1. . . 1 1 We Iffr tga 4t Weather Scattered Thundershowers VOL. LIV No. 6-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS ROOSE ELT ILL ACCEPT 0 I TIO . _______ ti, Students Are Needed To Harvest Cherries Local Crop Threatened' By Shortage of Pickers- An urgent call was sounded yesterday by County Agent H. S. Osler to enlist the aid of University students in harvesting lotal cherry crops. The program calls for 30 workers to be in the orchards both tomorrow and Friday and transportation will be furnished to and from the farms. Realizing the importance of immediate action a committee was organ- ized representing The Daily and the Women's War Council to facilitate the project and the following plan of action was outlined last night. 1) Persons interested should register between 9:15 a.m. and 10 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. TODAY in the Undergraduate Offices of the League. 2) Students taking the trip should pack a box lunch to carry along. 3) Complete directions for assembly will be given at the time of registration. One University coed who heard of the project through the Office of Civilian Defense which has been recruiting workers for more than two weeks An Urgent Call Here is your opportunity, as a part of fighting America, to do a valuable service in the war effort. An urgent appeal was issued yesterday by the county agricultural agent for a group of volunteers to aid in the harvesting of a cherry crop on a nearby farm. A committee, formed by the Women's War Council and The Daily, has met the call with arrangements for a crew of students to fill this vital need. The results depend on immediate and spontaneous cooperation from the campus. Trucks will be available tomorrow and Thursday to furnish transporta- tion to and from the farm. The wage rate will be sufficient to add incentive. And aside from the material compensation will be the exhilarating feeling of satisfaction in actively helping on the home front. Volunteers may sign up from 9:15-10 a.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the undergraduate office of the Michigan League. Only 30 people are needed to work each day (tomorrow and Thursday). Aren't there enough people on this campus Ito make the project a success? Here's a chance to spike those rumors about the Michigan student being an apathetic citizen. -The time is short; the need is great. How many of you are going to sign up today? - Betty Ann Koffman picked cherries last week-end and reported "a pleasant day with excellent pay." Immediate Action Imperative. Osler emphasized the fact that the work must be completed before the week-end or else the crop would rot on the trees. Work will continue all day tomorrow and Friday and it was predicted that compensation would be upwards of $3 per day, depending on the amount of work done. This project is being carried on under the direction of the United States Agriculture Department and the Michigan State Department of Agriculture in a last ditch attempt to save Michigan's cherry crop which is expected to be the largest in history. Washtenaw County Short of Quota The state-wide program requires Washtenaw County to provide 300 pickers, but to date only 130 people have volunteered. Kenneth Russell, who is directly supervising the project for the county, stressed the necessity of immediate citizen cooperation. Michigan's main cherry growing district is in the Traverse City region and already some 2,000 volunteer pickers have been dispatched to that area. A special girls' camp is maintained there for persons able to spend up- wards of a week in the fields. Complete information is available at the County Court House. World News in Brief GOP Leads in Light Primary; Fry, Brown Are Ahead in Dace -Daily Photo by John Horeth BEING DECORATED-Seen above is Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, head of the Judge Advocate General Department of the Army, pinning the Soldier's Medal to the tunic of Cand. Buster Cole for his action on a sinking ship. The presentation was made during the review parade Monday at Ferry Field when the JAG Officer Candidates (background) received their commissions. REPERTORY PLAYERS: 'Damask Cheek' Will Open With Claribel Baird As Star Brooks, Cody Gain In Early Returns By the Associated Press Edward J. Fry, former state racing 1 commissioner, polled a vote morey than equalling the combined totals of5 his two rivals for the Democratic6 nomination for governor in earlyc unofficial returns from Tuesday'so