THE MICHIGAN DAILY "r ,Mid iu 1at Ill Fifty-Fourth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Formalities Slow Parley oLetter., r...-- .. , -, \ _ "7,4/ 3r~oun~a -'- a.. a.-.,,, Edited and managed by students of the University Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Editorial -Staff e Farrant. by Ann Koffman a Wallace ilc Mantho Weiss Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor S . . Sorts Editor * , Women's Editor . . Business Staff Business Manager e Amer Telephone 23-24-1' BR6PREDNTHO FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANIIIELS * SAN FRANCISCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITORS: PETERSON AND SISLIN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - - - y,> l -'3 "_. . . .r.. . . . : .- m Which Chair? By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON -The four-power conference opening at Dumbar- ton Oaks this week holds more prom- ise for making this "the war to end wars" than any event since Versaill- es. But it starts with two strikes against it; will have very tough sled- ding. Strike No. 1 is Dewey's blast against the conference. Cordell Hull, it is true, has not suf- ficiently consulted smaller nations. But conscientiously, sincerely, belat- edly, he is trying to carve out an in- ternational machine to keep the peace after the war. He began late, was pushed into it by men like Sumner Welles, Rep. Ful- bright and the B2 H2 Senators. Nev- erthless, Mr. Hull is now in deadly earnest, should be given a chance to do his best without too much political boat-rocking, Strike No. 2 is old-fashioned su- perficial diplomacy, which puts more emphasis on picayune for- malities than on heading off the possibility that the youth of the world may go to war again. Already the old-fashioned diplom - ats have begun jockeying. Russia had felt that a conference of this kind was so important, it should be han- dled by the top men of the world- Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin. Secre- tary Hull, however, wanted it to be a conference of Foreign Ministers, somewhat like that which he attend- ed in Moscow last fall. In the end, since Stalin, Roosevelt, et al., are not doing the job the Russians will be represented by a virtual diplo- matic messenger, Soviet Ambassador Gromyko, already stationed in Wash- ington. Prior to this, the Chinese were to be represented by one of their lead- ing diplomats, Victor Hu, long-time Chinese delegate to the League of Nations. But when they heard the Russians would only be represented by Gromyko, the Chinese decided also to be represented by their Ambassa- dor in Washington. In other words, they didn't want to play the confer- ence up one diplomatic notch higher 'than the Russians. As a result of this jockeying, the State Department feels that Secre- tary Hull, being a Foreign Minister should not deal with lesser lights across the same table, that this should be done by Undersecretary of State Ed Stettinius. Hull, therefore, will make speeches at the opening and closing of the conference but will not be active in the day-to-day ses- sions, where the real peace plan will be born. NOTE-On the desk which the Un- dersecretary of State. will use at Dumbarton Oaks, home of Ambassa- dor Robert Woods Bliss, young Stett-t inius found this card: "Trust in Allah but tie your camel. Mildred and Rob- ert W. Bliss". RUSSIAN PEACE PLAN ACTUALLY, the Russians are re- ported to have prepared a broad plan for future peace machinery, not too far out of line with British-Am- erican ideas. They are reported to believe: (1) that the four big powers must be responsible for keeping the peace (regardless of Governor Dewey); (2) that the Big Four should com- prise a council similar to the Lea- gue's Council; (3) that the small- er nations should be members of an assembly holding meetings for con- sultation; (4) that the Big Four should maintain a punitive air force which could strike at any country which tried to, upset the peace of the world. Chief debate probably will hinge on an international police force. Roose- velt has come out against such a force. The Democratic platform at Chicago straddled the issue. Wendell Willkie is for such a force. Instead of an international police force, Roosevelt propses that the Big Four should keep their own individu- al armies and navies and use them to subdue an aggressor nation. Only trouble is that, when the French and some British proposed doing this against Germany when Hitler invad- ed the Rhineland in 1936, the British would not use their army to support the French. Shortly there after, Hit- ler overran Europe. This all-important point probably will be merely explored at Dumbarton Oaks. Final decision will be passed on to Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, with the U. S. Senate and the November election wielding a potent power in the background. (Copyright 1944, by United Features Syndicate, Inc.) 27o 271w 6jior High Schools ... CAMPUS must supply 450 donors. These words headed an article directed at us students. It has pro- voked me and I am sure that many others have had the same reaction, to demand of the editors "Why a Must?"