fifty-Fourth Year
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Edited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
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Entered at the Post Offied at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Axis Peace Feelers
SINCE indications of the crack-up in Germany
are slowly appearing, the Axis nations are
now more than ever losing faith in the world
power of Germany 'and are set to woo the
winning side. While Romania has not yet
been heard from to a great extent, Bulgaria
and Finland have been sending out peace feel-
ers recently.
Reports this week have Bulgaria alreadiy su-
ing for peace at the doorstep of the Allies al-
though Berlin was quick to deny the story.
The possibility of Balkan invasions would give
that country the .status of an enemy, an invaded
and war-torn land, and that combination is
hard to take.
In World War I, Bulgaria was the first of the
Central Powers to surrender. Her collapse on
Sept. 30, 1918 opened the way to the capitula-
tion of Germany. Once again Bulgaria is a
German ally and again is the weak point of the
Axis. While their surrender may' not mean,
the Nazis will give up in exactly two week's
time again, it does forecast the end.
Bulgaria was obviously sick of her bargain
with Hitler more than a year ago and has been
longing for a way out of it. Churchill in his
address last month summed up her plight
when he said that the Bulgars would accept
peace terms with gratitude, had not there
been a pistol at the nape of their neck. But
they may find it easier to get out now.
Mannerheim, the new head of the Finnish
government, may soon open negotiations with
Russia, as Moscow is reported receptive to fu-
ture offers. However militaristic and anti-com-
munistic he may be, he is likely to consider the
war lost. If he could get from out of Hitler's
dominance, it would. not be surprising to see
Mannerheim or his envoys in Moscow.
If these countries see their way toward sur-
rendering, the time is now for them, not at the
final collapse of all Europe. -Dorothy Potts
b. ai
f fI
Siamese Twins
Nazi Un-derground Planned.,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12-Diplomatic observ-
ers in London and Washington think they know
why Hitler is fighting on, despite the fact that
his armies are licked on every front.
Underground reports are that Hitler is now
laying plans through the Gestapo and the SchZ
tzstaffel for a German movement to continue
opposing the Allies subrosa after any armistice;
also to provide the groundwork for the rebirth
of a "greater Germany" after the war.
Another thing to remember is that Germany
now has more than a quarter of a million hunted
men inside its borders-men who the Allies know
are responsible for incredible atrocities, men
who are on the Allies' death list for punishment.
Throughout the war, the Russians, British, and
all the Allied governments-in-exile have been
compiling careful lists of Germans guilty of
atrocities. These lists have been compiled from
testimony of escaped refugees and of victims
in reoccupied territory.
As a result, these quarter of a million Ger-
mans know they must fight or die. So the
Gestapo is busy planting caches of light arms,
sub-machine guns, pistols and ammunition all
over Germany, buried underground where they
will be available for the hunted Nazi criminals.
NOTE-It is also reported inside the diplo-
matic corps that the Nazis have prepared print-
ing presses in these hide-outs to forge creden-
tials and documents so that escaped Nazis cart
take new names to avoid capture.
Ants and Fascists....
New York fascist Joseph McWilliams, now
on trial for sedition, was reading in the Library
of Congress the other day. When he left, a
clerk examined the books which McWilliams
had been studying. They were:
"Division of Labor Among Ants," by Edith
M. Buckingham.x
"The Social World of the Ants," by Aug-
uste Forel.
"Das Leben der Ameisen," by R. Brun.
"Studies on Ants and their Relation to
Aphids," by Charles Jones.
"Ants," by Bertelli Luigi.
"Darwin and After Darwin," by G. J. Ro-
NOTE-Why McWilliams was interested in
ants is his secret. The Department of Justice,
however, charges those on trial for sedition with
organizing cells and boring from within.
Dewey Supporter...
Governor Dewey garnered nationwide kudos
by abruptly overriding his Vice Presidential run-
ning mate and jumping on Gerald L. K. Smith.
Here's another embarrassing supporter, which
Dewey undoubtedly doesn't know about-name-
ly, the National Gentile League.
