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August 25, 1944 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-25

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VOL. LIV. No. 38-S



Women s

War Council Heads Coeds'


Orientation Leads New Students
Through Registration, Adjustment

Ru Campus Project
Chairmen Included
League Group Will Sponsor Hospital Work,
Surgical Dressings, Stamp Sales, Others


Upperclassman Coeds Act as
Freshman, Transfer Advisers
The freshman coed will find her-
self in the midst of one of the great-
est Universities in the country, but
she will be directed by a system of
orientation which, through years of
development, has become a smooth-
ly-operating organization which re-
moves the complexities of registering
with many thousands of other stu-
Orientation for this fall has been
planned by a committee headed by
Bette Willemin, and including Joan
Shuchowsky, Georgianna Leslie, Lee
Chaice and Mavis Kennedy.
Orientation week will begin with a
dinner to be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday,
Oct. 24, for all orientation advisers.
To Be Led by Upperclassmen
Freshmen will meet at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 25, in Waterman
Gymnasium, where they will be or-
ganized into groups for the .orienta-
tion period. Each group will be head-
ed by an upperclassman adviser, as
is the custom, and the adviser will
take the group through the events
of the week, through the examin'-
tions and registration, and will aid
the new students in adjusting them-
selves to their University schedule
University tours, physical and ap-
titude examinations and various oth-
er activities will take up the latter.
part of the week, and on Sunday
afternoon the first main event will
be held: the WAA style show.
Arrangements are being made by
members of the various local chur-
ches to meet new students and escort
them to church Sunday morning.
Special places will be reserved for
the new students so they can sit
Assemblies Will Be Held
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 30 and
31, will be Assembly Nights, and the
customary skits by and ,for the new
students will be presented. High-
lighting the evening will be a skit by
the Women's War Cot nil.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
hold afternoon teas Monday through
Wednesday for new students. Stu-
dent groups will be schauled to
attend tea together, and will arrive
at five-minute intervals with their
In all, orientation week will direct
the new freshman coed through the
maze of a huge campus organization.
New friendships will be formed, in-
cluding a primary acquaintance .. .
college life.
Advisers Listed
Freshman orientation advisers are
as follows: Ruthann Bales, Barbara
Bathke, Irma Bluestein, Jay Bronson,
Kathryn Burton, Pat Burton, Bar-
bara Butler, Dorothy Castricum, Ju-
dith Chayes, Dorothy del Siena, Mar-
Ian Dunlap, Carol Evans, Carol Gior-
(Continued on Page 2)
Organize Child
Care Group
To keep little Imogene and Merga-
troid off the the streets, the War
Council has organized a committee
for child care which Dusty Miller, of
Delta Delta Delta, heads for the
coming term.
The committee represents the Uni-
versity's own answer to the problem
of preventing juvenile delinquency by
sending some of the most charming
of the coeds to keep the children
occupied. Coeds go to Willow Run
and to local homes to take care of
children while the parents are not at
One of the most thriving of the
child care services is "Proxy Par-
ents." Local parents may call the
League and obtain the services of a
University woman to stay with their

Also on the child care curricula is
service for the Girl Scouts and girl
Tutorial Committee
Aids Schola rsh ip
The War Council tutorial service
will begin five weeks after the begin-
ning of the fall term, it was an-
nounced by Bette Willemin, head of
the orientation-tutorial committee.
Persons who wish to be tutored

Not the Country's Vacationland,
Ann Arbor Still Holds Some Fun


As the campus gathers its beer
kegs and insect lotion and moves
indoors, a new recreation problem
follows them into the confines of the
dormitories and houses.
As the Arboretum fan has soroften
asked, "What is there to do around
here in the wintertime?" And that
is a question . . . but. one with an
extensive answer.
Unless the cosmopolitan student
will take nothing less than the opera
or the Latin Quarter, he can usually
find entertainment of some sort a-
bout the University campus. And
unless he was brought up in Sun
Valley or Lake Placid, the winter
sports should suit him.
Except for occasional skiing in the
Arboretum, the majority of local en-
tertainment will be indoors for the
winter months. The University op-
erates its own ice skating rink, the
Coliseum, with special student rates
which bring skating to the level of a
poor man's sport.
Spectator Sports Also Offered
University hockey and basketball
teams keep the sports fan occupied
during the colder part of the year,
their prime fault being the sched-
ules, which run into each other al-
most every Saturday night. Sports
fans go broke, so the old tale goes,
wearing out coins by flipping to see
which game to go to.
University men have a monopoly
on the winter aquatic facilities, but
for the women the day will come .. .
for the last twenty years a women's
pool has been in t e offing. As it is,
non-swimmers may take an extended
bath in the basement of Barbour
Gymnasium, where a railing has
? een set up around a chip in the
cement, which was subsequently
filled with water.
ever, is dangerous for the swimmer,
who with one stroke in any direction
from any part of the pool may bash
her brains out on the 'eoncrete.
Dancing will return to the fore

