TWO THE MICIGAN -DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944 IU Fifty-Fourth Year ; :: : f,,r ~ = ' ". - , _ X ' X u! ? h t 1 'zt y, }: i :? y Y ' '{ ? fi: E s j = s , '° i: t 3 I tg (/ l_ .: : 1 ! .( 1 C j jt_ .' .c L . ..,,. '_ -, ' - ;. _ a _" ;9 a- , . " < ' ,.-'r' ; ' s N _- t, Defeatism Blocks Democracy KEEP MOVING: Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stucent Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant . . . Managing Editor Betty Ann Koffman , , . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . City Editor Hank Iantho . . . . . sports Editor Feg Weiss . . . Women's Editor Business Staff . . .' . : .i; ' ; ' . . _ ,.V_ Lee Amer Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiIG Y National Avertising Service Ine. College Pblishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. SWICAO 5 .OSO LOS A Is Li - SA FRAIW SO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as pcond-class -mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHIE SHARFMAN Edtorias published in The Mihigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff #nd represent the views of the writers only. Invasion News 1HE SECOND Allied invasion of France came without the many extras and prayers for D-Day success'fanfare, that accompanied the June landings, nevertheless the news was greeted with enthusiasm and hope. Just where other beachheads and fronts will be established is still the well-kept secret of the military authorities although the Bay of Biscay and the Adriatic Sea offer interesting possibilities. Defeat of the German armies without addi- tional invasions had been forecast in two months. With the breakthrough in northern France and the expected junction- of the two main forces it is possible to think of the end of the war in Europe in terms of weeks and not years. Coupled with this is the recent Russian blitz which struck out 350 miles in six weeks. The next moves along the eastern front, according to Max Werner, PM's military analyst, will certainly complete the conquest of Estonia and Latvia and go ahead through Warsaw to Ger- many. Whether that approach, the middle route through Krakow with its munitions and industrial centers or the Yugoslavia-Romania underthrust will be used will be apparent after the Russian offensive again gets underway. The Wehrmacht forces will discover this only too soon. The Allies are moving in for the final push with a steady and unrelenting advance. - Dorothy Potts HE HUMID weather was soon forgotten last night when the curtain went up on the final 0fAering of the season of the Michigan Repertory Players in conjunction with the School of Mu- .gc. The responsive first-night audience witnessed A refreshing and sparkling presentation of Oscar 'trauss's "The Chocolate Soldier." The role of singing actor or actress is a difficult one, but this performance was a manifestation of gen- leral competence in that medium. Lucille Genuit was especially notable for her interpretation of Cousin Mascha. Her natural -ease on stage coupled with a vocal flexibility not too conspicuously marred by weakness won ler the plaudits at least of this reviewer. Of course, the most pleasing voice was that of Dorothy Feldman whose singing of the Trite but melodic "My Hero" in the first act revealed the skill she was to display from then Qn. Although a trifle windy in spots, her voice rang with power and agility in the higher ranges. Her slightly stiff manner- isms gave one the impression that she swas a little ill at ease, but these were well com- pensated by her interpretive tonal ability. If the Aurelia of Mary Craigmiles would have chortled less and utilized her singing quality to better advantage, her lovely contralto voice would have been appreciated that much more. EACH OPERETTA must have a comedian or two. The entertainment offered by a buffo artist is always enjoyable and Charles Ben- jamin was not disappointing in that capacity. Eis creation of the comical character of Colonel Popoff is so characteristic of Viennese operetta By ANN FAGAN GINGER 1 HE WORLD is not a hopeless mess . . . and it is not lacking in any sore of positiveness. There are parts of living which are good and beautiful, and which can last as long as we fight for them, and which will perish as soon as we stop fighting. Because the world is not all gay, should we therefore bemoan its sad- ness until we have convinced our- selves-emotionally as much as intel- lectually-that there is no hope for mankind or for ourselves as indi- viduals? And more, should we so interpret our difficulties that they become identified with those of but a single group? All peoples have fundamentally the same problem. Jews, Poles, Chinese, Irish, Hindus and Moslems, Germans, Japanese . . members of minori- ties living in fear of pogroms, mas- sacres, discrimination, intimidation, segregation, murder, riot. Their problems are basically no different from those of just ordinary citizens of the globe, Americans and Eng- lishmen and Dutch. And the reason they have to fear getting kicked around is that these common prob- lems are not solved, and too few people are working too unrealistically in attempting to solve them. j