primary, while Auditor General Ver- non J. Brown, administration sup-r ported candidate, ran up a mounting C lead over the incumbent Dr. Eugene C. Keyes in their race for the Re- publican nomination for lieutenantI governor. Governor Harry F. Kelly was un- opposed for renomination in the Re- publhan primary, and James H.C Lee, assistant corporation counsel of Detroit, was unopposed for the Democratic lieutenant governor nom- ination. Fry, a former chairman of ther Democratic state central committee, whose home is in Fremont; Earnest C. Brooks of Holland, a former state senator and present Democratic state chairman; and William J. Cody, Wayne County circuit court commis- sioner, ran one-two-three in the re- turns, which were slowly trickling in to the tabulating machines. In the Brown-Keyes race, in which the Governor frankly demanded the election of Brown and defeat of Keyes, Brown led at the first total which was struck by tabulators by a margin of 2,000 votes by 4,000 on the next, and stretched it further as more returns came in from perhaps the smallest presgential year pri- mary election vote in Michigan's history. Heavy Battle Develops Near Strategic St. Lo SUPREME HEADQUARTERS AL- LIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, Wednesday, July 12-(AP)-Ameri- can tanks and infantrymen in a pow- erful new offensive smashed to with- in two miles of the mid-Normandy communications hub of St. Lo yes- terday, and late dispatches said that one of the heaviest armored battles of the war was being fought outside the city as Marshal Erwin Rommel hurled in select Panzer units divert- ed from his hard-pressed Caen front. The Germans' entire western flank from St. Lo to the sea was imperiled. Hundreds of American big guns and dive-bombers were supporting the American tank-infantry units. Thunderbolt dive-bombers in one of the biggest air-tank battles of the campaign already had destroyed more than a score of Rommel's tanks. On the eastern end of the blaz- ing Normandy front British and Canadian troops gave up some ground southwest of Caen near the Orne River, while northeast of fal- len Caen the British hammered out new gains. Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley's drive caught up the impetus of attack as the British-Canadian second army's push around Caen lost some of its initial momentum due to fierce Ger- man resistance and a steady series of enemy counterattacks. Nearly the entire 100-mile Nor- mandy front, however, was aflame with action. Less Than 5,000 Vote in Ann Arbor In what was termed one of the lightest primary votes in recent years, Ann Arbor voters, less than 5,000 strong, assured positions on the November ballot for all republi- cans for local, state, and federal offices yesterday. Unofficial returns from Ann Arbor precincts are as follows: Governor- H. F. Kelley, R, 2206, unopposed. Em. J. Fry, D, 185. Lt. Governor- V. J. Brown, R, 1849. E. C. Keyes, R, 698. J. H. Lee, D, 267, unopposed. Congress, 2nd District- E. C. Michener, R, 1682. G. S. Ross, R, 549. State Senator, 12th District- G. N. Higgins, R, 922. J. D. Thorn, R, 530. State Representative, 1st District- L. G. Christman, R, 1187. R. C. Ashmore, R, 523. County Prosecutor- J. W. Rae, R, 1598. A. J. Rapp, R, 973 County Sheriff- J. J. L. Osborn, R, 2140. F. Norris, D, 332. Nelson's Plan For Product ion To Be Effected WASHINGTON, July 11-(AP)Thc War Production Board announced tonight that Chairman Donald M. Nelson's full program to prepare in- dustry for civilian production will be ordered into effect beginning Satur- day. The only concession to army and navy opponents of the plan is in staggered dates which defer opera- tion of part of the plan to August 15. Battle is Climaxed The announcement climaxed a stormy inter-agency battle in which Nelson, convalescing from pneu- monia, was opposed by the War and Navy Departments and the War Manpower Commission on grounds that the announced program would divert labor from arms production The deferment of the most sweep- ing of the four Nelson orders until mid-August, will "give the War Manpower Commission more time to perfect its organization and admini- strative controls," said Charles E. Wilson, WPB executive vice-chair- man, in announcing the agency's de- cision. Board Ratifies Program The staggered program was rati- fied by the full War Production Board, including its military mem- bers, in a brief, almost perfunctory session this afternoon. Terms of the agreement had been worked out pri- vately after War Mobilization Direct- or James F. Byrnes sent word to the disputants to adjust their differences quickly. The final order, effective in mid- August, will permit WPB field of- fices to authorize the manufacture of civilian goods hitherto prohibited or restricted, in the plants of com- panies which have labor and ma chinery not needed in the war ef- fort. President Would Be 'Reluctant' FDR Would Serve As 'Good Soldier' By the Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 11.