The Gentile League is headed by Donald Shea,
whom Lieut. Gen. Hugh Drulm has barred from
any area within the 100 miles of the Eastern
Just after Dewey's nomination, Shea wrote the
following letter to friends:
"Well, the Jews attempted to push Bricker
out of the picture and failed. But it required
fights in the hotel lobbies here to keep him in
the set-up and this guy (meaning himself)
was in there pitching hot balls for Bricker. A
toe-hold was better than no hold at all. But
watch Dewey's smoke when he gets in. Oh boy,
a Federal special will be loaded with crooks
for prison. Roosie (Roosevelt) is all washed up
and that's for sure. According to last dispatch
from Lieut. Gen. Drum, I am not allowed within
100 miles of Eastern Seaboard. But soon we
shall see. The Buncocrats' Convention is a farce
that's to start soon. Happy days will soon be
(Copyright, 1944; United Features Syndicate)
lelen tote 6k!
Veteran's Thanks ...
AS CHAIRMAN of the Veterans Organization
of the University of Michigan I have been
asked by our group to express our heart-felt
thanks to the service men on this campus for
the special veterans' dance at the USO.
It is very encouraging to find that service
men have made this magnanimous gesture of
good will. It is the first time within my
knowledge that a group of service men have
dedicated one of their social functions to the
returned veterans of this war. We certainly
appreciate their kindness and good spirit.
We only hope that through our organization
we shall be able to make their lot easier and
SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 1944 1
VOL. LIV No. 30-S1
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form1
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by1
11:30 a. m.
Varsity Glee Club: There will be
an important final meeting, Monday,
Aug. 14, 7 p.m. New songs.
David Mattern
Recommendations for bepartmen-
tal Honors: Teaching departments
wishing to recommend tentative Aug-
ust graduates from, the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts and
the School of Education for depart-
mental honors should send such
names to the Registrar's Office, Rm.
4, University Hall, by noon Aug. 30.
Recommendations for tenative Octo-
ber candidates should. be in the Reg-
istrar's Office by noon Oct. 25.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Music and Public Health: Ten-
tative lists of seniors for September
and October graduation including
candidates for the Certificate in
Public Health Nursing have been
posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4,
University Hall. If your name does
not appear, or, if included there, it is
not correctly spelled, please notify
the counter clerk.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Tuesday, Aug. 15: Professor Pres-
ton W. Slosson. "Interpreting the
News." 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
On Wednesday, Aug. 16, Dr. En-
rique Testa of Chile will speak on
"How Chile Strengthens the Inter-
American Front" at 8 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium. The public is cordially
On Monday, Aug. 21, Professor
Oscar Lange, University of Chicago,
will speak on "The Soviet Union in
World Politics" at 4:10 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The lecture
is open to the public free of charge.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students in Speech: All
students in Speech who expect to
receive advanced degrees in August
or October should come to the
Speech Office, 3211 Angell Hall,
some time before 4:30 p.m. Monday.
Demonstration Debate: The na-
tional high school debate question,
"Resolved, That the Legal Voting
Age Should be Lowered to 18 Years,"
will be the subject of a demonstra-
tion debate sponsored by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Conference in Radio: A conference
on the production, and direction of
radio will be held by Robert M.
Shayon, Producer-Director, Colum-
bia Broadcasting System, at 4 p.m.
Tuesday in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building un-
der the auspices of the Department
of Speech. The conference will be
open to the public.
Students in Speech: Robert Shay-
on, Producer - Director, Columbia
Broadcasting System, will speak at
the assembly of the Department of
Speech at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price
will devote his Sunday afternoon
carillon recital to the music of Bach
and Mozart. The program will be
given at 3 p.m.
Band Concert: Next Sunday eve-
ning, Aug. 20, at 7:30, the University'
Band, under the direction of Williamt
Revelli, will present an outdoor con- d
cert on the steps of the Rackhamd
Building. In case of rain, the concert I
will be given in Hill Auditorium. The T
public is cordially invited.f
Student Recital: On Tuesday eve- b
ning, Aug. 22, at 8:30, the School of i
Music will present a program of1
string quartet music, given by thev
students of Mr. Gilbert Ross's Stringa
Quartet Class. The program will in-t
lude chamber music by Mozart,n
Beethoven and Schubert. The public.
is cordially invited to attend thef
recital which will be given in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.F
General Library, Main Lobby. Mod-k
ern fine printing.1
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the PacificE
Area." (Animal Exhibits).t
Rackham Galleries: Original water
colors by Soviet children (50 pic-
tures), and Reproduction of Book
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir-
culated by the National Council oft
American - Soviet Friendship, NewI
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5,
and 7-10 p.m.
