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August 25, 1944 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-25

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VOL. LIV. No. 38-S


'U' Plans Big Postwar

Building Prog ram

New Coeds Face Acute Housing Shortage'

Dean's Office Is Forced
To Discourage Students

18,000 Students
May Enroll Here
$27 Million To Provide Dormitory
Administration, Gymnasium Facilities
Architectural contracts were let this month on the $27 million Univer-
sity postwar building and expanlsion program geared to accommodate an
expected enrollment of upwards of 18,000 full-time students.
The physical face of the campus will be completely lifted when the
projected program is completed.. A new administration building, expanded
women's gymnasium facilities, additional men's and women's dormitories,
an addition to the main library, and erection of new labratory and
research facilities are included in the plans.
After four months of study, the report of the University Plant
Extension committee was submitted and approved by the Board of
Regents last September and transmitted to the Governor for study and
legislative action.

Because of an unprecedented acute
housing shortage no entering woman
student can be assured of a room in
a University approved residence, 'ac-
cording to an announcement from
the office of the Dean of Women.
Women who do not have definite
room arrangements for the coming
fall term are not encouraged to en-
roll in the University.
Discouragement Necessary
"Never before have we been forced
to be' so discouraging, and we regret
very much the necessity of being so
now," Miss Jeannette Perry, Assis-
tant Dean of Women, said.
"We always want to welcome to
our University all qualified students
who choose it for their alma mater,
but we do not feel that we can hold
out unjustified hopes which might
be disappointed when it would be too
late for you to enter another college,"
she continued.
An enrollment increase of 650 wo-
men is anticipated by the office.
Four hundred of these will be regu-
larly-enrolled students, and 150will
be holders of state scholarships
which have been granted by the
Regents of the University.
100 Nurses Included
Included in the increased enroll-
ment is a group of 100 cadet nurses,
iwho will receive their training here
under the sponsorship of the federal
Housing facilities for women are
being increased so far as possible,
Miss Perry said, with the conversion
of many former fraternity houses
into coed residences. Nearly all fra-
ternity houses, with the exception of
Psi Upsilon, are being taken over by
,women, but these are already filled.
Waiting lists, Miss Perry said, are
already too long.
Housing Inelastic
Housing has been made inelastic
by the wartime proximity to an in-
dustrial center. In the past the
Dean's office has been able to add
to its list of approvect rooming houses
Army, Navy
Quarters Open
To Civilians
Facilities in West Quadrangle,
closed to civilian students since July,
1943, when the Naval V-12 program
occupied the building, will be open
to freshman men this fall.
Allen-Rumsey and Wenley houses,
which accommodated underclassmen
with the exception of Navy occu-
pancy since the quad's dedication
in 1939, will be prepared for incom-
ing men.
Fletcher Hall has been relin-
quished by the Army iueadquarters
on campus and will house approxi-
mately 55 civilian students.
"Cy" Adams Available
The only other University admin-
istered residence hall for civilian men
will be "Cy" Adams, formerly the
Psi Upsilon fraternity. Accommoda-
tions for 250 men will be provided by
the four buildings.
Previously six fraternity houses
had been controlled by the Univer-
sity for men's housing. In line with
decreased civilian men enrollment,
all but one of these houses are being
turned over for use by coed students.
Fraternity Houses Converted
About 15 fraternity houses will be
used to house women for the fall
semester and women's groups will
rent directly four or five more
Incoming male students will also
be accommodated in local rooming
houses, privately owned and Univer-
sity supervised. Students planning
to live in rooming houses must make
their own arrangements for accom-
modations and it is suggested the
student investigate the facilities be-
fore renting. Standard agreements
are issued to the householders by the

University to avoid misunderstand-
ings in leasing rooms.
Figures Not Complete
Enrollment figures for the fall
semester are not complete as yet.
Total enrollment as tabulated for
the current month exceeds a similar