-- President Roosevelt, with a noncha- lant smile on his face but his hands atremble with emption, announced today that he would accept a fourth term nomination and, if elected, would serve reluctantly, but as a good soldier." The announcement, which sur- prised newsmen and politicians only as to its timing, was made at a White House news conference. The President read a letter from Chair- man Robert E. Hannegan of the Democratic National Committee in- forming him that more than a ma- jority of convention delegates are already "legally bound" to support his renomination and asking that he 'again respond to the call of the party and the people." Then he read his reply: "I Will Serve" "If the convention should carry this out, and nominate me for the Presidency, I shall accept. If the people elect me, I will serve." He asserted that he will not "run" for either nomination or election "in the usual partisan, political sense" but would take orders from a "sup- erior officer-the people of the Unit- ed States." His personal choice the President said, would be to retire to his home on the Hudson and leave public re- sponsibilities and the publicity at- tendant upon the office of chief executive. Future Is at Stake "But we of this generation chance to live in a day and hour when our nation has been attacked, and when the . future existence of our chosen method of government is at stake," Mr. Roosevelt went on. "To win this war wholeheartedly, unequivocally and as quickly as we can is our task of the first import- ance. To win this war in suchad way that there be no future world wars in the foreseeabled. future is our second objective. To provide occu- pations and to provide a decent standard of living for our men in the armed forces after the war, and for all Americans, are the final object- ives. "Therefore, reluctantly, but as a good soldier, I repeat that I will ac- cept and serve in this office, if I am so ordered by the commander-n- chief of all of us-the sovereign pepole of the United States." * * * jRoosevelt and Wall ace Con fer~ WASHINGTON, July 11.- ( President Roosevelt held another long conference with Vice-President Wallace today as authoritative re- ports circulated that he would issue a statement within 48 hours express- ing a preference for Wallace as his 1944 running mate. At the same time Democratic lead- ers indicated the President would allow the convention to make a free choice without any dictation from the White House. Armily Saves Its Manpower Gen Cramer Explains Rehabilitation Centers Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Cramer, Army Judge Advocate General, in a pre- pared statement for the press issued yesterday, explained the way the Army has been conserving its man- power by the use of rehabilitation centers. "Realizing that a soldier in the guard house or an Army prison is as much acasualty as a soldier wound- ed in battle," he said, "the Army established a system of rehabilitating soldiers found guilty of lesser crimes Mrs. Claribel Baird, guest director with the Michigan Repertory Play- ers, of the Department of Speech, will play the leading role of Rhoda in the first performance of "The Damask Cheek" which will begin at 8:30 p. m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Blanche Holpar is cast as the domineering Mrs. Randall, Patricia Meikle as the errant actress and Ruthven Cites Michigan's Part In War Effort President Alexander G. Ruthven, in speaking at the Judge Advocate General's School graduate ceremon- ies yesterday, gave the following fig- ures in regard to the part the Uni- versity has played in training ser- vicemen and towards the war effort. He said in short that 10,000 Army and Navy personnel have been trained here, that approximately 300 faculty members have been employed on an extensive research program, and that at the present time some- what less than 3,000 Army and Navy men are being trained on the campus. He said that ten departments or branches of the Army and six