THlE MR11I1 X IEY F' MA, I - DIAPERS FOR WHITE FLAGS: Japs Use New Surrender Ideas YANKS POUR THROUGH BREACH IN COAST DEFENSES-American soldiers, wading ashore from landing craft, pour through the breach in eight-foot concrete walls Germans had hoped would hamper invaders in southern France. The wall, made of concrete and steel, was blasted by engineers who landed first. In the foreground, an officer in the LCI returns the beachhead signals. See page one for the com- plete story of the inland drive of the Allies along routes to the Rhone valley. TINIAN, Marianas Islands, (De- layed)--(YP)-Hunched behind a graya limestone rock, two Japanese soldiers watched an American Marine officer drive his jeep into no-man's land' park it and nonchalantly climb out to look around. The Japanese grinned. This was their chance. A minute later they appeared before the officer, smiled and bowed. Each soldier was hugging a solemn little Japanese baby. The babies they carried with faked fatherly tenderness were borrowed from Japanese civilians hiding nearby. But their surren- der was genuine. Tinian's defenses already had crumbled and they haddecided it was foolish, under the circumstances, to insist on dying for the emperor. By walking out with babies in their arms, the soldiers made certain they would establish their peaceable intentions and run no danger of being shot as snipers. The Marine officer was Capt. Lyford Hutchins, of Boston, Mass., who had got so interested in studying the terrain that he had unwittingly driven between his lines and enemy troops: Before he got away from the spot fifty genuine Japanese civilians of all ages had surrendered, coming out of ground holes and from behind trees. More than 4,000 civilians have been interned on Tinian. On near- by Saipan, 14,600 Japanese and Korean civilians and natives are being cared for. The number on Guam already has grown into the thousands. Greatest problem on each island has been in getting the civilians to disregard Japanese military propa- ganda and come into collection centers. "In truth," they were told, "the Marines are the worst. Each Marine recruit, before his enlistment is ac- cepted, must prove he has murdered either his father or his mother." An American soldier who speaks Japanese, Hoichi Kubo, of La- haina, Maui, talked three Jap- anese soldiers on Saipan into sur- render. But to do it, he had to walk unarmed into their cave. He ate rice with them, discussed the progress of the war, and in 30 minutes sold them on the idea of giving up. All three were privates, Kubo dis- covered when he entered the cave. "I felt a little better when I found that out," the sergeant said. "At least I outranked them." BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS The difference in rank made them more respectful, and the sergeant was glad because during his visit the Japanese had two hand grenades lying handy on the floor beside them. One Japanese, referring to the American treatment in the camps in Saipan, told an Army interpreter: "It is like finding paradise in hell." TYPEWRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES O. D. MORRILL 314 8. State St. Phone 6615 . c . Playing Through Saturday! Rev. Kenna Is, New Methodist Church Pastor Dr. James B. Kenna, former min- ister of Seattle's University Metho- dist Church, will assume his new duties as pastor of the First Metho- dist Church here in the fall. A graduate of the University of Chattanooga, he has also received degrees from the Garrett Biblical Institute, Union Theological Semi- nary and Northwestern University. Other posts that he has held were in churches in Newark, N.J., in Wichi- ta, Kas. and in Des Moines, Iowa. He has been in Seattle since 1936. Dr. Kenna will fill the pulpit va- cated by Bishop Charles Brashares' departure last month. The former minister here was one of two bishops elected by the Methodist Episcopal Church conference in July and will take up his new duties in Des Moines, Iowa., Paper, Rags To Be Collected Aug. 31 Collection of waste paper and rags will be made Thursday, Aug. 31, by city trucks, George H. Gabler, chair- man of the Washtenaw County Sal- vage Committee, announced. If townspeople are unable to put out the waste paper and rags on that date, special arrangements can be made by calling the Armory at 3490 to pick up the salvage, Gabler said. The county salvage report for July showed that 928,000 pounds of metal, 35,000 pounds of rubber, 446,000 pounds of paper and 52,900 pounds of rags were collected. Applications for Soldiers Ballots Increase Rapidly LANSING, Aug. 17-(/P)-Applica- tions for servicemen's ballots contin- ue to mount faster than officials had expected, Secretary of State Her- man H. Dignah reported today, with more than 60,000 applications receiv- ed to date and estimated 150,000 to be received before the deadline for the Nov. 7 election. Breakfast To Be Held Major Jeremiah