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Fifty-Fourth Year
I eCe lier
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- - 14.DNb yRLM Siffu FBreM' n ,p , .....,,., .. .. .a
-Edited and managed by students " of t he University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koffman
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho
Peg Weiss
* . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer
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Collese Pub sbers Representative
Member of The Associated Press
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943 44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Monetary Conference
THE GREED of American capitalists may pre-
vent an international bank from being estab-
lished, may cause the failure of the idea of a
world organization and thus in substance leave
us after the war no better off than we were
before it started.
The monetary conference at Bretton Woods
illustrates the fact that since the war began
we have used many flowery phrases and
made many promises which we have no real
intention of keeping.
One proposal which has been made. is for a,
ten-billion dollar world bank, from which
nations could get money for reconstruction.,T13e
leading newspapers in this country are opposed
to such a proposal. Why? Not because this
country is not in a financial position to contrib-
ute its share, but because there are certain
big businessmen' in this country who want to
gain at the expense of Britain and other nations
which will need loans after the war. These
capitalists want to lend the money themselves
and then charge high rates of interest.
The worse part about the whole situation
is that these 'big businessmen are strong
enough to enforce their demands unless the
people rise up and demand that future
security for the world be placed before pri-
vate gains for a few individuals.
Another important proposal which is being
discussed is the unemployment. TheBritish have
come to the conclusion that unemployment is
unnecessary. They think that as soon as the
first signs of unemployment come, the govern-
ment should step in and start hiring people
so as to get some buying power into the hands
of the people and thus prevent inflation. -
In America we have not yet advanced to the
point where we are willing to take the neces-
sary steps to prevent unemployment. A
worker cannot be too vehement in his de-
mands for higher wages and better working
conditions when there is an unemployed
person who could replace him in his jol.
Then too the old question of supply and
demand arises. This principal holds true with
workers as well as with -goods. Therefore, big
buinessmen want to mlaintain this pool of unem-
ployed workers so as to keep wages down. Here
too we find the financial advantage of a few
being placed before the welfare of the masses.
This is one of the main reasons why the capital-
ists in this country and the newspapers which
represent their views are opposed to Lord Key-
nes, the British representative who is so sure
that unemployment can be eliminated.
THE PRINCIPAL of providing a fund to stabi-
lize world economy is Fimportant. The de-
pression which followed a few years after the
last world war showed how interdependent the
world is financially. Isolationism is outmoded
not only in regard to military affairs, but also
in connection with monetary questions.
Depressions no longer can be restricted to one
country. Because of the interdependence of
world trade, if one country, especially a large
one like the United States or Great Britain, has
a depression, then we are almost assured that
it will spread to the other countries also. After
the last war it was proved that one country can
not stay on the gold standard after the whole
rest of the world has gone off.
The important application of all this, how-
ever, is not financial. The signs point toward
the possibility of what may happen in other
-Pvt. Lucien Thibodeau of Rumford,
Maine, is known among his fellow
ack-ack gunners as "The Wild
Current iterature . .Frenchman." This week they have
IN THIS COLUMN "The Pendulum" a new exploit to explain the name.
Mr. Rosenberg laments the fail- It was sunny and fairly quiet last
ure of American literature to reflect Sunday afternoon when the Bofors
the cynicism of the time-to reflect gunner, who won the silver star at
the anguish felt by millions because the'Rapido River crossing for rescu-
of the welter of blood which has been ing a bunch of infantrymen from an
shed in this war. He points with exploding ammunition truck, got
pride to disillusioned writers of the tired of batting the breeze with
20s who reflected post-war attitudes his buddies during an off duty
after World War 1. Today's writers stretch.
are not post-war -writers-they are He got up, yawned, stuck a cap-
writing as the war is being fought. tured Italian .44 in his hip pocket
Not all writers are sugary like Doug- and asked if anyone cared to join
las or childishly wide-eyed in their him in a little stroll. Knowing
optimism like Sarovan, our self- the habits of Pvt. Lucien Thibo-
confessed genius. There are writers
groping with social evils, there are ed noregretfvolunteered,strole
writers groping with problems of down the Appian way toward the
the peace. Such brilliant books as front.
