it . &wn 4 WEATHER Fair, continued warm, mild wind. VOL. LIV No. 28-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, AUG. 11, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Yank Columns Plunge Toward Chartres; .. ,,. ;: .,, .,. ds .se q. i =a >:= . . Allies Bomb jap Air Fields in Philipp lines FDR, MacArthur Plan Final Japanese Defeat Admiral Nimitz, High Ranking Officers Take Part in Recent Discussions By The Associated Press HONOLULU, July 29 (delayed)-President Roosevelt and Gen. Douglas MacArthur mapped plans for smashing the Japanese into unconditional surrender at an historic three-day strategy conference here under the, gently waving palms of Waikiki Beach. It was the President's first war-time conference with the Southwest Pacific Commander, whom he greeted with a cordial "It's good to see you, Doug,#' and together they went over every phase of the far-flung offensive in the west. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Pacific fleet commander, and other top- ranking officers took part in the discussions, which ended today and which were interlarded by a series of in-O- spection trips that took Mr. Roosevelt to many parts of this bristling fort- ress island. The President arrived three days ago, on July 26, aboard a new super cruiser. He left the marine base at San Diego, Calif., amid the utmost LONDON, Aug.. 11, Friday- (R)-Shooting broke out in East Prussia, West Prussia and the Danzig area when Nazi SS Elite guardsmen attempted to arrest German army officers, the Moscow radio said early today. "Many SS men were killed," the Moscow account recorded here by Reuters, said. secrecy, shortly after his radio speech of July 20 accepting a fourth term nomination. He said he will report to the na- tion at some future date on his trip to the Pacific, which brought him into Pearl Harbor ten years to the day from the time of his last visit. Franeavilla Is Captured by. Poles, Italians By The Associated Press ROME, Aug. 10-Polish and Italian troops attacked the Germans in the Adriatic sector of the Italian front today, quickly captured Francavilla and tonight were nearing the Cesano river, 40 miles .below Rimini. In the Allied-held southern section of Florence, Canadian troops, helped by 250 Italian patriots, cleaned up hostile Fascist pockets and lashed out at snipers. The Vatican made arrangements to send food and water to the popula- tion of Florence, caught between the Allied and German armies. The Polish-Italian drive in the east was headed toward the line of the Misa River and toward Rimini, Adriatic city of about 30,000, 69 miles southeast of Bologna. Allied headquarters said the Ger- mans had withdrawn their matn force in the Arno River bend east of Florence, leaving the Allies in pos- session of all high ground in that sector. Only minor operations were reported on the Fifth and Eighth army fronts, where Allied troops pre- sumably were resting preparatory to an assault against the German Goth- ic line. Polish Premier Leaves Russia Mikolajczyk Must Unite Two Rival Regimes MOSCOW, Aug. 10.-(P)-Premier Stanislaw Mikolajczyk sped back to- ward London tonight shouldered with the responsibility of trying to weld two rival Polish regimes into one strong, independent government. Foreign observers, eager for a so- lution to the Polish question now that liberation seems- near, noted these two developments bearing upon differences between the government- .Aircraft Cut Is Ordered By Government Production Change to Affect 20,000 Workers By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-A sweep- ing aircraft cutback, affecting Liber- ator bombers, Commando transports and Thunderbolt fighters, was order- ed by the war department tonight to clear the way for the huge new B-29 and B-32 Superbombers and to re- lease workers for more critical jobs.- Twenty thousand workers will be affected immediately and an estimat- ed 100,000 more will be laid off by the end of this year, said the an- nouncement released by the office of war information. The Higgins Industries of New Or. leans, which lost their Liberty Ship contract in 1942 before a ship was built, was cut entirely from produc- tion of the C-46 Commando trans- port before a plane was completed. will continue, and about half the Higgins' suacontract work on planes 6,300 workers may be retained. Cutbacks after the first of the year will take place in Commando plane production at Buffalo, St. Louis and Louisville, Ky., but until that time, expanding schedules are to be met. Production of the Liberator will be reduced at Ford's great Willow Run plant and at the Consolidated- Vultee Aircraft Corporation in San Diego. A reduction of presently unknown depth will be made in the sub-con- tract' work for the P-47 Thunder- bolt fighters done by Goodyear at Akron, Ohio, OWI said. Fresh Fields' To le Staged Agrain Tonight Maida Ruth Steinberg plays one of the leading roles in "Fresh Fields," Ivor Novello's comedy, which will be presented at 8:30 p. m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mary Jordan is cast as Lady Lilian, Don Mullin portrays Tim, and Geor- Raid First Since Fall Of Islands Liberators Hit Jap Airstrip at Davao By The Associated Press GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Friday, Aug. 11-Allied aircraft have bombed Jap- anese airdromes at Davao, on Minda- nao island in the Southern