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August 24, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-24

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Fifty-Fourth Year


Results of Effective Freedoms

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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Editorial Staffj

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho
Peg Weiss . .

Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . .Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor

Lee Amer

Business Stafff
Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pblisbers Representative
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Sdubscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
Peace Parley
THE SUCCESS or failure of the delegates now
meeting at Dumbarton Oaks in Georgetown
may largely determine, whether the world will
be plunged into another war in 20 years if this
is really the war to end wars.
During the last war, no comparable confer-
ence was held. Consequently when the time
came to formulate a peace treaty, the delegates
had so many problems that they could not
handle them all.
Recognizing this failure in the past, this con-
ference is being held by the United States,
Great Britain and Russia to build the inter-
national machinery for a successful world.
After the war it will be too late to get our gov-
ernment or our Allies to promise to make any
sacrifices. That is why all the debatable ques-
tions must be settled while the war is still
going on.
Out of this conference might arise plans for
A world organization, more powerful than
the League, which would be able to main-
tain peace. Now is the time to see that the
United States promises to join such an or-
After the war people in this country are going
to be so tired ofnfighting that they are going
to draw in their necks and hide from anything
that anyone terms militarism. A few isola-
tionists in this country will be able to come
to the fore at that time and convince people
again that Europe should be left alone to solve
her own problems and that we should not be
concerned with them.
T IS a well known fact that right after the last
war public sentiment in this country was
in favor of joining the League, but we waited
too long. We gave alarmists a chance to spread
their propaganda while people started forget-
ing the lesson which the first war taught them.
There is already talk of the possibility of a
third world war, and yet we have not even won
the second one. This shows that. the world is
not reconciled to the fact of settling disputes
A similar conference to the one now being
held at Dumbarton Oaks will soon be held1
between the United States, Great Britain and
China. If careful plans are made at these
two conferences peace can be maintained.
The United States, Russia, Great Britain and
China will be the strongest nations in the
post-war world. If they make plans now so
that it will be to their mutual benefit to con-
tinue to cooperate, no possible coalition of na-
tions could menace the world again.
-Doris Peterson
Buffalo of Bashan.. .
AROLD ICKES, who beats straight through
all bushes, has addressed a letter to Rabble-
vouser Gerald L. K. Smith, who had asked Mr.

Ickes, as Director of National Parks, to lend him
a buffalo as a mascot for the America First
Party. Mr. Ickes said No, but of course he
didn't say it in one word and stop, for the
Secretary of the Interior is a stylist in the

"GIVE ME the liberty to know, to
ttter, and to argue freely ac-
cording to conscience above all
liberties." John Milton, "Areopag-
These liberties are the most often
violated and suspended, for the very
reason that they are so fundamental.
If you can limit the things people
hear and read, you can prescribe
their thoughts. And if you can limit
the things people say and write, you
can break their desire to think. To
the extent that you put limitations
on these freedoms, you restrict the
social inventiveness of men, and their
social satisfaction. Further, you set
bounds on the whole advance of so-
"Who are the people afraid of
these liberties?" Everyone who is
afraid of change because present
conditions satisfy his needs. Every-
one who is afraid of being found
in the wrong, and who cannot jus-
tify his actions and opinions. And
every institution which denies these
liberties to its members is guilty
one or the other of these char-
"But what's wrong with this atti-
tude? We can't have anarchy." No,
but we are more likely to get it if
we let dissatisfaction develop, and
provide no means for expression to
those who are hungry. And we are
not likely to solve the problems be-
hind the dissatisfaction unless we let
people think, talk, read and write
their theories about them.
"But you have to have some limit.
Why, what would happen if you let
every communist and fascist say what
he thought?" Yes, what would hap-
pen? Very likely the people would
get tired of listening to crackpot ideas
and would learn to distinguish be-
tween them and well-thought out
theories presented with logical bases.
"Oh, you're a Utopian. The people
are members of a mass, and the ap-
peal to mass support must be a
psychological, emotional one. Do
you really think man is a rational
animal?" Yes, or, at least, he can be.
And the fact that men can be appeal-
ed to emotionally does not mean that
they cannot also be appealed to in-

