THEIMCHiGxN DILY A~PAGE TE fkssociation Sponsors 19 9 Archery is one of the many sports offered by the Women's Athletic Association. In the background is the Women's Athletic Building. tudents and servicemen, sport fa- split into separate groups for differ- Saddle. Virginia Thomas, manager; ilities for an enjoyable and active ent types of dancing. Jeanne Par- Dona Guimaraes, assistant. vening. The Rallys are during the sons, manager; Dereth Shooker, as- RIFLE: 5 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. wintertime held in Barbour-Water- sistant. 15, W. A. B. Instruction and meet- nian gymnasium, and usually offer FENCING: 5 p. m. Monday, Nov. 1 ings. Joan Kintzing, manager; Ber- quare dancing, badminton, volley- 6, in the fencing room of Barbour nie Grimes, assistant. all, table tennis, miniature bowling, Gym. Weekly meetings and a tour- SWIMMING: 5 p. m. Thursday, tart-throwing, and other indoor nament. Pat Dillenbeck, manager; Nov. 9, at Barbour Gym. Rita Auer, ports. Mary Baker, assistant. manager; Betty Ginsberg, assistant. The summer WAA activities were GOLF: 3 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 8. SOFTBALL: House tournament limaxed by an outdoor "Rec Rally," Anne Barlow, manager; Barbara will begin in April. Pat Daniels, vhich was held on Palmer Field, and Wallace, assistant. manager. everal of the sports were kept open. HOCKEY: 4:30 p. m. Mon., Nov. TABLE TENNIS: Club will be or participants. Barbara Bathke,- 6, at the W. A. B. Rudie Bales, man- formed to hold house and all-cam- AA vice-president, headed the or- ager; Jean Gaffney, assistant. pus tournaments. Alene Loeser, anization during the summer term. ICE SKATING: 5 p. m. Monday manager; Betty Boas, assistant. The WAA sports managers have Nov. 13, fencing room, Barbour Gym. TENNIS: Meetings will begn with nnounced their initial meetings for Ruth Weinberg, manager. the first breath of spring in 1V~arch," ,he fall term as. follows: according to Harriet Risk, club man- heLACROSSE: 5 p. m. Wednesday, ager. Assistant is Catherine Shil- ARCHERY: 5 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 8, at the W. A. B. No experi- son. 3ovember 9, at W. A. B. There will ence is necessary; informal coaching Special activities will also be held e indoor shooting during the winter and games. Virginia Brady, manag- by the WAA, including two extra nonths. Mary Perrone, manager; er; Barbara Fitch, assistant, clubs, tournaments, and meetings. 'rances Dicker, assistant. OUTDOOR SPORTS: 5 p. m. Wed- Each organized campus coed house BADMINTON: Wednesday, Nov. 8. nesday, Nov. 8, W. A. B. Hiking, is expected to elect a house athletic nstruction, :club play, and tourna- hostelling, and biking committees will manager, who is to attend meet- nents. Martha : Allen, manager; be formed. An outdoor supper will ings held regularly each semester. dartha M1iCrackeh,, assistant. be held the following week. Lee The first of the meetings will be held, BASKETBALL: Wednesday,-March Wellman, manager; Mary Ketcham, according to Barbara Fairman, man- club basketball begins. Helen assistant. ager, at 5 p. m. Monday, Nov. 6, in dasson, manager; Jane Archer, as- CROP AND SADDLE RIDING the W. A. B. Barbara Osborne is stant. CLUB: Tryouts 6:15 Wednesday, assistant to the intramural manager. BOWLING: Organization meeting Nov. 15. Meet in front of Barbour Intramural tournaments, which are fan. 8; individual tournament begins Gymnasium. Tryouts will be held held throughout the semesters, are an. 12. Dorothy Flint, manager; at Golfside - Stables. Emily Peter, run on an inter-house basis. dary Ellen Wood; assistant. 'ianager. ..;The' volleyball tournament will be- DANCE: 8 p. m. Nov. 14, in Bar- UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S RIDING gin the third week of a school, and our dance studio. Club will then I CLUB: Less advanced than Crop and the basketball tournament will com- Dogs, Drunks, Dames Stay Out of Union+ Dogs, drunks and dames . .. these are the cardinal points of the taboos of the Michigan Union. But the monastery will admit the third under certain prescribed and rigid conditions. To protect the last surviving stronghold of male suprem- acy on the campus, these rules are in operation : 1. The Union is a men's club, and is therefore governed as such. The rules regarding women are similar to those of other men's clubs. 2. Women may not enter the front door. They may enter by the side door if they enter legally .. . that is, under the conditions listed here. Help, freight and 'women must use the north entrance. 3. During Union membership dances, the main ballroom and ad- joining corridors are open to women. 4. The Pendleton Library and the basement taproom may admit women during dances and special occasions. 5. Women must remove their hats when attending Union dances. 