unemployment, insecurity, pov- erty, illiteracy, war were banished from this Twentieth Century, race hatred and subjection of nations would be also, and the positive as- pects of living could take their prop- er preeminent place. But these things exist, people say. And they will always exist. And as long as they exist, there will be class tensions and race hatred and scape- goatism and maladjustment of large percentages of society. Yes, they exist today. Does that mean that they will necessarily exist tomorrow? More than that, does their existence give you, a citizen of this nation and of the world, the RIGHT to sticl your head in a hole, or run away to what you think is a refuge, when you are one of the people who recognizes their existence, and wllo has some 'ideas about their solution? The theory on which suicide is considered a crime against the state is legitimate, and intellectual, organizational suicide is also a crime, against the state, AND AGAINST YOURSELF. Knowledge, when it leads to disil- lusionment which ends in despair and negative-defeatism, is a bad thing. Knowledge, when it leads from disillusionment to experimenta- tion and planning, is a good thing. We can, to a certain extent, use knowledge either way. If we use it to immerse ourselves further and further in the sorrows of the world until we feel that we should be suf- fering because the rest of the world is suffering . . . if we use it in this way, we are useless to ourselves and to society, But if we use learning to see the problems, to plan solutions, and THEN, to organize all those who are victims of existing conditions into groups willing to combat defeatism as well as the status quo: then we have accomplished something essen- tial to our happiness and to the hap- piness of all future generations. ENOUGH of generalities. There are things to be done. By students. By faculty. By Administration. Right here. In Ann Arbor. Right now. This summer and this fall. The first should by now be obvi- ous to anyone interested in a posi- tive future: elect Roosevelt president, and trounce Dewey and his backers sufficiently so that the theories of keeping the people in the political dark and defeating the will of the people (on soldier-vote, on anti-poll tax bill, on Murray-Wagner-Dingellj social security bill, on $25,000 salary limitation) will not again be put be- fore the American people. Register and then vote yourself, and get your landladies and roommate$ and de- partment heads and uncles and ne- phews to register and vote . . . for FDR. And when you vote, vote for the right people, and against the Mich- eners and Fishes and Hoffmans who can not represent citizens in a dem- ocracy. Then, START TALKING. To anybody who will listen. Don't be belligerent, but there are many things citizens need to talk about these days. About the growing anti-semitic, anti-Negro, anti-un- ion, anti co-operative propaganda. Get in debates, and argue over your bridge games. . . that's what you're supposed to do in a country where admittedly the government rests in the hands of the people. After that, start making changes ... little ones at first, but changes nonetheless. Get rid, of "restrict- ive, covenants" and racial clauses in the leases on your real estate. Find out about the problems of the groups and classes to which you do not now belong. And on campus, make Democracy an actuality by choosing student members of administrative boards, with voices and votes. Set up a new student council, with authority and student backing, to handle student affairs now taken care of by non- students who, by their nature, can- not understand as fully what we want and why. Reinstitute spring parleys, and make them mean some- thing. We may have left some things out, but the fundamental idea is this: start being a citizen, and stop being a sad-eyed, beer-drinking defeatist in a nation that was built on the people's will, and will fall if the people don't think, don't care, won't j act. latest Paris Creation WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Dewey Succeeds at Parley DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Tom Dewey isn't talking about it, but the men closest to the GOP Presidential nominee believe he has already squeaked through the most difficult part of his campaign in good shape. With Election Day still 12 weeks away; Dewey has revitalized the party organization, smoothed out most of the wrinkles in-the GOP elephant's hide, laid the groundwork for a fireball cam- paign. Although it isn't generally known, cautious political heads around Dewey were vigorously opposed to the St. Louis GOP Governors' confer- ence. They were afraid too many cooks would spoil the soup; that Dewey might stub his toe; offend some of them. When Dewey said he wanted to meet with the 25 other Republican Governors all at once, some of his brain-trusters threw their hands in the air, begged, pleaded with him not to do so. However, Dewey and sharp-thinking, smooth-op- erating Herbert Brownell, his campaign man- ager; were determined, pointed out that the GOP Governors had to be reached at the start of the campaign if the national organization was to work efficiently. Most anxious moment came