Philip- pines, headquarters announced to- day. This was the first bombing of the Philippines since the fall of Corregi- dor 27 months ago. Liberators hit the Nipponese air- strips at Davao on three success- sive nights, ending the night of Aug. 8-9, the announcement said. Mindanao, the main southern island of the Philippines, is within bombing range of newly-acquired American bases in the Schouten Islands, off northern Dutch New Guinea. It is little over 600 miles north of the latest American beach- head at Sansapor, on the extreme tip of New Guinea. All enemy resistance had ended along the bitterly-contested Driniu- mor River battle front in British New Guinea. Japanese casualties in this area were estimated at 18,000 during bitter fighting which began July 12 with Nipponese attempts to break Allied encirclement. The effectiveness of tifle Japa- nese 18th Imperial army has been "destroyed," the announcement said. F Remnants of the 18th army, once estimated at 60,000 men, were trap- ped by American landings at Aitape last April. Jungle rigors and disease cost the enemy at least an estimat- ed 15,000 men before Gen. Hatazo Adachi's survivors began their break- though attempts. Yanks Bomb Jap Industries By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 - The Superfortresses of America's 20th bomber command, lashing at the vitals of Japan's war machine, struck simultaneously today at targets 3,500 miles apart-the enemy homeland port and industrial center of Naga- saki and the great oil refining area of Palembang on the island of Su- matra. The targets of this strategic mis- sion of huge scope are among the most important in enemy territory. The Pladjoe oil refinery at Palem- bang is the largest in the Orient, and is believed to have been operating at or near its prewar capacity of 18,- 000,000 barrels of crude a year. It is an important source of aviation gasoline. Yank Submarines Rip Jap Shipping WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-(IP)- American submarines have ripped another big gap in Japanese ship- ping lines, destroying an enemy war- ship and 15 merchant vessels on their latest forays into Nipponese waters. The sinkings, reported by the Navy today, brought to 839 the number of Japanese craft sunk, probably sunk or damaged by the submersibles. -Daily Photo by John Horeth CALLED A DISGRACE TO MICHIGAN-A candid shot of part of the camnpus in front of the library gives some reason why visitors to the campus have left with a bad impression. Campus organizations -The Women's War Council and the Michigan Union-are planning a "clean up" program and urge "every student to make sure he is not responsible for littering the campus with refuse." They ask is this the campus beautiful?I FOURTH STATE CENTER: Rapid Cure for Venereal Disease Offered to Patients Ann Arbor's second Rapid Treat- ment Center for the cure of venereal disease was formally opened yester- day making available to indigent patients the new fast cure of from seven days to two weeks. This Rapid Treatment Center, one of four in the state, and the only one under the direction of the state Board of Health, will introduce ,methods of treatment which will shorten the period of venereal di- sease treatment. It is also hoped that with the experience gained at the Center, the incidence of the di- sease will be cut down. Speakers during the opening as- sembly included Dr. William De- Kleine, state health commissioner, and Col. Udo J. Wile, consultant at the Center, and in charge of all venereal disease work for the United State Public Health Service. Col. Wile is on leave from the University. Approximatelyv150 doctors and nurses from all over the state attend- ed yesterday's meetings and were shown about the Center. The capa- city of the clinic is from 100 to 125 patients, though at present only 57 are being cared for because of the nurse shortage. It will be operated for indigent patients only and will be supported by federal funds for the duration. Dr. DeKleine explained that the prime purpose of the center is to prevent the spread of venereal di- sease which medical science is just beginning to harness. He added the hope that operations of the center will prove valuable enough for the state to support it after federal funds run out after the war. Dr. Noble Guthrie, acting director of the Bureau of Venereal Disease in the State Health Department and Dr. Nelson W. Ryan, medical officer in charge of the center also spoke at the assembly yesterday. The treatment which will .be used at the center will mean that syphil- lis patients can be cured in two weeks. Those suffering from gonorr- hea -can now be cured in seven to 10 days. U.S. Loss in Guam Conquest Is Set at 7,247 PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 10.