THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY AsUGUST 19, 1944 . . . .. How Nazis Are Using Spain (The following is from an address by Representative Emanuel Cellar of New York.) IF WE permit ourselves to forget, in pure blind escapism, the mean- ing of all the danger signals that marked the road to World War II, our inevitable victories on the Conti- nent and in Japan will prove hollow. Smashing the Fascist-Nazi militaris- tic pattern in Germany, Italy and Japan and ignoring the same dread pattern in Spain, which has extended, to Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile, would be like pulling weeds but taking pains to leave the roots intact. The political mentality of the Spanish Falange is Nazi. No Franco double-talk can make it otherwise. Deliver us, in the name of Allied ships sunk off Gibraltar, in the name of military secrets betrayed to the Axis through the work of Spanish embassies, in the name of wolfram, in the name of iron ore sent by Spain to feed Hitler's death machines, deliver us from Franco's "neutrality." Our Folly With Spain We need not preen ourselves that our expensive wooing of Franco kept Spain neutral. Spain is "neutral" only because German militarists wished it so-Churchill's kindly words about Spain notwithstanding. Militarists planning a war do not overlook the possibility of defeat. If defeat should come again, the war machine must go underground for another try, as it did in 1918. .It is not for nothing that Marshal Goering said, "Spain is the key to two continents." Now that an Allied victory is im- minent, it is well for Spain to make placatory gestures toward the Al- lies and at the same time to do the Axis' bidding. She has promised to cut down her wolfram shipments to Germany, but nothing has stopped her, from sending 45,000 tons of iron ore a month to German-occu- pied territory. She has promised toI withdraw the Spanish Blue Legion fighting against Russia on thej Eastern front, but nothing has stopped her from seeing that the; Blue Legion is incorporated into4 the Nazi columns.; The Falange militia is dissolved, Franco announced with braying trumpet, but the fact remains that it was made part of the Spanish Army, thus strategically placing key positions in the hands of the Falange.. Most significantly, the appropriation to the Falange has been tripled this year. Fascist Poison in Argentina IT IS apparent that Franco Spain will not be crushed as will be Germany following an Allied victory. What a springboard for Germany's comeback! What a springboard-right into Latin America. The work has been done very well indeed in Argentina. The Colonels' clique has followed the antics of the Falange in Spain and the Nazi party in Germany. Nor is that anything to marvel at. More than half the money appropriated to the Falange by the Spanish Gov- ernment is earmarked for use in Latin America. It cannot be said that this money has been spent in vain. The administrations of President Ramirez and Farrell followed closely the Franco brand of neu- trality. Riding high and hand- some now is Col. Juan D. Peron, Argentina's Vice-President. When accused of organizing labor and capital along totalitarian lines, Peron declared, "If the Nazis think along these lines, then the Nazis must be right." The "neutrality" practices of Franco are assiduously aped by Ar- gentina. True, after much pressure. Argentina enacted the farce of break- ing relations with the Axis, but the smuggling of vital war materials to Germany, such as platinum, indu- strial diamonds, drugs (including in- sulin) continues. The violently an- ti-United States newspapers are en- couraged to vilify the Northern neigh- bor. Telephone 23-24-1 SSPRERENTEC R 0 NATOMAL AOV6RTI.INO " NationalAdvertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHCA4O - BosTN - Los ANmELES . SAN FRANCISCO C (. va Il Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan; as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.5. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The" Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. STragic Prospct PEOPLE fond of lamenting the lack of differ- ences in America's two-party system of gov- ernment have some real issues and personalities to choose from in the coming November gen- eral election. Republican victory in the Congress will mean a widespread revamping of legislative organiza- -tion, and committees where Democrats previous- ly held a majority may be controlled by the GOP with chairmanship in GOP hands. Men whose records are most studded with obstructionist activity will head committees on legislation in those very fields. The Democratic majority in both houses is no longer so great as to preclude legislative domination as was the case the past 12 years. In the Senate, a Republican majority would place Gerald P. Nye, of North Dakota, in con- trol of the nation's purse strings. Nye's record on recent voting has been almost entirely nega- tive. The farm bloc leader has opposed continu- ation of the far-sighted National Resources Planning Board, voted against a cloture. rule on the anti-Poll-Tax bill, and opposed continua- tion of subsidies. Nye, up for election this fall, has admitted political ties with leaders of the "lunatic fringe" such as Gerald L. K. Smith. Nye is a fair- haired boy among America Firsters, and has been cited by the Deutscher Weckruf and Social Justice, Father Coughlin's organ. THE HOUSE, Ham Fish, of New York, re- pudiated by every major Republican party leader for his undemocratic statements in the primary campaign, would inherit the leadership of the all-important Rules Committee, heart- beat of House organization. It is redundant to cite Fish's reactionary rec- ord. He never denied friendship with Ameri- can fascists of the ilk of Joe McWilliams, leader of the Christian Front, and William Dudley Pelley, fuehrer of the Silver Shirts. George Hill, Fish's secretary, was convicted for perjury regarding collaboration with Nazi agent George Sylvester Viereck. The agirm Hiram Johnson, California Senator, is heir apparent to the Foreign Affairs Com- mittee. The ailing Californian has been absent on much legislation but has found time to op- pose the extension of food subsidies, and a clo- ture clause to limit debate on the anti-Poll-Tax bill, which left the measure vulnerable to fili- buster. Should Johnson decline the post, Ar- thur Capper, of Kansas, and isolationist Bob La Follette, of Wisconsin, if accepted by GOP cauus, would be next in line. Capper would lead the Agriculture or Finance Committee. on the basis of seniority. He has voted consistently against measures for higher taxes and other controls on inflation. Capper also opposed the National Resources Planning Board. CHAIRMAN of the House committee on World War Veterans' Legislation would be Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts, who voted against a federal soldier vote ballot. Her reac- tionary record is studded with votes against the Home Owners' -oan Corp., the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and recent farm relief measures. She has consist- ently opposed measures designed to keep down the cost of living. Michigan's Jesse P. Wolcott would head the committee on Banking and Currency. Wolcott To the present government heads of Spain and Argentina, the ultimate victory of Germany is merely a hope deferred. There will be much work done after the war to raise the Ger- man banner again. So Franco and his Falange dream. Undoubtedly, the Reich's master minds have watched with deep satisfaction the poisonous tentacles reaching forth to corrupt and destroy. The Reich's invest- ment in the Spanish Civil War has paid high dividends. Our coddling of Spain must cease. We must recognize that Spain is an Axis nation, that Spain is dedicated to the ominous purposes of the Axis, and that in defeating the Axis our victory remains a half-measure un- less Franco Spain is crushed along with its begetters. A democratic Spain must be our goal. Let us be sure this time. Smash Axis, Wherever Met Our duty in Argentina is plain. We must smash the Axis there as we are smashing it in Europe. It is insufficient to provide for diplomatic isolation. It must be implemented by an iron-clad quarantine. Our attitude must be firm and hard. We must isolate Argentina completely. To this end, we need the active co-operation of Great Britain. However, with its heavy invest- ments in Argentina, Britain.may be loath to take such steps. Her trade with Argentina gains while ours declines. But Britain must be made to see the light. She must refrain from importing wool, beef, wheat and corn, and we must re- frain from importing Argentine cheese, corn, and other foods. We must deny Argentina access to, iron and steel for her huge arma- ment program. Both America and Britain may have to tighten belts, I wager that if Great Britain, with the co-operation of the United States, would completely refuse navi- certs and build an economic wall around Argentina, the Farrell-Peron regime would crumble in a fortnight. -St. Louis Post -Dispatch 'Pass the Mustard' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Chnurchill-Greek Tension DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Strictest censorship in the world today is from the Middle Eastern war theater. Actually, it can no longer be called a "war theater," for the war has passed by Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, the Near East. Thus censor- ship now applies purely. to political operations- operations by which Winston Churchill is carry- ing out his promise: "I wasn't made Prime Mini- ster to liquidate the British Empire." Greeks, Syrians and American newsmen re- turning from the Near East strongly suspect that Churchill, thumbing his nose at the Atlantic Charter, intends to keep the Dodecanese Islands, the Greek island of Crete, and the Italian islands of Sicily and Pantelleria as British bases to guard the jugular vein of the British Empire through Suez. American newsmen, trying to tell the real story of what is happening in the Near East, run up against not only British censorship but, not long ago, they were called in by Maj. Gen. Bar- ney Giles, U. S. Commander in Cairo, who pro- ceeded to give them a lecture. "Gentlemen," he said, "I have noticed that you have been writing political news. You are war correspondents. You are a part of the U. S. Army and you have no right but to reflect the opinion of the high command. You