tellectually. Besides, they couldn't
be appealed to at all by 'trouble-
mongers' unless they objected to the
conditions in which they are now liv-
ing. There is never much talk against
freedom of speech except in times
of crisis: wars and depressions. Then
suddenly there is great fear that the
people will be led to do something
"BUT they may!" Quite right, they
may. They may discover that
they were listening to the wrong kind
of free speech, which is why they got
into the crisis. They were listening
to the Hearst-McCormick-Coughlin-
Gannett brand. And so they elected
Harding, Coolidge, Hoover; they stay-
ed out of the League of Nations; they
didn't recognize the Soviet Union;
they let the depression arrive and
they didn't stop the aggrcissions of
Japan, Italy andtGermany wich
brought on the war.
"But the people aren't powerful
enough to stop such things. They're
puny and ignorant and if you let
them have their way, no one will be
safe. They'll get hood-winked by
some good speaker and there might
be a revolution." -
Well, there might . . . do you
know who said, "God forbid we
should ever be twenty years with-
out such a rebellion . . . What
country can preserve its liberties
if its rulers are not warned from
time to time, that this people pre-
serve the spirit of resistance. Let
them take arms . . . What signi-
fies a few lives lost in a century or
two? The tree of liberty must be
refreshed from time to time with
the blood of patriots and tyrants."
"Earl Browder?" Sorry, the found-
er of the Democratic Party, Tom Jef-
ferson. "Oh."
"Oh, well, I'm a Republican." Fine,
do you remember who founded that
party? "Certainly, Abe Lincoln." Cer-
tainly, and who said in his first inau-
gural: "This country, with its Con-
stitution, belongs to the people who
inhabit it, and whenever they shall
grow weary of the existing govern-
ment, they can exercise their con-
stitutional right of amending it, or
their revolutionary right to dismem-

ber, or overthrow it.'""Abe Lincoln!?"
Yup, Abe Lincoln.
"WHAT are you preaching, any-
how? Revolution?" No, just
freedom of speech and the press. And
I was saying that, even if they lead
to change--peaceful or violent-they
are still valuable and must not be
abridged by any source: institutional
or personal. Censorship at the
source and self-imposed censorship
by writers and speakers are equally
bad ... Worse, almost, because they
limit knowledge and truth from the
beginning. The only cure to the
'roblem of freedom of expression
against existing conditions is to
change society till most of mankind
can live peacefully and well under
the new existing conditions."
Just to make this argument of
mine legal, here's a rather famous
opinion by a Supreme Court justice
in 1926 (Gitlow vs. N. Y.) It hap-
pens to be a dissenting opinion, but
since it was written by the best and
most famous of dissent judges, you'll
almost have to respect it. Oliver
Wendell Holmes:
"If what I think is true, the cor-
rect test is applied, it is manifest that
there was no present danger of an
attempt to overthrow the govern-
ment by force on the part of the ad-
mittedly small minority who shared
the defendant's. views. It is said
that this manifesto is more than a#
theory, that it was an incitemet.
Every idea is an incitement. It of-
fers itself for belief and if believed
it is acted on unless some other be-
lief outweighs it or some failure of
energy stifles the movement at its
birth. The only difference between
the expression of an opinion and an
incitement in the narrower sense is
the speaker's enthusiasm for ',he re-
sult. Eloquence may set fire to
reason. But whatever may be thought
of the redundant discourse before us
it had no chance of starting a pres-
ent conflagration. If in the long run,
the beliefs expressed in proletarian
dictatorship are destined to be ac-
cepted by the dominant forces of
the community, the only meaning of
free speech is that they should b9'
given their chance and have their

