X% Im Nk\\I 4litg Iattj VOL. LIV No. 37-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUG. 24, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS RO I B. DO S z s, jai S h P .. .9, .. . s,, de, are Js Jr a,, .9s .t. .w pro .q, ",° .,C ' 9'. ,. 9'. A~. 9: French Troops Take Marseilles; Parisians Liberate ( apital 4> __ Grenoble Is Seized by. Americans Sweep 140 Miles Inland From Sea By The Associated Press ROME, Aug. 23 - Marseille, France's 2nd largest city and greatest seaport, fell to the swift onslaught of French infantry and armor today as American forces swept 140 miles in- land from the Mediterranean, cap- turing Grenoble, to within less than 240 miles of a junction with Gen. Eisenhower's legions below lib- erated Paris. Only eight days after the land- ings in southern France the inspired Poilus battered their way into the heart of Marseille against slight Nazi resistance and tonight were cleaning out pockets of last-ditch defenders. Easily Captured The unexpectedly easy capture of the great port insures the Seventh Army of Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Patch an adequate flow of supplies and reinforcements for speedy con- tinuation of their thrust toward northern France. Prior to the city's fall, other French troops had cut the last escape route for the German gar- rison along the coast to the west. The encircled and doomed Nazi force in Toulon, big naval base 27 miles east of Marseille, still was hold- ing out tonight, but French troops had fought their way within a few hundred yards of the docks and the city's fall was expected any hour. Bisection Threateled Matching the French victory in its spectacular quality was the dash of American forces into the big indu- strial city of Grenoble-a reckless drive that threatened to bisect France and trap every German soldier in the southern and western parts of the country. .As the swift American column of a'rmor, self-propelled gus and s motorized infantry plunged almost unopposed through the French Alps it appeared that the two Allied fronts would be joined much sooner than was originally thought possible- perhaps in a matter of days. Nazi resistance to the Allied Seventh Ar- my's smashing drive was officially described as "weak and disorganiz- ed." More than 17,000 prisoners had been taken. Advance 80 Miles In their dramatic dash to Greno- ble, an important communications center of about 100,000 population, Yank tanks and doughboys advanced at least 80 miles beyond their last ' reported position. Tonight they were less than 70 miles from the Swiss border near Geneva and virtually had severed communications between German forces in France and. Italy. Allied Headquarters credited French patriot forces with "playing an effective support role" in the ac- tual capture of Grenoble, long a hot- bed of opposition to the Nazis. The city was the first one of importance to open its gates to Napoleon upon his triumphal return from exile on Elba 129 years ago. 54 Londoners Killed When Plane Crashes LONDON, Aug. 23-()-Fifty-four persons, including 35 children all under five, were killed today when a flaming American bomber plunged into a church school infants' depart- ment in the quiet Lancashire village of Freckleton. Eight American soldiers were among those' killed, including three members of the plane's crew. Nor- mally ten men comprise the crew. The death toll was expected to reach 75 in Britain's worst accident of the kind. The U. S. Strategic Air Force an- nounced that the bomber, a Liber- -Associated Press Photo CLOSING THE FALAISE GAP-Allied infantry and armor move up a dusty road toward Falaise, forming part of the force which trapped German Seventh Army units in France. Smoke from burning German equipment rises in the gackground. 150 MILES FROM BORDER: Americans Make New Gains Southeast of French Capital By The Associated Press SHAEF, Aug. 24, Thursday-Am- erican armor hammered out fresh gains south and southeast of Paris todaywhile to the northwest of the capital-now fully in control of French patriots - Americans and Canadians clamped a tightening stranglehold on remnants of the; German army still below the River Seine. Allied fighters and fighter bomberts harried the Germans' frantic efforts to withdraw across the river by any possible means. The latestnadvance south of Paris saw armored reconnaissance units drive more than 15 miles east of Sens while others passed through Corbeil and Melun, and still others gained Yanks, French N ear Bordeaux On New Front By The Associated Press IRUN, SPAIN, Aug. 23-American and French forces, reinforcedg by troops landed last night from the sea, were reported by French author- ities at Hendaye to be pushing stead- ily, toward Bordeaux from both sides tonight. Frontline messages said Americans had reached Libourne, on the Dor- dogne River 15 miles northeast of the great Atlantic port of Bordeaux, which is the last center of German resistance in southwestern France. French military authorities at Hendaye, French