will write nothing critical of British pol- icy in the Middle East." "But, General," remonstrated New York Times' Cy Sulzberger, "since so much of what the British are doing here is with American lend-lease and with American prestige, it seems to us that the American people have a right to know what is happening, so long as military secrets are not involved." "The American public," shot back Gen. Giles, banging his fist on the table, "Has no g.... d.... right to know anything that is going on in this theater, gentlemen." That ended that. And since the British have 'three different censorships watching all out- going U. S. mail from the Middle East, no real word of what is happening has leaked out. Why Greeks Revolted in Egypt However, here's the inside ,story, from un- censored diplomatic reports, of what U. S. news- men wanted to say when Gen. Giles cracked down on them. It so happens that today about 60 percent of the Greek Navy and 25 percent of the Greek Army are prisoners of the British In addition, hundreds of Greek leaders, some of them wealthy businessmen from the U. S. A. 'who went to Cairo to help their country are now detained in British concentration camps. Some Greeks actually feel that there is little choice between German occupation of Greece and British imprisonment of Greeks, except that the British feed better. This tragic situation came about when the British started training the Greek Army and Navy in Egypt to fight against their fellow Greeks in Greece. They were being groomed to fight against fellow countrymen who have been consistently and successfully opposing the Germans. Navy and revolted. It was at this point that the Greek part of the Greek Army in Egypt Behind this unfortunate turmoil is the fact that Prime Minister Churchill insists on keep- ing King George of Greece on the throne, despite the opposition of a great majority of the Greek people. King George presumably would be amenable tosChurchill regarding Crete and the Dodecanese Islands after the war. Result is there are two Greek Governments- the Greek Government-in-exile, headed by the King, and the Greek Government-in- Greece. The Greek Government-in-Greece includes all Greek political factions, has put up a miraculous fight against the Nazis, now controls such a large part of Greece that Allied officials can enter by ship, tying up at the docks in broad daylight. INSTEAD, however, the British attempted to get the Greek Government-in-Greece to com- promise with the Greek Government-in-Exile; and to that end, arranged a conference last spring in Lebanon. Premier Alexander Svolos of Athens started for Lebanon to represent the Greek Government-in-Greece. But while he was en route, the Greek Government-in-Exile changed Premiers, replacing Sophocles Veneze- los, son of the former liberator, with George Papandreou. The Greeks in Greece considered Papandreou such a Quisling that they sent word to Premier Svolos not to sign any agreement with the Greeks in exile without communicating back to the Government at home. However, when the British were asked .to transmit this 'message to Premier Svolos in Lebanon, British Minister Rex Leeper tore it up. It was never delivered to Premier Svolos. As a result, he did sign an agreement in Leba- non. But when he got back and found that the British had failed to deliver the message asking him not to sign, the Greek Govern- ment-in-Greece refused to be bound by the agreement. Since then, Foreign Minister Eden has declar- ed in the House of Commons that the Greeks in Greece have refused to live up to their signature to join with the Government-in-Exile. Would Fight For Crete One thing the Churchill group in Britain fears-and there is a lot of opposition to Chur- chill among the British people on this question- is that the railroads, public utilities and water works built in Greece with British capital will be confiscated by the present anti-King George Government-in-Greece. They know also that the present Greek Government would never give Crete to Churchill. As Premier Svolos expressed it: "If an Anglo-American army comes in with the idea of keeping Crete, we will fight against you as we never fought against the Germans. We fought the Turks in the mountains of Greece for 500 years, and we will do the same against you." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 34-S All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Tickets, Michigan-Purdue Football Game, Oct. 28, .1944: Students who intend to enroll for the 1944 term may procure their admission tickets to the Purdue football game to be played in the Michigan Stadium on Oct. 28 at the offices in the Admin- istration Building, Ferry Field, be- ginning Oct. 16, and also at the ticket office at Gate Number Nine (north end of the Stadium) after twelve o'clock noon the day of the game. It is highly desirable to procure tick- ets in advance of the day of the game in order to avoid congestion, confusion and delay in getting in the Stadium in time for the game. Each student desiring admission to this game will be required to de- posit Three Dollars ($3.00) for the admission ticket, for which a receipt will be issued. This receipt will be redeemed for the full amount after the University tuition fee has been paid for the fall term provided the tuition fee includes admission to ath- letic events. Refunds will be made at the Ticket Office in the Administration Build- ing on Ferry Field from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until Dec. 1. All deposit receipts become void that date. Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Michigan Student football tickets to the Iowa Sea-Hawks, Indiana and North- western football games: Civilian stu- dents enrolled in the 1944 Summer Term who are entitled to student admission to the first three Univer- sity of Michigan home football games, should exchange their Physi- cal Education coupon (ticket No. 7) for their football tickets at the Ath- letic Office, Ferry Field, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the following days: Senior and Graduate Students- Monday, Aug. 28. Junior Students-- Tuesday, Aug. 29. Sophomore Stu- dents-Wednesday, Aug. 30. Fresh- man Students-Thursday, Aug. 31. Class preference will be obtainable only on the date indicated. Students desiring their tickets in one block should present their Physi- cal Education coupons together. One student may present all of the cou- pons for such a block of student tickets. Where students of different classes desire adjacent seats, the preference of the lowestclass will prevail. H. 0. Crisler, Director 'Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, Aug. 26. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man reports; they should be re- turned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, jun- iors and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose standing at midsemester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter House Presidents: Turn in tickets and money for the I.F.C. dance to the office, Rm. 306, Union, on Monday afternoon, Aug. 21, between three and five. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, Aug. 26. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. W. .1 Emmons, Secretary Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Saturday, Aug. 26. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secre- tary's Office on or before Wednes- day, Aug. 23. Curtiss-Wright Corporation is hav- ing an Engineering Cadette Training Program, starting Oct. 1, 1944, for girls between seventeen and a half and twenty-five years of age. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information United States Civil Service An- nouncements for DEPARTMENTAL GUARD, Salary $1,824 a year, in- cluding overtime pay, for Washing- ton, D.C. only, has been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The United States Civil Service Commission gives notice that the closing date for acceptance of appli- cations for ARCHITECT, $2,433 to $3,828 a year, will be Aug. 28, 1944. Applications must be filed with the United States Civil Service Commis- sion, Washington, 25, D.C., not later than that date. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Colleges of Literature, Science and &U- A-4- - A Asia "__- oeteteri Campus Servicemen . . IT IS difficult to believe that John Muehl can have been a soldier without learning that criticism such as his, although leveled at only three men, will result in the lenalizing of every man, regardless of his behav- ior. I'm getting a little weary of the sneers that are directed at soldiers who are attending schools and col- leges. Do the authors of disparag- ing comments, like Mr. Muehl's, ever pause to think who these men, are and how they came to "college?" Mr. Muehl need not "resent" call- ing them "soldiers." They are soldiers, every last one of them. They are men whose numbers have been called and who .gave up coipfortable homes just as the next fellow did. Many of them were in the Army be- fore Pearl Harbor, some have served overseas, some are fathers, many are husbands. Most of them were well on the way to much more adequate incomes than are provided by the Army, even in Ann Arbor. The "col- lege training" they are now getting will have little future value for most of them. -RUE, they are more comfortable than they might be in regular Army camps, or than they will be when they get overseas. Every one of them knows it, because with the exception of the personnel of just one company, they have all been thru basic training and the hardship incident to the change from civilian to military life. Their lives have been just as greatly disrupted as those of any other group of service- men. The one company that has never lived under actual Army con- ditions is the ASTPR which is com- posed of seventeen year olds who volunteered a year before they would have been called. And why are these soldiers here? Because the Army sent them, as it sends any GI, wherever the Army feels they will be of greatest service. These are the fortunes of war. Would Mr. Muehl have them refuse to com- ply with the order and demand a foxhole? Unfortunately for all of us. BARNABY Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, Swill be here soon. l hope. gird-I By Crockett Johnson Oh, yes. lt's'ascinating, but- 1 ist en! Do you hear footsteps? I Perhaps 1 am.. . The dangerous mission O'Malley has planned Well, how are you intrepid adventurers tonight, eh?