THE MICHIGAN DAILY RAY FRIDAY. r r i4 i yyy... 777 t } ; e k , H ANS is a German. Four years ago, he felt the way many of uis feel today. He thought the war was ais good as won. He had reason to think so. Far more reason than we have. France wais-his, England was bloody after Dunkerque. The German Army seemed invincible. But the war wasn't almost over. And now it is our armies that are on the march. It is our bombers blast- ing German cities. Victory is in our grasp. It's up to us to see that we don't let it slip through our' fingers the way Hans did. Miost of us know that this 'is the m ilitary crisis of tis ward-the time when our fighting men Must giv-e everything they have, not once in a while but hour after hour-day after day. But this alone is not enough. The lives oif brave men are not enough. Money is ieeded too. For this is the financial crisis of the war just as surely as it is the military crisis. Millions of doi- lars' worth of c uipmnbnt is being dcestroyed in battles The nmoney to replace it must come from us, and-come quckly. If every last one of us here at home will try to snatch the con.stant, day-to-day drive of the mere w'ho fight our battles, we'll raise that money. The way to do it is to put every cent we can possibly invest into -U.S. War ]Bonds. Not some of use All of us. Not once in a while during a drive, but regularly *..every pay day. Can we do the job, that Hans coauldn't do?. Can we- -oli tarily- keep making sacrifices when Vic- tory seems just around the corner? The answer is up to. you. And here-r ,e 5 more rer,-,-fNr buyin-, Extnr War Bonds! 1. Wo~r Bands are the best, the safest investmer~i in the world! 2. War Bonds ,return you $4 for every $3in 10 years. 3. War Bonds help kceep prices down. s 4. War Bonds will help win the Peace by lncrea!., ing purchasing power after the War. 5, War Bonds mean education for your children; 1 security for you, funds for retirement. 0 UY. Yol UR UNDS WI ABBOTT GASOLINE CO. 600 East Williams ARNST GAPAGE' 1645 North Main BROADWAY MARKET 1027 Broadway CARLSONS PHAP AfC- 1112 South University CtROWL!3Y STUIfO 321 South State DEY STUDIO 332 South State FREEMAN &co. Foo- n MA R KE 709 Packard 1 205 South Sate JACK'S GROCERY 1 3Q8 South University AALLY & WPPIR SRI!CE ,. I fl) 1550 Jackson Ave. MUNER STREET GROCERY 614 Miner MODERN BEAUTY SHOP 1 17 South State rzrn. a*e er~a c~a'] tr rr rif.., OLD KENU~V1CK~Y GIFT SOP 5426 Plymouth Rd. PON!TIAC VARNISH CO. 300 East Washington ROBERTS GIFT SHOP 31 2 South State rTHOMPSON'S GULF SERVICE 1019 Broadway TUOMY P111L %, TAIO 2466 Wash tenaw, 702 Dcewey UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP 606 East Liberty