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July 07, 1944 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-07

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FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1944

Five Nip Ships, Nine Planes Destroyed Near Bonin I


Japs Face Annihilation
In Last Stand on Saipan
Total Enemy Ships Sent Down Reaches 41;
Air Losses Raised to 835 Since June 10
I Associated Press Correspondent
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced yesterday the sinking of five more
Japanese ships and destruction of nine more planes in the Bonin Islands
while in the northern tip of Saipan Island thousands of Nipponese soldiers
are reported facing liquidation by American weapons.
sinking of five more Papanese ships and destruction of nine more planes
in the Bonin Islands during a Fourth of July foray by an American carrier
task force was disclosed today by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz.
This brought to 41 the total enemy ships sent down by carrier planes
and raised Nipponese air losses to 835 since June 10 when the Fifth U. S.
Fleet moved into the Marianas to pave the way for invasion of Saipan.


Overcrowding in Schools Due
To Serious Teacher Shortage

On Cainpus..
Prof. T itiev Leaves.,..
On the request of the government,
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department, left yesterday for
Washington, D.C. He will be sent
from there abroad on a special mis-
In addition to his work in the
anthropology department Prof. Titiev
has been in charge of the Aryan
langlage program in the Fast East.
He is an authority on the anthro-
pology of Asia and has recently com-
pleted a study on the Indians of the
southwest. This work has been pub-
lished under the title of "The Old
Oraibi, the Hopi Indians of the Third
Reservations Accepted.. ..
Reservations will be accepted
until noon today for the picnic
supper of the Congregational-Dis-
ciples Guild on Sunday by calling
the Guild House at 5838.
New students and servicemen as
well as past members are invited
to attend. The group will leave the
Guild House on Maynard at 4 p.m.
Sunday for Riverside Park for
games, supper and evening service.
* * *
Clark To Lecture.. ..
Harry Clark of CBS will be brought
here by the radio school of the sum-
mer session for a week's lectures
starting July 17, and will address
classes, both in the radio section and
the speech department.
Clark, newscaster and announcer
at the New York office of CBS, is
replacing Harry Marble on theradio
school program. Clark handled the
Ned Kalmer news period on Sunday
* * *
New Officers Chosen...
New officers of the Men's Edu-
cation Club, an organization com-
posed of graduate students and
faculty members, were elected yes-
Ray E. Deardorff, Toledo, O.,
was elected president, John Wiley,
Mt. Pleasant, and E. D. Wagner,
Charlevoix, were chosen first and
second vice-presidents respectively,
and Roland Faunce, Lansing, was
elected secretary.
After the executive meeting, Dr.
James K. Pollock of the Depart-
ment of Political Science reported
on the Republican convention. The
next meeting of the organization
will be at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in
Rm. 316 in the Union.
* * *
B'nai B'rith To Meet...
The B'nai B'rith Hillel student
council will meet at 10:30 a. m., Sun-
day, in the Foundation lounge. All
present members, now on campus,
are urged to attend.
Fast Work in
Army Romance
Associated Press Correspondent
June 22, (Delayed)- Pfc. Madge
Lamping, of San Gabriel, Calif., was
the bride in the first marriage of a
WAC in the Southwest Pacific, and
thereby hangs a story.
Back in mid-June Corp. John
Whitlock, of Salt Lake City, Utah,
was assigned to help handle the lug-
gage of a newly arrived detail of
WACs. He picked up a bag and on
delivering it in person found it was

the property of Pfc. Lamping, his
high school sweetheart.
There were surprised gasps- a
clinch. Pfc. Lamping can never for-
get the day of the accidental reunion.
It was her twenty-second birthday
an.a o she tells it. "T receii the

Face Liquidation
Today's communique made the
Volcano operation on Independence
Day (east longitude; July 3, U. S.
enemy's total losses in the Bonin-
Time) 10 ships definitely sunk, six
probably sunk and at least 21 dam-
Thousands of Japanese soldiers to-
day faced liquidation by American
weapons as they huddled for the final
stand in the northern tip of Saipan
island. Few were expected to sur-
render though every cave, every
ridge, sheltered Nipponese troops.
Civilians Included
With them were many thousands
of civilians, all compressed into a
tiny area by the American conquer-
ors of the island that soon may base
bomber raids on Japan itself.
The cornered Japanese know they
can't stop the Yanks, reported How-
ard Handleman in a frontline dis-
patch. He represents the combined
Allied Press.
The final cleanup is expected to be
followed by swift American moves
into other enemy islands. Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz himself forecast
such action last night. He promised
"constant, unremitting pressure" on
the enemy.
** *
Yanks Invade
Man in Island
TERS, NEW GUINEA, July 7, Fri-
day-(IP)-United States troops have
occupied Manin Island off American-
invaded Noemfoor Island, Headquar-
ters announced today.
Manin was seized by July 5 without
opposition. Its occupation provides a
flank position for the one remaining
Japanese-held airdrome on Noem-
foor. That airdrome, Namber, is the
present objective of U.S. forces driv-
ing across Noemfoor, off North Dutch
New Guinea.
The two other Noemfoor airdromes
-Kamiri and Kornasoran-alreadc
are in American hands.
A Japanese counterattack on No-
emfoor was repulsed, Headquarters
Allied air raiders sank three small
Japanese vessels and damaged one,
continuing their widespread attacks
tgainst Nipponese shipping in waters
near New Guinea. Sixteen barges
also have been sunk or damaged.
The Noemfoor invasion began Sun-
day when American forces landed
after crossing the encircling reef.
Kamiri airdrome was captured in
less than two hours. Airborne troops
augmented the original invading
force and Kornasoren airstrip was
taken July 4.
Huge Air Fleets
Blast Nazis in
9,000 Mile Area
LONDON, July 6.-()-More than
3,000 Allied heavy bombers- the
greatest number ever hurled at Eur-
ope in a single day-struck enemy
installations in Germany, France and
Italy from two directions today while
thousands of tactical warplanes
mauled German transport and sup-
plies in a 9,000 square mile triangle
below the Normandy battlefield.
Thirty-two enemy planes were shot
down; 14 Allied planes were lost as
the Allies filled the skies with 6,000
sortie, including five separate at-
tacks which unloaded more than
6,000 tons of explosives on the robot
bomb roosts around Pas-de-Calais.
About 1,000 U.S. Fortresses and
Liberators attacked the launching,
ramps for flying bombs and other
objectives at Pas-de-Calais with
3,000 tons of bombs in the most
savage assault of the day-a day

