wg it 4 atiii WEATiHER Warmer with Fresh Winds Pretty Fair VOL. LIV No. 35-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, AUG. 20, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yank Patrols Stab into Suburbs of Paris ,Seventh Army Nears Marseille Allies Outflank Toulon Naval Base, Enter St. Maximin-Le-Ste,. Baume By The Associated Press. ROME, Aug. 19-Hard-driving French tanks today led the American Seventh Army into St. Maximin-Le-Ste. Baume, only 25 miles northeast of Marseille and 22 miles below the vital road hub of Aix-En-Provence, as the Allies outflanked the great Toulon naval base in a broad enveloping movement headed swiftly towards the Rhone River valley. Less than 350 airline miles separated the forces in southern France from those in the north as they moved rapidly ahead for a union that would split France in two longitudinally. Announcing the latest 10-miles-a-day gain against German opposition that was "considerable" at some places but feeble at others, Allied head- FDR To Send Officials To Confer in China MacArthur Reports Caroline Air Attack' By The Associated Press Increasing American concern in China's long and bitter fight to re- pel the Japanese was reflected to- day in President Roosevelt's decis-t ign to ditpatch two emissaries to1 China for important talks with Gen-l eralissimo Chiang Kai Shek. Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Hurley, the President's envoy on special missions for years, and war production chiefa Donald M. Nelson, will spend several months discussing military, supply 1 and economic questions with the Gen- eralissimo., The President said the two wouldE leave shortly on "this important mis- sion.". Air Attacks Reported Further aerial attrition assaults onC Japanese shipping in the Molucca Straits area was reported by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Palau in the Western Carolines was bombed hard. Japan was backing up on most of her many fronts yesterday but here postwar planners came out neverthe- less with a fresh plan for the "co- prosperity of nations" as part of their projected "new world order." Domei News Agency said imperial Japan, deep in deliberations on post- quarters said the bag of captured Germans now had passed 10,000 and identified the second German general captured as Gen. Ferdinand Neuling, commander of the 62nd reserve corps. French Drive U. S. Tanks The French, operating new Ameri- can-made tanks, drove intoSt. Max- imin by leap-frogging the tired Am- erican infantry who had carved a path for them. Other American forces shot out northward to the vicinity of Grasse, eight miles northwest of Cannes, and La Bastide, 23 miles northwest of Cannes, thus deepening up to 30 miles their solid foothold along more than 50 miles of the curving French Mediterranean shores on which they landed Tuesday. Germans Withdraw Rapidly An Allied staff officer said the Germans were withdrawing so rap- idly that they were unable to accom- plish their usual demolitions. Only on the coast a dozen miles directly east of Toulon was German opposition described as truly deter- mined. The Toulon garrison, however, al- ready was outflanked by the Ameri- can-French drives farther north. One of these took La Roouebrussanne, 14 miles north of Toulon, and another Sollies-Pont, six miles northeast. lNavy Ordered To Take Over 99Cmanis Two Russian Armies Take 80 Localities Berlin Reveals Red Push Is Lithuania WAR AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press FRANCE-German fleet scuttled in Bay of Biscay. Advance Am- erican troops reported in outskirts of Paris. Other forces drive to Seine. Patriot forces seize wide area. Toulon outflanked by Allies in south. RUSSIA - Reds renew drive against Warsaw. Open breach in line near Warsaw. PACIFIC - MacArthur reports further assaults on Jap shipping. Nimitz reports raids on Iwo in Volcano Islands. Bloody battle developing at Tenchung in China. AIR-Allied planes hit fleeing Nazis, pound Ploesti oil fields and Berlin. .4 . 4., By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 19-Two powerful Russian armies wheeling northwest- ward between Warsaw and the lower border of German East Prussia cap- tured 80 localities today, and Berlin said that other Soviet troops attack- ing along the eastern rim of East Prussia had punche'd out a "breach in major depth" in western Lithuania. The new central drive of the Red armies was on a 100-mile front, and the Moscow bulletin also told of improving Russian positions "east and northeast of Praga," the eastern suburb of War- saw. West of the Vistula river, about 100 miles south of Warsaw, another Soviet army which on Friday cap- tured Sandomierz, rolled through seven' more localities and tightened its encirclement ring on three trap- ped German divisions. Enemy for- ces trying to break through to res- cue the troops were beaten off with heavy losses, the bulletin said. Heavy German counterattacks in the Siauliai sector of northwestern Lithuania were also beaten off for the second straight day, and the Russians gained ground both in east- ern Latvia and in the Tartu sector of middle Estonia. Moscow did not mention the east border section of East Prus- sia, where the Germans acknow- ledged Red Army gains south of Vilkaviskis, 11 miles from the Ger- m:nan frontier. But ditatches from the Soviet capital said the people there were waiting expectantly for announce- ment of a crossing into Germany. The Russians were seven miles east of Warsaw and Berlin again repeated that another Soviet bridge- head beyond the Vistula had been established in the Warka sector, only 30 miles south of Warsaw. Nazis Remain In Gothic Line FLORENCE, Aug. 19.