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August 25, 1944 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-25

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Astronomy Department
ToBulidGiant Telescope


Among future projects of the
Department of Astronomy is the
construction of a new telescope, us-
ing a 98-inch disk of pyrex glass
now stored at the main observatory
which, when completed, may set a
record for size among the large tele-
scopes of the world.
As soon as funds are available
work on the new telescope will begin.
"We hope to get at it very soon,"
states Dr. W. C. Rufus, head of the
department. The instrument will be
located on the south shore of Base
Lake, north of Dexter.
It has not yet been decided
whether the huge disk of glass will
be used in a modern reflecting tele-
scope or in the new Schmidt type
instrument. If the reflecting type
is constructed, it will be the third
largest telescope in the world, ex-
ceeded in size only by the 200-inch
Palomar disk and the 100-inch
reflector now in use at Mt. Wilson.
If the newer Schmidt type is built
it will be the largest of its kind in
the world.
The Department of Astronomy at
the University has a long record, and
its observatories have always been
noted for their modern equipment
and research. In 1852, at the begin-
ning of the Tappan administration.
a plea was sent out for astronomical
instruments and three years later
the first observatory in Ann Arbor
was opened. The original telescope,
third largest refractor in the world
at that time, has a 122-inch objec-
tive purchased in the United States
The main observatory was remod-
eled and enlarged again in 1909-10.
At this time the department began
to expand its research by establish-
ing an observatory in South Africa.
The first World War brought
about the introduction of courses
in navigation. and the curriculum
was continually extended and im-
proved. The enrollment in the
department rapidly increased so
that a new Student's Observatory
had to be constructed.
Although present wartime condi-
tions have caused a number of ob-
servatories in this country to shut
down completely, the Department of
Astronomy is continuing its regular
observations and its research pro-
gram with the large reflecting tele-
scope, although on a somewhat re-
duced basis. Departmental head Dr.
W. C. Rufus, who has been a mem-
ber of the faculty since 1917, in addi-
tion to his regular duties has been
giving extra-curricular training in
celestial navigation to aviation pilots
and also was called upon to give a
series of lectures on Korea in con-
nection with the Far East Asia pro-
gram of the Army..
The enrollment in classes in
navigation has been especially
large recently because of the de-

mand for Navy instruction. Clas-
ses in descriptive astronomy have
been unusually well attended; as
many as 600 students have taken
the course during the past year.
A popular feature offered by the
Department of Astronomy is the
series of visitors' nights held each
term at the Angell Hall Observatory.1
These public demonstrations have
'een held ever since the student lab-
oratories in Angell Hall were opened
and as many as 200 visitors have
attended on a single night. The lay-
man is thus given an opportunity to
.took at the moon and various plan-
ts. On cloudy nights, when use of
she telescope is impossible, visitors
nay learn about the heavenly bodies
hrough the use of celestial globes,
;harts and other apparatus in the
Two other observatories con-
nected with the University are
continuing their regular observa-
tions. At the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory at Lake Angelus, Mich.,
motion pictures of the prominen-~
ces (gaseous explosions) of the sun
are being taken.
The Lamont-Hussey Observatory
at Bloemfontein, South Africa, is
tarrying on extensive work on the
discovery of binary, or double, stars.
Students Given
In Dramatics
Opportunities in dramatics are of-
ered to any quaaified student in the
Jniversity under the Department of
TIhe field of play production in-
ludes a variety of courses in act-
ng. directing, stagecraft, costuming
nd the history of the theatre. In
onjunction with these courses is
)ne of the most popular and best-
.nown activities on c amnp us-
Prof. Valentine Windt directs the
yresentation of the plays which are
)resented in the fall, spring and
ummer terms. The work-shop is in
he Laboratory Theatre and public
peIrformances are presented in the
lydia Mendellssohn Theatre in the
This summer the Michigan Reper-
ory Players of the Department; of
speech presented "The Damask
7heek", a comedy by John Van Dru-
eun andw Lloyd Morris, Moliere's
The Learned Ladies". Maxwell An-
lerson's "Journey to Jerusalem",
voin Noveilo's "Fresh Fields", and
*The Chocolate Soldier", an operet-
a by Oscar Straus and Stanislaus

Guilds Greet
New Students
Churches Plan Social,
Religious Activities
Student guilds and regular Sunday
worship services of Ann Arbor chur-
ches will have a special welcome for
all new students, civilian and mili
tary, during the opening week of the
fall term.
Groups Number Thirty
About 30 religious groups are
found in the city and have able lead-
ers to help the newcomer in his ed'u-
cational, spiritual and social life.
The University counselor in religious
education, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
is available for consulation daily in
his office in Angell Hall to all stu-
dents regardless of affiliation.
Guilds are maintained by a num-
ber of churches which offer varied
programs on Sunday evenings. Dis-
cussion groups, talks by University
professors and outstanding visitors to
the campus, classes in religion and
meditation retreats are scheduled as
well as social events such as picnics,
fellowship hours and dances. In
spite of rationing, several groups will
continue to hold weekly teas and
luncheon discussions.
Groups Are Varied
Whether Catholic, Protestant or
Jew, or Quaker, Baptist or Lutheran
the new student will be sure to find
a religious group with which he has
something in common.
Among the 16 groups on campus
are the Westminster Guild at the
First Presbyterian Church, the Roger
Williams Guild at the First Baptist
Church, Wesleyan Foundation at the
First Methodist Church, Gamma Del-
ta (Lutheran Student Club) at the
new Lutheran Chapel and student
center, the Lutheran Student Asso-
ciation, Congregational - Disciples
Guild and Canterbury Club at St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Inter-Guild Plans
Inter-Guild, an organization on
campus which represents the above
seven groups will lead in making plans
for greater cooperation among the
Protestant churches. A World Day of
Prayer, luncheon and discussions and
aid in the drive for the world Student
Service Fund are planned
Continuing the list are student
groups at the Unitarian Church, the
Society of Friends, Bethlehem Evan-
gelical and Reformer Church, First
Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Paul's
Evangelical Church and the Church
of Latter Day Saints.
Catholic students will find a special
chapel for them near campus, St.
Mary's, with masses said every Sun-
day, as well as social events. The Hil-
lel Foundation for Jewish students
plans religious services and parties
during the year and also maintains a
reading and record library.


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