whi,; Billy Layton and his Band
renewCancing at the Union Friday
and Saturday nights. The series of
dances will begin with the fall term.
U-Ball Is Highlight
Although the big dances have been
diminished in"number, a few impor-
tant formals carry on the tradition.
We'll probably see two Union for-
mals, a combined Slide Rule-Engin-
eering Ball, an Interfraternity Ball,
a Miami Triad, and perhaps a Ship's
Ball, the latter an addition made
by the local V-12 Unit. Besides these,
Army companies may possibly hold
private dances, and fraternities will
substitute record dances for beer
The highlight of the season will
probably be Victory Ball, the last of
the two orchestra dances, and almost
the last of the dances to be held in
the Intramural Building. The Ball
is the only all-campus affair carried
out by an elected committee, and
with a new name carries on the tra-
ditional dances held between semes-
Still Outdoor Sports
For the hardy, there are still out-
door sports. Palmer Field has several
concrete tennis courts which can be
used in any dry weather, and roller
skates may be rented at the Women's
Athletic Building. The city has golf
links and a riding stable, and bi-
cycles may be rented at several local
bike shops.
If there is enough snow, there will
be outdoor skating on nearby Barton
Pond and at Burns Park, and skis
and toboggans win no doubt make
their annual appearance in the Ar-
Collectively, sporting facilities are
unusually good for a town the size
of Ann Arbor, and the University
sports enthusiast may find a good
deal with which to occupy himself.
Too much, he might realize, come
mid-semester exams.

Marge Hall;
for 1944-45.
is president

and Natalie Mattern are the heads of the coed campus
Marge is president of the Women's War Council, Natalie
of Women's Judiciary Council.

The Michigan League, center of
women's campus activities and gov-
erned by the Women's War Council,
is functioning at full speed in a war-
time program of activities which
have supplanted the old pre-war ex-
tra-curricular work traditionally car-
ried on by college women.
As a governing board, the Women's
War Council is headed by an execu-
tive board which discusses the pro's
and con's of all problems which have
come before the board and presents
alternative solutions to the Council.
Heading the War Council is Marge
Hall, of Martha Cook, who has be-
come well-known on campus as an
associate women's editor of the
Daily, an active member of the
Women's Athletic Board, and head
of three major wartime campus
Other members of the executive
board are Natalie Mattern, of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority, who is pres-
ident of Women's Judiciary Council;
Pat Coulter, Chi Omega, vice-presi-
dent and personnel administrator;
Jean Loree, Chi Omega, secretary;
and Deborah Parry; Gamma Chi Beta
Project Leaders Included
Members of the War Council in-
clude the chairmen of the various
class projects: Nora MacLaughlin,
Alpha Chi Omega, who heads the
junior class' stamp and bond sales
work, entitled Junior Girls Project;
Virginia Council, Kappa Kappa.
Gamma, in charge of Soph Project,
which provides volunteer workers at
University and St. Joseph's hospitals;
and the head of Frosh Project, who
will be named later.
Also on the War Council is the
chairman of the Surgical Dressings
Unit, Harriet Fischel Chi Omega.
The group is in charge of rolling
bandages for use by the armed for-
ces. Similarly, the Child Care com-
mittee chairman, Dusty Miller, Delta
Delta Delta, who is in charge of
recruiting women to supervise the
work and play of children living in
the Willow Run area and in Ann
A~bor, is on the Council.
Another member of the War Coun-
cil is the chairman of the Social
Committee, Mary Ann Jones, Kappa
Alpha Theta. Her duty is to super-