---- or perhaps to demand more justifiably of ourselves "Why did they have tossay Must?" To the students of the University of Michigan: Haven't we done our part in past blood banks? The quota is 450 donors. Let's give them a thousand if they'll take it, What do they think that we have in oidr veins that they have the right to say "must". Let's show them. Let's cross out that must with blood. -George W. Morley Disabled Veterans Need Understanding 'OME months ago it might have been prema- ture to discuss the position of the veterans of this war in society. Our broad program for veteran aid and rehabilitation was in the talk- ing stage and few problems could be clearly seen for there were only a scattered handful of disV charged servicemen back in the states. But now a crisis is developing in the veterans program and their attempts to re-adjust to civ- ilian life, and the burden of error is clearly on the shoulders of the American civilian popula- tion. On the basis of the rather unwholesome ex- perience of handling the problems of the veterans arising out of the last war, the American people were bent upon a sane prog- ram for the discharged servicemen and it has been conceded that our present legislation, both federal and state, is adequate on paper to give the veterans "a square deal". As the veterans have put it "we want to be considered on the same plane with the rest of the civilian population. We are not interested in being singled out and made spectacles". These boys are sincere in their belief. They for the most part look at what service they have rendered their country in battle as the natural cOurse of things. We are in this war, they say, and what we did had to be done. Anyone in our place would have done the same. We were fight- ing to save our country, our homes, our loved ones and to make some kind of sense out of this messed-up world. LET me tell you a story about one boy which will serve to forcefully put the point across. This fellow was a top sergeant in the infantry, saw action throughout the Mediterranean thea- tre, and suffered severe battle wounds. He was patched up overseas and sent back to the States to recover before discharge. He suff- ered lacerations of the head and face, his lower lip was replaced by plastic surgery, and he had an artificial leg made for him. He was taught to walk, and to make the best use of his available talent: He was given hope and encouragement at the rehabilitation hospital and was sent into civilian life in high spirits. Using a cane and with a patch over his face, he arrived in downtown Philadelphia and the trouble began. A woman saw him, scream- ed "my boy, my boy, will he come back like that." She fainted, a crowd gathered and people began whispering about the "poor dis- abled veteran". That incident broke down the entire mental reserve that had taken 10 hard weeks to build up. The kid was lost, he wondered if people would respect him, look at him as an equal. This wdian's actions spelled an emphatic NO, he be- came mentally upset, and ended up back in the hospital begging the attendants to keep him there. The long painful process of re-adjusting him had to begin all over again and the second time it took not 10 weeks but 18 weeks and half the battle of makitig him a useful citizen had been lost in the one split second in downtown Phila- delphia. Another case. A boy who had seen all kinds of hell in the South Pacific. He lost the sight of both eyes and was destined to use a cane for the rest of his life. When he was walking down the street people began whispering, asking how his wife could endure leading him around. "She ought to detach herself from that wreck and go her own way". What happened to this boy is obvious. When +nk-M, a1, ivexnder1 nity to him he be- i THESE STORIES could be multiplied by the hundreds, but they all point to the same thing. Why people are not intelligent enough to look at a veteran sensibly, help him when neces- sary but not make him feel self-conscious is a problem that will have to be solved NOW before the great bulk of the servicemen return.k If we don't find the right way of looking at the veteran, the whole nation might find itself in more serious internal difficulties than the whole war has brought. This is a very trying but press- ing problem that we have not yet come to re- cognize, but we must recognize it if we WANT OUR OWN HOUSE IN ORDER BEFORE WE ATTEMPT TO CLEAN UP THE WORLD. (On Wednesday the perplexing problem of the economic adjustment of the veteran will be discussed. Demobilization, getting jobs, and economic security are vital issues that await adjustment). That in part explains the veteran's sense of modesty. He did his job and now he wants to forget the hate and horrors and death he has seen. Those things only weaken a man's mind and he wants that part of his life let alone, for- gotten in detail and only remembered for the principle to which his efforts were dedicated. Psychologists have toyed with this problem and the only conclusion that has made sense is to gear a veteran program aimed at reshaping a man's mind torn in battle and re-making him for a useful civilian life. In line with this policy the services have foll- owed a program whereby a man is given a re- habilitation period while recovering' from his wounds before he is discharged. They try to make him gain self-confidence to plan for the future, and to have hope. Reports from military hospitals have been en- couraging. Men with amputated arms and legs, disfigured faces, lost vision and many other varieties of battle wounds have been given a new lease on life, have been made to understand while convalescing that their own happiness lies with them and that people outside will co- operate. But then what has happened when these fell- ows return to civilian life after they are dis- charged? The results have been appalling and most of us care to contemplate. -Stan Wallace .0 .0 Dominic Says RELIGIOUS education of children released from the public school brings to the fore a score of basic issues in democracy. Can democ- racy progress without a genuine Christian ethic at its heart? Can Christianity perform its demo- cratic function by means of a church indifferent