A Giant Steps Into Battle


Army Demobilization Plan


WASHINGTON-Only insiders know it, but
after the President held his press confer-
ence denying he had sent a letter to Wendell
Willkie, Judge Sam Rosenman and Steve Early
rushed up to his desk and remonstrated that he
had made a bad mistake. They were afraid
FDR had rebuffed the man who had gone down
the line for him 100 percent on taxes, foreign
policy and the war.
"They caught me a little unprepared 'n that
one," the President admitted ruefully, "However,
I tried to tell them it was a personal question.
I didn't want to embarrass Willkie by letting
people think he and I had a politicaf deal."
Later the President repeated to some of his
Cabinet that he hadn't expected the question
at his news conference. Explaining that he
wanted to talk to Willkie about post-war peace
plans and foreign policy, not politics, he indi-
cated that he would go ahead with his plans
for the talk regardless of what had happened.
The President was quite irked that news about
his letter to the former Presidential candidate
had leaked out. Only a few people knew the
letter existed. The carbon copy was not filed
with his regular correspondence, and the first
draft of the letter had been written in his own
handwriting for Grace Tully, his secretary, to
copy. Only two people inside the White House
were supposed to know about it.
Despite this, Willkie began to get queries
about the letter two weeks after he received
it. The news men making the inquiries cited
White House sources, said they had the tip
from Presidential secretaries. Willkie made
no comment, never admitted receiving the
letter, but he got the impression that the
White House wanted the story out.
Therefore, you could have knocked him over
with a feather when the President replied to
news men last week that he didn't know any-
thing about writing Willkie a letter.
Immediately after the White House denial
appeared in the press, Willkie's phone began
buzzing with Republican friends warning him
that Roosevelt would always kick him in the
teeth. They urged him to come out for Dewey.
Army Demobilization Plan
H ERE is the inside story on White House-War
Department plans for demobilizing part of
the Army after the defeat of Germany. The

War Department is planning to release about
2,000,000 men immediately after a German ar-
Under this plan, the Army will set up a point
system for every man in the service, and men
with sufficient points will be retired. Here is
how the points will be calculated:
1. For each month in the service, every man
will receive one point.
2. Each month .overseas will count an addi-
tional point.
3. For each battle honor, a man will receive
four points.
4. The Congressional Medal of Honor or
Legion of Merit will count four additional
5. Each bronze star denoting service in bat-
tle will count four additional points.
6. For every child, a soldier will receive
eight points.
7. Married men without children will also
receive eight extra points.
There are still several important gaps in this
program which the Army and the White House
have not yet filled in. There still is no special
credit for age. However, it is already decided
that, because the Army will have a greater
need for air men in the Pacific, a separate sys-
tem will be set up for discharging Air Corps
veterans. Of course, the basic point which ev-
erybody wants to know is: "How many points
will a man need to get out?" That has not yet
been determined.
It has been determined, however, that at the
end of the Atlantic war, the Navy does not plan
to release any of its men.
It can also be revealed that President Roose-
velt is anxious to discharge hardship cases first.
When the President discussed this plan re-
cently with several senators, they asked him
how he planned to handle the problem of polic-
ing Germany and other occupied enemy terri-
tory after the armistice. He replied that he
hoped to do so by using men who have learned
to like the Army, plus professional soldiers who
were in the Army before the Selective Ser-
vice program got under way. He also plans
to use men who have had no overseas experience
and want to volunteer for it now.
(copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)


THURSDAY, AUG. 24, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 37-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Courses elected in the second half of
the Summer Term may not be drop-
ped without penalty after Saturday,
Sept. 16. E. A. Walter
Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 4, Labor
Day, will be a University holiday,
except for Army instructional units
in which special orders are issued.
F. E. Robbins
The General Library and all De-
partmental and Collegiate Libraries
will be closed Monday, Sept. 4 (La-
bor Day).
Tickets, Michigan-Purdue Football
Game, Oct. 28, 1944: Students who
intend to enroll for the 1944 term
may procure their admission tickets
to the Purdue football game to be
played in the Michigan Stadium on
Oct. 28 at the offices in the Admin-
istration Building, Ferry Field, be-
ginning Oct. 16, and also at the ticket
office at Gate Number Nine (north
end of the Stadium) after twelve
o'clock noon the day of the game.'
It is highly desirable to procure tick-
ets in advance of the day of the
game in order to avoid congestion,,

