PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN- DAILY Sri UDA , AUGUST 25, 3944 PAGE TWO FI~.IIM~, AUGUST 25, 1~44 Fifty-Fourth Year THE PENDULUM: U. S. Press Discredits Labor's Record ic- IC;;' ~./---/ 7-77-40W I - ; 'J TS3 FC Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koffman Stan Wallace Bank Mantho Peg Weiss Lee Amer * . Managing Editor * . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor . Business Staff Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 REPRESENTEID FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIIG BY National Advertising Service, Inc College Publisbers Representative 420 MADSON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CMICAG oosoN - Los AMGEE8 * SA FRANCICO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Eubscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHIE SHARFMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Jewish Refugees HE State Department has announced that the United States and Great Britain have ac- cepted the offer of the Hungarian Government for the release of Jews and that Anglo-Ameri- can authorities will arrange to take care of Hun- garian Jews who reach neutral or United Na- tions territory. The State Department said that the govern- ments of Great Britain and the United States in accepting this offer do not in any way con- done the action of the Hungarian government in forcing the emigration of Jews as an alternative to persecution and death. The irony in the situation lies in the fact that there should be any hesitancy In offering this temporary haven to the refugees. One of our aims in fighting this is supposedly to free the oppressed peoples of Europe. Wsecause we offer to help them does not mean that we ap- prove of the policy of their oppressor. In fact these two ideas are in no way related. It is necessary for the United Nations to show oppressed people that they are willing to help whenever they can and not only when their own selfish interests are involved. Thus far our attitude.towards Jewish refugees has been any- thing but encouraging. This recent step taken in regard to the Hungarian Jews spells hope for the future. It shows that the humanitarian element is entering in and that we are not go- ing to continue to follow a double standard by condemning Hitler for his treatment of the Jews and then turning around and scorning them ourselves. -Doris Peterson Radio Conflict ALONG with the high principles in the Four Freedoms that have been promised should go 4 corollary pertaining to freedom of speech on the air waves. Neglected lately because of Nov- ember election disputes and the ever-present capital-labor friction rising out of reconversion methods, the story of an actual example of mis- use and abuse is appearing at a Federal Com- munications Commission hearing in Washington this week. A petition of the UAW-CIO is specifically opposing the license renewal of radio station WHKC at Columbus, O., for alleged discrimi- nation against labor. It is charged that the union's speeches, bought and paid for by UAW, were censored by the station while .at the same time it permits other commentators to broadcast without any thought of blue-pen- eiling their copy. When one reads that the latter men mention- ed are such notables and commentators as Boake Carter, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Upton Close and Col. Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune, it is true the attempt to censor their scripts would fortunately be beyond the control of the individual radio stations. But at the same time it is a too strange quirk of justice to have the freely-expressed views of the national com- mentators heard without permitting the union to present its side. -Dorothy Potts Soldiers Are Citizens .. . QENATOR TAFT of Ohio, criticising the Army By BERNARD ROSENBERG ONE last oscillation of The Pendu lum is called for by the fact that The Detroit News last week blew its editorial top over the labor issue. Said that worthy journal, "Labor has not accomodated itself to the re- quirements of desperately pressing war needs. The war has gone splen- didly on our military fronts and bad- ly on our labor fronts." This comes at the end of a long lead editorial which also asserts that, "On the lab- or side a static condition results in magnification of trivial grievances, causes strike after strike, etc . ." Such claptrap was particularly in- opportune since its issuance almost coincided with important disclosures to the contrary made by Major Gen- eral Lucius D. Clay, director of ma- teriel, of the U. S. Army. He stated unequivocally at a special press con- ference, "There has never been a case so far as we have heard where our men lacked ammunitions due to any strike or other lag in production." At a second conference with the press, it is reported by George Seldes, Lt. Cols. E. M. Clarke and L. O. Grav- elly, both returned from the Mediter- ranean theater, repeated the Clay statement. Clarke noted, "We have never heard of a case where a strike caused a lag in supplies to our