13, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY AOE"V Bomber Scholarship To Hold Dance Friday at co -- Coeds Reach Total of 312 Hours Working at University Laundry. Ralph Wilson' s University women have contribut- ed a total of 312 hours to working in the University Laundry this semes- ter, it was announced yesterday by Peg Weiss, '4, personnel administra- tor of the Women's War Council. The totals, Miss Weiss said, are highly satisfactory for the Summer Term, since there are so few coeds on campus. However, she added, the laundry can still use more workers. Pay is 53c an hour, and persons are asked to see the secretary in the laundry building to report for work. Of the Pniversity women, Estelle Olejarczyk worked the greatest num- ber of hours for the semester, 45. Glenna Workman ranks second with 37 hours, and Marjorie Mayer third with 31. Others who have contributed a good deal of their time toward the laundry are Dora Morgan, 29 hours; All USO junior hostesses in Co. V must attend a meeting at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday at the USO, accord- ing to Hele;. Alpert, Co. Y colonel, Ann Miller, 26; Karen Holmes, 22; Deloris Johnson, 22, and Thelma Bergquist, 21. Other coed workers are Helen Montgomery, Pearl Epstein, Nancy Steger, Marguerite Brenk, Anita Bed- ard, Darlene Izard, Barbara Snell, Mercia Lockyer, Clare Herald and Pat Pawlicki. Coeds To Entertain War Veterans Today Thirty-five University women will go today to the Kellogg estate in Battle Creek to entertain convales- cing war veterans, according to an announcement from the Women's War Council. The War Council, together with Hillel Foundation, is sending the coeds to the estate, where they will spend the day boating, swimming, and playing tennis, among other sports. The patients at the estate are those who have recovered suf- ficiently to walk and participate in sports. Miss Margaret E. Connors, 29- year-old attorney of Fairfield, Conn., was nominated by Demo- crats of the FourthCongressional District to oppose Representative Clare Boothe Luce for her seat in Congress in the election next No- vember. Leddrngs cN and .r Band To Play For Affair Servicemen To Receive Late Permission To Attend; Money Will Be Used for Bomber Fund A semi-formal dance open to all servicemen and civilian students will be presented by the Bomber Scholar- ship Committee from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. Friday in the Union Ballroom. All Army and Navy personnel have been granted liberty until 12 mid- night in order to attend the dance. They must show their tickets before they will be given liberty cards. Ralph Wilson and his band will supply the music, with Jean Brooks as the featured vocalist. All profits will be added to the Bomber Scholar- ship Fund, which is established to provide scholarships for war veterans who were in attendance at the Uni- versity before entering the armed forces. Plate Heads Committee Bomber money is now being used for war bonds and after the war will be converted into scholarships. The price of a bomber, $100,000, is the goal of the Committee. Approximate- ly $29,000 has already been put into the fund. Members of the Summer Commit- tee include Jim Plate as chairman; Glen White, financial chairman; Bob Precious, alumni chairman; Mary Lee Mason, special drives chairman; and Mavis Kennedy, publicity chair- man. . Junior Girls' Project workers are assisting the Bomber Committee in presenting the dance. They are Jean Hotchkin, Nora McLaughlin, Betty Vaughn, Paula Brower, Joyce Siegan, and Tady Martz. To Be Semi-Formal By announcing the dahce as semi- formal, the Committee indicated that women are requested to wear eve- ning clothes while men may wear business suits. Corsages are pro- hibited, as is the usual University custom. Tickets will be on sale at the Union Desk from 9 to 11 a. m. Monday, from 11 a. in. to 12:15 p. .n Tues- day, from noon to 1 p. m. and from 5 to 7 p. m. Wednesday,. and from 10 a. m. to noon Friday. on graduation from the Army Flexi- ble Gunnery School at Tyndall Field, Florida. He is now stationed at Chatham Field, Georgia. hteI7e te Time was when residents of the West Quadrangle could dash through the passageway to the Union tap- room and have a coke without both- ering to dress in any more than shorts or pajamas. Then came the war and girl waitresses and after a few embar- rassing encounters taproom cus- tomers have learned to come fully clad. At least for the duration. When peacetime comes back to the campus men waiters will again take over the Union and coeds will be allowed to enter this den of masculinity only on rare occasions. A for-men-only atmosphere still prevails, however, despite the ap- pearance of a few hair ribbons and skirts and sweaters. The only women who are allowed to be served in the cafeteria or at the ,soda fountain are employes. Man-sized portions of food, including two rolls rather than one, are still a permanent part of the menu. Informality is the keynote of Union fun. Anyone is privileged to take over the piano and beat out a bit of boogey-woogey or a sym- phonic melody. Music is not loved by the customers alone. A skilled pianist who is preparing for his final recital in the School of Music may be seen behind the serving counter. A zoology major, skilled in dis- section, sees that the meat is carved properly. Everyone from football players to poets may be found taking their turns at the dish machine. Variety is also provided by 5' 3" "Shorty" of the serving counter, and 6'5" "Art" of the cashier's desk. Dean's Office Is Being Forced To Turn Down Fall Applicants The most acute housing shortage of recent years now faces University women, according to an announce- ment from the office of the Dean of Women which states that the office cannot assure