-O?)-Allied patrols feeling out the Germans found them sitting in their Gothic line today and apparently deter- mined to fight it out despite French and American landings in southern France which threaten to seal off one of their best escape routes. Allied patrols, splashing through rain which prevented more impor- tant operations, probed deep into enemy positions in the upper Arno River valley and in the Adriatic sec- tor. The last snipers were cleared from the central part of Florence, but elsewhere there was little activity. M DEMOCRATIC TICKET--Democratic nominees sit down for lunch beneath a magnolia tree on the White House lawn at Washington, D. C., to discuss their campaign plans. Vice presidential nominee Harry S. Truman is at left and President Roosevelt, who seeks o fourth term, is at right. l I Germans May Summer Band Concert To Be Outdoors Today Revelli and Meretta Will Conduct Program A varied program of marches and modern symphonic band music will be heard at the outdoor concert of 'the University summer session band at 7:30 p.m. today on the steps of the Rackham Building. Opening the program will be the national anthem followed by "El OBSTACLES ELIMINATED: U.S.a Russia and Britain To Begin Peace Conferences war problems, planned the creation 'y The Assolated Press of three regional blocs of nations, WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.-Presi- East Asia, Europe and the Americas. dent Roosevelt today ordered the "Leader Nations" for each bloc Secretary of the Navy to take over would be responsible for promoting and operate 99 machine shop com- the "three basic principles of neigh- panies producing war materials a- borliness, joint defense and recipro- round San Francisco because of re- cal economy." fusal of a union to lift an overtime Allies Hit Volcano Islands non workers. Tis HitaVolcanIsladsr tThe order was made public by This came as Allied aircraft ham- the White House alone with a let- mered Japanese defenses from the t,'r dated yesterdav from George Volcano Islands, 750 miles from Tok- W. Taylor, vice-chairman of the yo, deep into the Molucca Straits War Labor Board, recommending where Gen. Douglas says enemy sup- seizure of the shops. ply has been seriously crippled. The board previously had urged Adm. Chester W. Nimitz reported eizure of five such plants because of bombing raids on Iwo in the Volcano the refusal of Lodge 68 of the Inter- Islands on Wednesday while other national Association of Machinists aircraft hit Rota and Pagan Islands to accept a board order to rescind a in the Marianas and Truk in the Car- union action prohibiting work in ex- olines. cess of eight hours a day or 48 hours in one week in 104 San Francisco Thunderbolts Fire ;hops. Taylor said it was hoped that New Rocket Guns seizure of the five plants, which the President ordered Aug. 14, would result in removal of the A U. S. NINTH AIRFORCE ASE overtime ban on all of them but IN FRANCE, Aug. 19-(I')-Rocket-Wbthe an was lifted only on the five firing American Thunderbolts, as shops over which the Navy had sensational in performance as the assumed control and continued on RAF rocket-bearing Typhoons, have the remaining ninety-nine. been secretly participating in recent He directed the Navy to permit the attacks on retreating German ar- management of 'the plants to con- mored columns, It was announced to- tinue in their present jobs "to the night. maximum degree possible." By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.- The impending political unity conference between Secretary of State Hull and John Foster Dulles on post-war world security was paralleled on the inter- national side today by word that there are no serious obstacles to agreement on peace organization plans among the United States, Rus- sia and Britain. The international talks begin to- morrow. No date has been set for the Hull-Dulles meeting. It was indicated also that agree- ment between the United States, Bri- tain and China in a follow-up next month of the conference with Russia would be speedy and effective. Four-Power Talks To Start Secretary Hull will open the Sov- iet-American-British phase of the four power talks. He is official host to the conference, which was called by him in accordance with the dec- laration