Christopher Dawson's "Judgment of
the Nations" are hardly childish. At the combat line where the
As for Brooks Adams writing at doughboys lay dug in an infantry
the turn of the century that "no captain asked Lucien where he was
poetry can bloom in the arid mod- going.
ern soil, the drama has died", I am "Up ahead," said Pvt. Thibodeau,
reluctant to accept this. This war "to see what's going on".
is the greatest drama of all times, Since it's scarcely customary along
and may produce the greatest writ- the Garigliano River front for sol-
ers American literature has yet to diers to go sauntering into no man's
produce. Mr. Rosenberg should re- land for fun, the captain naturally
member that men fighting for self- assumed the lean and lanky private
survival do not write poetry but had a reconnaissance mission to per-
these men return home from their form.
war experiences and war travels and
then they write. Dos Passos and EACHING enemy lines, Thibodeau
Hemingway wrote in the 20s-not in was practically pinned down by
1914. This war has been too great a an American artillery barrage, so he
drama, too significant an evolution slipped into a deserted enemy pill-
in the growth of civilization to pro-
duce immediate results in literature.
Future generations who have not
lived under the blanket of terror
which prevails in Europe may well DA ILY O FFIC I
wonder at our generation. After we
recover from the shock of this war
perhaps we will see the literature Mr.
Rosenberg wants to see. (Continued from Page 2)
-Virginia Rohr
Doinq a Job on Both Fronts
Congress Favors Muddle,
NEW YORK, July 6-Both parties are talking,
big about reconversion, but neither party can
dp anything about it until Labor Day, at earliest,
because Congress has gone home until that
time. If the European war'should end between
now and Labor Day, Congress would be caught
with the funniest look on its face.
'Theoretically, Congress has arranged to re-
convene in August, but, actually, only a kind
of maintenance crew will be on deck, consist-
ing of a few Congressmen who will meet every
three weeks to vote themselves adjournments.
Thus two precious months are being booted
Streams of Thought
'Meanwhile, a number of businessmen of my
acquaintance are slowly losing their minds. They
have to meet a payroll, in the grand old phrase,
and one or two of them are caught between
shrinking war orders and the absence of a
green light for civilian work. They look to
Congress for help, but most Congressmen are,
far too busy out at the crossroads, boasting
about how they intend to reconvert American
industry, to -be able to spend any time in
Washington this summer doing it.
IT SEEMS to me that there are two main
streams of thought operating among us in
this field. One is our fine old Western belief
that if we apply intelligence to a problem, we
can solve it. Much of our gorgeous and incorri-
gible Western optimism is based on this- belief,
but the belief is not as common as you might
think. Mr. Bernard Baruch has it; whether
hie be a liberal or a conservative (and I don't
think he knows which he is) he does at least
believe in the application of thought to prob-
lems; he has a kind of blessed faith in this
They Prefer Muddle
But there is a parallel stream of thought
which believes in no such thing. It prefers
muddle. It considers that sometimes you
make more money if you're not too damn
smart. It hates food subsidies, for example;
because food subsidies are too cerebral; they
pay each man- according to his deserts, which
is dull; they don't leave enough nooks and
corners and messes in the price structure, ,in
which a man may, by a quick stroke, make a
fast dollar.
voted its preference for muddle, by going
home, at a time like this. The act of going'
home, of leaving reconversion hanging, is a
more eloquent vote thal any show of hands;
it is' a vote by gesture, a vote by facial expres-
sion, a vote by bodily posture; ,all these are
better indications of what a man thinks than
are his voice or his words.
Planfulness Depresses Them
The same process is at <work with relation
to the monetary conference at Bretton Woods;
where obviously, if we had as much intelli-
gence as we have gold, we could set up a
world bank equipped either to make or to
guarantee international loans at low interest;
low, interest on long-term money being the.
key to the entire reconstruction problem. We
could, through a world bank, plan to pump the
money in where it could make the most jobs
fastest, and the most customers.
But this degree of planfullness depresses a
number of Americans, who feel that, the
world owes a smart man a muddle in which
to make his living. They don't want the
problem solved, because sometimes you can
make more ,quick profit out of a problem,
than out of its solution.
They like messes, because in a good mess there
may be a good opportunity; a mess leads to an
angle, an angle leads to a gimmick, and a gim-
mick leads to a clean-up. The fact that Ameri-
can conservatism, by and large, is trending
toward the muddle school is an ominous fact; a
really thoughful conservative should worry about
it, as he might worry about falling hair and
crumbling teeth and hardening arteries.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
be Gaulle Arrives...
Although neither our own nor the British
Government has recognized him as head of a
French government, Gen. Charles de Gaulle's
four-day visit to Washington is an event of
international importance.
His presence affords opportunity for clari-
fying our relations with the Fighting French
leader, which have become tangled in red tape,
,and protocol, The General's personal idiosyn-
crasies ought not to be a bar to continued happy
relations between 135000,000 Americans and
.40,000,000- Frenchmen, whose co-operation will
be needed in rebuilding Europe.
-The Detroit Free Press
Wallace's Mission.
