.PAGE TWO THE MICHIfGAN DAILY VVEDNIESDAY, AUGUST - 9, 1914 ?AGR TWO WEDNESDAYS AUGUST 9, 1944 ___________________________________________________________ I I Fifty-Fourth Year THE PENDULUM: Failures of Secondary Education Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koff man Stan Wallace hank- Mantho iee Amer Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor . . . . Sports Editor By BERNARD ROSENBERG W ELL OVER ninety per cent of our citizenry never receive more than, if as much as, a complete sec- ondary education. It would then seem apparent that the high schools of America deserve our closest scru- tiny and our most solicitous care. They have had neither. Most of the learned disputes en- gaged in by educators are concerned with university curricula, the pur- poses of "higher" education, or kin- dergarten methodology. These are worthy questions to discuss, but their bulk is incommensurate with their value. This is true because our coun- try is not ruled by an intellectual aristocracy. Every grade school graduate who exercises his fran- chise is a part of the government. The least schooled individual is as powerful politically as the most schooled individual. It thus becomes obvious that the high school, by virtue of its mass productivity and the strength of that mass in a democracy, merits. much closer attention than it has hereto- fore received Concentration upon this area of education is all the more important because it is in the 'teen ages that most people form their life-long points of view. It is my opinion that if the reac- tion is normal, the present system will continually work to the detri- ment of the society it helps create. I THESE schools are the slipshod breeding grounds for callousness and materialism of a sort that would have made Niccolo Machiavelli clap his hands with joy. No one could doubt this who has seen the way in which democracy is preached one moment and disallowed the next; or the sickening passivity accorded our loft of ideals; the subordination of knowledge to marks, of wisdom to misleading manifestations of it; the presence of intellectually under- nourished teachers; and the "noth- ing sacred" attitude all that engend- ers in young minds. Much has been said in recent years against the elective system. American colleges should return to a less flexible curriculum in the liberal arts according to critics of the Hutchins-Adler stamp. They say students are not able to choose. the subjects most needed. This is certainly true in many cases. How can a student select the correct courses for himself, when as most unhappy freshman English in- structors have learned he is ex- ceptional indeed if he knows how to read! The deplorable fact is that most entering freshmen are illiterate. Im- mense cobwebs of infantile misirifor- mation have to 'be cleared away be- fore the educational process can begin in college. The marking system, bad any- where, is especially disadvantageous Business Staff Business Manager in secondary education. (It may be noted, by the way, that this univer- sity once abandoned that system-- and unfortunately resumed it years later.) Marks are to the young: per- son what money is to the adult: a false standard of success. How suc- cess of this sort is attained we do not much care. Stan Wallace some Sundays ago, wrote with alarm about the increase of cheating on campus. I am sure its in picayunish next to what goes on in the average high school. A FEW years ago, when most of of us were being innocently victim- ized "Scholastic" magazine-the of- ficial high school publication report- ed that less than nine per cent of the pupils of the United States, by their own admission, felt any qualms about cheating. That is to °say, the means of succeeding scholastically count for nought with these youngsters. Yet how many of us were forced to hear pedagogical piffle about hon- esty being the best policy! Upon graduation from high school, the ma- jority of young people step into adult life. Can you imagine what would happen 'if they transferred the val- ues they were taught in school to the remainder of their lives? Too often they do, and values are set up in di- rect contradication to the ones we claim are American. Any bill of particulars against secondary schools would take hours to recite. For instance, there is a subergence of the supernormal and a neglect of the subnormal child under a system that recognizes the necessity for segregation along- these lines,'but does next to noth- ing about it. Telephone 23-24-1 DEPPE99NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI.ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADitom AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGOQ . BOSTON" LOS ANORLIS SAN FRANCISCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as vecond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Post-War News WITH the ultimate outcome of the war in sight, an extensive plan for the free flow of foreign news after the war should be formulated by the Allied Nations. A good start along this road has already been imade by the European Advisory Council which is considering a draft for the free transmission' of news in Germany after the war. This is ample evidence that the Allies realize the importance of keeping the world informed on the important issues which will arise in the post-war era. A proposal for a free channel of foreign news should include two obligations. First, provision should be made for the rapid and inexpensive transmission of news through a world communication system. Second, the rigid system of censorship and the barriers to free news reporting should be removed. Any plans for a solid foundation for peace in the post-war world must give serious thought to the important role in uncontrolled flow of news can play in the shaping of international good will and understanding. The distortion and suppression of news can only result in sus- ,picion and ill-feeling among the nations of the world. - Neva Negrevski DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . . .. ... . l:M1 .iy .t-*ti: , .. ; - = -'-r" ..rs"_"' ._: -h.= 7 ,..... °irarsx fir.-,:e':= . ~t..,-- 9 R;. - ,fiv..-., ., r^'r +'"' .. n e-, - r. -.aM+ .Y-.-"'.' ,f+ Ri ,t . - ,_ Strengthen the Bars etllCP to the &d'ocitor A Reply to My Critics ... AS A BRIEF REPLY to the objections raised by Mr. Blue, Mr. Ando and Mrs. Akiya to my letter which appeared last Wednesday, I will simply say this, that if Mr. Akiya's record shows that he is a true friend of democracy and of China, (as I believe it does, according to Mrs. Akiya's letter), I am perfectly willing to revise my opinion of him. It is quite pos- sible, as Mr. Ando suggested, that I had mis- understood Mr. Akiya's attitude toward China through his failure to transmit his ideas clear- ly. If that is true, I shall of course not quarrel with him, since it was not so much his English which irritated my ear as what I thought he was trying to say, or intimate, about China. In closing, I wish to thank all three of my critics for having taken the trouble to dis- cuss, criticize and clarify my notions about the Nisei, and they have in their discussions given me some valuable pieces of information concerning the relationship between the Jap- anese-Americans and the Chinese. - Celia Hwaguen Chao WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: E's Granted for Errors? WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-The row inside the' War Production Board over peacetime conver- sion is basically between big business and little business, but some interesting personalities have come back to Washington and taken unique sides in the fight. One is Sidney Weinberg, part- ner in the giant investment banking firm of Goldman-Sachs of New York. Essentially, the big manufacturers, such as General Motors, Du Pont, General Electric and Curtiss-Wright, which have secured the great bulk of war business, want to hold up peacetime conversion until they can finish their war orders. They don't want other firms to get a head start. Their friends inside the War Production Board, led by charming Charles E. Wilson, efficient head of General Electric, have fought tooth and nail for this position. But WPBoss Donald Nelson maintains that little companies which don't get the breaks on war orders should be given a chance for at least some peacetime orders. Several weeks ago, Wilson suggested 'to Nelson that an old friend, whom both of them could trust, wanted to come back to Washington-namely, Sidney Weinberg. Nel- son gladly acquiesced. Weinberg, a director of Nelson's old firm, Sears-Roebuck, had help- ed him during the early WPB battle with the Army. A former sleuth in naval intelligence during World War I, Weinberg used to be known as Nelson's hatchet man. But in his recent tour of WPB duty, Weinberg has sided with big business and Nelson's oppon- ent, Wilson. He has been battling vigorously against his old friend Don. Realizing what a hot spot he had got into, Weinberg was complaining the other day to John Lord O'Brian, War Production Board general counsel and former Republican candi- date for senator from New York. store and almost timidly asked for matches. The clerk handed him a pack of paper matches. The little Marine hesitated, then handed them back. "Oh, I want the long wooden matches," he said. "I am afraid of these-they burn my fingers." The clerk stared contemptuously. He as- sumed this was just another swivel-chair officer. What he did not know was that the mild little man was Brig.-Gen. Oscar Ray ("Speedy") Cauldwell, who led the "Fighting Third" Marines in the initial landing at Bou- gainville and in the battle of the Gilberts. Wounded in both World Wars I and II, little "Speedy" Cauldwell has the reputation among enlisted Marines as one of the best "fighting men" in the Marine Corps. "E" for Errors? Navy Department officials aren't saying any- thing about it, but they have received several complaints from workers in war plants who want to know why the armed forces are making a farce of the Army-Navy E awards. The Navy is actually granting E's to companies found guilty of war frauds against the Allies. Fact is, Anaconda Wire and Cable got its third Army-Navy E award July 17, although officials of one of the company's plants had been indicted and convicted for sending faulty copper wire to the Russian army. The court record showed that this wire was for com- munication between units of the Red Army, but was completely faulty. Once it had been put to use on the Eastern Front, it might have cost thousands of Russian lives. Yet, despite Drama Review..