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August 19, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-19

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Veterans Hear
Program of 'GI'
Bill Discussed
To an attendance that was termed
"disappointing" three American Le-
gion leaders pointed out that most
veteran aid programs aim primarily
at rehabilitation last night at the
Veterans Organization meeting held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Henry Barnes, Carl Johnson and
Walter Kindschy, Ann Arbor men
prominent in both state and national
Legion activities, led the discussion
stating that veteran aid stresses "his
duty to the state and the commun-
Drawing upon veteran experience
arising out of the last war, the
American people have devised a wise
veteran policy, they said, and added
that "its success depends upon the
veteran as well as the community."
Because of the small turnout of
veterans on the campus for the
meeting, Laszlo Hetenyi, president of
the club, indicated that "efforts will
be doubled and redoubled to obtain
the interest of the veteran."

Yanks FindPeaceful Village in Ruins

NEW GUINEA-QP)-Once Amster-
dam was a peaceful native village
with neatly thatched huts stretching
in respectable rows to either side of
a pretentious Dutch Reform Church.
Then the Japanese came.
The able-bodied men were taken
to Babo to work in labor battalions.
The crippled, the women, the chil-
dren of the village were required to
scratch out a meager existence in the
wild jungles of the Vogelkop Penin-
No one knew what became of the
Dutch pastor. Presumably he was
a prisoner.
When Gen. Douglas MacArthur's
men took unopposed possession of the
island, they found the village over-
run by insects and land crabs.
Infantrymen, amphibian engineers
and bearded Seabees, exploring the
island, found the shells of hundreds
of unharvested cocoanuts, rotting
where they fell.
In a clearing in the center of the
island, overgrown with rank kunai
grass, stood the church. A white

coral path, fringed by scrubby flow-
ers, led to the mahogany steps. Its
walls were thick. A rare sight in
this land of thatch was the gleam-
ing, white plaster.
Corrugated tin, painted bright red,
roofed the structure. A steeple, whose
lines recalled the belfry of any coun-
try schoolhouse, gave it dignity and
height. An absurd tin rooster serv-
ed as a weather vane.
Inside, great beams of mahogany
overhead paralleled the stiff mahog-
any pews resting on a cement floor.
The pulpit was hewn from a single
log and stained a somber blue.
For 10 years, this white plaster
church had represented civilization,
education and religion in northwest
New Guinea. It had no counterpart
from Sorong to Hollandia. The na-
tives barrowed pride from its pres-
ence, faith from its influence.
But the Japanese came-and the
church died.
The native huts around it were
in disrepair. One hut had been
decorated with American news-

papers from Boston, New York and
Chicago. They covered both sides
of a thatch partition, separating
sleeping quarters from the hearth
and family circle.
An American soldier found a
weathered Sept. 28, 1937 issue of
the Boston Evening Globe.
Black headlines told of an auto-
mobile plunging over the Dover
Street Bridge into the Charles River.
Tucked in columns seven and eight
was an Associated Press story from
Berlin. The headline read:
Aim Is Peace
Say Hitler
And Il Duce
The second bank read:
"Crowd of 600,000 at Berlin Hear
Two Dictators Proclaim Policy."
The blast of that evil oratory had
swept over continents and oceans to
a tropical island on the back side
of the world and emptied its huts
and closed its church and desolated
its people.

U. S. DELEGATES TO POSTWAR POLICY-U. S. delegates to the world security talks assemble at
Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D. C., where parley o pens Monday. From left are: seated-Adm. Arthur
J. Hepburn, Breckinridge Long, Dr. Isaiah Bowman, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., delegation chairman;
Henry P. Fletcher, Joseph C. Grew, Lt. Gen. Stanley D. Embick; standing-James Clement Dunn, Leo
Pasvolsky, Edwin C. Wilson, Green H. Hackworth, Benjamin Cohen, Vice Adm. Russell Willson, Rear
Adm. Harold C. Train, Maj. Gen. George V. Strong, Maj. Gen. Muir S. Fairchild, Stanley K. Hornbeck.