men. Generally, we have had what we needed when we needed it in the quantities we needed." These are the official facts. Con- strue them as you will, but any ef- fort to impugn the name of labor on the basis of those facts will re- veal nothing but your own vicious- ness or your own ignorance. Accord- ing to figures released by the Depart- ment of Labor in June, labor's rec-. ord is 99.91% clean. Measure that against any wild charge of insuffi- cient patriotism made by the press at the workingman. EVERY rumor of a strike is blown into an accomplished fact and spread in bold type headlinescacross the front pages of America's corrupt press. But, the impressive devotion to their jobs and the steadfastness of purpose laborers have demonstrat- ed since Pearl Harbor are falsified or ignored. Thus, Walter Reuther's plan for the conversion of automobile plants into defense factories was given the cold shoulder until finally a similar blueprint received business okay and Uncle Sam proceeded months later to fulfill it. This same Reuther has nevertheless been ac- cused of impeding the war effort. More bunckum-and it comes in un- ending streams. So, C. E. Wilson, president of Gen- eral Motors Corporation, after having denounced organized labor as an "ir- ritant" was forced to admit under the pressure of undeniable statistics that war production in his plants is largely ahead of schedule. This ad- mission-one of the CIO NEWS calls "a reluctant bouquet"-came only after Walter Reuther announced that the Fourth of July plant shutdown ordered by General Motors meant a loss of 6,770,690 productive man hours. This was more than the num- ber of man hours lost by strikers in all the corporations throughout the country in the month of January. That sort of thing is publicized as little as possible. "Softpedal it," goes the directive when Anaconda Wire Co. is found by the federal government to be producing de- fective goods. "So what?" was the attitude when Curtiss-Wright got indicted and convicted for making defective airplane motors. Now, it is bad enough if men go out on strike and hold up war produc- tion. But, it is worse-it is wholly unconscionable - for industrial- ists to make blood money by cheap- ening their goods to the point where they endanger the lives of American soldiers. They not only hold up production by not proving the means to hasten the end of this war, they commit murder. Very few businessmen, of course, are so unscrupulous. The co-operat- ive effort of industry, labor, and gov- ernment has been magnificent. But, let no one of these groups point the finger of scorn at any other group. For, to do so is without basis in reason or fact. Each has been de- ficient in many ways-workers strike, industrialists profiteer, bureaucrats bungle-and yet, the total is greater sthan the sum of its parts. thThe net result has been a home front so satisfactory, with such general prosperity and full em- ployment, one wishes it could be extended indefinitely. Among those who do not wish it could be extend- ed indefinitely are some big busi- s nessmen. More than one has said publicly that he favors an unem- ' ployment pool, the result of which would be a depressed wage scale. Reactionaries of the Sewell Avery stripe do not see that such a con- dition could do them more harm than good. It is pretty well under- stood now that Roosevelt saved American capitalism by putting stop gaps in it, Wall Street, which has always hated him, will one day come to regard FDR as its greatest benefactor. However, if unem- ployment is fostered and achieved, if legislation like the Murray-Kil- gore Bill to aid jobless is killed in Congress, the system as it exists to- day may explode tomorrow. WHERE are the newspapers of this country on such issues? Natur- ally, four-square against labor. And why? I think it an injustice to say, "Because they are bought." They are not bought. They are among the buyers. The newspapers, if they were ever public services, were and are also big businesses. Industry does not need to pay off the newspaper world. For, the universal trend toward monopoly which has gone nearly unchecked for fifty odd years is evident in the realm of journal- ism too. If you want to know more about it, read Oswold Garrison Vill- ard's "The Disappearing Daily." Few- er papers, more concentration of pow- er, and less truth; there you have a factual picture of newspaperdom in 1944. The Detroit News is a fairly decent paper. Its anti-labor mud slinging make me wonder all the more how Publisher Scripps can square an avowedly independent policy with an obviously one-sided treatment of the news. What you want to remember in connection with all this is that the press stands more strongly than ever behind the Republican candi- date for president. Jhe intimate tie-up between Tom Dewey and big business is apparent to everyone. His election would be interpreted by, them as the signal to sit tight- ly on the oh! so imperfect status quo. There are more than forty million workers in this country. Do they want their voice in the