in which Prime Minister Churchill
told the world of the thousands of
casualties these robot raiders were
causing in London.
The weather was clear over Pas-
de-Calais for the first time since
.Tne 4. and the Amerion hpoauip

GERMAN. NURSES AWAIT RETURN TO OWN LINES-These German nurses, captured during the
Allied occupation of Cherbourg, France, sit on a be nch as they await transportation by two ambulances
to German lines under a flag of truce.
Doughboys Occupy DismalBollevilie

"Due primarily to an acute short-
age of teachers, the schools are now
more seriously crowded than ever
before in American history", War-
ren R. Good, instructor in educa-
tional psychology, said yesterday.
Last year a total of 130,000 teach-
ers left the profession, while only
about 25,000 new teachers were grad-
uated, he added. Today about
10,000,000 children have to be taught
in overcrowded classrooms, he con-
Problem Will Last Till 1950
"The shortage of teachers is not
likely to be completely overcome un-
til about 1950," Mr. Good stated.
"Until then, teachers will have ex-
ceptional opportunities to obtain
places in the profession and to ad-
vance to better positions more rapid-
ly than usual".
He said that salaries are still too
low, but can be expected to increase
through the years as education re-
gains its place in relation to other
kinds of work after the war.
"Enrollments in elementary schools
have been at a standstill for several
years, but will not go lower", Mr.
Good stressed. "There is good reason
to believe that the birth rate has
already increased considerably, and
we can look for a sharp rise when
the soldiers return from the war and
establish their families," he added.
High School Enrollment is Stable
Mr. Good believes that the high-
school enrollment can be expected to
remain the same until about 1960,_
although the total population of

high school age will decline by ap-
proximately one million young people
within the next ten years. "In spite
of this smaller number of young
people, the enrollment will be main-
tained because the proportion of boys
and girls in high school continues
to increase", he stated.
"College enrollments have been
hardest hit by the war", he con-
tinued, "and even with the help
that has been given through the
Army and Navy educational programs
in colleges, enrollments in higher in-
stitutions are 500,000 below the .peak
which occurred in 1940.
College Figures Should Increase
He said that with 10,000,000 Young
men returning from the services after
the war and with the resumption of
normal college enrollments from high
school graduation, the increase in
college enrollments "will pass all
"The increased number of stud-
ents means that the institutions will
find both their building capacities
and their faculty personnel strained
to the utmost," he stated. "In fact,
the colleges will need so many more
teachers that the most fertile oppor-
tunity for the ambitious young man
or woman in the field of education
will lie, for the next twenty years, in
college teaching", he continued.
After the war, Mr. Good said that
the local junior colleges will also be
the scene of much expansion and
that there will be a great demand for
teachers in these colleges.

