PAGE o THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tu Architects Chosen To Plan University Building Expt JRSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1944 Ansion C I& ti t" 8 1 t] c F t c It e b c A t F s r Slonirnsky To Discuss Soviet Russiani M usice iModern Trends To Be Illustrated on Piano Professor Nicolas Slonimsky of Cornell University, composer, pianist, writer and critic, will present a lec- ture and recital illustrating modern' trends in Soviet Russian music at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Recognized as an outstanding au- thority on the musical background, composers and works of his country, Prof. Slonimsky will demonstrate his talk on the piano. A well-known composer himself, he has had his "Suite in Black and White" and sev- eral violin and piano works played by such artists as Jascha Heifetz, George Copeland and Roland Hayes.' Assisted Koussevitzky Prof. Slonimsky, who came to America in 1923, was a student at the St. Petersburg Conservatory in Russia. He taught at the Eastman School of Music and later became secretary and musical assistant to Serge Koussevitzky, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. In 1931 Mr. Slonimsky conducted a program of modern music, a field in which he particularly distinguished him- self, in Havana and New York. As a pianist, he made a concert tour of Europe and South America. Prof. Slonimsky is the author of an encyclopedic survey, "Music Since 1900," as well as many articles on musical subjects in leading maga- zines and newspapers. Lecture at Rackham To discuss and illustrate modern Russian music Prof. Slonimsky will meet students informally at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the assembly hall in Rackham. Students who wish to ask questions and talk with him are in- vited to attend. This lecture is one of the Univer- sity Summer Session's series of Rus- sian films, lectures and exhibitions, * * * Film on Maxim Gorky's Childhood Will Be Shown LIVES IN TRAILER: Eisenhower's Headquarters Is Transferred to Normandy By HOWARD COWAN Associated Press Correspondent utive of New York City, sleeps GEN. EISENHOWER'S ADVANCE tent a few yards away. COMMAND POST in Normandy, He was awakened late the o Aug. 9.-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, night by thunder from a nei Supreme Commander of Allied For- ack-ack battery. Scrambling ou ces, has established his headquarters his bedroll to make for a fox on the continent in order to main- Butcher tripped over a" washst tain the closest possible contact with grunted and sent pans clatterin the Allies' fast rolling offensive a- the ground. gainst the German Army. "Halt!" roared an MP. The Supreme Command Head- "I crawled back into my tent quarters Unit, it was announced to- got back into bed," Butcher grin night, was moved to Normandy by It wasn't a raid. Just a false al air during the past few days. Offi- cers and enlisted personnel-includ- ing WACs-are living in tents in a camouflaged area under constant pa- trol by heavily armed military police. an Sees Bradley, Montgomery The general is situated near an . airfield from which he makes speedy trips daily for personal conferences with Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgom- Charles B. Shaw, Librarian ery, and Lt.-Gen. Omar N. Bradley. Swarthmore College, will deliver Yesterday he saw his British and last two lectures in his series "Se .American field commanders, both of Things in Print" at 8:15 p.m. ti whom were able to give highly fav-andtomorrowite8Rackhm orable reports on the progress of the tomrr. renewed drive from Caen and the phitheate. tank smash on the western and sou- L Presented by the Departmen then eds f te fr-fungAlledLibrary Science and the Sun them ends of the far-flung Allied Session, Shaw's topic today wi Instantaneous telephone commun- "Type for Display," a technical ication with Supreme Headquarters sentation of the various uses of in London is available from the Gen- in advertising and allied f eral's trailer-living quarters which "Printers' Pleasantries," to be is under 24-hour guard by an MP cussed tomorrow is especially who squats in a dugout behind a ma- signed for the layman with or chinegun. curiousity interest in type. The 'Ike' Closely Guarded ture will consist of a humorou The general's guardians are taking rrt of misprin s hoaxes, par no chances on his safety. Shaw has served as visiting pr Eisenhower's aide, Commander sor in the library science depart Harry C. Butcher, former CBS exec- for several Summer Sessions it GUAM NATIVES MAKE OWN FLAGS WHILE JAP PRISONERS-Little Guam natives hold flags