Pvt.' Johnny, 15, Joins Yanks
To Help Liberate Native Land

(Continued from Page 2)
Varsity Glee Club: Final meeting
Tuesday evening instead of Monday.
Plans for fall activities.
David Mattern
To All Students Having Library
Books: 1. Students enrolled in the
eight, weeks summer session who
have in their possession books drawn
from the University are notified that
such books are due Wednesday, Aug.
2. The names of all students en-
rolled in the eight weeks summer
session who have not cleared their
records at the Library by Friday,
Aug. 25, will be sent to the Recorder's
Office. The credits of these students
will be held up until such time as
their records are cleared, in com-
pliance with the regulations of the
Warner G. Rice, Director
On Monday, Aug. 21, Professor
Oscar Lange, University of Chicago,
will speak on "The Soviet Union in
World Politics" at 4:10 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
is open to the public free of charge.
Dr. J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the
School of Education, will speak on
"Looking Forward in Education" on
Monday, Aug. 21, at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
Please note that this is a change
from the date announced in the
School of Education pamphlet, "Pro-
gram of Activities," and on the
Weekly Calendar.
Dr. Orlando W. Stephenson will,
speak on "An Unknown Phase of
Adult Education" on Tuesday, Aug.
22, at 4:05 p.m. in the University,
High School Auditorium. This is the
final lecture of the Education Series.
On Tuesday, Aug. 22: Professor
Preston W. Slosson will present his
last in a series of summer lectures
entitled "Interpreting the News."
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited to
Academic Notices
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: During the last half of the
Summer Term, the Women's Physi-
spells success in all languages.
Let us help you look your best.
Between State & Mich. Theatres

cal Education Department will offer
classes in dancing, archery, badmin-
ton, golf, tennis, swimming and life-
saving. Any woman student wishing
to register in these classes should do
so in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium,
by Wednesday, Aug. 23.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women
Political Science 152s: A special
meeting of this class will be held on
Monday, Aug. 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. in
the East Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building. James K. Pollock
The University Summer Session
Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor,
presents and outdoor concert on Sun-
day evening, Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m. on
steps of Rackham Building.
The program will be as follows:
National Anthem; March-"El Cab-
allero", Joseph Olivadoti; Panis An-
gelicus, Cesar Franck; March-"The
Footlifter", Henry- Fillmore (Con-
ducted by William D. Revelli); Mala-
guena, Ernesto Lecuona; On the
Hudson, Edwin Franko Goldman
(Conducted by Mr. Leonard Mer-
Symphonic Episodes, Felix Fou-
drain; Child Prodigy, Morton Gould
(Piano Soloist-Miss Helen Francis,
Conducted by Mr. William Fitch;
March-"Love's Own Sweet Song",
Kalman (from operetta "Sari");
Overture Militaire, Haydn-Skornika;
March-"The Stars and Stripes For-
ever," John Phillip Sousa.
Open to the public. In case of in-
clement weather, concert will be
played in Hill Auditorium.
Student Recital: On Tuesday eve-
ning, Aug. 22, at 8:30, the School of
Music will present a program of
string quartet music, given by the
students of Mr. Gilbert Ross's String
Quartet Class. The program will in-
clude chamber music by Mozart,
Beethoven and Schubert. The public
is cordially invited, to attend the
recital which will be given in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
- Exhibitions
General Library, Main Lobby. Mod-
er fine printing.
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits).
Clements Library: "Army News and
Views in Seven Wars." American
military publications, particularly of
the present war.
Architecture Building, First-floor
cases. Exhibitions of student work.
Michigan Historical Collections:

160 Rackham Building.
of the University of

The Growth
Michigan in

Events Today
Russian Film: "We Shall Return"
will be shown for the last time this
evening, Saturday, Aug. 19, at 8:15
p.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Everyone is invited, free of charge.
"The Chocolate Soldier," an oper-
etta being presented at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre by the School
of Music and the Michigan Reper-
tory Players, will have two perfor-
mances today. There will be a spe-
cial matinee performance at 2:30
p.m., and an evening performance
at 8:30 p.m. The last performance
will be Monday night, Aug. 21, begin-
ning at 8:30 p.m. Tickets on sale in
the theatre box office from 10 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m.
Swimming in cool, invigorating,
relaxing Whitmore Lake. Leave at
1 p.m. today. Sign up at the USO.
Another one of those swell picnics
at Saline Valley Farms. Baseball,
volleyball, games, swimming and
dancing. Junior hostesses will pro-
vide lunches. Trucks will leave the
USO at 3:30 p.m. Please sign up at
the Club at your earliest convenience
so that we may make arrangements
for the number of trucks needed.
The usual dancing and entertain-
ment at the USO this evening from
8 p.m. to midnight.
Wesley Foundation: Open House
tonight, Saturday, at 8:30 o'clock
for all Methodist students and ser-
vicemen and their friends.
First Presbyterian Church, Wash-
tenaw: Sunday, 10:45 a.m., Morning
worship service. The guest preacher
will be Dr. Arthur R. Siebens of

Toledo. Subject-"Does God Still
Love His World?"
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw Avenue. Sunday at 10:15,
Student discussion group. Sunday at
11, Morning service, with Holy Com-
munion. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred
Scheips, "Christians as Trees."
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 -a.m. Subject
"Mind." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
The Roger Williams Guild meets
Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Guild House.
From there the group will go to
Riverside Park for an evening of
play .and worship. Forest Carter will
direct the recreation and George
Doyle will lead the worship with
special music by Clothylde Read.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student class at 9:30
a.m. Subject for discussion: "The
Post-War Family." Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 5 p.m. The closing dis-
cussion on "What Should the Church
Be Doing?" Supper and fellowship
hour at 6 p.m.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): Sunday, 10:55 a.m., Morning
worship. The Rev. Parker Rossman
will speak on the topic: "Teach Us
To Number Our Days." 4 p.m., The
Congregational-Disciples Guild will
meet at the Guild House, 438 May-
nard St., for a trip to the Arboretum
for games, a picnic supper and a
vesper service. The group will return
to the campus by 7 p.m. In case of
unfavorable weather the program
will be held inside.
Congregational students and ser-
vicemen will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., for a trip to
the Arboretum where there will be
games, a picnic supper and a vesper
service. The group will return to the
campus by 7 p.m. If the weather
should be unfavorable the program
will be held inside.

(Delayed) - (R) - Fifteen-year-old
"Private" Johnny Fuentes is a fight-
ing little Frenchman. He's settling
the score for his dad and wants to
help liberate his homeland.
He is a tiny, smiling, tough guy
who weighs 97 pounds, speaks six
languages and solemnly says his next
of kin is his first sergeant in the
United States Army.
The Stars and Stripes staff stum-
bled across Johnny, just as he was
coming out of the hospital after his
latest wounds had healed, and this
is the story they told of the youngest
professional soldier in Uncle Sam's
fighting forces:
Father Killed in Tunisia
Johnny is a native of Paris.His
mother died years ago. His father,
a parisian artist, was killed in the
Tunisian campaign fighting with the
Free French forces. Since he joined
the Yanks, Johnny has served in three
Breakfast To Honor
Master's Candidates
A breakfast honoring the candi-
dates for the master's degree will be
held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Michi-
gan League ballroom.
Candidates received their tickets
free of charge although extra ones
for friends may be purchased at the
Office of the Summer Session, Rm.
1213 in Angell Hall. Members of the
faculty may also obtain tickets for
the breakfast at the same place.