Clements Library: "Army News and
Views in Seven Wars." American
military publications, particularly of
the present war.
Architecture Building, First-floor
cases. Exhibitions of student work.-
Michigan Historical Collections:
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan in'
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the
.orthwest corner of the Rackham
Building for a hike. Total hiking
distance about ten miles. Bring your
lunch with you.
All graduate and professional stu-
dents and alumni are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Good Morning: What's good about
any morning that begins with get-
ting up? You might try Sunday
morning breakfast at the USO. Crisp
fried bacon, fresh country eggs from
somebody's back yard, golden brown
hot toast and all the Maxwell House
coffee you can drink. Could you ask
for more, if so let's have it. Breakfast
served from 10:30 till near noon. .
At 1 p.m. there is the weekly tour
of Willow Run: Only room for twelve
men to see the plant where those
B-24's are made. So sign up early, if
you want to go this Sunday.
Lions Club Picnic at 1 today: The
Lions had so much fun on the July
30 picnic, they want to repeat the
performance. Picnic and fun up at
North Lake. Sign up, and when you
do, tell us if you want swimming,
golf, ete., so we'll have the necessary
equipment all ready for your fun.
Arrangements will be made for those
men who can stay late for an extra
nine holes or fishing.
Those Men Are Here Again: The
ones who take your pictures for you
to send out in post card form. Nota
bene (or whatever it is) Sunday this
time, not Thursday.
We are preening with pride at our
spandy new record collection, and it
will be officially opened to use this
Sunday afternoon with a planned
record concert. Come to Open House
from 2:30 to 3;30 so- we can boast
about our collection and play you a
piece or few. (P.S. Pun).
'Coming Events
The Phi Sigma Society will have
Dr. William Hobbs, Professor emeri-
tus in Geology, as their speaker on
Wednesday evening, Aug. 16, at 8
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited to Dr.
Hobbs' lecture entitled "The Fortress
Islands of the Pacific." There will be
a business meeting of the Phi Sigma
Society immediately following the
French Tea: Tuesday, Aug. 15 at
4 p.m. in the Grill Room of the
Michigan League. ,
Sociedad Hispanica: The program
of the club for the coming week is as,
follows: Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in
the League, a talk by Dr. Gabriel
Atristain of Mexico City, "Tipos Po-
pulares del Mexico de Antano y del
Hogano," and colored' films of Mex-
ico and Cuba presented by Mr. Glenn
D. Curtis of Detroit; Tuesday and
Wednesday in the League Grill Room
at 4 p.m. and Thursday in the Inter-
national Center at 4:15 p.m., conver-
sation hours designed to give an
opportunity for informal practice of
the language to students of Spanish.
All meetings of the club are open to
the public.
OUR INTEREST in the French and
their confusion plunges us into
deep questions about life itself. How
does man get himself into such con-
trary currents of human experience?
The religious implications are signi-
ficant. "Religion is the vision of
something which stands beyond, be-
hind and within the passing flux' of
immediate things." (Whitehead).
Many grant this academically who
will not struggle to make that vision
actual. That something which stands
there is God, but God is actualized,
made a fact for me, only when I be-
have as though I were an atom in
His entirety.
In other words, a man becomes a
part. of this "something standing be-
hind or living within" only by
prayer and practice. (1) In the
dominating wish to have it so and to
be a part of this Something the man
in part partakes. He identifies him-
self emotionally with God. (2) In
practice he extends that wish and
emotional appreciation into the so-
cial fabric. Thus his behavior ceases
to be entirely his own and becomes
a part' of God's behavior. Theology
talks about living out the intention
of God.
