TVH E MICHIGAN DAILY __UND____,___ Fifty-Fourth Year C Letters to the Editor _ - ." .-t Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koffman Stan Wallace Hank Mantho Peg Weiss Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . . Sports Editor S . . Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 REPRESBNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CICAGO - BOSTON - Los AGELs - SAN FRANCISCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. FDR and WIII e? THE BIG QUESTION MARK in the coming Democratic convention is the man who/will fill the second place on the ticket. Party leaders are casting around for the answer but as yet there is no man unanimously agreed upon. Henry Wallace did not receive the expected endorsement by President Roosevelt at the time of the White House conference this week and thus organized campaigns for other potential candidates are coming up. Names that have been mentioned recently are John Winant, ambassador to Great Britain and former GOP governor of New Hampshire, and former Senator Sherman Minton of Indiana. Other possibilities that have received notice lately are Senators Alben Barkley of Ken- tucky and Harry Truman of Missouri, Su- preme Court Justice William Douglas, Speak- er Sam Rayburn of Texas and Governor Rob- ert Kerr of Oklahoma. An unexpected and totally new idea that has been gaining favor on the backstage of the political scene is to have Wendell L. Willkie named for the position in question. A ,column by Drew Pearson listed reasons for such a move on the basis of a wartime non-partisan ticket and the fact that Willkie could pull many voters away from the independent and Repub- lican camps. Many remember the 22 million vote in 1940 that was the largest ever cast for a Republican candidate. A NOTHER bright outlook for Willkie comes by way of the southern Democrats. Some- thing that Wallace definitely doesn't have is their favor or backing, while the other Mr. W. has the approval of many leaders in the sec- tion now. It may happen that Willkie will not choose to become affiliated with either party and carry on an "educational" campaign on his own views or, as Loeb in The New Republic . suggests, take the leadership in organizing the independent votes for the election to Con- gress of progressive candidates, regardless of party lines. But he could no doubt play a much more active role by accepting the vice-presidency in his former party. It would certainly follow the old maxim that politics makes queer bed- fellows. -Dorothy Potts People's Government GOVERNOR THOMAS DEWEY claimed Thursday that the executive branch of the governm'ent is "above the people" and pledged his efforts to "bring the people closer to the practice of self-government." When such statements are made it is well to examine them and to see if there is any truth behind them. The question which arises is whether or not the present administration has been working for the interests of the people. When we examine the record of the Roosevelt Administration during the past 12 years, we find that it has done more for the people than any previous administration. In the field of labor, great advances have been made. Labor can strike without fear that the power of the government will be used to break up their strikes. Collective bargain- ing was recognized for the first time during this administration. Legislation has been passed to assure the farmer an adequate income. Social security Ready to Take It Through I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Cooperate or .Perish The People's War ... IT WOULD ordinarily be amusing to read the pseudo-erudite ravings of a Bernard Rosenberg or the infan- tile protestations of Perry Logan. But there is a war going on . I feel sincerely sorry for Mr. Rosenberg that Oton Zupanchich the famous Yugoslav poet must fight the Nazis to the neglect of his beautiful lyric poetry. Or that, unfortunately Raphael Alberti is busy organizing the underground in Spain. Too bad the Japs killed Lu Hsun No wonder is it then that Mr. Rosenberg cannot find literature to match the nature of this people's war-he doesn't know that it is a people's war: He's confused-on the one hand he looks for art arising from the struggle, on the other he's half convinced art is for art's sake. What an elastic mentality! This is a war involving for the first time the masses of people fighting for themselves. In France, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Italy, the people are free- ing themselves. We must recognize that we are seeing the future before our very eyes. So childish an editorial protest "please don't hiss Dewey," has no place in a responsible newspaper today. Any protest against Dewey is valid. We must not be fooled- he represents the dangerous isola- tionist clique of Hoover, Vanden- berg and "Peace Now" Taft . . . .. Finally, if there is no difference in Logan's mind between killing fas- cists and killing non-fascists, he should confine himself to serious thought on the question and refrain from public display of his confusion. The Daily could do a great service to its readers-let the defeatists, cynics and the uninformed find an- other place to do Hitler's job. Let your readers have more material a la Samuel Grafton and Win-the-War. -William A. Rosenthal. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, JULY 16 1944 VOL. LIV No. 10-S All notices for The Daily Official Bul-. letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean E. A. Walter. Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially, will forfeit their privilege of con- tinuing in the College. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents are requested to pick up membership report forms for the Summer Term in the Office of the Dean of Students. Student Organizations are request- ed to submit a list of officers to the Office of the Dean of Students. No group will be considered active for the Summer Term unless this is done. University of Michigan Men's Glee Club: Important rehearsal Monday, 7 to 9 p.m. Third floor of Michigan Union, in preparation for public ap- pearance to be announced. All men on campus and all servicemen are cordially invited. David Mattern Golf and Tennis Tournaments: There has been an extension of time for signing up for Golf and Tennis tournaments. The sheets for entries will be posted in Barbour Gymnasium and the Women's Athletic Building until Wednesday, July 19th. Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women There will be interviewing for Judi- By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 15-A number of French exiles whose sympathies had been more or less Petainist (not to use a dirtier word) turned up at the party for General de Gaulle in New York's Waldorf-Astoria. These Frenchmen walked about, wearing big, property smiles, look- ing a trifle foolish. They seemed afflicted with nervous giggles. Some of them showed a ten- dency to jump at sudden noises. But they were there. It is not strange. Everywhere, men are coming together. Sweet Cakes and Cool Air One or two of the guests, who have been anti- Vichy from the start, broke into loud, nay uncontrollable, laughter, as they watched these prodigals come home to France, through the 49th Street entrance of the big hotel. They came in so meekly, carrying their invitations in their damp little paws. Almost all of France, at least almost all of that France which is to be found in New York City, ate sweet cakes together; harmony and air-conditioning reigned equably over all. And a chapter ended. Perhaps they knew it was death to stay away; not physical death, but an uncomfortable moral and political death; death by shrinkage, death by smotheration under the clouds of oblivion. They Have Watched Peter They may have watched, this month, and seen King Peter of Yugoslavia come back from the living dead, by consenting to a government large enough to embrace Marshal Tito. It is an odd thing that Peter has not become smaller by yielding to Tito. He has become bigger. He now shares in the general bigness of what is going on in Yugoslavia, instead of revelling in that exquisitely private smallness which was his until this month. Everywhere, men are coming together, not because they want to come together, espe- cially, but because they want to live, and be- cause coming together is an inescapable con- dition for survival on what remains of this planet. people. As a representative of the Republican party and thus of big business, Dewey will have to step carefully and speak more guardedly. -Doris Peterson The one gap is China, which is divided between the Kuomintang and its followers, and the Communists and their follo.wers. And China is the only front in the world on which the Allies are retreating. This is almost too neat an example of cause and effect. It is terribly pat. Pat or not pat, there is a relationship between China's in- ternal disunity, and its recent failures on the battlefield. History isn't being subtle in China. It is not trying for an artistic effect. It is hitting us on the head with the truth, as with an inflated beef bladder. Everywhere, men are either coming together, and going forward, or remaining apart, and going backward. In the whole big world, no- body is standing still. Join or perish, says our predicament. Choose, friend! Peter takes Tito's hand, and round little men come in and at the 49th Street entrance of the Waldorf, to be received by the tall, sad, tired general. Which is Narrower, Which Broader? It is impossible to believe that our own country is exempt from this common predica- ment of mankind. Suddenly one feels there is a new test to be applied to the coming elec- tion: Which party, which candidate (now that both of them are proclaimed candidates at last) offers the best hope for a general American reconciliation? To answer that question, we shall need, during the coming months, to balance the Democratic party's supposed inability to get along with big business, against the Republi- can party's lack of a labor base. Which is the', narrower party, -which the broader? Which party is the home of the irreconcilables? Which party has blood in its eye? About which party can an American accord be con- structed? Which party is the more willing to make concessions, in the name of unity, and which party is the more eager to throw- out men with whom it does not agree? Those are the big yardsticks by which to measure and judge from now on; not Dewey's mus- tache, nor Eleanor's travels. Which party will deal in hate, and which in that word our generation hesitates to speak; love? One waits for testimony from all quarters, including Mr. McCormick, and Mr. Hearst. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) Youth No Yardstick... WITHOUT intending to make the least comparison between Amer- ican and European political events I1 would like to call your attention to0 the fact that both Mussolini's and Hitler's governments were govern- ments of youth, widely hailed and1 advertised as just that.7 It seems therefore a rather poor argument to use in an Americani election of 1944, when both these governments have led their countries into the greatest disaster that ever befell either one of them.7 -Elsie Geissmar.' Attention, Men .. . THERE IS A question in the minds' of Michigan co-eds concerning the unfriendly attitude of the men on campus. We cannot understand why this aloofness exists. As we see it, there are three possible reasons. Perhaps the men do not want to date us. Maybe they think we do not want to date them. Or else they want to date us, but don't know how to go about getting acquainted. There should be an answer for each of these questions. If they don't want to date us, why? If they say we do not want to date them, they're very much mistaken. And if they claim it's too difficult to get acquainted, why don't they take advantage of the opportuni- ties on hand? The USO, dormi- tory and house parties, and the various date bureaus receive only half-hearted participation. If there are other reasons than those mentioned here, we would like to know them. Perhaps if we did, the situation could be improved. -Elizabeth Johnson ciary Aides, central committee for Soph Project, and central committee for Surgical Dressings from 4:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in the Undergraduate Office. Sign up for interviews in the Undergraduate Office. Registration for positions is being held and blanks may be had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. at 201 Mason Hall. University Bur- eau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information. Lectures Monday, July 17. Dr. Haven Emer- son, Nonresident Lecturer in Public Health Administration in the School of Public Health and Professor Em- eritus of Public Health at Columbia University, will speak to public health students and other interested individuals from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock, in the School of Public Health Audi- torium. The title of Dr. Emerson's address will be "Civilian Health Needs in Wartime". Henry F. Vaughan, Dean Tuesday, July 18, Professor Preston W. Slosson. "Interpreting the News." 4:10 p. m., Rackham Amphitheater. The public is cordially invited. Wednesday, July 19. A. Lobanov, visiting professor of Russian History from the University of California, will speak on "Russia and the War" at 4:10 p. m., Rackham Amphi- theater. The public is cordially in- vited. Wednesday, July 19: "Latin-Amer- ican Women in the War and Post- War World." Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza, delegate of Honduras on the Inter- American Womeit's Commission. 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Public is cordially invited. No admission charge. Thursday, July 20: "Cultural Rela- tions Between China, Japan and Korea." Shih Chia Chu, on the staff, Oriental Section, Library of Congress. 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited to attend. Academic Notices Make-Up Final Examinations in Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54 will be given Thursday, July 20, at 2 p.m. in Rm. 207 Economics Building. Doctoral Examination for Ruth Lofgren, Bacteriology, thesis: "The Effect of Low Temperature on the Spirochetes of Relapsing Fever," Tuesday, July 18, 1564 East Medical Building, 2 p. m. Chairman, M. H. Soule., By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Graduate Students in Speech: A symposium dealing with the theory and practice of public address will be held by the Department of Speech at 4 p. m. Monday in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Building. Speech Assembly: Harry Clark, Dominie Says A CROS$ the world there is a sweep- ing renewal which broadly con- sidered may be termed religious. It is a hunger rather than a satisfac- tion as yet. What our religious lead- ers will make of this well-nigh uni- versal pathos is a basic problem of our era. Here is a series of incidents to illustrate it. The revival of the released time movement for religious instruction of public school children in many major cities from coast to coast,-the proposal of Dr. Walter Judd of Congress that ministers