border town, said 800 French commandos were among Allied forces that landed last night south of Arcachon, below Bordeaux. They said the French landed from a French destroyer. Exact size and composition of the force were not known here but border reports said it was mostly American. The French at Hendaye said aerial reconnaissance indicated the Ger- mans had given up previous attempts to organize an armored column and fight their way northward to the Reich, and now appeared to be pre- paring to make some sort of stand at Bordeaux. positions between Orleans and Sens. Chief prize in the drive on the lower reaches of the Seine was Ev- reux, which the Americans freed, while a parallel Yank advance near- ed Conches farther west. Resistance everywhere was light except where the Germans slowed the Canadian advance in the 45-by-30 mile pocket by blocking further bridgeheads a- cross the Toques River. (A Belgian communique said Bel- gian troops fighting beside the Allies had advanced 12 miles along the channel coast, overcoming stiff resis- tance as they fanned out above Deauville, but inflicting heavy losses on the Germans.) "The main battle for France is already over," declared Associated Press Correspondent Harold Boyle, who watched U.S. tanks drive 15 miles east of Sens to within 150 miles of the German border with no sign that the Germans were rallying for a stand. Truckloads of prisoners streamed back in the wake of the American advance, but there was not a single smoldering enemy vehicle to indicate the enemy had put up a determined fight, said his dispatch, datelined "en route to Berlin." Supreme Headquarters withheld from the world the progress of Amer- ican forces charging forward from Sens, 65 miles southeast of Paris, and those forging north across the Seine in an effort to pin the battered Seventh and 15th German armies against the sea. But the speed with which these spearheads have been moving, and with the power of German arms sapped by the Normandy beatings, it was difficult to see how an enemy stand could be organized short of the Siegfried Line along Germany's wes- tern and southern frontiers. Headquarters also had no com- ment on the deliverance of Paris, which Lt.-Gen. Joseph Pierre Koen- ig, commander of French forces of the interior, proclaimed four years and 74 days from the hour that Adolf Hitler's legions marched under the Arc de Triomphe. Presumably American forces which drove through Rambouillet and Et- ampes, 27. and 30 miles respectively southwest of Paris, were engaging German forces fighting with their backs to a city now in hostile hands. Capture of Pithiviers, 48 miles south of Paris, also was confirmed. Paris Won From Foe By People City is Occupied by Armored Division By The Associated Press PARIS, Aug. 23-(By Radio via London)-The second French armor- ed division entered Paris today after the Parisians arose as one man to beat down the motley, terrified Ger- man troops who had garrisoned the city. It was the people of Paris who really won back their city It all hap- pened with fantastic suddenness. Americans Will Follow The American army was occupied with the drive through Evreaux to the mouth of the Seine, after which it was planned to invest Paris. Then yesterday, a Frenchman burst into Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley's headquarters. He was the Chief of the Forces of the Interior in Paris and he had a staggering, incredible story to tell. He said he'd concluded an armis- tice with the German forces in Paris. The people of Paris had risen, and so hounded the Germans that the Ger- man commander requested an ar- mistice. He wanted to withdraw troops from the road blocks west and south of Paris where they had been facing the Americans and pass them through the city. Armistice Expires The armistice was to expire at noon today. This news caused a sensation in Bradley's headquarters because al- though he had known that rioting had been going on in Paris since Sat- urday, we had not known things had gone so far that obviously the French had given the Germans a terrific beating. The whole operation was geared to the complete encirclement of the Germans west of the Seine, but Gen. Bradley decided we must go into Paris. It was short notice, for the troops had to be ready to enter at noon today. Bradley ordered the Second French Armored Division out of the line and told it to start mov- ing east toward Paris. (Note: The Second Armored Divi- sion is part of Brig. Gen. Le Clerc's French forces attached to the Ameri- can Third Army. The Third Army is part of the Twelfth Army group headed by Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley.) Certain American forces were sent the same way. On a moment's notice the whole machinery was set in mo- tion to occupy the world's third lar- gest city. Blood Bank Registration Is Now Lagging More 'than two-thirds of the Uni- versity's largest blood bank quota, 450, remains to be filled before the end of the registration period Satur- day. The