the manners of society.
Byron Pershing will be cast as the
worthy citizen, Chrysale, Merline
Case will portray his arogant wife,
and Clara Behringer will play the
role of his ardent sister, Belise.
Other members of the cast include
Annette Chaikin as Armande, Elea-
nor Hutchison as Henriette, Bob Ac-
ton as Clitandre, John A. Merewe-
ther as Ariste, Zeta Barbour as Mar-
tine, George Hale as Trissoten, Carol
McCormick as Lepine, Dan W Mullin
as Vadius, and Orris Mills as the no-
Vichman Directs
"The Learned Ladies" will be di-
rected by Theodore Viehman, who is
nationally known for his brilliant
interpretations of both Moliere's and
Shakespeare's works.
Herbert Philippi will be in charge
of the setting, Robert Burrows and
Ernest Asmus will handle the tech-
nicolor direction, and Miss Lucy Bar-
ton will be the costumiere for the
Ti(kets for the full season of plays
and single tickets for the individual
productions and the operetta are on
sale from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily
except Sunday at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Michigan CIO Ends
Active Conference
GRAND RAPIDS, July 15.-()-
The Michigan CIO council ended a
noisy but active four-day convention
here today by electing officers in
final sessions after approving addi-
tional resolutions.
Barney Hopkins of Detroit was
named secretary-treasurer to succeed
Ben Probe, also of Detroit, who is
serving out his fourth term.

Prof. Lobanov
Will Lecture on
Russia and War
Address Is First in
Series on Soviet Union
Prof. Andrei Lobanov, a visiting
professor from the history depart-
ment of the University of California.
will speak on the topic of "Russia
and the War" in the first lecture in
the series on the Soviet Union at
.4:10 p.m., Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
A Russian prince, Prof. Lobanov
was born in Yokohama, Japan, and
studied in Russia and France. Join-
ing the Imperial Guards of the Rus-
sian Army in 1913, he served in
Poland, Galicia, Macedonia and with
the French Army in 1918.
Before coming to the country in
1930, he was a foreign correspondent
for Baring Bros. and Co. in Londor
as well as a lecturer abroad.
Shortly following his arrival in th
United States, he joined the staff of
the University of California as a lec-
turer in European history. In 1936
he became an associate professor c
history and in the same year received
hi7 American citizenship napcrs.
Prof. Lobanov has published sev-
eral books on the .Soviet Union, in-
cluding "Russia and Asia" and "The
Grinding Mill," a thesis on the Rus-
sian Revolution.
A member of many educational and
historical associations, he has con-
tributed to many American and for-
eign periodicals.
Bomber Plant
(Continued from Page l)
Ford Motor Company should agitate
things of this nature when officials
of the union were at a convention
fighting to uphold the no-strike
"I have called an emergency meet-
ing for 3 p. m. Sunday to ask the
workers to go back to work and up-
hold the no-strike pledge," Mr.
Quillico said.
Company officials issued no for-
mal statement, but said that there
was no reason for the strike as the
workers had not filed a formal com-
plaint or rievances.
When the strike started, all but
two elected union officials were at
the Grand Rapids convention. When
they returned from Grand Rapids
yesterday they ordered the workers
back to work.
The Bomber Plant was idle yester-
day for the first time in more than
two years of Liberator Bomber pro-
duction because of labor difficulties.
A walkout of crane operators and
floor helpers caused a five hour shut-
down during the day and when the
night shift reported they found the
plant closed by a management order
because "crane operators worked
sporadically and held meetings in
the plant," a company spokesman
Allieso ccupy...
(Continued from Page 1)
The American column mounting
the heights is overlooking the Arno
seized Ghizzano, 23 miles east of
Livorno, while another U. S. force
took Villamagna, 15 miles west of
The Eighth Army pushed up to
within two miles of the road junc-
tion of Citta Di Castello in the Tiber
River valley, occupying the village of
Santa Lucia.




Alcoa research laboratories, New Kensington, Pa., use a giant
machine to test a cylinder of a new aluminum alloy with tensile
strength greater than any previously used in warplanes.