VICE PRESIDENT Wallace's mis-
sion to China has started most
auspiciously. The Vice-President was
greeted at the airport by an extra-
ordinary delegation which included
President and Madame Chiang Kai-
shek, Foreign Minister T. V. Soong,
War Minister Ho Ying-chin, and the
heads of all but one of the diplo-
matic missions at Chungking. At
a state banquet given the following
evening Mr. Wallace made a notable
speech, echoing China's legitimate
aspirations and making it clear that
while America had abandoned the
kind of imperialism that insisted on
special privileges and concessions it
would not again dodge its responsi-
bilities for preserving peace in the
Pacific. But Mr. Wallace's success
in winning the Chinese has not been
confined to formal speech-making.
They have found him extremely well-
informed and interested in the po-
tential development of Chinese agri-
culture and industry after the war.
Mr. Wallace found time in his first
few days to take a long tour through
Szechuan's rich farming country,
where he examined the latest experi-
ments in applying Western technique
to China's age-old land. The Vice-
President also made a hit with the
American G. L's by stripping to
the waist and playing three fast
games of volley ball. We should
probably have heard a howl of pro-
test from the Republicans that the
Vice-President was more interested
in playing politics than volley ball
if they had not already seen to it
that few, if any, of the G. I's in
China will have a vote this fall.
-The Nation
FEPC Gets Grant-...
In spite of hysterical opposition
from the "White Supremacy" bloc
in Congress, the Fair Employment
Practices Committee has been grant-
ed $500,000 to carry on its fight for
racial equality in employment. Meag-
er though the amount may be for
the vast responsibility that has been
imposed upon the agency, the pro-
vision of even this sum must be con-
sidered a major political victory for
the advocates of racial justice.
The Nation
ed States Civil Service Region, De-
troit Branch Regional Office for
positions-requiring knowledge of Bus-
iness and Industry. For further, de-
tails stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bur-
eau of Appointments.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Laundry Supervisor,
Forestry Helper, and Power Plant
Helper, have been received in our
office. For complete details stop in
at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Ap-
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that the
closing date for acceptance of appli-
cations for Junior Professional Assis-
tant, $2,433 a year, will be July 14,
1944. Applications must be filed with
the United States Civil Service Com-
mission, Washington,' 25, D.C., not
later than that date. Bureau of Ap-
All men interested in rushing regis-
ter in Rm. 306, Michigan Union, from
3-5 p.m. this week. There will be no
registration fee.
Juniors now eligible for concentra-
tion should get Admission to Con-
centration blanks at Rm. 4, Univer-
sity Hall, immediately. These slips
must be properly signed by the Ad-
visor and the original copy returned
to Rm. 4, U.H. at once.
Laboratory Assistants in Chemis-
try: There are several part-time as-
sistantships in the chemical labora-
tory available to students who have
completed a college course in general
chemistry and preferably more adi-
vanced courses. Apply to Dr. R. J.
Carney, Rm. 227, Chemistry Building.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean E. A.
Walter. Students who fail to file
their election blanks by the close of
the third week, even though 'they
have registered and have attended
classes unofficially will forfeit their
privilege of continuing in the College.
Registration: The University Bur-
eau -of 4ppointments and Occupa-
tional Information will told its an-
nual summer registration for all
those wishing to register for perma-
nent positions in both the Teaching
and General Divisions of the Bureau.
Those desiring. to register for the
first time as well as those wishing
to bring their records up-to-date are
urged to be present.
The time: Wednesday, July 12, at
4:15 p.m.
The place: 205 Mason Hall.
The Michigan Repertory Players
of the Department of Speech will
present five plays during the summer
session, tickets being on sale now at
the box office, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. 'Opening July 12, the com-
plete schedule is as follows: "The
Damask Cheek," by John Van Druten
and Lloyd Morris, July 12-15; "The
Yes. The map DOES call for an
oak tree... But it must mean
this beachplum bush.. . Pirates
weren't up on Bofany-Hmm...
No cutlass in its fork either. But
that's a very minor detail.. .
By Crockett Johnson
Now that we have our bearings,
8,942 steps should bring us to
a bleached human skull.. . 8,940,
8,941-Ah!. . . A humane pirate!
He substituted this clamshell....
Which clamshell?
~, r,.
And now. .. 99 steps to the
left! . .. And a chest full of
doubloons! Exciting, eh? ...
... six, seven,-Cushlamochree!
The treasure is under, water!
i think /'(1
go home, too,
Mr. O'Malley.
C t;
Those pirates! Burying their
Not without help... And 1 hate
if we hada submarine-
Bornaby!Look! Just the