campus has been assigned Washtenaw County's entire quota for the September Blood Bank drive. The RONAG's and the Veterans' Organization have arranged to give REGISTRATION FOR BLOOD BANK Booth on Center of Diagonal Today and tomorrow, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Director's Office in the League Today and tomorrow, 10 a.m. to noon, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon. Student Offices in the Union Today and tomorrow, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Servicemen in the Army and Navy will register at noon today in the East and West Quadrangles. ,nn no a r- mn arnmi nra-ni A_ I Vaslui Is Taken by Russians Reds Topple Three Bessarabian Forts By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 24, Thursday-The two - fisted Soviet offensive that knocked Romania out of the war roared through its fourth day yester- day, capturing Vaslui, 140 miles northeast of the Ploesti oil center, and toppling the three big Bessarab- ian bastions of Tighina, Cetatea- Alba and Paris on the west bank of the Dniester, and more than 400 other towns. Disregarding developments on the political front, at least for the pres- ent, the Second and Third Ukrain- ian Armies deepened to as much as 60 miles the holes they have ripped in the German-Romanian defenses and advanced within 167 miles of the capital city of Bucharest. Nazis Still Remain Romania still was garrisoned with thousands of German troops, and the Russians were likely to continue their lightning campaign to drive the Nazis entirely out of the country, regardless of what Romanian troops chose to do. While this campaign was bearing its first great fruits in Romanian surrender, the First Ukrainian Army of Marshal Ivan S. Konev in south- ern, Poland lashed out westward and seized the city of Debica, a large aircraft industry center and com- munications point 64 miles east of Krakow and 19 miles east of Tarnow, next probable objective of the offen- sive. Take 70 Towns Konev's drive swept up more than 70 towns between Debica and Rzes- zow to the east. The flowering new offensive north- east of Warsaw advanced the Rus- sians to within eight miles of he formidable Nazi fortress of Lomza, 20 miles below the East Prussian bor- der, and freed another 80 towns, the Russians announced. The Germans counterattacked from the Warsaw suburb of Praga, on the left flank of the Russian operations, but the Soviet communi- que said they were driven off with sharp losses. The swift advance of the Second Army supported the Russian state- ment that with the capture of Iasi Tuesday they had broken through the most serious defensive system to be found before Bucharest. Iasi Is Intact The Iasi defense zone included three series of pillboxes and trenches with communicating tunnels and wide barbed wire and mine belts, yet Malinovsky's men lifted the mines and broke through the German fire curtain so quickly that Iasi itself was reported to be generally intact. Contrary to German claims that they had been able to perform ex- tensive demolitions, Russian accounts said the neat stone city was in good shape and that the enemy pulled out so fast he left behind many wounded and 147 freight carloads of ammu- nition and food. The magnitude of the German- Romanian disaster was typified by the numbers of enemy wounded that Red Army men found abandoned in fields and ditches as the Soviet offen- sive rolled steadily southward, nearer to Bucharest and Ploesti. Battle Germans Eden Says Britain Conferred With Soviet on Armistice Terts By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, Aug. 24-Romania announced last night that she was switching from the Axis to the Allied side in the war and a subse- quent Soviet communique reported that shooting had broken out between retreating Romanian and Nazi soldiers on the eastern front. Acceptance of armistice terms offered by the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States was announced in a proclamation broad- cast from Bucharest. The early morning Russian communique, recorded by the Soviet mon- itor from a Moscow broadcast, told of clashes on Romanian soil between the Romanians, ordered by King Mihai to cease hostilities against the Red army, and the Germans. I Fires Started On Davao After Bombing ,Raid Yank Planes Sink Ship near Mindanao By The Associated Press GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, Southwest Pacific, Aug. 24, Thurs- day - Bombers from the South west Pacific started large fires in a raid upon Davao in the Philippines, headquarters announced today. Navy Liberators patrolling the wa- ters of the southern Philippines sank a small freighter northeast of Min- danao Tuesday. Although Davao has been bombed before, this was the first time that pilots reported starting large fires there. Freighter Destroyed Other planes destroyed or dam- aged a small freighter near Celebes Island, west of New Guinea, and blasted Ceram Island in the Moluccas with 39 tons of bombs Monday. Southwest Pacific