confusion and delay in getting in the
Stadium in time for the game.
Each student desiring admission
to this game will be required to de-
posit Three Dollars ($3.00) for the
admission ticket, for which a receipt
will be issued. This receipt will be
redeemed for the full amount after
the University tuition fee has been
paid for the fall term provided the
tuition fee includes admission to ath-
letic events.
Refunds will be made at the Ticket
Office in the Administration Build-
ing on Ferry Field from 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. daily until Dec. 1. All deposit
receipts become void that date.
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics, University of Michigan
Attention Hopwood Contestants:
Students who have won prizes will be
notified before this Thursday noon.
R. W. Cowden
Student football tickets to the
Iowa Sea-Hawks, Indiana and North-
western football games: Civilian stu-
dents enrolled in the 1944 Summer
Term who are entitled to student
admission to the first three Univer-
sity of Michigan home football
games, should exchange their Physi-
cal Education coupon (ticket No. 7)
for their football tickets at the Ath-
letic Office, Ferry Field, between 8
a.m. and 5 p.m. on the .following
Senior and Graduate Students-
Monday, Aug. 28. Junior Students-
Tuesday, Aug. 29. Sophomore Stu-
dents-Wednesday, Aug. 30. Fresh-
man Students-Thursday, Aug. 31.
Class preference will be obtainable
only on the date indicated.
Students desiring their tickets in
one block should presenttheir Physi-
cal Education coupons together. One
student may present all of the cou-
pons for such a block of student
tickets. Where students of different
classes desire adjacent seats, the
preference of the lowest class will
prevail. H. O. Crisler, Director
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, Aug. 26.
Report cards are being distribued
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be re-
turned to the office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. White
cards, for reporting sophomores, jun-
iors and seniors should be returned
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name

Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, Aug. 26. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
W. J. Emmons, Secretary
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Saturday,
Aug. 26. Petitions for extension of
time must be on file in the Secre-
tary's Office on or before Wednes-
day, Aug. 23.
New York State Civil Service Ex-
aminations for, Assistant State Re-
porter, Assistant to Supervisor of
Insurance Contracts, Electric Inspec-
tor, Junior Gas Engineer, Junior Of-
fice Machine Operator (Calculating),
Junior Research Aide (Municipal
Affairs), Municipal Research Assis-
tant, Senior Hearing Stenographer,
Senior Transportation Engineer and
Women's Parole Officer, are being
given on Sept. 23, 1944. Applications
should be filed by Sept. 1. For fur-
ther details stop in at 201 Mason
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Thursday, Aug. 24 and Friday, Aug.
25, Examination Schedule: The ex-
amination schedule for the schools
and colleges on the eight-week basis
is as follows:
Hour of Recitation, 8-Time of Ex-
amination, Thursday, 8-10; Recita-
tation 9-Examination Fri., 8-10;
Rec., 10-Exam., Thurs., 2-4; Rec.
11-Exam., Fri., 2-4; Rec. 1-Exam.,
Thurs., 4-6; Rec., 2-Exam., Thurs.,
10-12; Rec., 3-Exam., Fri., 10-12;
Rec. (All other hours)-Fri., 4-6.
Any deviation from the above
schedule may be made only by mu-
tual agreement between student and
instructor, and with the approval of
the Examination Schedule Commit-
English 178 will not meet on Fri-
day. H. V. S. Ogden
Students interested in taking a
Nurses' Aide course the second half
of the summer term may register
from 1 to 5 p.m. in North Hall. You
are reminded that Nurses' Aide is an
80-hour course plus 150 hours volun-
teer work and that 2-hours academic
credit will be given when all hours
have been fulfilled.
Ethel A. McCormick


By Crockett Johnson


Yes, Barnaby, it does resemble a pail
somewhat, doesn't it? Except that its
aperture is at the bottom... The air is
held in a diving bell by the pressure
of the water from below, you see. And-

No. I merely improved it. The air
in the conventional bell tends to
become stuffy. And vision is bad.
So I punched these holes in it...
Siif on, Gus. For size-


j If looks jus

Did you
in ent
Copyright 1944 Field ttubGMtlOOa


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