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August 17, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-08-17

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Powerful French Partisan Operations Link Allied Inv


1,500 Nazis
In Brittany
Annihilate German
Moutier Garrison
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Aug. 16-The twin Allied
drives into France from the north
and South were disclosed today as
and south were disclosed today as
the Mediterranean and from the At-
lantic to the Alps by powerful opera-
tions of the French forces of the In-
terior, who are now fighting with
Partisans' Victories Announced
An announcement of an official
roll of achievements during the last
few weeks included:
1. Capture by storm of four Brit-

0o 10 Caen* _"ATroarn
.67 hury / Hamburg
Harc u .Epaney mu°
Vre / * *Falaise HOLLAND Bre
1 VsyCoin dHanno\ :
Tenchebray s a *Roerdam
rN Argenta n JEssen GERMANY
ornfron'La Fert Cologne
Cherbourg Le Havre LUX. rnfr
Brest StMalo Caen PARIS Nny f ttgr
Argentan C*-
Lorien" Le Mans
St. Nazaire ..Dijn '~ -
-Nante Tours D
Soy of Potes®f'
Biscoy Vich
- - TL * ila
Bordeaux *C
S FRANCE;,' cTurin ea
- aa
ou- Cannes *:Livorno
' _Toulouse a *s ice
* a-'Marseille ..
-- SPAIN Gulf of Lions CORSCA -
0 too * aragoza
indicate Allied drives in France including the landings on the southern
coast. Black area is Allied-held territory in Northwestern France
where Allies are closing a trap (see inset map) on 22 German divisions
below Caen. Unconfirmed reports said 10,000 French patriots were
advancing toward Vichy (A) as other patriots marched toward Bor-
deau -(B).
I~~cifah IJwen at War

tany towns.
2. Entry into six other
collaboration with the
clean-up of the peninsula.
3. Trapping of 1,500
around Paimpol, Brittany.
4. Annihilation of Nazi

towns mn

at Moutiers, near Rennes, and Bourg
St. Maurice, in Savoy Mountains.
5. Hammering of Tarantaise gar-
rison in Savoy into surrender against
the "anvil" of collaborating Italian
Maquis. -
6. Destruction of 400,000 gallons
of precious German gasoline in
northern France.
In a tribute to the French Parti-
sans Supreme Headquarters report-
ed they had entered the towns of
Sixun, Brasparts, Pleyben, Chateau
Neuf, Coray and Milizag and had
taken by storm Quimperle, Bannalec,
Chateaulin and Dournenez.
Armored Detachment Participates
Brig. Gen. Joseph Pierre Koenig,
Chief of French resistance forces,
announced that an F. F. I. Armored
Detachment for the first time parti-
cipated in a battle, occupying Erde-
yen, in central Brittany,yafterga fight
in which 65 Germans were killed and
150 captured.
The French Forces of the Interior,
who, in addition to individual en-
gagements, are keeping up a con-
stant widespread disruption of Ger-
man war' facilities and supplies, are
under direction of Gen. Dwight W.
Cheers Greet
French Forces
RIVIERA COAST, Aug. 16.-(A)-
Residents of this invasion coast vil-
lage stared wide-eyed and then
gushed with enthusiasm as trucks of
the first French forces rolled through
the streets today enroute to the front
after landing last night.
"Bravo, bravo," old men and girls
in ragged skirts shouted when they
learned the incoming troops were
French. At first, thinking they were
more Americans, the civilians had
waved and called cautious "Bon
jours." The troops were in American
vehicles and wore American uni-
forms. They replied to the greetings
in French and the townspeople
cheered them wildly.
In contrast with the roar of gun-
fire yesterday during the initial land-
ings the countryside seemed quiet
and peaceful today with only occa-
sional artillery shots in the distance.
The residents, mostly women and
girls, trudged under sun-filled skies
back to town to resume the life
which yesterday's invasion interrup-