- THE DAILY'S review of the drama "Journey to Jerusalem" has driven me to take my sword in hand to slice a couple of inches off the hard heel of the critic, Bernard Rosenberg. It seems to me that way back in the eighth grade we learned that a critic should retain a partially open mind and feel it his responsibility to pre- sent a fair review. B. R. does not have the one and has not done the other! .-- In the first place, there is a simplicity of theme in this play that is characteristic of Maxwell Anderson. Perhaps he does not mean to sway his audiences, of which there are many, with dramatic curtain lines; perhaps his aim is to present a picture in the fine brush strokes of color, tone, line and feeling. And if that was Mr. Anderson's aim, then I believe that he accomplished his purpose, as perhaps he always does. The cast seemed to understand this even if Mr. Rosenberg did not. For Where in the entire presentation did any one character overplay or underplay their lines? The set- tings, the lighting effects, the costumes were excellently chosen. The characterizations were as wel done by those women as they could have been done by men. Thinking back over the productionas a whole, I recall only one voice that was outstandingly feminine; and even in that instance the physical delineation was superb. There is real talent in this group of dramatists and it has not been hidden here. I have been fortunate enough to have seen many of the productions that have appeared on the stages of New York and Chicago the past ten years, and I can say truthfully that "Journey to Jerusalem" as presented by Michigan Reper- tory Players was well done and inspiring. There were several periods during the evening in which the acting, lighting, scenery and dramatic situ- ation were so perfectly combined as to make my body tingle with emotion. Ann Arbor theatre-goers feel fortunate to have had this fine production and the Michigan Repertory Players may justly be proud. - Mathilda Thompson these convictions, Anaconda continues to win Navy E's for excellence. Here's the story of Jim Farley's trip to the Democratic convention. He was primed and loaded with ammunition to upset a fourth term. But en route, he met former Mayor John Dur- kan of Scranton, Pa., a long-time friend and counsellor of Farley's, a man who has dined with the President, wined with kings, and who once saved Farley a small fortune by advising him not to get mixed up in the old Pierce- Arrow Company, which subsequently went to the wall. Durkan, travelling with Jim, prevailed upon him to hold his peace and his tongue. So con- vincing did the former Mayor put it, that Jim wrapped up his tirade and just sat looking and listening at Chicago. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 26-S All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the 1 Summer Session, in typewritten form ] by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when ] the notices should be submitted by 1 11:30 a. m. Notices There is a very urgent need for more Dailies for the men in service. Please send all copies after they have! been read to Mrs. Buchanan in the University Museum. Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music and Public Health: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a request in Rm. 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Fail- ure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts,,Schools of Educa- tion, Music and Public Health: Ten- tative lists of seniors for September and October graduation including candidates for the Certificate in Public Health Nursing have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar City of Detroit Civil Service an- nouncement for Junior Art Curator, has been received in our offices. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoinilments and Occupational Information Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug. 12, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drops courses without penalty through the eighth week, upon the recommendation ofj their academic counselors.l Exceptions to these regulations may be made only because of extra- ordinary circumstances, such as ser- out illness. E. A. Walter There will be a Mortarboard meet- ing this evening, Aug. 9, at 7:30 in the League. Anyone who cannot at- tend this meeting should contact Bette Willemin at 21528. Varsity Glee Club serenade to- night, Wednesday. Meet at Glee Club Rooms at 9 p.m. All members are urged to attend, as the club has several invitations from sororities. There will be a House President's meeting of the Inter - Fraternity Council tonight, Aug. 9, at 7:15 p.m. Lectures This week, daily through Friday,; Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw, Librarian, Swarthmore