their mothers made from dress parts while prisoners of the Japs. When American planes began bombing Guam, preliminary to landings, they waved flags at U. S. pilots. One flag has nine stripes and 12 stars, other nine stripes and 44 stars. RELIGIOUS COUNSELORS: Former Students Now AAF Chaplains Return to America News from two formerhUniversity, graduates who became chaplains in the army was received this week with one man's experiences appearing in the new issue of the magazine Time. Jule Ayers, '33, was at one time a chaplain with the Army Air Force and is now back at a pastorate in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Interested In Religious Ties A letter quoted him as being "in- terested in the ties that united the Catholics, Protestant and Jews spir- itually rather than the influences which divide them . . . knows the enthusiastic response to dynamic re- ligion in the Army." While at the University, Ayers was president of the Lane Hall religious organization, a Fresh Air Camp coun- selor, took part in debate activities and was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda. Shilling Visits Campus A recent visitor to the campus was Capt. John Shilling who saw 15 months service in the South Pacific Rev. Tanner To Speak Today The Rev. Paul Tanner, head of the youth department in the Catholic Welfare Conference, will address students and townspeople on "The Church in Post-War Reconstruction" at 8:15 p. m. today in the Rackham amphitheatre. Sponsored by the Student Reli- gious Association, his talk is the first to be held by the Lane Hall organ- ization this summer. The attitude of the church toward general prob- lems to be faced after the war and the effect which they will have upon the activities and success of organ- ized religion will be discussed. Following the lecture, a reception will be held for Father Tanner at Lane Hall and the audience is in- vitedto attend. Finland . (Continued from Page 1) which precipitated Ryti's resigna- tion. Such prominent leaders as Paasi- kivi and EEro Vuori, Chief of the Finnish Trades Unions, remained temporarily in the background. Vuori often has been mentioned for the premiership. Hannerheim himself perhaps will hold the presidency only on a stop- gap basis. He did not want to get back into politics. Only widespread demand forced him to make the mrove, since he was the only man whose leadership could swing a change in Finland's policy without endangering a civil war. Once an armistice is made he probably will retire. Defense Attacks Sigler in Legislative Graft Trials MASON, Mich., Aug. 9.-(P)-De- fense attorneys in the legislative graft trial concentrated their fire upon Special Prosecutor Kim Sigler -- +i.. n-~m.-rCha+ na.T ai _. as an AAF chaplain and is now at a Connecticut base. A University grad- uate, he was associated with the Y.M.C.A. and Detroit organizations. He received attention when an Associated Press photo appeared in newspapers showing his chaplain's tent on a Pacific island with such services as "baseball, library and conferences" listed. Puerto Ricans Want Statehood Dominion Status Said To Be Acceptable "Although a majority of the people in Puerto Rico want to remain an- nexed to the United States, they would like to see the country either admitted into the Union as a state or given a status similar to that of the nations in the British Common- wealth," Miss Elba Molina of Puerto Rico said yesterday at a lecture. Miss Molina stated that she be- lieved that Puerto Rico should be authorized to make commercial trea- ties with other nations as lIng as "they are in compliance with the laws of the United States." Challenging Miss Molina's state- ment that the majority of the Puerto Ricans want statehood, Dr. Sergio Pena of Puerto Rico and a graduate student in the School of Public Health, said: "If the United States Government would grant statehood to Puerto Rico, few of the people would turn it down. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Puerto Ricans are staunch advocators of a com- plete sovereign government." Miss Molina stated that the Uni- versity of Puerto Rico has estab- lished a center for the foreign ex- change of educational and academic ideas and for the promotion of mu- tual understanding among the coun- tries of Pan-America. .Describing the war situation, she said that 90 per cent of the single men are now in military service. "When the draft law was passed in 1940, the Puerto Ricans responded immediately to the requirements of the war and the country's allotment was completely filled by voluntary enlistment," she added. WACs To Go to France LONDON, Aug. 9.