should enter politics to secure a peaceful post-war world,-a cartoon with three gunners shooting at the prophetic Wallace as he marches toward the rising sun, marked "a new world" and the futile gunner is saying "That guy seems to be bullet- proof",-a series of letters from sol- diers in the jungles telling about converted savages or sending money for missionary work,-the phenomen- al increase of enrollment in the 1944 Summer assemblies or camps of re- ligious emphasis, and the increased sale of religious books, are straws in the wind. Likewise many editors and commentators have turned preachers. We have to have in mind at least four phases of religion and to make certain that we clearly appraise what is happening: (1) Religious- ness or the religious attitude and responses It involves that touch of reality which spells nobility of cbnduot and beauty of the person which is invariably of the essence. (2) A very different phase is that of religion-as a formulated body of doctrine which has been crystal- lized into Buddhism, or Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Catholiesm or the Lutherans or the Orthodox. (3) A third phase is the practices of private prayer, group worship, re- newal of vows and family consecra- tion to special loyalties and (4) Re- ligion as a fanatical drive for achievement. In this phase the devotee has such definiteness of purpose, such simple assurance that his conviction overrides such gentler virtues as forgiveness, hu- mility, charity and respect for truth. When we seek religion, we do well to ask which phase is meant, for all are legitimate. It is the first item which should concern all men. Hear Dr. Ordway Teed of Harpers Editor- ial staff: "FB,eligion is concerned with 'oughtness' in relation to the crucial choices which life requires. It has to do with the fact that "one comes to feel bound or tied to a cer- tain quality of personal effort and a certain quality of relationship with the world beyond the person. Reli- gion is concerned with those senti- ments cherished as most valuable- with what have been called God-like values which, in the experience of the race have proved attractive, wor- thy, permanently desirable, produc- tive of a sense of betterment in per- son and in society. Freedom, jus- tice, mercy, righteousness, beauty, truth-seeking, love and integrity are among these values and the obliga- tion to realize them appears as 'an absolute obligation.'" Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education sponsored by the Visual Education class in the Kellogg Dental Institute Auditorium. Films will be presented each day for the next three weeks on the topics of social science, physical science, social studies, English, math- ematics and health and physical edu- cation. Included in the first hour will be films of the Far Western States, Northwestern States and Southwest- ern States. The second hour will be devoted to Middle States, Northeast- ern States and Southeastern States. All students enrolled in the School of Education are invited to attend these showings. Members of the film evaluation committee will discuss each film and complete an evaluation form of criticism. Film topics for each day will be announced in this column. Monday, July 17 2-3: Far Western States, North- western States, Southwestern States. 3-4: Middle States, Northeastern States, Southeastern States. Tuesday, July 18 2-3: Alaska, Reservoir of Resour- ces, Great Lakes, Industrial Provinces of Canada. 3-4: Maritime Provinces of Can- ada, Prairie Provinces of Canada, Pacific Canada. Concerts Student Recital: Harriet Porter, soprano, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30 o'clock this evening in the First Methodist Church, State and Huron Streets. She will be accom- panied at the piano by Ruby Kuhl- man, and at the organ by Howard Chase. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Paul Bunjes, or- ganist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 19, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Bunjes will play compositions by Bach, Sowerby and Vierne. The public is cordially invited. BARNABY An old friend of Mr. O'Malley gave them to me. Mr. Jones. .He's King of fhe Sea and he's got a pitchfork... And- It's no rC: use ... L That big storm must have churned up the beach and Barnaby found those Pieces of Eight somewhere- 1. --- t" C But if where- By Crockett Johnson Pop... Mr. O'Malley, my Never mind... We'll take Fairy Godfather, knows pot luck... Digging along where the treasure is, side of everybody else... He made a pirate map- C- C--i-- joIw'SO I showed those two coins to Disgusting.. . Such a shameless the grocery man. And soon a display of avarice. And over a whole lot of people were here pile of nonexistent pieces of digging all over the beach- eight, too... Bears out what I've always said of human beings- Of course, m'boy, some of my best friends are human beings, but- But, gosh, Mr. O'Malley. Aren't YOU looking for My interest in old coins, is purely numismatical- And besides. .. The chest 1 am affer is