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August 13, 1944 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1944-08-13

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Yank 155's

Shoot Plasma
o Lost Men
Battalion Isolated
Behind Nazi Lines
By The Associated Press
FRANCE, Aug. 12-American Long
Tom 155, delivering life instead o
death, fired shells filled with blood
plasma, morphine and sulfa drugs
to a "lost battalion" fighting on a
hill behind German lines.
For five days the battalion of a
young American infantry division
fought behind enemy lines, causing
great havoc and refusing two de-
mands to surrender from Hitler's
prize SS troops. They were supplied
by food in "dive-bombing" by P-47
Thunderbolts, and with medical sup-
plies by Long Tom artillery shells.
The battalion was part of a divi-
sion which has been in the line more
than 40 days. Although tired, it
bore the brunt of an attack by more
than four Nazi armored divisions,
standing firm even when battalion
and regimental command posts were
overrun and switchboard operators
had to use bazookas to drive off the
Battalion Repels Attack
The battalion command directed
artillery fire on German positions,
and the infuriated Germans retal-
iated with mortar fire and a renew-
ed counterattack. But the battal-
ion held.
Yesterday during daylight the
Germans, striving desperately to
withdraw, took to a road with a large
convoy of tanks and guns. The lost
battalion on the hill spotted the
column, called on artillery, and ev-
ery-American gun along that sector
of the front rained shells down
while the battalion corrected their
The total destruction of the col-
umn was tbld in these words by an
observer on the fading radio:
"Tired as we are and hungry as
we are, there is not a man who is
not happy as can be at the sight."
Late today a regiment fought its
way to the battalion position, open-
ing up a relief route.
While the problem of feeding the
battalion was solved from the air,
getting medical supplies there was
a different question.
Supplies Put in Shells
This was solved when someone
thought of taking smoke shells, cut-
ting out the insides, packing medical
supplies in cotton and firing them
to the hilltop with 155's from miles
The battalion reported all except
the morphine arrived in good shape,
even to the blood plasma in glass
containers. Some of the morphine
was too battered for use. ,
Typical of the fierce action the
division engaged in holding the Nazi
attempt to drive to the sea was that
of Capt. W. W. Druckenmiller, Oak-.
Harbor, Ohio, who rushed from a
command post with a bazooka-a
two-man weapon-loaded and fired
it and knocked out a 45-ton Panther
tank. Then he picked up a carbine
and shot the tank crew one by one
as they tried to -escape.
Brown To Broadcast
Over WJR Tomorrow
Prof. Everett S. Brown, acting
chairman of the political science de-
partment, will speak on "The United
States and the Peace" in a broad-
cast at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow over
station WJR.
The program which will originate
from thecampus, is next to last in
a series of ten minute talks given

by the department on backgrounds
of the news._

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POSSIBLE AMERICAN 'THRUSTS FROM LE MANS-white arrows indicate possibme American drives
from captured Le Mans. ;Black arrows indicate Allied thrusts, including various drives unofficially said
to be under way in the Le Mans area. An American push northward from Le Mans might entrap Ger-
man forces in the Caen sector. A drive through Orleans might be aimed at encircling Paris.