T R A i NI N G FOR T O]J O - Somewhere in the Pacific
gunners on a U. S. aircraft carrier practice rapid fire of 40-mm,
anti-aircraft cannon to sharnen their aim for Jap planes.

We still have a good selection in
pumps ranging in price from
$ 95 to $995
'We also have a few
obtainable without a ration stamp.
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685

R EFUG E E S W A I T- Two French women who fled from
their homes when the Allies launched their attack on Normandy
wait at a roadside with other refugees for the war to pass by so
they can return home.

R E H E A R S E - Singer Hildegarde rehearses Chant de la Lib.-
eration, which has become the fighting song of the French force
resisting the Germans, with Rene Roux, a petty officer of .the
Free French Navy.


der to offer their services
Saturday, Added labor
forces were recruited and
placed in the fields from
Willow Run Village-chil-
dren of bomber plait
workers ranging from eight
to 12 years old.
*, * *
foundation opened a sum-
mer membership drive and
initiated activities for the
summer with a mixer last
night. A dance and en-
tertainment program was
planned with interpreta-
tive recitations and piano
selections as an added feat-
* * *
be in charge of tent regular
programs which are being
presented between July 1
and Sept. 30. "Stump the
Professor" a half-hour
quiz program with Univer-
sity professors participat-
ing, "Hymns of Freedom",
talks on problems involved
in the present war, discus-
sion of dentistry and
speech correction, classi-
cal piano concerts and a
nresentatinn nf Tniversity

vilion with wood floor sur-
rounded by tables would
be constructed in Palmer
Field and dancing would
be held there every week-
end, weather permitting.
* * *
selected professionals in
the field of forestry are
now enrolled in the Uni-
versity's forestry school
with the assistance of Uni-
versity tuition fellowships
and the State Department.
Many of these Latin Am-
erican students are agri-
cultural engineers out-
standing in their work, and
several are college profes-
more made his presence
felt on the Michigan cam-
pus as 136 aspiring candi-
dates for the 1944 grid
squad reported to veteran
Head Coach H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler July 5. With
but a handful of veterans
from last fall's Western
Conference championship
outfit around which to
mould this year's eleven,
Crisler lost no time in put-
ting the large turnout

the line and an abundance
of outstanding new back-
field prospects. Crisler in-
dicated that his main
problem would be in find-
ing an adequate forward
wall., Michigan is faced
with a tough 10-game
schedule and one of the
earliest opening dates in
history. The first game
will be played here Sept.
16 against the powerful
Iowa Seahawks. Seven Big
Ten games are on the slate,
including one with Purdue
which last year tied the
Wolverines for the title.
The coaching staff will be
faced with the problem of
rebuilding the team in
mid-season when a large
portion of the Navy men
will be transferred at the
end of the summer term.
Fullback Don Lund, who
has not yet reported, is the
only letterman expected to
remain for the last five
games. Cooler weather
during the last few days
has permitted three scrim-
mages and Crisler indicat-
ed that contact work
would continue as long as
the weather permitted.
* * *

the standards of Wolver-
ine basketball to the level
of its other sports. The
cage squad was the only
1943-44 team which failed
to bring a Big Ten cham-
pionship to Ann Arbor.
Among those out are three
men from last year's squad;
Tommy King, star for-
ward, and two reserves,
Bob Stevens and Robb
*" * *
American fullback in 1941,
may be back in the grid
lineup this fall. Westfall
has an honorable discharge
from the Navy and is plan-
ning to re-enter the Uni-
versity. However, he has
received several offers
from the Detroit Lions and
may play professional foot-
ING was adequate for the
summer but an expected
large influx of women in
the fall may precipitate a
serious shortage, Dean Al-
ice Lloyd and Dean Joseph
Rtr.,..,a.f __i -_

H A L S E Y-This Is a new of.
ficial Navy photograph of Adm.
William F. Halsey, Jr., who was
recently appointed commander
of the Third U. S. fleet operating
in Pacific.

P A C I F I C S E A S C A P E-Sunlight silvers the waters of the Pacific as a U. S. battleship moves
to the attack. This picture was made just before the Saipan invasion.

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