It is the high office of the home
to teach this significant truth. It
is in marriage that man and woman
most perfectly learn mutual support,
arrive at complete understanding
and become aware of the responsibi-
lities which emerge. The self-giv-
ing of marriage, when. understood
religiously, dramatizes on the human
level the God-man relation. The hu-
man life may be thought of as hori-
zontal while the religious plane is
perpendicular. Children complete the
dramatization. Two parents, in aim,
in planning, and in performance for
the child in some measure introduce
the ethical reach of society. But in
a way the family is a poor example
of the God-man relation and of the
man-to-man society, just because the
man-woman element is present. The
love item while vital to the "In
Group" and necessary to the race,
cannot serve in the wider commun-
ity. Religion is a universalizing of
the man-to-man relation quite be-
yond such a context. The stern de-
mands of social justice for the
stranger, of fair dealing even for the
criminal, and the very idea bound
up in human rights must become
religious. This is the meaning of
religion, - actually to "go through
again in thought". When one can
see, and feel, the relation between
the final act and the initial cause he
is religious.
It is the work of an education
which is religious to so sensitize man-
kind that at every stage of progress
each will be sympathetic to the needs
of all, and the all (that is the fam-
ily, the neighborhood, the state, te
international organization) will ap-
ply its highest wisdom and expend
its power for the most insignificant,
as well as for the most worthy citi-
zen. Such a view is Religion's vision
and peace.
Edward W. Blakeman.
Counselor in Religious Education
Department will speak on "Engin-
eering in South America." All mem-
bers, prospective members and others
interested in this topic are urged to
attend. Final list of Navy members
of A.S.C.E. will be made following
this meeting, 7:30, Wednesday, Aug.
-16, at the Union.
"The Chocolate Soldier," an oper-
etta by Oscar Straus and Stanislaus
Stange, will be presented Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
Monday evenings, Aug. 16, 17, 18, 19,
and 21. The School of Music will
collaborate with the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players in this production.
Performances will bein at 8:30 p.m.,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets on sale in the theatre box
office. Box office hours: Monday and
Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., for the
balance of the week, 10 a.m. to 8:30
French Club: The last meeting of
the club will take place Thursday,
Aug. 17, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Mr. Sami Turan, Grad., will
speak on "La vie des etudiants pari-
siens." Group singing and social
hour. All students, servicemen and
faculty people interested are cor-
dially invited.
The Lutheran Student AssociatIon
will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall this Sunday afternoon at 4:30.
Miss Ching-Wen Hu will be the
speaker. Supper will be served at 6.
Both Zion and Trinity Lutheran
Churches will have worship services
at 10:30 Sunday morning. Service-
men and students are urged to at-
tend these services.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11 a.m., with the sermon by the
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Taking Fare-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will meet at the Center Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 for planned out-
door recreation, to be followed by
Poin ted
SENATE PASSAGE of the George "state's
rights" reconversion bill hits hope for post-
war security and rapid reconversion right be-
tween the eyes.
The George bill leaves the fixing of unem-
vloyment compensation rates to the states.
Median state rates provide $15 a week maxi-
mum compensation, while the alternative
Kilgore-Murray bill, turned down by the
same coalition of Republicans and Southern
Democrats who passed the George bill and
last spring spiked the federal soldier vote bill,
provided originally for $35 a week maximum
unemployment benefits.
Few people will deny that after the war, we
need extensive plans for unemployment compen-
sation, although it is to be hoped that the
number of unemployed will not be so large as
to require a broad compensation, program.
While the sweeping provisions of the Mur-
ray-Kilgore bill undoubtedly terrified the
speed their return to civilian life
sity studies. -Laszlo
and univer-
J. Heteny
By Crockett Johnson
Barnaby IS bringing his Fairy Godfather and the
King of the Sea to dinner. . . You'll see I'm right-
Nonsense. Here
- comes Barnaby-
I don't see that Pixey with
him, do you, Jane?... Nor-
Mr. Jones,the King of the Sea, wouldn't
come to dinner when I told him we were
having fish....So Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy
Godfather, took him to a hot dog stand-
-You see? They WERE
coming. I was right-
1eyky 944 PFold Pbl~ifitii-
That Davy Jones! Wouldn't give me
any information about the pirate
..- A f ... I ....J -..J...
Nonsense.. He admitted he had
a complete file on all treasures.
Saida ;sconfdntal. As
And as if I need Davy prattling away
with a lot of advice! There's been too
,muc, aka lrerad yabo uteo urrsurA
It won't be TOO dark... The
newsreel people I've invited
fi t,,e f Aramati, cevent