in a St. Louis hotel suite when national photo agencies asked Dewey and Bricker to pose separately with each of the other 24 Governors. It was neces- sary to line up the other Governors, have them step into the picture one by one for , more than two hours. During this time, Dewey's aides almost had fits. The room looked like a barber shop, with Governors of half the 48 States lined up cafeteria style, waiting their turn. However, Dewey kept his wits about him, took time for light conversation with each Governor as he sat down, ran through the ordeal in excellent shape. ONE BONER committed by the Dewey camp on the St. Louis trip won't be repeated-the farce about Dewey not using special trains. Fearful of public opposition to use of a special train, Dewey had his train described as the "advance section" of a regular train, giving the impression that a couple of cars were merely added to a regular train to accommodate his party. Real fact was that Dewey used a nine-car special, completely occupied by himself, staff members and correspondents. Gov. and Mrs. Dewey had a special car to themselves. There was a work car for staff, work car for corre- spondents, special dining car, four Pullman cars for staff and newsmen, plus a baggage car. Schedules were made to accommodate the candidate. Result was that hundreds of people along the way, hoping to board the "advance section" of a regular train, found theAtrain occupied entirely by the Dewey party. NOTE-There is no reason why Dewey should- n't have a special train. ODT. has given full permission, says it will not hurt the war effort. Roosevelt uses a long special on all trips, in- cluding "non-political" war-plant inspections. ,FOLKS who think Tom Dewey is simon pure when it comes to bosses should have been in Albany to watch the "unbossed"'New York GOP machine choose candidates for U. S. Senator and the State judiciary. Fact was that Dewey pulled a "Roosevelt," kissed off a candidate pretty much as FDR bounced Henry Wallace. Here's what hap- pened. Veteran progressive Republican W. Kings- land Macy, whom the OldGuard hates, had the inside track to the Senate nomination. Macy told all comers he had the nod from Dewey, was even moving ahead with plans for his actual campaign. Before Dewey left for St. Louis, he invited Macy to the Executive Mansion, told him in best FDR fashion how much he liked him, what a great contribution he could make to the nation. Macy left smiling' broadly, even twitted Boss Ed Jaeckle, State chairman, about having won out despite Jaeckle's opposition. However, when Dewey returned from St. Louis, GOP machine bosses Jaeckle, John Chews and Tom Curran nut on the heat, demanded that Dewey drop Macy. Dewey knuckled under, finally got Macy on the phone, summoned him hastily to the Execu- tive Mansion. "You're a swell fellow," Dewey told Macy, "but you haven't been shaking hands with the right people." Result was Macy agreed to bow out. Choice of Machine Leaders Next, Dewey called in his old friend Thomas J. Curran, New York County Republican leader and former colleague of Dewey's in the New York U. S. attorney's office, where both worked as assistant prosecutors. "Tom," Dewey said, "you're going to be the candidate for the Senate." "But I don't want it," replied Curran, "I don't like Washington. I'm not sure I'm a big enough man for the job." "You've got to take it, Tom," replied Dewey. "You've got to take it for the sake of the party." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 32-S All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 4, Labor Day, will be a University holiday, except for Army instructional units in which special orders are issued. F. E. Robbins Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Music and Public Health: Ten- tative lists of seniors for September and October graduation including candidates for the Certificate in Public Health Nursing have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Recommendations for Departmen- tal Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative Aug- ust graduates from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the School of Education for depart- mental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, University Hall, by noon Aug. 30. Recommendations for tenative Octo- ber candidates should be in the Reg- istrar's Office by noon Oct. 25. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar To Members of the Faculty of the Summer Session: Should you desire to attend the breakfast for the can- didates for the Master's degree Sun- day morning, 9 a.m., at the Michigan League Ball Room, you may purchase tickets in the Office of the Summer Session, 1213 Angell Hall. The price is 75 cents. Attention Hopwood Contestants: All manuscripts for the summer con- test must be in the Hopwood Room this Friday by 4:30 p.m. R. W. Cowden, House Presidents: Turn in tickets and money for the I.F.C. dance to the office, Rm. 306, Union, on Monday afternoon, Aug. 21, between three and five. Students, Gollege of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, Aug.-26. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will . be Saturday, Aug. 26. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secre- tary's Office on or before Wednes- day, Aug. 23. Lectures Next Monday, Aug. 21, Professor Oscar Lange, University of Chicago, will speak on "The Soviet Union in World Politics" at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture is open to the public free of charge. On Tuesday, .Aug. 22: Professor Preston W. Slosson will present his last in a series of summer lectures entitled "Interpreting the News.', 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited to attend. . Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar: This morn- ing at 10:30 a.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Report of Research Work on Influenza Vir- us," by Dr. J. B. Sarracino. All inter- ested are invited. Concerts The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert will be held in the Men's Lounge of the Graduate School at 7:45 p.m. The program will consist of Beethoven's Egmont Overture, De- bussy's Nocturnes, the "Surprise" Symphony of Haydn, and Les Pre- ludes of Liszt. These programs are held every Thursday evening for the benefit of graduate students, service- men, and their guests. Carillon Recital: Percival Price,! University carillonneur, will present a recital on Friday, Aug. 17, at 7 p.m. The program will include music by Vivaldi, Schubert and Chopin. Band Concert: Sunday evening, Aug. 20, at 7:30, the University Band, under the direction of William Rev- elli, will present an outdoor concert on the steps of the Rackham Build- ing. In case of rain, the concert will be given in Hill Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: On Tuesday eve- ning, Aug. 22, at 8:30, the School of Music will present a program of string quartet music, given by the students of Mr. Gilbert Ross's String Quartet Class. The program will in- viceman May See in the. Pacific Area." (Animal Exhibits). Rackham Galleries: Original water colors by Soviet children (50 pic- tures), and Reproduction of Book Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir- culated by the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, New York. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., through Saturday, Aug. 19. Clements Library: "Army News and Views in Seven Wars." American military publications, particularly of the present war. Architecture Building, First-floor cases. Exhibitions of student work. Michigan Historical 160 Rackham Building. of the University of Pictures. Collections: The Growth Michigan in proved themselves worthy of the positive re- sponses granted them. Successfully deflating the glorification of mili- tarism, this musical is an accurate adaptation of the famous play by George Bernard Shaw, "Arms and the Man." The coeds on campus doubtless understood the sympathy of the women in the cast for the chocolate soldier. Three women fawn over him, and one marries the gentleman in question after deserting her disenchanted lover. Viennese composers are perhaps the most suc- cessful in the musical comedy idiom. Oscar Strauss is one of the better representatives of this field and may be ranked with such lumi- naries as Lehar and his contemporaries. It is fortunate that arrangements for Saturday mati- nee have been made for "The Chocolate Soldier." -Kay Engel Events Today There will be a tea at the Inter- national Center today from 4 to 5:30 p.m. All students, faculty, and towns- people are cordially invited to attend. For all interested in participating in informal conversation in French, Spanish or Russian, there will be special tables. French Club: The last -meeting of the club will take place today at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Mr. Sami Turan, Grad., will speak on "La vie des etudiants parisiens." Group singing and social hour. All students, servicemen and faculty people interested are cordially in- vited. Pi Lambda Theta: Supper meeting in Russian Tea room at the Michigan League today at 5:30 p.m. The picnic scheduled for the last meeting has been cancelled. Cynthia M. Jones, Publicity Ch. 321 S. Division Something New Has Been Added: Ruckus night at the USO. Things are really going to pop around here Thursdays. All the wacky games and stunts you can think of, and all we can think of as well. For a hilarious evening. Formality forbidden, "The Chocolate Soldier," an oper- etta by Oscar Straus and Stanislaus Stange, will be presented this eve- ning, Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings, Aug. 17, 18, 19 and 21. There will also be a special matinee performance on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 19, beginning at 2:30 p.m. The School of Music will collaborate with the Michigan Repertory Players in this production. Evening performan- ces will begin at 8:30 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale in the theatre box office. Box office hours. 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Coming Events .:. BAIRNABY By Crockett Johnson ~1 Good erening, little boy... I was to meet your Fairy Godfathe herd-I - -F ,.. , i CROrKEi sOH NV© , r tust you have your mother's permission to embark upon this --, r _ _ _....__. f ' -l Yes. 1!asked Mom if 1 could go out in the bouit in) the cofdec in O'Malley, I E R