Aviation cadet Robert Ellsworth
Thompson, who while attending the
University engineering college from
September, '41 to June, '42, studying
chemical engineering, was a member
of the Glee Club and Phi Delta
Theta, recently entered the AAF
Training Command School at Yale
University for training in communi-
cations. Upon successful completion
of this course he will be commis-
sioned a second lieutenant and as-
signed to active duty with the Air
Lt. Robert Y. Bolton, a student
at the University from September,
'38 to February, '40, and a member
of Sigma Nu, recently was trans-
ferred to the Big Spring Bombar-
dier School, Tex., for duty with the
department of training as a pilot.
Cadet Ted L. Johnson, a student
in the literary college from June to
October, '42, has reported athCarls-
bad, N.M. Army Air Field, where he
will receive advanced flight training
in high level bombardiering and dead
reckoning navigation. At the conclu-
sion of this 18-week coursecCadet
Johnson will be awarded silver bom-
bardier wings.
* * * *
Lts. Douglas S. Ferguson and
Robert S. Browne, the former a
student in the engineering college
during the school year commen-
'We Shall Return' Will
Be Shown Tomorrow
"We Shall Return," the final movie
in the Russian series, will be shown
at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow and Saturday
at the Rackham Lecture Hall.
"The film is the story of a detach-
ment of Russian guerrilla fighters,"
Madame Lila Pargment of the Rus-
sian Department, said. "Although
the subject material is sad, the story
is not the least bit gruesome," she

cing in September, '41, and a mem-
ber of Sigma Chi, received their
pilot's silver wings at Altus Army
Air Field, Okla.
* * *
A member of the 30th aviation
cadet class graduated recently from
the Foster Field, Tex. Flying Train-
ing Command fighter pilot school, is
Lt. James O'Kelly. a student in the
engineering college from September,
'39, to the fall of the following year.
House Relaxes
Service Ban on
Films, Books
House speedily completed Congres-
sional action today on legislation
modifying the "political propaganda"
ban in the circulation of newspapers,
films, books and other publications
among troops.
The amendment to the Soldier
Vote Law was introduced after the
Army's strict interpretation of the
law had whipped up a furor. The
Amendment permits servicemen to
choose their own reading material
as long as the Army and Navy can
supply it and relaxes restrictions on
films and radio broadcasts.
Equal treatment must be given
political views, however, in service
publications, radio programs, movies
and educational courses provided for
the Armed Services.
The Army and Navy, under their
interpretation of a restrictions in the
original Soldier Vote Law, have curb-
ed circulation of a long list of con-
troversial books and films to service-
The services had contended that
these publications and films might
affect the November election and vio-
late the anti-propaganda section of
the Soldier Vote Law.

Dewey Fears
World Control
By Big Four
Nominee Wants Small
Nations Represented
By The Associated Press
ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 16-Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey declared tonight
that if the Washington Post-War Se-
curity Conference resulted in a per-
manent four-power alliance "to dom-
inate the world," the United Nations
will have descended to power poli-
tics and "we will have lost the war
before we have won it."
Critical of Enduring Partnership
In a statement frankly interpreted
by aides as critical of proposals made
by President Roosevelt and Russian
representatives for an enduring part-
nership between the United States,
Great Britain, Russia and China, the
Republican presidential nominee in-
sisted that as soon as the world was
brought to order by the big four, the
small nations must have a voice in
deciding their future destinies.
Telling reporters he believed he
spoke the views of the Republican
Party, Dewey said that "in the kind
of permanent world organization we
seek, all nations, great and small,
must be assured of their full rights."
Find Reports 'Disturbing'
He had received "disturbing re-
ports," Dewey said, that the conver-
sations which were to begin between
diplomatic representatives of the four
big Allied countries at the old
Georgetown mansion of Dumbarton
Oaks in Washington next week might
be aimed toward a permanent four-
power military alliance.
"It would be a tragedy if the com-
ing conference among the British,
Russian, Chinese and ourselves
should be distracted from the task
of planning for a genuine world or-
ganization for peace by proposals
which amount merely to a four-power
military alliance to control the
world," he said in an 800-word state-
ment handed to newsmen who gath-
ered in the executive offices.
To this he added, when reporters
asked him to put it on the record,
the following statement:
Fears Cynical Power Politics
"If we get off on the wrong foot
of cynical power politics, we will
have lost the war before we have
won it."
Dewey himself declined to elabor-
ate, but intimates said he interpreted
recent statements of President Roose-
velt as indicating that the admini-
stratio nfavored the formation of a
world security organization in which
the four great nations, with a rotat-
ing fifth power, would have dominat-
ing roles.
FDR Favored
In Fortune Poll
NEW YORK, Aug. 16.-G'P)-
Americans favor re-election of
President Roosevelt over Republi-
can nominee Thomas E. Dewey by
52.5 to 43.9 per cent, according to
Fortune Magazine's latest public
opinion survey, it was announced
The survey showed that Roose-
velt's lead, now 8.6 per cent, had
risen from 6.5 per cent when, the
last survey was announced July 8.
Fortune said regardless of per-
sonal wishes, 72.4 per cent of the
public now expects Roosevelt to
win 'in November, as against 66.4
per cent who believed he would win
when its earlier poll was taken.
It added that 19.4 per cent expect
Dewey to win, and 8.2 per cent