vise all League social events, includ-
ing the teas held weekly at the Ruth-
ven home and at the International
Supplies Help
Pat Coulter, vice-president and
personnel director, is in charge of
getting coeds to work for various
campus organizations, such as the
University laundry and the local
University-operated cafeterias, when-
ever paid or volunteer workers are
needed. Any organization needing
help may call on the office of the
personnel administrator to recruit
the required help.
Other War Council -members in-
clude the president of the Women's
Athletic Association, Shelby Dietrich,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; the chief
USO colonel, Ruth Edberg, of Helen
Newberry; and the women's editor of
The Daily.
The president of Panhellenic
Board, Peg Laubengayei, Alpha Chi
Omega, is. also on the Council, as is
Florine Wilkins, Martha Cook, who
heads Assembly Board. The Council
further includes the chairman of the
Tutorial-Orintation committee, Bette
Willemin, Alpha Chi Omega, and the
coed head of the Bomber Scholarship
organization, Marcia Sharpe, Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
Judiciary Makes Appointments
Judiciary Council, headed by Na-
talie Mattern, is the body which
makes the campus rules for women
... all rules regarding closing hours,
delinquencies, and the like. It is
also the body which subjects the of
fenders to punishment when and if
the rules are violated.
Another important job carried on
by Judiciary Council is the interview-
ing of all women who are petition-
ing for campus activities jobs. "Ju-
dish" selects the women who show
the most promise and who have the
best ideas for carrying on activities
to head all projects, including War
Council positions.
Thus it is that a coordinating body
has been formed to direct women in
campus affairs, to recruit workers as
they are needed by other organiza-
tions, and generally to see that Uni-
versity women enter into a concen-
trated program of war activities for
the duration.

Assembly Association, Panhellenic
Council Lead Independent, Sorority
Women in War, Social Funtions

War Veterans Now Eligible
For Bomber-Scholarship Funds

Former Students May Receive
Aid on Need, Character Basis
- Former University students, re-
turning after service in the armed
forces, will be able to obtain financial
aid from the student-sponsored, stu-
dent - raised Bomber Scholarship
Applicants for the scholarships will
be considered on the basis of their
need .and character. Only honorably
discharged servicemen and women
who had been in attendance at the
University for a period of one or
more years before they entered the
services will be eligible for the schol-
arships. Information about the actual
procedure in obtaining a scholarship
may be obtained by writing to
"Bomber Scholarship," Rm. 2, Uni-
versity Hall.
The accumulative goal of the
Bomber-Scholarship Committee is
to raise a total fund of $100,000,
the approximate price of a bomber.
The money collected is invested in
war bonds, which will be redeemed
for cash scholarships when the
need arises.
So far, Bomber-Scholarship has
raised $29,000 through special dona-
tions and by sponsoring many and
varied campus activities and events.
By working on these projects, Bomb-
er-Scholarship has established itself
as the most active of such campus
organizations, and has kept social
activities alive at the University by
connecting social affairs with con-
structive contributions to the war
The 1944-45 Bomber Scholarship
Committee is the result of revision
of the organization's constitution,
and combines Union and League ac-
tivity in building up the- fund. The
group is headed by co-chairmen,
from the Union and the League, re-
spectively, and includes three League
and three Union members as a com-
Marcia Sharpe and Jim Plate

Independent, non-affiliated cam-
pus women are red by Assembly
Board, a business and social organi-
zation headed this year by Florine
Wilkins, of Martha Cook Building.
Assembly recently reorganized its
board to include five members: presi-
dent, two vice-presidnts, publicity
chairman, and secretary-treasurer.
The change was made, according to
Miss Wilkins, in order to meet the
demands for increasing participation
of women in war activities and stu-
dent affairs.
The two vice-presidents are in
charge of dormitories and league
houses. Jane Richardson, of Mosher
Hall, heads dormitories, and Shirley
Robin, Helen Newberry, league hous-
es. The vice-presidents' main objec-
tive will be to stimulate the partici-
pation of independent coeds in their
respective departments in war activi-
Publishes Calendar
The publicity chairman, Audrey
Jupp, is in charge of the Assembly
Calendar of Events, which is mimeo-
graphed weekly and distributed to
all independent women's houses. The
Calendar lists all meetings and war
activities of the League throughout
the week for which it is published.
The publicity chairman is also con-
cerned with Assembly notices and
articles in The Daily.
(Continued on Page 4)
Daily Staff