whenever necessary. But because Ann
Arbor is only nine miles from the
Willow Run bomber plant, local hou-
sing has been largely preempted by
war workers, and University housing
can no longer be expanded at will.
Local war industries have also
caused an acute shortage of all kinds
of help so it is impossible to serve
meals in the houses converted into
auxiliary dormitories.
Figures on the number of women
turned away from the University
because of the housing shortage are
unavailable. It is known that all
University dormitories were filled by
March 1.
V-12 Student
Quota T o Be
Cut This Fall
300 Navy Men Are To
Relinquish Dormitories
National reduction of the fall Navy
V-12 Training Program-will probably
reduce by about 300 the 1,317 V-12
students now in training here, Prof.
Marvin L. Niehuss, director of the
Division for Emergency Training,
announced recently.
When the Navy V-12 program was
begun in June, 1943, some 1,300 men,
mostly recent high school graduates
and former University students, mov-
ed into the "U.S.S. West Quad," in
pre-war years a men's dormitory. For
the first time since the program went
into effect, civilian men students will
be housed in the West Quadrangle
again in the fall. The Navy is re-
linquishing Allen-Rumsey and Wen-
ley houses, retaining other accom-
modations in the quadrangle.
Discipline Is Strict
Discipline is strict in the V-12 pro-
gram. The men have a 9:45 p.m.]
curfew, nine and one half hours of
physical education, drill and in-
spection each week, and must main-
tain satisfactory grades in order to
remain in school. Liberty is granted
only on week-ends and V-12 men
must secure regular Navy leave pap-
ers to travel outside the 40-mile limit.
Accumulated demerits are used for
discipline, 150 demerits in the first
year automatically disqualifying a
person from the V-12 program. 75
demerits are sufficient to disqualify
a V-12 trainee in succeeding years.
Navy V-12 trainees are, by and
large,apermitted to continue their
original lines of study if they were
former University students, or to
elect their own choice of courses if
they are new students. However,
aspiring musicians are required, for
example, to register for applied sci-
ence courses and others such as those
in history, geography, English math-
ematics, languages, engineering sub-
jects, political science and naval or-
ganization. The 'sailors wherever pos-
See V-12, Page 3

SUMMER SCENE-A group of naval V-12 trainees dressed in summer whites stroll past the General
Library between morning classes as civilians cluster on the steps, a popular meeting place. No, the
little girl standing at the left is not a student. -Photo by John Horeth


Returning Veterans Are Aided
By University's Service Bureau

More than 100 veterans of World
War II, 78 of them previousstudents
at the University, are enrolled this
summer, Clark Tibbitts, director of
the Veterans Service Bureau, has
Making sure that every returned
veteran gets started right, the Uni-
versity Veterans Service Bureau is
helping an average of 10 to 12 men
each week to map out a program
covering the months or years imme-
diately ahead. The most thorough
and complete testing and guidance
service available anywhere in Michi-
gan is offered these men by 17 coun-
seling and testing agencies on cam-
'G.I. Bill' in Effect
Veterans may also receive help
from the Service Bureau in applying
for benefits under the "G.I. Bill,"
which authorizes an educational sub-
sidy and an allowance of $50 to $75
per month for eligible veterans. Den-
tal students who will be discharged
from the Army at the end of the
Summer Term, may apply for this
financial aid inasmuch as they have
not completed their courses.
The Service Bureau was set up as
soon as it was determined that vet-
erans would be returning to the
campus in numbers. Its purpose is
to see that the former serviceman
gets every possible help the institu-
tion can give.
Problems brought by veterans vary
as widely as the men themselves and

each individual's case and needs are
considered separately. His record,
ambition, talent are appraised. Every
man, and particularly one not en-
rolled, has a concrete and individual
program mapped out before he leaves
Ann Arbor.
Veterans who had not previously
planned a college education may not
meet University entrance require-
ments. These men are given scholas-
tic aptitude tests and subject matter
tests to determine whether it is wise
for them to attempt a college pro-
gram and whether they need further
pre-college preparation. Such prep-
aration is made available through
the Division for Emergency Training
at the University.
Services Are Many
Finding apartments for married
veterans, securing part-time employ-
ment for veterans needing work and
full-time employment for wives of
veterans and helping men apply for
disability pensions are other ser-
vices of the Service Bureau.
According to records compiled by
the Service Bureau, 26 of the veter-
ans enrolled this summer have been
discharged because of relatively seri-
out disabilities. Many were disabled
in combat duty outside of the United
States. Average number of months in
service is nine and one-half and the
average age is 23.
One Third Have Degrees
Approximately one-third of the
See VETERANS, Page 4

'U' Continues
War Services
1,200 Army Men
Are Training Here
Continuation of the Army's Spe-
cialized Training Program (ASTP)
this fall will mark the beginning of
the third year that the University has
organized and maintained its pro-
gram for war services.
At the present time there are more
than 1,200 enlisted men and officers
in special training here representing
varied branches of the Army and
studying a variety of 16 different aca-
demic programs.
18,000 Men Trained
During the past two years 'begin-
ning in September, 1942, when the
Judge Advocate General School was
moved here from Washington, more
than 18,000 Army men have passed
through training programs.
The entire teaching force of the
University comprised of more than
900 professors, instructors and tech-
nicians and the 14 schools and col-
leges have been mobilized on a 50
week a year academic basis since
April 1942 to accomodate the Army
Recognized as one of the leading
educational institutions serving the
armed forces, the University first re-
oriented its schedule to meet the
needs of the Judge Advocate General
School when it established head-
quarters here in the Law Quadrangle
3,000 Legal Officers Provided
The law facult>, political science
and history departments, and other
facilities have cooperated to train
more than 3,000 legal officers for the
Army. Various graduations during
the two year history of the school
have brought such ranking officers
here as Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer,
the Judge Advocate General of the
Army, Maj. Gen. Henry S., Aurand,
commanding general Sixth Service
command; and in July Undersecre-
tary of War Robert P. Patterson ad-
dressed the class.
The Army on the campus is organ-
ized under the command of Col. Ed-
ward H. Young who is also com-
mandant of the JAG school. Attach-
ed to headquarters are a corps of ex-
ecutive, administrative, and public
relations officers who handle the
work of this area.
The GI student took the place of
a dwindling civilian male population
which began to show a marked de-
crease in the winter of 1942. Under
contract the Army took over the
East Quadrangle designed for 450