to the ethics Jesus practiced and slow to teach the central cutting truths of the New Testament and the later Hebrew prophets? An institutional isolation of our religion to Sunday and the tend- ency to confine our study of the Judao-Christian ethic to sermons, formal worship and a vague loyalty to the Church or Bible, are trends which threaten to scrap the American Church. There is a wide divergence among church scholars, social scientists, religious educators, political leaders and business advisers, as to the solution of such distressing issues as Black Market, party racketeering, business double- dealing as to OPA, war contracts and profits at the expense of a government at war or approaching reconversion and the tendency on the part of publicists to misrepresent labor, or drive a wedge between soldier and worker; but there is no difference of opinion as to the common need of down-right integrity on the part of every citizen during war and peace planning. The religious man will go one step farther and demand of every one who professes Christ, that he go the second mile. It is this goodness for God's sake and Man's future, regardless, which causes Christianity to be the heart of the Demo- cratic state. "And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also". (Matt. 5:40.) "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain". (Matt. 5:41.) The Golden Rule is the point: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets". (Matt. 7:12.) Religious education of the children on week days, a hint that religion is not just a formal af- fair for Sunday, must become a penetrative re- examination of every custom, every prestige, every business transaction or agreement, every social practice, every business code, every pro- fessional usage in the light of Jesus' rare mind, according to the test tube thoroughness of our scientific period and for the glory of God. -Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) will devote his Sunday afternoon carillon recital to the music of Bach and Mozart.aThetprogram will, be given on Aug. 20 at 3 p.m. The University Summer Session Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, presents and outdoor concert on Sun- day evening, Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m. on steps of Rackham Building. The program will be as follows: National Anthem; March-"El Cab- allero", Joseph Olivadoti; Panis An- gelicus, Cesar Franck; March-"The Footlifter", Henry Fillmore (Con- ducted by William D. Revelli); Mala- guena, Ernesto Lecuona; On the Hudson, Edwin Franko Goldman (Conducted by Mr. Leonard Mer- etta). Symphonic Episodes, Felix Fou- drain; Child Prodigy, Morton Gould (Piano Soloist-Miss Helen Francis, Conducted by Mr. William Fitch; March-"Love's Own Sweet Song", Kalman (from operetta "Sari"); Overture Militaire, Haydn-Skornika; March-"The Stars and Stripes For- ever," John Phillip Sousa. Opentto the public. In case of in- clement weather, concert will be played in Hill Auditorium. Student Recital: On Tuesday eve- ning, Aug. 22, at 8:30, the School of Music will present a program of string quartet music, given by the students of Mr. Gilbert Ross's String Quartet Class. The program will in- clude chamber music by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. The public is cordially invited to attend the recital which will be given in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Choral Union Concerts: The Uni- versity Musical Society announces the following concert attractions for the University year 1944-1945: Helen Traubel, Soprano- Satur- day, Nov. 4, 8:30 p.m.; Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell, Guest Con- ductor-Sunday, Nov. 12, 7 p.m. (This concert will be broadcast over the Mutual System and by short wave); Fritz Kreisler, Violinist-Fri- day, Nov. 17, 8:30 p.m.; Joseph Lhevinne, Pianist-Monday, Nov. 27, 8:30 p.m.; Carroll Glenn, Violinist- Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8:30 p.m.; Boston. Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse- vitsky, Conductor-Monday, Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m.; Vladimir Horowitz, Pian- ist-Monday, January 15, 8:30 p.m.; Dorothy Maynor, Soprano-Satur- day, Feb. 3, 8:30 p.m..; Westminster Choir, John Finley Williamson, Con- ductor-Sunday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m.; Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Desire Defauw, Conductor-Monday, March 19, 8:30 p.m. Annual May Festival of six concerts on May 3, 4, 5 and 6. Orders for season tickets for the Choral -Union Series may be mailed or left at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, at $14.40, $12.00, $9.60 and $7.20 each, which includes Federal tax. Orders will be filled in sequence, and tickets will be mailed out early in October. Charles A. Sink, President University Musical Society .exhibitions General Library, Main Lobby. Mod- ern fine printing. Museums Building: "What the Ser- viceman May See in the Pacific Area." (Animal Exhibits). Clements Library: "Army News and Views in Seven Wars." American military publications, particularly of the present war. Architecture Building, First-floor cases. Exhibitions of student work. Michigan Historical Collections: 160 Rackham Building. The Growth of the University of Michigan in Pictures. Events Today It's an Old Ann Arbor Custom by now, Sunday morning breakfast at your USO. Where else on Sunday can you get such wonderfully fresh eggs, piping hot coffee, buttered toast and crisp bacon? Come on over with the rest of the gang, eat your fill and then make yourself comfortable with the funnies. All the comforts of home and no dishes! 