don't know.
Enrque Testa
Discusses Chile
Country Not Burdened
By Political Upheavals
"Chile, the Latin-American coun-
try which has not been burdened by
the political upheavals of revolu-
tions, has developed from a liberal to
a disciplined democracy," Dr. Enri-
que Testa of Chile said yesterday.
After the liberation from Spanish
rule, Chile established a liberal con-
stitution which gave the president
wide executive powers, Dr. Testa con-
tinued. In 1899, after the Chilean
Civil War, a parliamentary system
was established which endured for
30 years, he added.
"In 1925, the constitution was
changed to permit the inauguration
of vast ,social reforms, andthe pres-
idency was restored," the speaker
stated. "The program finally adap-
ted made Chile one of the most pro-I
gressive countries of the American
continent," he added.
Describing the political tendencies
in Chile, Dr. Testa said that the
Communist Party, organized in 1928,

Red Scientist
Perfects Wheat
Collective Farm Field
Tests Are Successful
MOSCOW, Aug. 16.-(P)-A peren-
nial wheat, the dream of Russian
agriculture for a generation, has
been successful in practical field
tests this year on collective farms
ranging from Siberia to the Kuban,
the Moscow press asserts.
In experimental plots at his insti-
tute near Moscow Prof. N. V. Tsitsin
already has developed several varie-
ties of wheat which persist as long
as five years after a sowing, it is .
announced. The kernels have a glu-
ten content as high as 60 per cent-
on a par with American wheat-and
are well flavored for bread.
Tsitsin's immediate goal is wheat
which will give a normal harvest for
two years from one large scale plant-
Foreign agricultural experts who
have examined Tsitsin's Institute a-
greed that another year may see
"nogoletnia pshenitza"--many year
wheat-emerge as practical compe-
tition with the present world-wide

FRANCE-Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., (left) disclosed officially to
be in command of U. S. Third Army which has crushed enemy resist-
ance in lower Normandy and Brittany, confers with Lt. Gen. Omar N.
Bradley (in helmet), U. S. 12th Army group commander, and Gen.
Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, British ground forces commander (right).
Producer-Director Discusses
Quality of Radio Broad casts

