4tit t an Iatit WEATHER Partly cloudy: no decided change in temperature,, VOL. LIV No. 36-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Red Ofensives Gain on 156-Mile Romanian Front* Iasi, Top Industrial City, Falls As Twin Drives Aim at Ploesti Oil Fields; Reds Within 65 Miles of Danube River By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 22-Tremendous new twin Russian offensives on the long-dormant Romanian battleground have gained 38 to 44 miles on a 156-mile front, toppling the big industrial city of Iasi and costing the Germans 25,000 dead and more than 12,000 prisoners in three days, Moscow announced tonight. Quiet since last April, these two powerful armies apparently were aiming at the Ploesti oilfields, Germany's chief source of vital petroleum, now 160-odd miles southwest of the battle lines. Already the Russians were less than 65 miles from the Danube river. C Between Warsaw and Bialystok the Yanks, French Close on Marsejile ,.. r > ' +s'y- g~s -r LT.S. Tanks Drive Southeast of Paris v Senate Assent On Conference Plans Predicted Vandenberg Favors a World Organization By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 22-Three Senators declared today they saw bright. prospects for the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, as British, Ameri- can and Russian delegates settled to the task of framing a proposed In- ternational organization to keep the peace. Predicting Senate approval of the conference's work, Chairman Con- nally (D.-Tex.) of the Foreign Rela- tions Committee said that the pros- pects for success were "indeed propi- tious." The present conference, he told the Senate, will be followed by another that brings together higher officers of the Allied Governments. Vanderberg Optimistic Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) declared the, conference convened under "the happiest possible pros- pects of good effect" and added: "If this world can not organize to assure permanent peace, the weap- ons of the next war will put an end to civilization. Only those blind to the realities of. global suicide can fail to make a practical effort to pre- vent such a development." Carrys Out Moscow Declaration In another Senate speech, Senator Downey (D.-Calif.) asserted that "great events" are in the maKing at the conference-which he described as fulfilling the "prophetic vision" of Woodrow Wilson. "It is the first formal move to car- ry out the Moscow Declaration which obliged the United States, Russia, Great Britain and China to create a general international organization," Downey said. "The Senate by al- most unanimous vote already has en- dorsed the findings of the Moscow Conference." Clay Reveals - War Shortage Lack of Manpower Is Reason for Scarcity WASHINGTON, Aug. 22-(P)- Maj. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Director of Materiel for the Army Service For- ces, has informed Senate War in- vestigators that a theater command- er failed to get half the 155 milli- meter ammunition needed for a re- cent landing operation. Clay appeared before the War In- vestigating Committee last Wednes- day and his testimony last Wednes- tonight. Clay said that there were serious shortages in a number of categories, largely because of a manpower prob- lem. But on small arms ammunition, he said, the best estimates show that "our stocks on hand, plus produc- tion, would carry us through 1945, leaving us at that time with the auth- orized reserve levels." Included in the shortages, he said, were a 9 per cent deficit in heavy trucks, 5 per cent in bombs, 45 per cent in 155 millimeter shells, 53 per cent in 8-inch howitzer shells, and 46 per cent in 240 millimeter howit- zer shells. 'Aunt' Ruth Thanks Daily Contributors Soviet communique announced cap- ture of the large highway junction town of Zambrow, 14 miles southeast of Lomza. This represented an ad- vance of 15 miles from previously re- ported positions. Threaten to Outflank Warsaw Nearer to Warsaw, the Russians thrust suddenly northwestward and cleared the Germans from the south bank of the Bug river along a 40- mile front from Olekhny to Slopsk. Moscow dispatches said this drive threatened to outflank Warsaw by pushing to the confluence of the Bug and Vistula rivers 28 miles northwest of the old Polish capital. Already it was furthering the iso- lation of East Prussia, where an un- official Soviet account said the bor- der finally had been crossed, appar- ently