of Moscow to which those three nations and China subscribed last November. Under that declaration, which pledged four power collaboration in peace as well as in war, the purpose of the Washington meetings is to arrive at a common statement of the kind of world organization in which the four leading Allied Nations will cooperate and be willing to support. For the United States this raises not only the problem of making satisfac- tory arrangements with the other powers but also the need for working out a system which must be accep- table to domestic political leaders if it is ever to become an effective force in world affairs. Planning To Be Bi-Partisan To this end, Secretary Hull an- REGISTRATION FOR BLOOD BANK Special Booth at Center of Diagonal Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Social Director's Office in League Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Student Offices in Union Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Servicemen will be registered in the East and West Quadrangles at a time which will be announced by their respective headquarters.I nounced months ago that the plan- ning for organized world security would be on a non-partisan basis and that as between Democrats and Re- publicans he hoped it would have bi-partisan support. The decision of the Republican presidential nominee, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, to send Dulles as his representative in con- ferences with Hull and Hull's accep- tance of this arrangement won great acclaim in diplomatic and congres- sional circles today as a long step toward establishing bi-partisan sup- port. Senator Taft (Rep., 0.), for exam- ple, interpreted it as having removed basic foreign policy as "a major is- sue" in the presidential campaign.. .Dulles Suggests PDeace Polic ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 19-(/P)-John Foster Dulles, deputized by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey for foreign policy consultations with Secretary of State Hull, proposed today that the prob- lems of policing defeated Axis coun- tries and of maintaininglasting peace be separated. Meeting reporters in the Govern- or's study of the executive mansion with the Republican presidential nominee sitting nearby, Dulles said he believed difficulties of forming an international security organization ought not to be complicated by the immediate problem of disarming Ger- many and Japan and making them unable to undertake new aggressions. The 56-year-old New York lawyer said that Dewey's statement of this week in connection with the - four- power diplomatic conference at Washington should be interpreted as deliniating the kind of military con- trols which should be exercised over Germany and Japan. Final Performance of Operetta Is Tomorrow The final performance of "The Chocolate Soldier" will be presented jointly by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech and the University Orchestra at 8:30 p. m; tomorrow at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Abandon City Without Fight U.S. Third Army Is at Seine River By The Associated Press SHAEF, Aug. 20.-Speedy Ameri- can reconnaissance patrols stabbed nearly into the suburbs of Paris yes- terday and columns of the American Third Army reached the Seine River 25 miles west of the French capital as the Allies fashioned a tremendous knockout blow against the German armies in France. Explosions and fires shook and seared Paris as the Germans appar- ently hastened ruthless demolitions preparatory to abandoning the city without a fight, Swiss Say Yanks in Paris The Swiss radio said American forces already were in the Paris suburbs. Allied sources did not cop?- firm this, but they put patrols of Lt,-Gen. George S. 'Patton's Army very near, and truck-borne dough- boys were shouting, "Paris next" Destruction of the German army, not the immediate liberation of Paris, remained the Allied goal, and this was speeding on. The Falaise gap, where much of the German Seventh Army was de- stroyed in a week of siege, finally wa sealed off entirely, and the fleeing enemy remnants that raced away from it under the worst aerial scoer- ing in history found onlythat they had run into a bigger trap against the meandering and bridgeless Seine. While latest reports here put the Americans only at unspecified dis- tances a few hundred yards from the Seine in the Mantes area, the Gr- man communique acknowledged that Patton's forward elements already had fought to both Mantes and Ver- non, 30 and 45 miles downstream from Paris. Trap Threatens Germans This would envelop the 'Germans in an area roughly 55 miles square between the Seine, the sea, the Brit- ish and Canadians and the Ameri- cans, with a perilous crossing of the' river as their only hope of escape. Front line dispatches passed by field censors said flatly that the Ger- mans in France had been beaten and that the Americans could advance on Paris anytime they wanted to. instead of doing