"Radio programs generally have
not risen to the peaks that those
interested in cultural values would
like," Executive Producer-Director
Robert L. Shayon, of the Columbia
Broadcasting System, declared in an
address to the Department of Speech
assembly yesterday in the Rackham
That the four major networks offer
a highly varied and useful fare with
many positive virtues is indisputable,
though many would argue that the
general quality of programs is too
low, Shayon continued. Let the peo-
ple show their desire for higher type
programs and the networks will offer
Strain Caught
In Missouri
Police officials were notified yes-
terday that Francis S. Strain, who
escaped from the city police station
Saturday, was apprehended by auth-
orities in Rolla, Mo., and will be
prosecuted there.
Strain, who has a record of two
jailbreaks in Missouri, was picked up
here with two others early Saturday
on suspicion. He escaped as police
questioned the other two men, Ray-
mond Strain, a brother, 28, of Ypsi-
lanti, and Steve Baker, 20, of New
Port, Ky.
Baker, who admitted he was
AWOL from an Army camp in To-
peka, Kans., has been turned over to
Army authorities and Strain is be-
ing held for investigation of charges
of car stealing and breaking and en-
tering an Ypsilanti warehouse, po-
lice said.
(Continued from Page 1)
war are too terrible to live over
With government aid and help
from civic organizations he feels the
boys are going to do all right, but
this is "a battle that we all must
fight. We want to be a credit to
ourselves and a credit to the coun-
The veterans on campus are band-
ing together to "help each of us to
make the most of what is available."
So they have formed a Veterans
Organization to get the tools to win
this battle as GI Joe used his B-17
to win his share of the fighting
There Were four harrowing years
behind that lapel button and there
seem to be untold years, thrilling
years, ahead.
Stevenson To Aid in
Peninsula Planning
LANSING, Aug. 16.-(P)- Long
range development of northern
Michigan's cut - over areas and
prompt post-war employment in in-
dustrial sections will highlight the
meeting of the State Planning Com-
mission at Houghton Friday with
the 31-member Upper Peninsula Ad-
visory Committee.
The Commission announced that
Dr. Russell A. Stevenson, new dean

them, for we cater to the tastes of
the masses of the people, would be
the reply of the radio networks. The
critic would counter, according to
Shayon, that it is the responsibility
of the networks to lead in the devel-
opment of taste rather than to lag
behind and retard the growth of
cultural values.
Public Service Programs
Although radio programs do give
a certain amount of time to public
service programs, the critic believes
that time is given merely in order to
keep the license issued by the FCC
and with the least possible effort on
the part of the networks, the speaker
said. That the public service pro-
grams themselves are not good
enough and that the hours given to
them are too poor, he added, are
other arguments of the critic of radio
standards today.
"We have faith in the possibilities
of growth in the taste of the people,
but radio, to which the average
American listens five hours daily,
must guide this taste. By giving bet-
ter time to better public service pro-
grams and gradually bringing in bet-
ter concepts and better writing, par-
ticularly in the soap operas and
other entertainment programs, the
networks could do much in raising
the standard of taste.
Talks Reach Few People
"Since the talks and serious pro-
grams only reach a small percentage
of the radio audience, the best way to
reach the masses would be through
entertainment, through putting im-
portant ideas into stories," Shayon
The Code of the National Associa-
tion of Broadcasters had nipped in
the bud all attempts to dramatize
public issues for the purpose of mass
consumption. This taboo against
dramatization has come about be-
cause of thebelief that dramatiza-
tion distorts issues, Shayon said.
$20 per Week
Bene fit Asked
drive for $20 weekly unemployment
benefits got up steam on Capitol Hill
today on a report that War Mobil-
ization Director James F. Byrnes
proposed that amount to the House
Ways and Means Committee. There
were broad indications that House
backers of the Senate-defeated Kilr
gore bill providing unemployment
pay up to $35 for displaced war
workers, would settle for that fig-
Testifying in executive session,
Byrnes endorsed the principles of
the "states' rights" unemployment
pay bill passed last week by the Sen-
ate, with the suggestion that the
Federal government set up minimum
The Senate bill does not undertake
to boost state payments, which now
vary, but guarantees the solvency of
state funds and makes eligible for
benefits some 3,500,000 government
war workers. Before accepting it,
the Senate turned thumbs down on
the bill of Senator Kilgore (D.-
W.Va.) to set uniform rates with the
Federal government augmenting state

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'rithmetic days call for new
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They'll take you through the
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Don't let their morale down.
We have a wide selection of
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Lovely pumps with modified
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at 8:95 and 9.95 .. BROOKINS
When you think of that ex-
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