in the Schirwindt sector. Nazis Attack in Latvia In Latvia, where the Germans Monday succeeded in reestablishing contact with the two army corps that had been cut off in the north Baltic states, the Nazis threw in strong tank and infantry attacks to try to widen the gap but the Russians said they failed. In Estonia, the Russians cut the important Tartu-Valga railway down the center of the country. The great scope of the victories in Romania was emphasized by Stalin's two orders of the day and the com- munique which said that in three days the second Ukranian army had killed 13,000 German and Romanian soldiers and captured 7,000, while the third Ukranian army had killed 12,000 and captured 5,665. During the same period the two armies destroyed 155 enemy tanks and captured 32, destroying 487 pieces of field artillery and captured 439, plus thousa~ids of motor trucks, trac- tors and machine guns. Yanks Meet No Interception In Raid on Yap PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 22-(IP)- American army heavy bombers based in the Marianas islands raided Yap Island, guarding the central eastern approach to the Philippines, for the second consecutive day Sunday with- out encountering enemy iterception. Army Liberators that struck at Truk in the Eastern Carolines, how- ever, ran into Japanese fighter planes. They overcame the opposition, com- pleted their mission and returned to their base. Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announc- ed these aerial actions today and also reported another raid on Nauru, west of the Gilberts, and an attack on enemy shipping in the Marcus Island Area. One Japanese medium cargo vessel was destroyed near Mar- cus, which is 1,200 miles southeast of Tokyo, and a smaller ship was left burning.' The announcement covered actions over a Pacific Ocean area of 90,000 square miles, demonstrating how American warplanes can fan out from their new advanced bases in the Marianas Robot Bombs Blast England LONDON, Aug. 22.-(W)- Flying bombs plunged into southern Eng- land today on an accelerated scale, bringing a heavy toll of casualties while the populace dug into debris, with their ears cocked for news of the U.S. Third Army's headway to- ward the rocket coast across the fl Irhn Americans Plunge Past Town of Sens Yanks Meet Only Meager Opposition WAR AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press FRANCE-New Allied landing reported at Bordeaux. On western front Yanks dash halfway across France, southeast of Paris; close in on Le Havre. Germans pound- ed in trap along Seine. South France forces advance briskly. Fighting continues in Toulon. RUSSIA-Reds open twin offen- sive to drive Romania from war. Iasi falls. Make deep gains on wide front. GERMANY - Petain reported under arrest and taken to Ger- many. Patriots reported fighting in Paris and taking over large por- tions of country. PACIFIC-Yap Island hit again. Aerial offensive west of New .Gui- nea continues. By The Associated Press SHAEF, Aug. 22-An American ar- mored column has driven more than half way across France on the road to Germany, plunging past the ancient town of Sens, 58 miles south- east of Paris, in a 65-mile smash against only meager opposition, a front dispatch disclosed tonight. Sens is a full 180 airline miles from the original Normandy invasion beachhead-much farther over the road of battle-and only 165 miles from the German border to the northeast near the Saar town of Neunkirchen. Germany also lies due east, 200 miles away at the Rhine. West of Paris American armored and infantry forces wheeled north- westward toward the sea in a new drive co close a noose of encircle- ment on thousands of weary Germais caught on the south side of the Seine. Between the two great drives the entire metropolitan area of Paris lay cut off, apparently ready' to be taken at will by Allied forces which for the moment were racing to destroy the routed German armies. The Americans were racing beyond Sens in the direction of Troyes, 37 miles to the east, a large communica- tion center on the upper Seine. Sens itself is a minor communications hub, lying on the Yonne near its conflu- ence with the Vanne. The movements of these forces had been hidden for some hours. The depth of their penetration, plus the information that it was against only meager opposition, disclosed that the Americans under Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley still were rampant