- (A')- Three thousand of the 6,500 WACs in the European theatre of U.S. Army op- erations will be moved to France, following 300 already there. Speeches Given At Percy Jones By U' Students The first in a series of discussion programs to be presented by the De-' partment of Speech at Percy Jones General Hospital in Battle Creek in connection with the Army Orienta- tion Program was given yesterday by Joyce M. Siegan, '46, and Julia J. Neely, Grad. This series of programs ha been arranged by Professor Kenneth G. Hanceof the Department of Speech at the request of Professor Howard Y. McClusky, Assistant to the Vice- President in Charge of University Relations, in the Field of Adult Ed- ucation, for the purpose of giving convalescents at Percy Jones Hospi- tal the opportunity to hear discus- sions of important issues of the day and to participate in them. United States international policy at the close of the war was discussed yesterday, first by the speakers and then in a general question and answer period. Theisolationist view- point was presented by Mrs. Neely, an instructor in Southern Illinois Teachers College, Carbondale, Illi- nois, and the question of participa- tion in an international organization was undertaken by Miss Siegan, who received the Eleanor Clay Ford Award in debating for 1943-44. Auto Looters Are Arrested Ann Arbor police yesterday held Isaac Williamson, 18, of Willow Vil- lage, and Bartley Gorman, 21, of Belleville, who admitted looting ear- lier in the day 10 to 15 cars parked near Stockwell Hall. The youths, stopped yesterday when they were seen driving near the Municipal Golf Course without lights, were arrested when officers found the rear of the vehicle owned by Gorman loaded with articles varying from tires to golf clubs. With some merchandise yet to be identified, police have located about ten of the owners of the goods. Grad- uate students were among persons identifying merchandise. Former Grid Star Visits City on Leave from Navy Lt. Hugh E. Wilson, University football star guard in 1920 and 1921 f and former Ann Arbor resident, is home on leave from the Naval Sup- ply Office in Philadelphia before leaving for active duty in the Pacific area. Lt. Wilson, known to football fans as "Gob" Wilson, won his nickname during World War I in the Navy. Blakeman Will Speak at Hillel Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer- sity religious counselor, will address the congregation at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation on "A High Reli- gion 4dnd a Low" at religious servi- ces which begin at 7:45 p.m. tomor- row in the Foundation chapel. As part of the Summer Session The services, to be conducted by brary of Congress in Washington regular series of films, lectures and Harvey Weisberg, A-S, will be fol- will give the last in a series of talks exhibits on Soviet Russia, the film lowed by a social hour during which on China and Chinese civilization "Childhood of Maxim Gorky," will be special refreshments, prepared by at 4:10 p. m. today in the Rackham "Chidhod ofMaxm Goky, wil beHillel senior hostesses, will be served. Amphitheatre. shown at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow and Students, servicemen and towns- "China Today and Tomorrow" is Saturday in the Rackham Lecture people are welcome to attend the ser- the topic for the lecture which is Hall. vices and social hour. open to the general public. THE CA NDID CAMERA COLUMN OF POLITICAL NEWS AND COMMENT M.ERRY-GO- ROUlND -I ' ~ I'l'p. ___- A ' I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) im Gorky." Aug. 11 and 12, 8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Phi Delta Kappa dinner Friday night at 6:30 in the Michigan Union Cafeteria reserved room. Initiation of new members at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. vide special refreshments during the following social hour. All Alpha Kappa Alpha Women are invited to attend a tea in the East Conference Room of the Horace Rackham Building on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Company G and the Judge Advo- cates are invited to attend a dance at Jordan Hall from R:30 to 11 F OR a clear and convincing picture of the course of national and foreign affairs, look to The Wash- ington Merry-Go-Round. You'll And in this column of report, interpretation and character-sketch the salient and simply put and authentic facts you want to know-and, in these days, need to know. You'll find out who's who back of the ballyhoo, the influ- ences underlying issues, previews of news in the making, diagnoses of developments. The Washington Merry-Go-Round appears Im r l r~~!'1t PEDAR qC)M