Associated Press Correspondent
Nobody ever heard of Bolleville ex-
cept a few Frenchmen, until the
doughboys moved in today op their
way to La Haye Du Puits which the
Germans don't want us to have.
It's just a gray cluster of houses
on the roadside with the spire of a
square church jutting into the sky
above gray slate roofs-A lonely
sad hamlet of vacant houses look-
ing tired and somber.
Occasionally a jeep dashes up the
road before the enemy can get the
range for a shell. At a road inter-
section a soldier lounges against an
embankment, taking shelter from oc-
casional shells which crash nearby.
He looks curiously at our jeep as it
"Where's regimental headquart-
ers?" we ask.
He shrugged. "Don't know," he
says. "Back there somewhere." He
waved vaguely down the road over
which we'd driven without seeing
"What's up ahead?"
"Germans," he said.
More shells fell near and we
jumped from the jeep into a ditch
beside him. "Sort of hot, isn't it?"
we said.
. "It's hotter up the road a little
way." Then he grinned and said
"our command post is in a house
just around the corner."
We walked down a lane and
through a barnyard into the court-
yard of a small house. Doughboys
were resting from battle. They'd just
come out of the line after leading an
attack toward La Haye, a mile away,
and they were tired.
One youth lay sleeping just inside
the door of the house on a bare floor.
Another had a broken mirror prop-
ped up on a stone and was shaving in
a bucket of cold water.
Lt. N. E. Otto, Arcadia Place, Chevy
Chase, Md., talked to two French
"These guys say there are about
two dozen Germans still hiding in a
barn over there," Otto said.
"Well, check on it," somebody said.
A Lieutenant Colonel rose wearly
from in front of a map on which he
had marked the positions of our
"These babies are tough," he
said. "They are all Germans and
are fighting in every hedge. Know
Yanks Halted
Near Leghorn
Nazis Prepare Line Ten
Miles South of Port
ROME, July 6.-(P)-Counterat-
tacking German troops, backed by
heavy concentrations of artillery,
have temporarily halted the progress
of American forces up the Italian
west coast at a point some ten miles
from the port of Livorno (Leghorn),
but the British Eighth Army con-
tinued today to hammer out gains
near the center of the line on the
approaches to Florence.
Doughboys, clinging to approxi-
mately half the smoking town of
Rosignano, a few miles inland from
the coast below Livorno, were report-
ed to have thrown back four furious
assaults by the Nazis within four
hours, inflicting heavy casualties on
the enemy.
It was plain now that the last miles
into Livorno would be extremely hard
going for Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark's
men, who were meeting their first
sustained resistance since the fall of

what they do? They get an em-
bankment under the hedges and
set up machineguns covering ev-
ery field. Soon as our boys move
into the field they open up on all
He rubbed his hand through his
hair. "They are pretty good, but we
are learning how to take care of
them. We learned a lot in these last
two days. Our casualties today are
less than a fourth of what they were
yesterday. That means we are learn-
We walked back into the sunshine
of the courtyard and he turned to
PFC George Decrocker, Route two,
Kalamazoo, Mich., and said: "De.
crocker, tell him about those Ger-
mans you captured."
The tall, strong-jawed youth with
a three days' growth of beard on his
chin hitched the carbine on his
shoulder and smiled.
"We were working through the
hedges yesterday and I saw two
Germans walking along a hedge
row. I went over and jumped
across the hedge and landed right
in the middle of a bunch of Ger-
mans. They threw up their hands
and I counted seventeen. There
were a few too many for me, so I
Eyewitness ...
(Continued from Pag 1)
the animal cages in back to the exhi-
bition cages, were two steel runways
three feet high. These were still in
place as the crowd surged forward
they had to climb over this steel bar-
rier. I saw one woman fail to make
it, slide back and slump to the
ground. A man tried to fend the
crowd back from her, but the pres-
sure was too great.
I was slammed against the steel
barrier and my knee caught momen-
tarily between the bars. Then tak-
ing my five year old son in my hands
I tossed him over the barrier to the
ground beyond. The flames at this
point were nearly overhead and the
heat was becoming unbearable.
I looked back over my shoulder
as I left the tent and saw people
still struggling madly to get over
the barrier. Outside children were
running around crying. Men and
women had the vacant look of
shock. Some were just sitting on
the grass staring into space.
I saw one woman standing moan-
ing and saying, "My four children.
My four children. Where are they?"
Then she spied a six year old com-
ing to her, crying and she ran and
threw her arms around him. Then
another, then another. Finally she
had all four, ages 6, 7, 8 and 9. They
were all crying and embracing each
other. The woman was shouting
"Thank God, thank God."
There were others who were not
so fortunate.
Patterson To
Talk Tuesday
Undersecretary of War Robert P.
Patterson will address the Sixth Of-
ficer Candidate Class and the 17th
Officer Class of the Judge Advocate
General's School at their graduation
exercises Tuesday in the Rackham
Approximately 170 men will re-
ceive certificates Tuesday forming
the largest group ever to be graduat-
ed at one time from the school. Maj.
Gen. Myron C. Gramer the Judge

called for the boys to come over
and help march 'em back."
By this time -a small crowd had
gathered around.
"I'll tell you who did a great job,"
said Maj. R. E. Jess, Raleight, N. C.
"It was the medics."
He pointed to Capt. J. G. Moore,
Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif., and
Chaplain Jerome Healy of Canon
City, Colo.
"My boys did fine work," Moore
said. "They go right into the front
to bring back wounded. Some of
them have been wounded, tog. They
have to carry litters from two to
three hundred yards to jeeps and
then bring the wounded to the cas-
ualty clearing station."
The Major interrupted. "Yeah,
and this guy goes out himself and
gets the wounded just like his
men. "He wouldn't tell you that.
And so does the chaplain."
Healy, who taught at Holy Cross
Abbey in Canon City smiler. "Well,
when they are short of litter bear-
ers and need help I go out and give
'em a hand," he said. "You know,
I even learned how to give plasma."

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The little farm house trembled with
the crash of shells. Bolleville looked
ever sadder and more dismal in the
late afternoon sun.

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