bran- ches of the Navy have used its train- ing facilities. As many as 15 separate training programs in addition to a large number of distinct curricula were taught in ASTP, with over 50 courses being in operation at one time involving the full or part time services of more than 500 members of the faculty. Donald Hargis as the cousin about whom the play revolves. Others in the cast include Barbara Greeberg as Miss Pinner, Jean Loree as Nora, Miriam Ruge as Daphne, Byron Mitchell as Michael and Char- les Benjamin as Neil. The play unfolds the tale of the interesting English girl, Rhoda, who has always been in love with her cousin Jimmy, who, however, is en- gaged to a pert little actress. After suitable displays of modesty, Rhoda captures the coveted Jimmy who has finally realized that he had taken her too long for granted to realize that he was in love with her. Tickets for the fullseason of plays are on sale from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily except Sunday at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Single tickets for the individual plays and the operetta are also available. Russians Make Steady Advance LONDON, July 12, Wednesday- Russian armies plunged steadily to- ward East Prussia and the Baltic Sea yesterday, continuing to bowl over all Nazi efforts to organize effective opposition, while late German broad- casts cried, "The enemy is at the gates of Germany." Daugavpils, (Dvinsk), big rail cen- ter in southern Latvia, rapidly was being outflanked from the south and advances up to 20 miles were regis- tered by Soviet forces on some sec- tions of the 350-mile battle front, Moscow said. By the Associated Press Carolines Bombed -..- ADVANCED ALLIED HEADQUAR- TERS, New Guinea, July 12, Wed- nesday-Southwest Pacific Libera- tors have blasted Jap airdromes in the Carolines again, this time with 30 tons of bombs. Some parked air- planes were destroyed. * * * Yanks Threaten Pisa.. 1 ROME, July 11. - American troops were striking northward tonight down the Era River valley beyond the by-passed German strongpoint of Jajatico in a bold flanking threat to Livorno and Pisa. The enemy, fully aroused to the-danger of the U.S. maneuver, was offering violent opposition. Chinese Take Yungfeng... CHUNGKING, July 11.- Chinese troops have r.ecaptured Yungfeng, 45 miles northwest of the Hunan prov- ince rail city of Hengyang, while withstanding Japanese pressure in the outskirts of Hengyang itself, the Chinese high command announced tonight. vere fighting raged northwest of western Pacific were reported to- day, with indications that fighter plane sweeps from newly con- quered Saipan Island have added their weight to the attack. * * * Advance in Burma .. . SOUTHEAST ASIA COMMAND HEADQUARTERS, Kandy, Ceylon, July 11.-British troops in a dogged pursuit of overwhelmed Japanese forces have pushed on from Ukhrul, reaching Ongshim, nine miles to the southeast, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten's headquarters an- nounced today. ADDRESSES JAG SCHOOL GRADUATES: Patterson Reveals U.S. Superiority in Fire Power By STAN WALLACE "We have an advantage in' fire power at a rate of four to one", spelling complete doom to our ene- mies, acting Secretary of War Rob- ert P. Patterson declared yester- day in a prepared address before the largest graduating class of the TviA ero.r. sn lria al' gnh terson. The Acting Secretary was flank- ed by high Army and University officials on the rostrum including Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer, head of the JAG department, Maj. Gen. Henry S. Aurand, commandant, Sixth Corps Area, President Alex- anda C_ nMithvn and Col. Edward jitters and that we might say it's all over but the fighting." Pointing to the future, he stated that "we are not content with a four to one ratio. Our soldiers who bear the heavy hazards that go with assault deserve better, the best we can give them." On behalf of the War Depart- ing sense of humor with which most American soldiers are bless- ed. Spiking rumors that men go overseas without adequate train- ing, Patterson stated "I can assure you that no division is sent over- seas until its performance in camp and on maneuvers has indicated it handled 19,000 men of which more than 50 per cent have been restored to active duty. Rapping on the speaker's table, Patterson repeated the Allied aim of unconditional surrender of the Germans and Japanese and stress- ed that there should be no future opportunity for Germany to begin