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August 20, 1944 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-20

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20, 1944



Halmahera Base
Is Neutralized
By Allied Flyers

Nazis Reduce
Balkan Force

WA R Ns a
I Spotdighting Late News and Interpretation


In New

Airfields on
Islands Struck
Air Assaults

60 Axis Divisions

By The Associated Press
With Japan's Southwest Pacific Hal-
mahera base already practically neu-
tralized, Allied fliers of Gen. Doug-
las A. MacArthur's command have
turned their attention to other Nip-
pon air centers that might interfere
with future operations against the
The General's Saturday communi-
que told of air blows to the south
of Halmahera in the Banda sea area
-air assaults in force against the
islands of Amboina, Ceram And Bo-
Jap Airdrome Target
Japanese airdromes were the chief
targets of the Allied fliers. Halma-
hera was hit simultaneously while
other planes ranged northward in
their eighth attack this month on
the Davao sector of the Philippines.
The airmen reported three bomb hits
on a Nippon merchant vessel in Da-
vao Gulf.
The Japanese tried aerial inter-
ception, especially over Amboina and
Ceram. They lost 14 planes. Two
Allied fighters were shot ddwn.r
Banda Sea Islands Raided
Banda Sea islands have been raid-
ed frequently in the past but the lat-
est attacks there by heavy bombers
were "in force," the first time that
expression has been used officially in
months in reporting aerial activities
in that sector.
On the northern wing of the vast
Pacific front American airmen con-
tinued to strike within Japan's in-
ner circle of island defenses. Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz reported wide-
spread aerial smashes Wednesday in
the Volcano Islands, 750 miles south
of Tokyo. He listed other strikes in
the Marianas and the Carolines.
First Triple Christening
Of War Ships T, Be Held
Three war ships, the 27,000-ton air-
craft carrier Antietam and the 13,000-
ton cruisers Chicago and ,Los Ange-
les--will be christened at one time
in the Philadelphia navy yard to-
morrow in the first triple ceremony
of its kind in the nation's history.
Undersecretary of the Navy Ralph
A. Bard will speak before 50,000 navy
yard workers and others invited.

red from an American PT boat to a Canadian assault craft off the bea
American destroyer sank their ship.
Rest CamIlp Is eynt

By The Associated Press
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Aug. 19
--This is the program that "couldn't
happen" in the Army.
It's the answer to a doughboy's
dream; a mansion for a home, good
food and nothing to do but loaf and
rest and play.
And battle veterans are finding
that the dreams of their foxhole days
are coming true at the Kellogg An-
nex of Percy Jones General Hospital,
a millionaire's summer home on the
shores of Gull Lake in Kalamazoo
County, where the only orders are
"get out in the sun" and "keep clean
and healthy."
Rest Camp for Veterans
Here is a rest camp for combat
veterans and the story of its develop-
ment during the past few months is
one of understanding on the part of
the Army and a willingness to forego
rigid military routine in the interest
of soldier health.
When W. K. Kellogg, the break-
fast cereal manufacturer, gave the
estate to the Army-complete to
English Tudor manor house, boat-
wells, tennis courts, golf course and
rolling hilis shaded by huge trees
-the Army saw in it a "natural"
4 s a rest camp. Percy Jones Gen-
eral Hospital is only 15 miles away.
Capt. Kendall C. Scofield of Bos-
ton, Mass., himself a bemedaled vet-
eran on Guadalcanal and other
South Pacific campaigns, a patient at
the hospital, felt confident he could
administer a sound program at the
Started from Scratch
"Let's make it a rest camp and see
to it that the men get a rest," he
urged. Brig.-Gen. Joseph E. Bastion,

2ommanding officer of the hospital,
shared the idea and Capt. Scofield
was placed in command of the camp
to determine whether the idea would
They started from scratch; there
was no pattern for such a venture.
From among combat veterans at
the hospital, all due to be returned!
to active duty, a cadre of 20 men
was assigned to the annex to cook
and provide kitchen police, guard
etail and other maintenance
tasks. They asked for the jobs.
And the Army kept its word when
the first detachment of patients ar-
rived to test the new program.
"You men think such things don't
happen in the Army, but they're go-
ing to happen here if you'll cooper-
ate," Capt. Scofield told them..
"From the time you get up until
you go to bed you're on your own,"
he toild the amazed CH's. "D)o what-
ever you want, but get out in the
sun. Have yourself a time. Play
and relax and enjoy every minute
of i.eEat all you want, sleep under
a tree if you want. And when you
go back to the hospital, tell the
fellows what you think of it."
Doubting veterans-some with but
one leg or one arm, some with in-
jured backs-said it looked too good
to be true.
"Lots of these fellows," Capt. Sco-
field explained, "had never learned
to play. We put up a badminton net
and they thought it was a sissy game.
We didn't urge them to play, but it
stayed up. And one day a boy with
one arm started a game with a lieu-
tenant who had lost a leg, and it was
only a day or two before we had
three nets in use all the time.
All Types of Sports
Men who fought through New
Guinea and in the wastes of Africa
began to thrill to the sport of a 361-
yard private golf course with a par
of 29. Boats were provided by civilian
groups in Michigan, including a new
19-foot sailboat of the lightning
class. Swimming is popular, as is
archery and softball. A rumpus room
complete to pool and ping pong ta-
bles is nearing completion in the
"I notice a lot of the fellows
leave their canes near their bunks
after about the third day out here