6. The first floor lobby is open to women only on football week-ends and on special occasions, such as the recent G.I. Stomps. Women may work in ticket booths in the lobby under special permission. Women may also enter to buy bus tickets at the main desk. 7. Women may be admitted for special meetings, such as those of Bomber Scholarship and the Post- War Council. 8. Between the hours of 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. women, if accom- panied by Union members, may be shown through the building. How- ever, woman guests may not enter the area of the swimming pool. The' Union breaks down twice a week and permits women's swimming classes to be held in its pool. Other- wise, the Union and all its facilities are for men only. mence immediately after Christmas. Women interested in camp-coun- selling are invited to attend a meet- ing at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 22, in the W. A. B., of the CAMP COUNSELORS CLUB. The group will meet monthly for discussions on counselling and related subjects. The officiators have their place in the OFFICIALS CLUB, headed by Irene Turner. Anyone interested in learning how to officiate at intra- mural volleyball, basketball, or soft- ball games is invited to attend the organization meeting at 5 p.m. Wed- nesday, Nov. 8, in the W.A.B. Na- tional ratings in officiating in these sports may be earned, and faculty instruction will be given. 'Fashions Are Hash,' Says Coed Columnist 'Spinach' Theory Refuted as Variations in Woman's Moods, Wardrobe Are Brought Forth By NANCY GROBERG Editor's Note: This is a Groberg classic on college fashion which we believe bears repeating.. It was first printed in the Daily on November 2, 1943. Contrary to the claims of promi- nent fashion authorities . . . i.e. that fashion is spinach . . . common ob- servation tells us that there is a little more to it than that. Indeed, if fashion is spinach, then the Michigan coed is a victory gar- den and Ann Arbor is a veritable hotbed of vitamins. No, fashion won't be spinach until things get a lot worse than they are now . . . and when that day comes the chances are that we'll all be wearing slacks .all over the place. Well if it isn't spinach what is it? It's a little hard to tell yet, but it shouldn't be hard to find out. Some prominent coeds maintain that fashion is hash . . . and they can prove it. The Michigan coed, they point out, divides her time be- tween trying to look like a man and trying to look like a woman. Thus, in her more masculine moments she slouches around town, moccasins beating. a delghtful tattoo on the pavement, coat flung open to the October breeze (system flung open to pneumonia), trouser pleat in her skirt (c'est la guerre, but c'est also the Michigan woman's idea of what a well-dressed skirt will wear) and something terribly tailored in the way of a blouse hanging out of some- thing terribly tailored in the way of a blazer. Now, this state of affairs is not to be condemned . . . for with women doing everything from factory work to truck-driving their whims must not only be tolerated, when it comes to clothes, but they must be catered to in no uncertain terms. Similarly, when the sweet young coed expresses the desire to roll her blue Jeans up above her knees, any effort to inhibit such action might not only be proven unfair but absolutely dsastrous. The sweet young coed, you will remem- ber, is fast turning into a hardened raker-of-leaves. As for the other side of the picture, a woman is still a woman and there are moments in her life . . . even now .. when she wants to look like one. Thus we have the velveteen dress, the black nimber that knocks them over at first sight, the high heel, the "she's-engaged-she's-lovely- she-uses-soap" look, and the long, bloody fingernails which threaten the life of many a well-meaning but lonely soldier. Here, of course, she reverts to type . . . forgets the be- I ||l i'' Clothes keyed to your double time, double purpose life. Suits and coats that will serve for semesters . . sweaters, blouses, jumpers, skirts, slacks galore and for campus capers the most beau catching dresses ever, plus lots of gay-fun- to-wear extras you adore. All for small budgets A I it APO 'ww i be an RCTIVITIES ;;1fri? 4 .. : S . {ff' 4 f r 5} r7 f, t . } r Jr ".5. f. 4 w+ J ". r F ± %. r'( ; , ,r r. t GIRL Get into the swing of college There's clever simplicity and a brisk thoroughbred look to the lines of this cardigan suit and matching topcoat that will take you through college and on. Price 29.95 each. iting MA Join the ADVERTISING STAFF of 14e Sriijan 4I3 FIRST TRYOUT MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 4:00 P.M. INCOMING FRESHMEN! Watch the Daily for Announcement You'll be wr home "so gl as of the meeting. .:k: :h} :_ ..4 s7.".. "f,.. I I 11111 I I I I