bombers also raided Palau in the Carolines Mon- day, and left a Japanese destroyer tender dead in the water. Air Resistance Ceases Japanese air resistance over Hal- mahera has ceased. Airfields and dromes not destroyed by the enemy to prevent their use later by Allied forces apparently have been bombed into uselessness. Destruction of park- ed planes is reported frequently, in- dicating the enemy cannot get them into the air. Supply dumps, bivouac areas, per- sonnel and defense positions are be- ing leveled by the sustained cam- paign to knock out the island, last major barrier to a southern invasion of the Philippines. Heaviest blow of the campaign fell Monday on enemy defenses around Wasile and Kaoe Bays. Heavy med- ium bombers scathed the area with 135 tons of bombs. Explosions and fires in supply dumps and probable destruction of eight parked planes were reported. Japs Checked in Attempt To Outflank Hengyang CHUNGKING, Aug. 23.-( P)-Two Japanese columns attempting to out- flank Chinese positions northwest of the enemy-held Canton-Hankow rail junction of Hengyang have been halted, and to the south a battle was in progress with another Japanese columns pushing eastward from the suburbs of captured Leiyang to pre- pare the way for a drive down the railway, the Chinese High Command announced tonight. Romanian prisoners were quoted as saying that the Germans were firing on the Romanians and blocking their withdrawal. Large Number Killed "A large number of Romanian of- ficers and men have thus been killed," said the communique, "in armed clashes between the retreating Ro- manian detachments and German frontier detachments in several places." A proclamation by young King Mihai, read over the Bucharest ra- dio, said all hostilities against the Red Army as well as Romania's state of war with Britain and America would cease "from this moment." Russian armies were stabbing into Romania to within 167 miles of Bu- charest and threatening the Ploesti oil fields as the announcement went on the air. Romania Will Fight Romania, the King said, will fhdht "at the side of the Allied army and with their help." There was no immediate official confirmation of the royal proclama- tion, by any of the three Allied na- tions, but London showed no incli- nation to doubt the broadcat-the first crack in Hitler's Balkan struc- ture. On Aug. 2 Churchill told the House of Commons, "Russia has offered generous terms to Romania and I have no doubt that they would be accepted with gratitude by the Ro- manian people if only the Romanian leaders had not a Prussian auto- matic pistol pressed closely against their breast or at the nape of their neck." Britain Concurred That same day Foreign Secretary Eden said Britain had concurred in the terms before they were offered. The King's proclamation indicated the terms offered Romania were to help in routing the German forces from inside her borders and recov- ery of Transylvania from Hungary. which was given the province by Hit- ler in the Vienna award of August, 1940. "The United Nations have recog- nized the injustice of the dictate~ of Vienna, under which Transylvania was torn from us," the King said. "At the side of the Allied army and with their help we will cross the fron- tiers unjustly imposed upon us at Vienna." U.S. Files Suit Against Group Of Railroads WASHINGTON, Aug. 22-(P)-In one of the largest anti-trust suits in history, the Justice Department to- day charged a group of railroads, trade associations,' investment houses and rail executives with conspiracy to restrain and monopolize trade in the transportation of freight and passengers in the west. Defendants named in the suit, filed in Lincoln, Nebr., include the Asso- ciation of American Railroads, the Western Association of Railway Ex- ecutives; J. P. Morgan and Company and Kuhn, Loeb and Company; New York investment houses; 47 railroads and several score of individuals as- Mihai's Troops Hull, Dulles Make 'Considerable Progress 'in Foreign Policy Talks Union Calls for Consolidation Of Labor for 'Unified Front' WASHINGTON, Aug. 23.- (P)- John Foster Dulles, foreign affairs advisor to Republican presidential nominee Thomas E. Dewey, talked peace plans for two and one-half hours with Secretary of State Hull foreign policy as far as possible from the political campaign overshadowed for the moment the work of the Dumbarton Oaks conferees. The delegates broke off their dis- cussions of the form a world security organization should take in order to ._ I - T.-:-- T.. .... - .v..I I GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 23.-(IP)- Merger of the American Federation of Labor and the CIO for a "unified labor front" was called for today by the International Typographical Un- in (ATP). a+ its 7th annuna on- most critical period and will make demands on labor which will require "its strongest efforts to withstand." Following two and one half hours of stormy debate late Wednesday, delegates voted by roll call that mvmh,-a a r.f the Ti+a,.tinna Na il-