so at once, they apparently chose for the second time in ten days to let that glittering prize dangle for a time while they sought out and slew more Germans. Prof. Lange To~ Talk on Soviet-w1 Polish Relations Prof. Oscar R. Lange, who return- ^d recently from a trip to the USSR where he conferred with Stalin, Molotov, and other high officials on Soviet-Polish relations, will speak at 4:10 p. m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheater on "Soviet Russia and World Politics." Visiting Russia shortly after Path- fr Stanislaus Orlemanski returned, Professor Lange toured several of the more recently developed Soviet Re- gions and inspected the battlefronts. His visit to the fronts included an inspection of the Polish army unit under Gen. Berling now fighting in Russia. Tells of Soviet-Polish Relations Following his return, Professor Lange cited numerous evidences to reporters of the amicable intentions of the Soviet government toward the Poles. A member of the economics faculty at the University of Chicago, Lange lectured at this University during 1936. He has been associated also with Columbia, Stanford and the University of California. Born in Poland, he attended the University of Poznan, receiving his master's degree at Kracow and his doctor's degree at London. He be- gan his academic career at the Uni- versity of Kracow in 1931 and came to the United States in 1935 on a Rockefeller fellowship. Has Done Economic Research He is a research associate of the Cowles Commission for Economic Re- search at the University of Chicago, a member of the American Econom- PROF. WILLIAM REVELLI Caballero" by Olivadoti, "Panis An- gelicus," by Franck, and "The Foot- lifter" by Fillmore. The numbers will be conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli of the School of Music, who also leads the University marching band. Lucuona's "Malaguena" and "On the Hudson" by Goldman will be played by the band under the baton of Leonard Meretta. "Symphonic Episodes" by Felix Foudrain will also be presented. Miss Helen Francis will be the piano soloist in Morton Gould's "Child Prodigy" and William Fitch will conduct. The selection, "Love's Own Sweet Song," from Kalman's operetta "Sari," will be given in the modern concert band arrangement. "Over- ture Militaire" by Haydn-Skornika and "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by America's famous band composer and conductor, John Phillip Sousa, will conclude the program. The public is invited to the con- cert. ! In case of rain it will be held in Hill Auditorium. While many details of the new! weapon still have not been announc- ed it can be stated that they throw JLO a highly explosive armor-piercing rocket that will split the toughest Nazy tank in half from either a high or low level. Jenkins Dies Int'h B 41 of his t B-4 Bomber Crash actuall this wa Harvey D. Jenkins, 26, of 514 a wou Washingtop, Ann Arbor, flight engi- battlef neer of a four-engine B-24 bomber, return was killed yesterday when the Lib- month erator he was aboard exploded and oversea crashed three miles north of Almont, Tha OD FOR ME IN THOSE EARLY HOURS MEA NT MY LIFE': cal Veteran Relates Importance of Blood Transfusions to Combatants By STAN WALLACE en somebody donates a pint blood to the Red Cross, he is ly giving part of himself to ar, is putting himself next to ended soldier or sailor on the ield, and is saving a life," a ed veteran who has seen 19 s of active duty here and as stated yesterday. t was the reaction of one has asked to be just GI Joe. Here is his story as he told it. "My leg was shattered by a bomb explosion and I lay there on the field dazed and shocked into in- sensibility from the intense pain. I was immediately given two trans- fusions at the hospital and received nine more in the next three weeks. "Blood for me in those early hours meant my life. I was so tuoal T ha fn avn a ninf ,.car GI received blood from his fel- low soldiers for at that time civil- ian supply was not sufficient to be everywhere at all times, he went on to say. "Those boys in the hospital who themselves were recovering from wounds and who had been saved by other blood plasma help- ed me out. "When blood comes into you, you begin to feel life itself coming harl Vnii. PVPC hniin fn fnema through your veins makes you want to get up out of bed and do a million things. "Before they give you the blood, you feel lost, almost gone. You are tired, weak and irritable and I felt like throwing things at anybody who wanted even to help me. "Boys are being hurt both in the States and overseas every minute and1 as the temno of hattle auick- life to someone back home when he gets a transfusion. "On the field, resistance is the only, thing vitally essential at the very outset. When a fellow re- ceives that blood, he knows that the folks back home are with him all the way and his spirit livens. When a boy knows that everything is handy in case he is hurt, blood ande xnprt medical attention. he ,I