1101( 00 Mile Area
By The Associated Press
BARI, ITALY, Aug. 19-A German
force of fewer than 60 divisions,
most of them tar under strength, is
holding the entire Balkans, includ-
ing the front facing Russia, an ex-l
j amination of the most recent reports
. reaching this listening post indicatedF
today. C
The Germans have strung out twov
thirds of this number across 600t
:>..mountainous miles between thei
ed German seamen are transfer- 'Black Sea and Krakow in Poland,
dGerman seen arraner- Adispersed about a dozen divisions be-t
ichhead in Southern France. An low the Danube and concentratedc
the remainder in central and north-t
ern Yugoslavia.I
Transportation System Critical a
The enemy's transportation situa-
tion has become critical, principallyr
because of Allied bombing operations
against the oil installations at Polesti
-___-___-___and elsewhere.
and really join in the fun," de- The German air force, bolstered
clares Pfc. Anthony S. Perna of by Romanian, Hungary and Bulgar-
Detroit. ian units, probably is able to muster
800 to 1,000 fighter planes of all
"And yoi oughta see these birds types in the Balkans. They are
eat after a day outdoors," exclaims based principally in Eastern Austria,
Pvt. Ray Barrett of Kalamazoo. Hungary, Romania, and Eastern
Twice a week the men see the lat- Yugoslavia for defense of refineries,
est movies, once a week young women freight yards and war factories.
from nearby cities are taken to the Most of the German divisions in
annex as dancing guests of the vet- the south have been saturated with
erans. Sunday is visitor's day. Once sat llitSetroops PolesCechs, pob-
a week the men can have .a pass to able indication the Reich means to
go to Battle Creek and are offered jettison them whenever it becomor
free transportation but lately, to the necessary.
Army's amazement, the majority Carpathians Hard to Hold
have insisted they have more fun The burden of holding the Carpa-
staying at the annex than they do in thians against Soviet forces below
town. Krakow, 200 miles from Vienna and
Stay About Two Weeks 180 miles from Budapest, has been
"Most of these fellows stay here placed on the Hungarian army. It
"Mos ofthee fllos say ereis believed to have 12 of its 17 or
two weeks and go back to the hos- so divisions .in the line. Only three
pital for further treatment rested, German divisions, one of them a
refreshed and healthier," Capt. Sco- cavalry outfit of 10,000 to 12,000
field explains. "Our hunm was right, en, are known to be in this re-
I guess. The fellows tell us now they

Paris, anticipating deliverance, has
the biggest and most well-knit force'
of all the resistance groups in France,
Col. Jean Drumont, a blond 33-year-
old French underground leader, told
a press conference here today.
Plans Kept Secret
For security reasons Drumont did
not say what Paris' shadow army

If - _- - - - - - _ _ Ill

Pope May Intervene
The Swiss radio quoted a Vatican
report that the Pope might inter-
vene in an effort to spare destruc-
tion of Paris.
In Vichy, the "city of shame,"
French collaborators apparently had
their bags packed for flight if they
had not already gone to Germany.

Paris Underground Plans
For Uprising To Aid Allies
By The ssociated Press was going to do when the Americans
LONDON, Aug. 19--A mysterious reach Paris. The name Drumnont is
voice broke in on the long-silent an assumed one because this highest
wavelength of the Axis-controlled ranking resistance officer yet to
Paris radio today and shouted in i reach London still has a wife and
German, "They're coming," as strong two daughters in France.
French underground warriors await- But he said Paris' patriots were
ed the signal for an uprising timed the largest group of a total force
with the entry of American tank col- stronger than the pre-war French
umns now probing the French cap- standing army of 500,000 men.
ital's environs. _- __ -,

u Smfe t/inf7Tn!


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think it's swell."
Cpl. Claude Jackson of Lake Odes-
sa sums up the soldier's feeling thus:
"Brother, I've been in the Army
quite awhile, and now I figure I'vej
seen everything."j
Flyers First Pay
Makes Postal Boom
was the first pay day in months for
many pilots and ground crewmen
and they wanted to splurge.
Here was the situation-
Cigarettes-One package per man
per day, issued free.
Candy-one bar per man per day,
also free.
Beer-Not a drop at any price,
Shaves, shines, haircuts-Self-ser-
vice only.
Travel-No place to go, no time to
go if there was.
The army postal officer did a
flourishing business. He nearly sold
out of mbney order blanks.

It's a long look from the warm days of summer to the
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