-()- The reconauest of Guam cost 7,247 American casualties, of whom 1,214 were killed in action, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced in a communi- que today. Nimitz said 10,971 Japanese dead have been counted on Guam. This brings to 37,551 the total Nipponese killed in ground fighting during the Marianas campaign. Earlier, Nimitz announced that the last organized resistance on Guam was wiped out yesterday. The finale came after a 20-day battle, and the Nipponese were overcome without being able to try a final suicidal counterattack which has marked such battles as Saip an. The Pacific commander reported that 5,704 Americans were wounded and 329 missing during the cam- paign on Guam. Less than half the losses on Saipan, although the new- ly-conquered area. is three times as large as the first captured Marianas island. On Saipan, the American casual- ties were 3,049 killed, 13,049 wound- ed and 365 missing. Russians Gain On All Fronts East Prussia Periled By Pincer Movement By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 11, Friday-Rus- sian troops, attacking a bitterly- resisting enemy near the Niemen River in Lithuania, yesterday drove another spearhead to within 11 miles of the German East Prussian border. while other Red Army units far tc the southcrossed the historic Narew River in a gigantic pincers move on that imperilled Nazi province. Reds Outnumber Nazis Berlin said a battle of "very great proportions" was raging on the East Prussian front, and again declared that the reinforced German armies were "greatly outnumbered" by thi Russian legions. Of equal gravity to the Germans was the Soviet extension of a huge Red Army bridgehead across the Vistula River south of Warsaw. Mos- cow's communique announced the cutting of the Sandomierz-Kielce highway with the capture of Lagow 20 miles east of Kielce, and 30 miler beyond the Vistula-last Axis water barrier before Germany itself. 60 Towns Are Seized With the seizure of 60 more locali- ties in this key area the Russians now occupy nearly 1,500 square miles of territory beyond the Vistula and are within 75 miles of German Sile- sia. They are threatening to collapse the enemy communications network between besieged Warsaw and Kra- kow, German-held bastion in south- ern Poland, while other Red armies clean out a. big area northeast of Warsaw, between the Polish capital and the southern side of the East Prussian border. Opatow, junction town midway be- tween Kielce and Sandonierz, also was threatened by Russians columns which seized Modliborzyce. Transit Guard Is Cut in Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11, Friday -(A)-The Army announced early today that some of the armtd guards would be removed immediately from properties and vehicles of the seized Philadelphia Transportation Com- pany. Doughboys Veer South To Orleans Battle For Paris Is On, Nazis Report WAR NEWS AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press France-Battle for Paris has be- gun. Bradley's forces veer off toward Orleans. Another column rolling toward Tours and one tow- ard Chartres. Aerial warfare con- tinues. Pacific-Superfortresses strike at Japan and Sumatra. Last organ- ized resistance on Guam wiped out. Roosevelt and MacArthur meet in Honolulu. Allies bomb Jap air- dromes on Mindanao in southern Philippines. Russia - Reds drve forward against bitterly resisting enemy in Lithuania. Also extend bridgehead across Vistula river south of War- saw. Italy-Polish and Americans at- tack Germans in Adriatic sector. By The Associated Press SHAEF, Friday, Aug. 11-Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, whose armored columns were striking toward Char- tres and the last 50-mile defense zone west of Paris, suddenly sent one force veering off in the direction of Orleans early today, threatening to flank the French capital from the south. "The battle for Paris has begun," German broadcasts declared as the. Swift-moving Allied forces rolled toward the historic city's outer de- fense lines. Nearing Orleans (NBC reporter David Anderson, broadcasting from a rolling Allied transmitter in France, said the drive already had reached within 30 miles of Orleans with the "Americans at this moment" attacking Chateaudun, 70 miles from Paris.) Yet a third American column was believed rolling south toward Tours, 18 miles southeast of Le Mans on the Loire River, possibly in support of ,ther forces which have stabbed hrough mine-fields and thin resist- unce to Nantes and Angers, farther iownstream on the Loire. Penetrate Chartres Defenses The columns pressing due east toward Paris were deep into the "hartres defense zone, which guards the last 50 miles to the capital. There still was no evidence that Lt. Gen. Bradley's forces had met re- ,istance, or that the Germans were intending to put up any sort of a tand on the north bank of the Loire, earring the way to southern France In the drive on Orleans, the Amer- cans were heading for the gap be- tween the Seine and Loire rivers south of the capital, possibly in an attempt to head off ten German divisions re- aorted fleeing northward from south- west France. WLB Orders Workers Back At Chevrolet WASHINGTON, Aug. 10-(P)--The War Labor Board (WLB), sharply critical of a strike of 7,000 war work- ers over the dismissal of seven, to- night ordered a four-day walkout at the Chevrolet plant in Detroit ended immediately so production of vitally- needed aircraft engines, heavy trucks and tanks can be resumed. Walter P. Reuther, international vice president of the United Auto- mobile Workers, said he would fly to Detroit promptly, and arrange a mass meeting in the Cass High School Friday at 7 p. m. in an effort RESISTANCE WIPED OUT: Japanese Run for Lives on Guam PEARL HARBOR, Aug. .- The American reconquest of Guam American marines and infantry were engaged in mopping up small enemy groups that had fled into the anas to be conquered, where the Japanese fought to the last, exact- ing the highest American casual-