Pacific Native
Chief Baffles
Marine Private
Educated Savage Gets
Better of Yank Trader
Marine corps Combat Correspondent
(Distributed by The Associated Press)
PACIFIC-(Delayed) - Marine Pri-
vate First Class Charles Poulsen, of
Akron, Ohio, knew he was going
overseas and accordingly prepared
for the natives by studying pigeon
English throughout the voyage from
I the states. His sea bag contained
many five and 10 cent store
Recently, with anotheranew ar-
rival, Private First Class Paulo
Caruso, of 4549 Crane Street, De-
troit, Poulsen visited a native vil-
lage here and sought out the chief.
Chief Is Impassive
The chief, an ebony-skinned giant
i with flaming red hair, sat silent and
expressionless before his mud hut
and listened to the odd sounding
mutterings of Marine Poulsen. He
viewed the junk jewelry that was
offered in exchange for native war
clubs, cat's eye' shells, grass skirts,
and the like through uninterested
eyes, still maintaining his silence.
The chief dug down in a sugar sack
chat he had converted into a pocket
and prcduced a pipe which he pro-
ceeded to tamp with a mixture of
dried roots and leaves while Private
First Class Poulsen continued to
When he fumbled for a stick to
poke into the nearby fire to light the
briar, Poulsen quickly produced a
cigarette lighter and offered it,
thinking that the native would be
puzzled and impressed.
Silence Is Broken
Taking the lighter, the chief
snapped it three times in the conven-
tional manner and returned it to
Poulsen.1 He broke silence for the
first time.
"This lighter is undoubtedly out
of fluid," the chief said in precise
English, and handed it back with a
regular business card on which was
Price list:
Native war clubs-(piain) $1.00.
Native war clubs--(carved) $3.00.
Cat's eyes, 4 for 50c.
Grass skirts-(plain) $2.50.
Grass Skirts-(dyed) $4.00.
Poulsen, somewhaL re6-cheeked,
returned to camp, minus $8 and still
in possession of his dime store jewels
Destroyer Escort Fiske
Sunk by Enemy Torpedo
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12-(-)-The
Destroyer Escort Fiske was sunk by
an enemy torpedo recently in the At-
lantic, the Navy announced today.

With the start of Christmas mail-
ing period only a month away, Post-
master General Frank C. Walker yes-
terday revealed rules for mailing
Yule gifts to Army and Navy person-
nel overseas.
Great demands upon shipping and
the need for giving preference to
arms, munitions, medicine and food
has necessitated beginning the
Christmas overseas mailing season
this year Sept. 15, Walker said. No
more parcels will be mailed to serv-
icemen after Oct. 15.
Many Gifts Ruined in Transit
Many gifts intended for service-
men, Walker said, never reach their
destination because the gifts or
containers smashed in t ran si t.
To assure effective delivery, the
Postmaster stressed, gifts should be
packed in boxes made of metal,
wood, solid fiberboar'd or strong
double -faced corrugated fiberboard.
Further suggestions were to bind the
packages with strong twine or tape
to prevent loss of contents if the
wrapper is torn.
Walker also suggested that the

address of the sender and addressee
be written inside the package as well
as outside.
Rules for Mailing
Here are some important rules to
be observed in Christmas mailing:
The parcel must not exceed five
pounds, and nust not be more than
15 inches in lenth or 36 inches in
length and girth combined. It should
be marked "Christmas parcel" to as-
sure its arrival before Dec. 25.
got more than one parcel may be
mailed in any one week to the same
member of the armed forces by or in
behalf of the same mailer.
Combination packages made up of
miscellaneous articles should be
tightly packed so that items will not
become loose in transit and damage
other contents or the cover.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

Spotlighting Late News and Interpretation
Postmaster Walker Explains
Overseas Yuletide Mail Rules


_ ,.


Jap Censorshi
Of Controlled
Press Relaxed
By The Associated Press
A new policy for Japan's controll-
ed press, promising the end of the
government's "indirect guidance"
and more regard for public opinion,
has been reported by the official
Domei News Agency.
U. S. Government monitors re-
corded a Domei broadcast which
said Tokyo newspapers prominent-
ly reported the new policy. It added
the hope of Japanese editors that
the chance would permit them to
infuse "fresh air" into news col-
umns which evidently have lost pub-
lic confidence.
Ogata Makes Announcement
Taketora Ogata, recently-appoint-
ed president of the cabinet board of
information, announced the Loiso
government's "new wartime informa-
tion policy," Domei said.- Ogata,
president of the powerful Mainichi
newspaper chain, is the first active
rnewspaperman to occupy this key
propaganda position.
Ogata was quoted as saying the
government henceforth will abandon
its policy of "controlling public opin-
ion" and will "duly respect" it, as
reflected through the newspapers.
The government will refrain from
"giving indirect guidance" to the
press on wartime publicity, and will
assist newspapers in acquiring "ac-
curate information speedily."
"The government is prepared,"
Ogata added, "to make such correc-
tions in its wartime information as
may become necessary-To remove
the slightest inclination on the part
of the general public to disbelieve
what the newspapers report, espe-
cially with reference to the military
Report Directed Here
Domei's reportiwas in English,
beamed to America. Therefore it
'nay be only window-dressing to pic-
ture Japan as becoming liberal in
advance of potential overtures for a
compromise peace.
Nevertheless, a shcrt time pre-
viously the army and navy ministers
jointly recommended that the gov-
ernment consider permitting "free
expression of public opinion with the
object to enhance home front morale."