O'Connor, execu- tive officer of the Judge Advocate General School, will speak at a Com- munion breakfast which will be held following 10 o'clock mass Sunday at St. Mary's Chapel. Tickets for the new breakfast may be obtained at the door. ALWAYS COOL! Now Showing! BITS OF G.I. HUMOR: Yank, BB Shot Victim, Spanks Signorina in Shooting Gallery WITH THE AEF IN ITALY, (De- layed)-(AP)-It was all a mistake. Besides he was getting gypped, and what's more, no red-blooded Ameri- can soldier would take that sort of treatment from a little slip of a signorina anyhow. But Pfc. Arnold "Heavy" Lindholm still had to tell it to the G.I. judge. Attracted by Shooting Gallery Heavy, a 45th Division doughboy who hails from Fairport Harbor, O., was visiting an Italian town when he saw a shooting gallery operated by the signorina in question. Giving the eye to his combat infantryman's badge the wily girl asked Heavy to try his luck with the BB gun. Expert with a carbine, Heavy was somewhat hurt when he failed to hit a single moving target with a full clip of BB shot. He asked for an- other gun, while watching other GI's giggle for a grim and glowering half hour. He squeezed the trigger methodically without hitting any- thing at all worth a prize. Price To Play Classical Music in Carillon Recital Selections from the classicals, played by Prof. Percival Price, will be heard on the carillon recital at 7 p.m. today. Vivaldi's "Concerto," ballet music "Serenade" by Schubert are listed on the program. "Prelude No. 4, 6 and 7," "Marche Funebre" and "Revo- lutionary Etude" by Chopin will be the concluding numbers. Convinced that the gun and the jane were crooked, he handed the girl a two lira note-the equivalent of two cents. Then he walked away muttering to himself. Suddenly his muttering shifted to howls of pain. Signorina's Temper Mounts The little lady's Latin temper had gone sky high at the very thought of getting only two lira for all those BB shot. She had grabbed up a BB gun, rested it on the counter for accuracy and let Heavy have it- right in the seat of the pants. Exhibiting cool courage in the face of intense fire, Pfc. Lindholm storm- ed the shooting gallery, seized the signorina, turned her across his knee and started spanking. Wiles and violence having failed, the signorina resorted to women's oldest weapon and began weeping, and the MP's stopped the spanking and hauled Heavy off to the clink. Coughlin's Union Has Been Dissolved EXTRA! BATTLE FOR NEW BRITAIN The War Department Reveals "ATTACK" Filed by U.S. Army Signal Corps r s I I DETROIT, Aug. 17-(P)-The na- tional Union for Social Justice, or- ganized by the Rev. Fr. Charles E. Coughlin more than nine years ago and once claiming more than 5,000,- 000 members, has been dissolved, it was announced today. Dissolution papers for the organ- ization, which was incorporated Dec. 12, 1934, were filed with the secretary of state at Lansing. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) The last open clinic of the Univer- sity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp will be' held this evening at 8:30 p.m. at the main lodge, Patterson Lake. The consulting specialist will be Dr. Leonard Himmler, Psychiatrist, of U. of Michigan Health Service. "The Chocolate Soldier," an oper- etta by Oscar Straus and Stanislaus Stange, will be presented this eve- ning, Saturday, and Monday 'eve- nings, Aug. 18, 19 and 21. There will also be a special matinee perfor- mance on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 19, beginning at 2:30 p.m. The School of Music will collaborate with the Michigan Repertory Players in this production. Evening performances will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale in the theatre box office. Box office hours. 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. to the USO on Friday nights to learn to dance. Ruth Weinberg is our Arthurette Murray and Alice Ber- beria on the ivories. After the class the ballroom is open to all for dan- cing. Naturally the Junior Hostesses will be on hand to help make the evening a bright light in the week- end. Conservative religious services will be held at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation at 7:45 p.m. today. Jos- eph Cobitz will deliver a short ser- mon on "A Dynamic Deity in a Changing World." Services will be conducted by A-S Harvey Weisberg. A social hour and refreshments will follow the services. 'Coming Events Russian Film: "We Shall Return" will be shown for the last time to- morrow evening, Saturday, Aug. 19, at 8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Everyone is invited, free of charge. I I We know that you want to learn to cut a too fancy a shape-are fellows who rug-in not coming out Summer Clearance 114 off on DRESSES Cottons, Rayons, Sizes 9-20, 1 Spuns, 6-/2-241/2 Jerseys UIcs J e rseys, SKIRTS Cottons, Sizes 9-32 Rayons I I Ii 11111 &1 A A"N r C 1 11111