government reduced to a penitent whisper or a John L. Lewis croak? I think not. They and their fellow Americans will continue to read newspapers, scan the comic and editorial pages with equal incredulity, and learn from them how not to think. The Seine WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Military Oppose Don Nelson By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The battle over the proposed banishment of Donald Nelson is a long story but an important one, with parts of it almost unbelievable. Woven through the story is the struggle between American little business and monopoly, a struggle which has torn this country for half a century-and which Roose- velt at one time vowed to settle. Opinions differ regarding Nelson. However, it is fair to say that, after considerable heart- aches, a lot of criticism., and some delays, his over-all production program has now achieved miracles, including a total output of air- planes which nobody ever dreamed possible. And largely thanks to Nelson, this was achiev- ed without any dictatorship either from man- agement or labor, and without destroying the fundamental American system. Opposed By the Army DON'S chief trouble, from beginning to the end, has been with the military. The Navy was not so, difficult. But dynamic General B. B. Somervell and idealistic ex-judge Undersecre- tary of War Patterson demanded that almost every civilian activity be closed down. Patterson waged a particular crusade against comic books and the soft drink, Seven Up. These, he repeatedly told Nelson, were hinder- ing the war. Why the Undersecretary of War didn't pick on other soft drinks, Nelson never knew. But at any rate, Nelson came back with this argument: "The American people are going to work just as hard or harder in this war if you don't take away all their recreation. Comics and soft drinks are not going to hurt the war." One of .Nelson's friends and allies at first was 73-year-old Bernard M. Baruch, Wall Street banker and head of the War Industries Board in the last war, who patriotically moved to Washington and offered to do everything he could do to ail production. Nelson used to spend week-ends with Baruch on Long Island and listened to his advice, much of which was helpful. However, as war production forged ahead, far exceeding anything under Baruch in World War I, and as Nelson became more engrossed with his work, he called on Baruch less frequently. Meanwhile, Patterson and Somervell invited Baruch to sit in on their meetings, and as the breach widened between Nelson and the mili- tary, the well-meaning executive of World W I edged more and more to the Army's side. Wilson Enters Picture ar I IT WAS about this time that Charles E. Wilson, crack production wizard of General Electric, came to Washington to help Nelson as vice chairman of the War Production Board. Wilson and Nelson immediately became close allies in the battle with the Army, which by this time was determined to take over the entire WPB, plus civilian economy, Seven Up, comics and all. The fight was extremely bitter. Ferdinand Eberstadt, another banker and a friend of Baruch's, able, tough, patriotic, had been plac- ed in the War Production Board, and the Army wanted him to take over the entire show, kick- ing Nelson out. So'bitter was the fight that, at the height of the battle, this columnist went to Charles E. Wilson to check on a report from one of his assistants that General Somervell had tele- phoned Wilson asking him to secure more brass rolling mill capacity. And thinking the telephone connection had ended, General Somervell was reported to have said: "That will keep the so-and-so busy. There just isn't any more brass rolling mill capacity!" And perhaps because the telephone was still connected or perhaps because the remark was recorded in one of the Army's many listening devices, it was reported to have got back to Wilson. When Wilson was queried about it, he was noncommittal, following which this column- ist put the same question to General Somervell. The General looked startled. "So you were the one," he said, "who talked to Wilson about that. He charged me, in a meeting of the board, with making that remark about him, and demanding an explanation. "I did call him up to ask him for more brass rolling mill capacity," General Somervell con- tinued. "But although I sometimes call a man a 'so-and-so' as a joking term of endearment, I don't think I ever used it on Charley Wilson. If I did, it was only in that sense." The incident illustrates how tempers flared two short years ago-at a time when Wilson and Nelson were close allies against the Army. Now, despite one-time enmity, Wilson is on the Ar- my's side. It is the Army, together with Ba- ruch, which for months has been trying to push Don Nelson out of the production picture. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN : FRIDAY, AUG. 25, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 38-S" When The Daily again resumes" publication all notices for The Daily Official Bulletin are to be sent to 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Students, Summer. Term, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses elected in the second half of the Summer Term may not be drop- ped without penalty after Saturday, Sept. 16.E E. A. Walter Student football tickets to the Iowa Sea-Hawks, Indiana and North- western football games: Civilian stu- dents enrolled in the 1944 Summer Term who are entitled to student admission to the first three Univer- sity of Michigan home football games, should exchange their Physi- cal Education coupon (ticket No. 7) for their football tickets at the Ath- letic Office, Ferry Field, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the following days: Senior and Graduate Students- Monday, Aug. 28. Junior Students- Tuesday, Aug. 29. Sophomore Stu- dents-Wednesday, Aug. 30. Fresh- man Students-Thursday, Aug. 31. Class preference will be obtainable only on the date indicated.' Students desiring their tickets in one block should present their Physi- cal Education coupons together. One student may present all of the cou- pons for such a block of student' tickets. Where students of different classes desire adjacent seats, the preference of the lowest class will prevail. H. 0. Crisler, Director Tickets, Michigan-Purdue Football Game, Oct. 28, 1944: Students who intend to enroll for the 1944 term may procure their admission tickets to the Purdue football game to be played in the Michigan Stadium on Oct. 28 at the offices in the Admih- istration Building, Ferry Field, be- ginning Oct. 16, and also at the ticket office at Gate Number Nine (north end of the Stadium) after twelve o'clock noon the day of the game. It is highly desirable to procure tick- ets in advance of the day of the game in order to avoid congestion, confusion and delay in getting in the Stadium in time for the game. Each student desiring admission to this game will be required to de- posit Three Dollars ($3.00) for the admission ticket, for which a receipt will be issued. This receipt will be redeemed for the full amount after the University tuition fee has been paid for the fall term provided the tuition fee includes admission to ath- letic events. Refunds will be made at the Ticket Office in the Administration Build- ing on Ferry Field from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become void that date. Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Michigan Attention Students who have com- peted for Hopwood prizes. You may obtain your mss. at the Hopwood Room this Friday. R. W. Cowden New York State Civil Service Ex- aminations for, Assistant State Re- porter, Assistant to Supervisor of Insurance Contracts, Electric Inspec- tor, Junior Gas Engineer, Junior Of- fice Machine Operator (Calculating), Junior Research Aide (Municipal Affairs), Municipal Research Assis- tant, Senior Hearing Stenographer, Senior Transportation Engineer and Women's Parole Officer, are being given on Sept. 23, 1944. Applications should be filed by Sept. 1. For fur- ther details stop in at 201 Mason Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Saturday, Aug. 26. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secre- tary's Office on or before Wednes- day, Aug. 23. Academic Notices English 178 will not meet today. H. V. S. Ogden Students interested in taking a Nurses' Aide course the second half of the summer term may register from 1 to 5 p.m. in North Hall. You are reminded that Nurses' Aide is an 80-hour course plus 150 hours volun- teer work and that 2-hours academic credit will be given when' all hours have been fulfilled. Ethel A. McCormick Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present an all Russian program this evening, Aug. 25, at 7 p.m. Mr. Price will play old Russian airs, piano pieces by Borodin, Tchaikowsky and Rach- maninoff, and will conclude the re- cital with songs of the Red Army. Carillon Recital: Percival Price will play the music of Handel, Verdi and a group of original compositions at his recital on Sunday, Aug. 27, at 3 p.m. Choral Union Concerts: The Uni- versity Musical Society announces the following concert attractions for the University year 1944-1945: Helen Traubel, Soprano- Satur- day, Nov. 4, 8:30 p.m.; Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell, Guest Con- ductor-Sunday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m. (This concert will be broadcast over the Mutual System and by short wave); Fritz Kreisler, Violinist-Fri- day, Nov. 17, 8:30 p.m.; Joseph Lhevinne, Pianist-Monday, Nov. 27, 8:30 p.m.; Carroll Glenn, Violinist- Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8:30 p.m.; Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse- vitsky, Conductor-Monday, Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m.; Vladimir Horowitz, Pian- ist-Monday, January 15, 8:30 pm.; Dorothy Maynor, Soprano-Satur- day, Feb. 3, 8:30 p.m.; Westminster Choir, John Finley Williamson, Con- ductor-Sunday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Desire BARNABY By Crockett Johnson 1 ,,, _ . -_-- --- 1 -- --- ^--- I 1 y ,. I . ' I