on a grand scale without the slightest evi- dence of being checked. Northwest of Paris the Americans sought to shape a trap approximate- ly 40 miles square around those Ger- mans, still reeling in a tailspin Cardinal Dies Of Heart Attack VATICAN CITY, Aug. 22-()-Lu- igi Cardinal Maglione, Papal Secre- tary of State since 1939, died of a heart attack last night at his native home in Casoria, in the Archdiocese of Naples. He was 67. Cardinal Maglione retired some weeks ago to Casoria for thermal treatment and rest after years of uninterrupted, intensive work. Vati- can sources said he was suffering from neuritis. Third Landing Is Reported -Photo by John Horeth VETERANS' REGISTER FOR BLOOD BANK-Members of the Veterans' Organization volunteer to donate blood. Standing left to right are Kenneth McManis, James McGinnis, Al Lomako, Tom Patton, Lazlo Hetenyi, Mike Stern, Pamela Watts and Jim Platte, co-chairmen of the drive, Bob Lynch, Lynn Cavanaugh, and Al Dolynko. Jean Hotchkiss, seated, is registering the donors. *r . ., . . - - - - -- 450 DONORS NEEDED: Only 120 Register for Largest University Blood Bank Quota 41- "Response to the call for blood don- ors has not been entirely satisfactory, but approximately 120 volunteers have registered to date," Sandy Per- lis, USNR, chairman of the Septem- ber Blood Bank drive, announced yesterday. Perlis urged student organizationsl to contact the committee and ar- range to give blood as a group. Sev- eral organizations have made such plans, he said. He emphasized that the drive should have the full sup- port of the entire campus. The University has been assigned its largest quota, 450, with the en- tire quota to be filled from campus personnel. Japs Adopt Compulsory Labor Law for Women NEW YORK, Aug. 22.-(')-- The Japanese Domei Agency said in a broadcast dispatch recorded by the Federal Communications Commis- sion that a compulsory labor service law for girls and unmarried women from 12 to 40 years old in Japan went into effect today. Domei indicated that the girls and women would be mobilized. Registration will continue today through Saturday. A special blood bank booth at the center of the diag- onal will be open from 9 a. m. to noon and from 1 p. m. to 2:15 p. m. today through Friday and from 9 a. m. to noon Saturday. Facilities for registration are also available in the Social Director's Of- fice in the League. Volunteers may register in the student, offices in the Union from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. today through Friday. Servicemen in the army and navy will be registered at noon tomor- row in the East and West Quad- rhngles. Men in the Judge Advocate General school will be registered lat- er in the week. The Red Cross mobile unit will be stationed at the Women's Athletic Building Sept. 14 and 15. Donors will be excused from class the hour of their appointment. Allies 0ccupYI City Without Damaging Art ROME, Aug. 22--(P)-Allied troops "by skill and patience" have complet- ed occupation of the world famous art center of Florence without incur-j ring extensive damage to its cul-' tural treasures and have sent patrols' digging into Nazi positions beyond the city, Gen. Sir Harold Alexander's! headquarters announced today. "Unless the enemy decides to en- gage the city with long-range artil- lery fire the city will rapidly return to normal and full assistance will be brought to the inhabitants by the Allied Military Government," an of- ficial statement said. "When the time is ripe Allied ar- mies will continue their advance, re- lieved to know that the city has been spared irreparable damage." Nazi sKidnap Marshal Petain From Vichy Mass 30,000 Troops To Defend Rlhineland By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 22-Aged Marshal Petain was kidnaped from his Vichy villa by the German Gestapo Sunday and now, along with Pierre Laval, is virtually a prisoner of the Germans at Belfort in eastern France, a reli- able report from the French-Swiss border said tonight. Petain was reported to have reach- ed Belfort near the Swiss-French border, Monday afternoon after be- ing spirited across France by the Gestapo. An earlier report had said Petain was being held at Wiesbaden. Prepare Belfort Defenses At the same time Germans were reported massing upwards of 30,000 troops around Belfort to defend the gateway to the Rhineland, Belfort is 25 miles from the Swiss border and an equal distance from Germany. The