Panhellenic Association, of which
all sorority women on campus are
members, is gearing its activities to
promote, through collective and indi-
vidual participation, the campus' war
projects, according to Peg Lauben-
gayer, president.
The Association will hold weekly
meetings of sorority house presidents,
at which they will consider the indi-
vidual problems of the various
houses, such as the scholarship and
activities participation of the mem-
"Panhel" gives a yearly dance in
the spring. Last year's Panhel Ball
was combined with the similar func-
tion of Assembly Association, and a
major affair, "Boulevard Ball," was
given in Waterman Gymnasium. Pan-
hel Ball plans are not yet formulat-
ed for the coming year, but it is indi-
cated that the custom will be con-
'Broadcast' Held
The traditional Panhellenic Ban-
quet was last year, in favor of war-
time conditions, cancelled, and "Pan-
hel Night" held in its place. The
function was held at Rackham Audi-
torium, and took the form of a mock
radio broadcast, featuring entertain-
ment by members of Panhellenic As-
Panhellenic was in full support of
the campus' war projects, notably in-
cluding the surgical dressing unit,
the USO, Russian War Relief, the
(Continued on Page 4)
League Holds
Dressings Unit
The Michigan -League Surgical
Dressings Unit is a part of the Ann
Arbor Red Cross Unit, but is organ-
ized and directed by coeds.
The Unit is open on week day
afternoons from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Coeds who volunteer to work are
given instructions in rolling various
types of bandages. They are given
Red Cross headdresses which must
be worn while they work. - Cotton
blouses, smocks or dresses must be
worn in place of wool sweaters, as no
lint must be allowed to enter the
bandages. Nail polish is also pro-
Since D-Day coeds have felt that
more bandages are needed than ever
before. They have shown their will-
ingness to do their part in the war
effort by continuing to work at the
Unit during the warm spring days





of Sports

To Members of Athletic Groups

MARCIA SHARPE is the coed'head
of the Bomber Scholarship Com-
armed forces, and they were discuss-
ing how they would finance their
education after the war.
The idea of a student-sponsored
scholarship fund arose, and through
discussion the idea was developed
into a definite plan. The next day
representatives of the cooperative
house presented University officials
with $18.21 and the draft of a plan
which was to become the constitu-
tion of the Bomber-Scholarship or-
The constitution provided that the
Fund be in the hands of a commit-
tee composed of the heads of campus
activities, including presidents of the
Union, League, Interfraternity-and
Panhellenic Councils and Assembly,
the managing Wditor of The Daily
and other student leaders. In the fall
of 1943 the chairmanship shifted
from the Union to the League, spe-
cifically to Jean Bisdee, treasurer of



The staccato of typewriters, the
click of the teletype as the news
comes in ,the roar of rolling presses
lend their song to The Daily atmo-
sphere as student reporters put out
the next day's edition.
Shortly after the opening of the
fall term, a mass meeting will be held
for all women interested in working
on the women's staff, the time of the
meeting to be announced in The
Daily. All freshmen and undergrad-
uate women who are interested are
eligible to try out for the staff.
The Daily women's staff offers an
opportunity for coeds to gain a toe-
hold in campus activities. In addi-
tion, there is the thrill of getting the
news first hand, of hearing the bells
on the teletype when a big story
comes over. Those of you who join
the staff this year may hear the

"Fun and fitness" are the bywords
of the University Women's Athletic
Association, which with 18 sports
clubs and varied events throughout
the year prevents the coeds of the
campus from falling into an aca-
demic rut.
The motto is "Don't strain your
brain" as the University coed popula-
tion throws itself, in elisure hours, in-
to games of archery, badminton,
basketball, bowling, dancing, fencing,
hockey, skating, lacrosse, outdoor
hikes, golf, rading, rifle, swimming,
softball, table tennis, tennis, and var-
ious intramural sports.
Shelby Dierich heads the WAA
Board for thecoming year. Vice-
president is Barbara Bathke, secre-
tary is Barbara Wallace, and Betsy
Perry is treasurer. Jam Watts will
be AFCW representative, and Jean
Gaffney will be in charge of awards.
Style Show To Be Held
WAA's first event will be the Style
Show, which will be held during
orientation week. Pam Watts heads
the planning committee, and all
sports managers will participate.,
Among the models will be three cam-
pus activity leaders modelling the
"latest thing" for wear in their re-
spective activities: Harriet Fischel,
surgical dressings; Virginia Councell,
hospital volunteer workers; and Es-
telle Klein, the '47 Corps, a group
of freshman women who acted as
grounds crew last semester.
Mary Ann Jones, the social con-
mittee head, will model a suit, typi-
,a nf hnc w1inhumml ha --n o


Broadcasts, Concerts,
An Operetta Given by
Women's Glee Club
The Women's Glee Club, an all-
campus organization, begins another
season under the leadership of Jean
Gilman, '44SM, who heads the Club
and represents it on the Women's
War Council.
The Glee Club holds tryouts for
n~nr.. ,_ . J.i y _1 + -

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