1 p.m., The weekly tour of the world famous Willow Run bomber plant. If you haven't seen the plant, you know it's something not to miss. Avail yourself of the chance while you're here in the area. Sign up at the USO. 2-3:30 p.m., Open house and music hour at the USO. Refreshments, a game of cards, ping-pong, music- what you will. Program: Tschaikow- sky-Symphony No. 5 in E Minor; Brahms-Variations on a theme by Haydn; Shostakovich- Symphony No. 6; I Hear America Singing- Cantata based on poems of Walt Whitman. 'Coming Events Since the Club wasn't being used very much on Mondays by the men, it has been turned over to the offi- cers. Every Monday night is officers' night at the USO, until further no- tice, beginning Monday, Aug. 21. Blood Donors . . MR. ROSENBERG'S Pendulum is swinging in the right direct- ion when he criticizes certain featur- es of American high schools. Because of the disparagment of a liberal edu- cation with the study of the humani- ties and important aspects, American students are often unfamiliar with the very bases of Western civilization, There is a crying need for more em- phasis on such courses as history and English and less emphasis on techno- logical courses. I also agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Rosenberg's contention that there has been too much democrati- zation in the high schools. You sim- ply cannot mass produce minds. More attention should be paid to the sub- typical and super-typical students. Educational theory and practice is aimed at the center group. This is all right but provisions should be made for the exceptional students. It is wrong to standardize learning and educational methods. Every student is an individual, has different apti- tudes and a different capacity. I agree with the author that as yet there remains much work to be done in the field of education. The time for optimism has not yet arrived. -Virginia Rohr at the weekly Sing Swing at the USO. Gather all ye faithful warblers and give with the ballad. Nothing more fun than a good old fashioned sing-and refreshments. Sociedad Hispanica: Events for the coming week are as follows: on Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the League, the last regular meeting of the session at which Mr. Ulysses Lopez will speak on "Costumbres Populares de Ecua- dor" and three motion pictures, "Buenos Dias, Carmelita," "Mexican Moods" and "Down Where the North Begins" (the first in Spanish, the latter two in English and in techni- color), will be shown under the aus- pices of the Spanish Department; and two conversation hours for prac- tice in informal Spanish, on Tuesday and Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the League Grill Room. The evening meeting will begin at 8 p.m., and the audience is urged to be prompt. All meetings of the club are open to the public. Churches First Presbyterian Church, Wash- tenaw: Sunday, 10:45 a.m., Morning worship service. The guest preacher will be Dr. Arthur R. Siebens of Toledo. Subject-"Does God Still Love His World?" University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw Avenue. Sunday at 10:15, Student discussion group. Sunday at 11, Morning service, with Holy Com- munion. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Christians as Trees." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "Mind." Sunday school at 11:45 am. The Roger Williams Guild meets Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Guild House. From there the group will go to Riverside Park for an evening of play and worship. Forest Carter will direct the recreation and George Doyle will lead the worship with special music by Clothylde Read. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Student class at 9:30 a.m. Subject for discussion: "The Post-War Family." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. The closing dis- cussion on "What Should the Church Be Doing?" Supper and fellowship hour at 6 p.m. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): Sunday, 10:55 a.m., Morning worship. The Rev. Parker Rossman will speak on the topic: "Teach Us To Number Our Days." 4 p.m., The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at the Guild House, 438 May- nard St., for a trip to the Arboretum for games, a picnic supper and a vesper service. The group will return to the campus by 7 p.m. In case of unfavorable weather the program will be held inside. University Backs Blood Bank THE University has accepted full responsibil- ity for Washtenaw County's entire quota of 450 donors for the September Blood Bank drive. The success of the drive depends on the entire campus community. Its cooperation will indicate that it recognizes the importance of the blood bank. Blood plasma is a very tangible thing. It is as important a weapon as any munition. We know without any doubt that the blood donated is sav- ing thousands of lives-- the lives of the men who are winning the war. SINCE the beginning of the Blood Banks, in April, 1942, the University has rolled up a record of approximately 5500 donations. The sity to serve fully on the home front lies in the extent to which its students, campus organiza- tions, and faculty back the Blood Bank Drive. -Betty Roth Bulgaria; Axis Weak Point.. In WORLD WAR I, Bulgaria was the first of the Central Powers to surrender. Her collapse on Sept. 30, 1918, opened the way to the capitu- lation of Germany, on Nov. 11. In this war, Bulgaria again is a German ally, and again a weak point of the coalition. Once more there are signs that the Bulgars will be the first to give up, for a dispatch from Ankara says it has been "reliably learned" that they have agreed to pre- liminary terms of surrender. Pending official announcement, it can certain-