Favorable Action Taken
A committee from the state legis-
lature surveyed the campus last Feb-
ruary and favorable legislative action
was taken the following month which
made $580,000 available to the Uni-
versity to begin the program.
A serious need for improvement
and expansion was cited in the com-
mittee's report which stated "the
University is seriously - handicapped
in many departments by the-:inade-
quacy and obsolescence of its physi-
cal plant."
Grant First Since '32
Whatever building: is done on the
campus after the war Will mark the
first state grant -for University con-
struction in the last 12 years. There
have been no -major plant extensions
on the campus since 1932.
The proposed new administration
building, badly needed for many
years, will be .constructed on State
Street -between Helen Newberry
House and the Union.
'U' Hall -To Go
All administrative offices, business
activity, broadcasting studios, and
department offices would be housed
in this General Service Building and
University Hall, condemned as a fire
hazard since 1923, would be razed.
At a proposed cost of $1,310,000
this building would bring up to date
University administration housing
which is now centered in a building
built in 1871 for an enrollment of
1,200 students.
A planned addition to the present
Chemistry Building would increase,
the laboratory space 70 per cent at

an estimated cost of $800,000. In line
with technical advances an engin-
eering extension isk\,, contemplated
which would add 300,000 feet of floor
space for an anticipated 1800 stu-
dents and bring up to date facilities
now in operation.
Library Alterations Planned
Improvement in the facilities of the
library including additional study
rooms and betterlighting is planned
at a cost of $790,000. At a cost of
one and a half million dollars a sec-
ond unit would be added to Angell
This move would be the second
step in the proposed plan for the
literary college first adopted in 1924
when the present structure was
erected. It is hoped that the future
will see a quadrangle constructed
around the present building to bring
together all the departments and of-
fices of the literary college.
Projects Are 'Musts'
Additions to the physics lab, the
Union, and construction of a new
dormitory for women would complete
the list of projects marked "must"
for immediate construction in the
The second phase of the building
and expansion scheme, projected
over a ten year perigd after the war,
would greatly enlarge all present
structures-hospital, medical build-
ings, health service, men's dormi-
tories. It would provide, as the com-
mittee sees it, "A physical plant on
a par with the high rating the Uni-
versity holds in the nation."

Choral Union Series of Ten
Concerts Will Begin Nov. 4


Among the attractions listed for the 1944-45 music series are Helen
Traubel, Fritz Kreisler, Dorothy Maynor, three well known philharmonic
orchestras and the Budapest String Quartet.
Besides the ten concerts on the Choral Union series, the annual May
Festival with outstanding soloists, the Christmas performance of Han-
del's "Messiah" and chamber music concerts will also be presented, Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the University Musical Society has an-



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Opening Is Nov. 4
Opening the Choral Union season
Nov. 4 in Hill Auditorium will be
Helen Traubel, soprano and Metro-
politan Opera star. Others schedul-
ed for the same month are the Cleve-
land Orchestra with George Szell as
guest conductor Nov. 12; Fritz Kreis-
ler, violinist, Nov., 17 and Josef 'Lhe-
vinne, pianist, Nov. 27.
The young violinist, Carroll Glenn,
will play Dec. 5, the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra under the. direc-
tion of Serge Koussevitsky Dec. 11
and Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, Jan.
Soprano To Appear
Dorothy Maynor, distinguished so-
prano, will appear Feb. 3 and the
Westmirlister Choir under the lead-
ership of John Finley Williamson
Feb. 11. The Chicago Symphony
Orchestra under the baton of Desire
Defauw will conclude the series
March 19.


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An unusual number of orchestras
have been scheduled for the series,
Dr. Sink said, in view of the increased
public interest. This has been at-
tributed to more attention given to
orchestra music in public schools.
Tickets on Sale
The -Budapest String Quartet will
make their first appearance in Ann
Arbor in a series of three concerts.
Generally acknowledged as the

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