Home Town Physicians Must
Keep Eyes Peeled for Malaria

(?iiNe Peaiw'e

By The Associated Press
"Doc" Jones will have to keep his
eyes peeled to recognize "The Great
Mimic" in treating boys who come
home from the wars.
The "Great Mimic" is mah ria,
which can simulate virtually e-ery
other disease known to man.
Military doctors are fearful that
civilian practitioners, who have had
little or no experience with the di-
sease, will fail to recognize it when
it recurs among veterans who al-
ready have had it, or when a case
of "smoldering malaria" suddenly
comes to the fore.
Must Learn Symptoms
"Unless they familiarize them-
selves with the many manifestations
of malaria, there are going to be a
lot of surprised doctors in the years
to come," says Capt. John H. Rob-
bins, medical officer. In command of
the Navy's hospital on Treasure
Island, San Francisco Bay. Special
studies of all tropical diseases, in-
cluding malaria, are being made here.
"The malaria we've been seeing
Nazi Prisoners Flee
SHELBY, Mich., Aug. 12.-(IP)-
The escape of two German prisoners
of war from a beanfield where they
were working at 11 a.m. today was
reported nine miles south of here

among fighting men by no means
runs to the usual text-book picture
of chills, fever and sweat.
"It's showing up in the form of
belly-aches, back-aches, headaches
and damn near everything you can
think of. Especially is this true
among wounded men who get mala-
Resembles Other Diseases
"It might easily be mistaken for
appendicitis, for pleurisy, or for
meningitis," says Robbins. "It is,
not inconceivable that some well-
meaning doctor, in the years to come,
might open up a man's belly to re-
move his appendix-only to find that
there was nothing wrong there!"
Blood tests will be the things which
doctors must use in doubtful cases-
tests which would show the mala-
ria parasites which get into the blood
stream following a bite by the deadly
Anopheles mosquito.
Safety Zones Established
At present, to guard the civilian
population from infection by hos-
pitalized soldiers, sailors and ma-
rines brought back from malarious
areas, military authorities and pub-
lic health officials have established
"safety zones" around hospitals and
military posts.
In these zones-extending as much
as a mile in all directions around
some installations-measures have
been taken to rid the areas of mos-


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(Continued from Page 4)
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject,
"Soul." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
The Roger Williams Guild meets
Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Guild House.
A discussion of "Freedom of Speech
and Religion" will be led by Profes-
sor William Frankena of the Univer-
sity philosophy department.
First Congregational Church, State
and Williams Streets, Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, Minister. Morning worship,
10:45. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will speak
on the subject "Growing Religious-
ly." The Congregational-Disciples
Student Guild for students and ser-
vicemen, will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., at 4 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, for a trip to Riv-
erside Park. There will be games, a
picnic supper and vesper service. The
group will return to the campus by
7 p.m. In case of unfavorable weath-
er the meeting will be held inside.

Memorial Christian Church, Hill
and Tappan Streets. At the morning
service of worship, 11 a.m., the Rev.
Parker A. Rossman will speak on the
subject "The Things I Would Not."
The Congregational-Disciples Stu-
dent Guild for students and service-
men, will meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard St., at 4 p.m. Sunday,
for a trip to Riverside Park. There
will be games, a picnic supper, and
vesper service. The group will return
to the campus by 7 p.m. In case of
unfavorable weather the meeting will
be held inside.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. Subject: "The Post-War
Family." Morning worship at 10:40
o'clock. The Rev. Ralph G. Dunlop
will preach on "Greater Love." Wes-
leyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Dis-
cussion groups on "Education," "The
State of the Church," "Missions and
Church Extension." Supper and Fel-
lowship hour at 6 p.m.

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