campaigns. He has earned the pur-
ple heart' with oak leaf clusters, the
goodhconduct medal, the campaign
ribbon with three bronze stars, and
the combat infantryman's star.
His salary comes from his side-
kicks, who pass the hat every payday.
And if Johnny has killed any Ger-
mans that month they pay him a
little more as reward.
Joins Yanks as Mascot
Through the intervention of the
division chaplain, Johnny joined the
Yanks originally as a mascot near
Casablanca in December, 1942.' He
promptly volunteered as an "ammu-
nition lugger for a mortar." Despite
his skinny frame, he "played around"
with a carbine in his spare time.
That playing around netted three
Germans captured near Mateur and
two others killed at Bizerte.
He went to Sicily with another di-
vision, carried ammo and hunted
Germans, but "I guess they must
have heard of me because they kept
out of my way. -
Wounded in Action Twice
He already had his purple heart
when he shipped for Anzio with his
outfit, but up on the beachhead "I
got it again. Some shrapnel hit me
in the leg." They gave him the oak
leaf cluster for that, and "sent me
around to a lot of different hospi-
"You know I speak six languages-
French, Italian, Spanish, English,
Arabic and Portugese. Everything
will be alright, if my papers only
catch up with me. They have been
following me around from one hospi-

Yank Heavies
Hit Japanese
North of Guam
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 18.-(P)--
Pressing the air attrition campaign
against Japanese bases north of
American-held Guam, Tinian and
Saipan in the Marianas, Army Liber-
ators hit Iwo Jima in the Volcano
Islands Wednesday, Adm. Chester W.
Nimitz reported today.
Other planes peppered Nippon po-
sitions in the Marianas and Caroline
Islands groups.
Major targets at Iwo were garrison
buildings, storage dumps and airfield
installations. Several Japanese fight-
er planes were in the air at the time
of the raid but failed to press inter-
ception against Liberator guns.
American fighters strafed and
bombed gun positions and air strips
on Rota and Pagan islands, in the
Army bombers struck Dublon in
Truk Atoll, Caroline Islands, also on
Wednesday, shot down one of six
interceptors and damaged three oth-
Nauru Island and Mili Atoll in the
Marshalls were hit the same day.
tal to another. I'm worried because
I've heard stories about guys who
didn't get their papers back until
after the war."
Then the truck started up, and
"private" Johnny Fuentes, 97 pounds
of Free Frenchman fighting for
Uncle Sam, headed back to the war.
But there seemed to be something
else that needed to be said. Sud-
denly he thought of it:
"I hope I can get some more Ger-
mans!" he shouted.

___________ -- Ills



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306 North Division St.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. A. Shrady Hill, Curate.
Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for
Women Students
Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A. M. Holy Communion.
11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. Philip Schenk.
11:00 A. M. Kindergarten, Tatlock Hall.
5:00 P. M. The Canterbury Club (students and
The Rev. A. Shrady Hill, Curate of St. And-
rews Church, will speak on "The Function
and use of Symbolism.". Picnic supper will
be served.
During the Week
10:00 A. M. Tuesday, Holy Communion, War
7:15 A. M. Wednesday, Communion, High Al-
7:15 A. M. Thursday (St. Bartholomew), Holy
Communion, High Altar.
Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church
E. Washington at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service.
Trinity Lutheran Church
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Worship Service: Sermon by the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association
Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
No meeting this Sunday.
120 South State Street
Associate Minister: Ralph G. Dunlop.

1511 Washtenaw Ave. (Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:15: Student"discussion group.
Sunday at 11:00: Morning Service, with sermon
by the pastor, "Christians as Trees."
Student club is not meeting Sunday night.
409 S. Division St.
Sunday lesson sermon: MIND, at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School at 11:45 A.M.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8:00
This church' maintains a free Reading Room
at 106 E. Washington St., which is open
daily except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 A .M. to 5:00 P. M. Saturdays until
9:00 P. M. Here the Bible and Christian
Science literature including all of Mrs. Mary
Baker Eddy's works may be read, borrowed or
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
W. P. Lemon, D. D., James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music.
E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Religious
9:30 A.M.: Church School Adult Class.
10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary De-
partments and the Junior Church.
10:45 A. M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr.
Arthur R. Siebens of Toledo. Subject-
"Does God Still Love His World?"




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