College, will, present a series of five illustrated lectures on contemporary typogra- phy, "Seeing Things in Print." The lectures will be held each evening at 8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Everyone is invited to attend.. This evening: Miss Elba Molina of Puerto Rico will speak (in English) on "Where Two Civilizations Meet- Puerto Rico," at 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspices of the Latin-American Society and the International Center. Thursday, Aug. 10: Mr. Shih Chia Chu of the Library of Congress Ori- ental Section will present his last in a series of lectures on Chinese Civili- zation. The title of his lecture will be "China Today and Tomorrow," 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited, admis- sion free. Thursday, Aug. 10: Professor Nic- olas Slonimsky of Cornell University will present a lecture recital with demonstrations on the piano, on "Soviet Russian Music" at 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited to attend free of charge. Friday evening, Aug. 11, at 8 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building, Mr. Nicolas Slonimsky will meet students informally to discuss and illustrate the music of Soviet Russian composers. Students who wish to ask questions or engage in discussion are invited to attend. Academic Notices Students in Speech: An assembly of the Department of Speech will be held at 3 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, when a program of group and individual readings will be given. Language Examination for the M.A. Degree in History: Candidates who intend to take this examination on Friday, Aug. 11, at 4 p.m. in Rm. C, Haven Hall, should sign up in the I History Office. History 347s-Seminar in Hispan- ic American History-will meet as a group on Wednesday, Aug. 9, in Rm. 315 Haven Hall at 2 p.m. Concerts On Monday evening, Aug. 14, the School of Music will present a recital of string quartet music. Theipro- gram will be under the direction of Mr. Gilbert Ross, a member of the faculty. The performers are members of Mr. Ross's String Quartet Class. The recital will be given in the As- sembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ing at 8:30 p.m. On Tuesday, Aug. 22, the Univer- sity Band, under the direction of Mr. William Revelli, will give their first concert of the summer session. The concert will be given in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. V .. 1 7 _ri. __ I realize this condition is seldom thbe fault of high school administrat- ors themselves. Zealous budget-bal- ancers like Tom Dewey slash school appropriations to the bone-and then wonder about juvenile delinquency. The family contributes to the prob- lem; parent-teacher associations are not numerous enough. But, a great deal can be accom- plished from within by intelligent revision of an obsolete and injurious system. York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5, and 7-10 p.m. Clements Library: "Army News and Views in Seven Wars." American military publications, particularly of the present war. Architecture Building, First-floor cases. Exhibitions of student work. Michigan Historical Collections: 160 Rackham Building. The Growth of the University of Michigan in Pictures. Events Today French Tea: Today at 4 p.m. in the Grill Room of the Michigan League. Sociedad Hispanica: Those inter- ested in practicing their Spanish in- formally will meet for conversation and refreshments at 4 p.m. in the League Grill Room today. Kappa Phi.members of all chap- ters will meet for dinner in the Michigan League Cafeteria Alcove on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 5:30-6:30 p.m. USO Bulletin: It wouldn't be Wed- nesday without the Wednesday night dance at the USO. Each dance is better than the last. So, naturally, this promises to be best of all. Make it a custom to meet the gang at the USO on Wednesday nights. "Fresh Fields," comedy by Novello, will be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech tonight through Saturday evenings, Aug. 9-12, in, the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale in the theatre box office. Box office hours: Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., for the balance of the week, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. 'ComingEvents French Club: The sixth mieeting of the Club will take place tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 10, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Mme. Sarah May- cock, Grad., will talk on "Souvenirs pittoresques d'une etudiante ameri- caine en France." Group singing and social hour. All students of the Sum- mer Session and the Summer Term as well as all servicemen are cor- dially invited to theweekly meetings of the French Club which are free of charge. Pi Lambda Theta members will have a supper meeting on Thursday, Aug. 10, in the Russian Tea Room at the Michigan League. The time is 5:30 p.m. and Dr. Marguerite Hall will be the speaker.. Allmembers are urged to attend. BARNABY 1 - - - - - nr- - - - Y wlf A By Crockett Johnson A Iunusual conversationafli!, C#ocI Tho'nwo fHp r ir-IrI1s= rlnt5 (4i4nlcvs