Nazis apparently hoped to preserve a foothold on French soil for the government of Pierre Laval, who fled with them in the face of the roaring tide of the Allied advance to a place identified by the Nazis only as "another French town." A re- port Saturday said Laval had estab- lished headquarters at Belfort in an effort to escape attacks from the French forces of the interior, Patriots Cut Railroad The Algiers radio reported, how- ever, that "violent fighting" already was raging at Belfort between the Maquis and Germans and that the patriots had cut the Belfort-Paris railway, Heavy fighting also was reported at Bellegarde, on the Swiss border a few miles from Geneva, where both the Germans and the Maquis have been reinforced. Miss Babcock To Retire Sept. 1 Miss Florence G. Babcock, who be- came first medical librarian of the University Hospital when she as- sumed the post in 1925, will retire Sept. 1, it was announced yester- day. Confronted with the task of or- ganizing a central record system for the hospital when she came here in 100r A -- a h is --1,-1 A - At Bordeaux U. S. Army Holds 2,000 Square Miles By The Associated Press HENDAYE, FRANCE, Aug. 22-- French military authorities said a third Allied landing in France started tonight in the area of Bor- deaux, which was reported under a coordinated attack by American and French columns. American and French ground forces met on the outskirts of Bor- deaux about noon and immediately launched an attack on the city, the last pocket of organized German resistance in southeastern France, French frontier guards said. . (The War Department public re- lations office said tonight it had no information on a new Allied land- ing in the Bordeaux area.) By The Associated Press ROME, Aug. 22-American and French troops, plunging westward be- yond the encircled and doomed naval base of Toulon on the Mediterran- ean, were fighting forward tonight within three miles of Marseille, France's second largest city, brushing aside Nazi forces declared by 'Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Patch to be "per- plexed and stunned." An American armored and infantry column, spearing toward the wide Rhone valley-pathway to northern France-was roaring along at a point eight miles west of captured Aix-Eh- Provence, which is 15 miles north of Marseille. Approach St. Cannat Another Yank column approached St. Cannat, 10 miles northwest of Aix. Still other American units, ad- vancing along both banks of the Durance River toward the Rhone valley, were four miles beyond Les- Puy. The Nazis are in "full retreat" everywhere in southern France ex- cept for coastal defense forces hold- ing out in and near Toulon and on the immediate approaches to Mar- seille, the commander of the invading Seventh Army proclaimed in an or- der of the day. Nazis in Full Retreat General Patch exhorted his troops to forget their fatigue and the diffi- culties of maintaining supply lines and to devote the last ounce of ef- fort to the pursuit of the fleeing enemy. The furious pace of the Allied push in from the Mediterranean in recent days had expanded the Seventh Ar- my's grip on southern France to more than 2,000 square miles, more than double the holding of late last week. Bulgarians Try Peace Feelers Claim Declaration of War Was a 'Mistake' LONDON, Aug 22.-(/P)-Bulgar- ian foreign minister Parvan Draga- nov told Parliament in Sofia today that Bulgaria's declaration of war on the United States and Britain had been a mistake and that the govern- ment of Premier Ivan Bagrianov now was looking for "ways and means" to make peace. His short speech was broadcast by the Bulgarian radio and recorded by Allied monitors. Draganov told the Parliament that his government was pursuing a pol- icy of friendship with Russia, with which Bulgaria is not at war, and that she hoped her present attitude would be understood by Britain and the United States. There had been speculation that Draganov might announce a Bul- garian decision to get out of the war. CIO Political Committee Ii tnoI * l 0 0 __ 'OLD 98' ARRIVES HOME: Harmon To Marry Elyse Knox Saturday Lt. Tom Harmon, Michigan's 'Old 98', now an Army flyer, arrived home yesterday from the West Coast to night with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harmon, Tom's parents happy that 'the two are tnppther hfore their days as an all American on the gridiron here from '38 to '40 will fly in from Florida to bhe nresnt