any entering student of a room in a University approved residence. Women who do not have definite room arrangements for the coming fall term are not encouraged to en- roll in the University. "Never be- fore have we been forced to be so discouraging and we regret very much the necessity of being so now," said Miss Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women. "We always want to welcome to our great university all qualified students who choose it for their alma mater, but we do not feel that we can hold out unjustified hopes which might be disappointed when it would be too late for you to enter another college," the message continues. Cadet Nurses Included An enrollment increase of 650 wo- men is anticipated by the office. Four hundred of these will be regu- larly-enrolled students, and 150 will be holders of state scholarships which have been granted by the Re- gents of the University. Included in the increased enroll- ment is a group of 100 cadet nurses, who will receive their training here, under the sponsorship of the Fed- eral Government. Housing facilities for women are I being increased so far as possible, Miss Perry announced, with the con- version of many former fraternity houses into coed residences. Nearly all fraternity houses, with the excep- tion of Psi Upsilon, are being taken over by women, but these are already filled. Waiting lists, according to Miss Perry, are already too long. AJl Dorms Filled March 1 The housing situation has been made inelastic by t h e wartime proximity to an, industrial cen- ter. "In the past we were able," Miss Perry said, "whenever necessary to add to our list of ap- proved rooming houses. But Ann Arbor is a small city only nine miles from the Willow Run bomber plant and our local housing has been largely preempted by war workers, so that we can no longer expand our University housing at will." Local war industries have also caused an acute shortage of all kinds of help, the announcement con- tinued, so it is impossible to serve meals in the houses converted into auxiliary dormitories. Figures on the number of women turned away from the university be- cause of the housing shortage are unavailable. It is known that all University dormitories were filled by March 1. New Rations Valid WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-(IP)-- Sugar stamp No. 33 in war ration book four will be valid Sept. 1 for buying five pounds of sugar, the Office of Price Administration an- nounced today. Acute Housing Shortage Faces Even a Cute Freshman Coed I Lgagements Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Tarbell of Buffalo, N. Y., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Ruth, to Kenneth J. Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Norman of Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Tarbell is a student at the University and will be graduated in October. Mr. Norman is a student of the University of Syracuse. * * * The marriage of Leah Leonard Naugle of Lansing to Cpl. Carl George Heczko of Ironwood was an- nounced by her mother, Mrs. Leah L. Naugle of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania. The bride was graduated from Westminster College at New Wil- mington, Pennsylvania and received her M.A. degree in mathematics from the University in 1940. She was for- merly employed in the office of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Cpl. Heczko was graduated from the University School of Forestry and Conservation in 1942. He recently received his aerial gunners wings up- I i THE IUTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th tclrringj RALPH WILSON'S BAND It TO0R TO0 1I9 P L A 8 T I C C O M P A C T Tremendous compact - - tremendous hit -- - Light as a feather-- smart as a whip - - Loose powder type. $295 A r .~t~ iN 1 . N I Th ikIn9ghl 9all 7ermn4- £J.c y ,/YTe0.f" for fall and win er wear:. . ...... .. . in thep.. ne es s ad s. .::':. :":;i : rn /e SEMI-FORMAL £ea aue $2.00 PER COUPLE 8:30 - 11 :30 LI INoom0 I FRATERNITY MEN, OBTAIN TICKETS FROM YOUR PRESIDENTS NAVY MEN ATTENDING HAVE 12 O'CLOCK PERMISSION ... - - -"-a - - - Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. ManIn The Armed Forces -. s"."- SERVICE EDITION P t tI FI1t Itll ANN ARBOR, MICH SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 1944 BOW4N OT £LIP ERECTION of four new buildings and removal of several existing struc- tures are being planned by architectural firms select- ed by the Regents of the University as part of the University's post-war con- struction program. Re- placing University Hall will be a general service building on State 'Street adjacent to the north side of the Michigan Union. The Chemistry Building will be enlarged to extend almost to Barbour gym, thereby providing 70 per cent more space than at present. A new Business Administration Building will replace Tappan Hall and the Engineering Col- lege will be expanded. * * $ PRESENT WAR VET- ERANS made the news twice this week, once by being honored by service- men on campus at a dance Saturday night at the USO Club and again by form- ing the Veterans Organ- HARPO DOES A TRICK-Curly headed comedian Harpo Marx (right) does a card trick for songstress Georgia Gibbs as Gary Cooper (left) looks on with obvious disapproval at rehearsal of servicemen's show in Hollywood. One of our famous Hand took* slipsmin rich fullbodied BURMIL rayon crepe-beloved for their perfect fit, Machine stitched but with the tiniest stitches. in white or tearose-sizes 32 to 40. $ foy the kind efforts of the servicemen on campus for arranging a special veter- ans' dance at the US0." After official approval is end of the present term, Col. E. H. Young, com- mandant of the Army units at the University an- nounced Friday. 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