THE MICHIGAIN D'A:-ILY SATU Tm lE MY TT.RA / Ad N 2ID f.! "ATTY 1ATU Dewey 26 Republican Confident of GOP Victory 0 in November I evowl v _ CAMP TO CAMPUS: Governors Set Election Plans New York Governor Returns to Albany By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL By The Associated Press ENROUTE EAST WITH DEWEY, Aug. 4-Leaving behind a prediction that the Republican presidential ticket would win in November, "re- gardless of the war news," Gov. Thomas E. Dewey headed home to- night for a week-end rest after a "precedent-making" meeting of the nation's GOP governors. Winding up a series of political conferences after a two-day meeting with the other Republican govern- ors, the GOP nominee told a news conference a complete unity of think- ing had been achieved as between 26 points of views represented by the heads of the state governors who were present. Hits At New Deal The governors issued a policy state- ment on 14 points, took a final swing at the New Deal and called for "per- sonal contact" between state execu- tives and the President in the fu- ture to avoid 'costly misunderstand- ing." A reporter then wanted to know if Dewey thought news of the Allied advances in the European war thea- ter would benefit Republican chances in November. Convinced of Victory "I am convinced that the Republi- can party will win, regardless of the war news," Dewey replied. "I am exceedingly happy at the news of satisfactory military progress." political, labor, agriculture, business Dewey reiterated charges that the New Deal for 12 years had permitted controversies to arise - between local and federal governments to which he said the Republicans had found solu- tions they believed satisfactory. He added the observation that, in his opinion, Democratic governors could agree largely with the GOP confer- ence findings. Agreement Reached "The net result is that one of the most vexatious problems has been settled as a matter of national policy by our party and to the complete satisfaction of governors represent- ing three-fourths of the people of the country," he said. The governors had left for their homes after arming Dewey and his running mate, Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio, with a 14-point campaign document on domestic issues as a sort of addition to the national plat- form. They said the great objectives they sought for America could be reached only through federal-state coopera- tion within the spirit and letter of the constitution. 'U' Hospital Staff To Give Broadcasts Members of the staff of the Uni- versity Hospital will participate this month in broadcasts at 11:30 p. m. Thursdays over WJR for the Michi- gan State Medical Society Radio Hour. Dr. Claude C. Cody will discuss "Sinusitis" on Aug. 17. "Common Eye Complications in Childhood" will be Dr. Harold F. Falls' topic on Aug. 24. Dr. Henry J. Lange will speak on "Cancer" on Aug. 31. The pro- gram Thursday, Aug. 10, will deal with "What a Health Department Does," presented by Dr. J. D. Brook, Health Officer, Kent County Health Dept., Grand Rapids. Former Students in Service Express Views To Counselor NIGHT ""d LEND-LEASE PLANES AT NOME, RUSSIA-BOUND-A line of U. S.-Built Lend-Lease planes to be flown to Russian combat areas by Soviet airmen stretches across the airstrip at the American Alaskan Wing's Nome base. Red star of Russia is on planes. From England to India, from' islands in the Pacific to Italy and Iran, have come letters of experi- ences and questions from former University students to the counselor in religious education, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, who now has more than 50 military addresses on his mailing list. Although their ranks 'range from privates and three stripers to the oak leaves of a major, they all have similar questions to ask about the University's institutions and their favorite professors, Dr. Blakeman said. Reluctant to tell very much about their life overseas and experi- ences, he continued, they neverthe- less are curious about the campus and the student groups that they left behind. Interested in Activities Among the organizations that re- ceive the most inquiries are the spring and fall Parleys that were sponsored by the Student Senate, the marital relations lectures and Group X, the socialistic liberal group for- merly at the University. Some students now in the Army have complained that there is not very much chance for formal dis- cussion groups and wonder if the British system of forums and classes could be set up, Dr. Blakeman ad- ded. Many are reported concerned with the post-war world to which they will return and are interested in the work of the Post-War Council in studying this field. Aware of Civilian Problems They are aware of the tensions between the man in uniform and the JOB HUNTERS: Bureau of Appointments Lists Many Openings for U' Stdents To find work which suits the grad- uates and graduates who suit de- mands for workers is the task of the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Vocational Guidance, which is headed by Dr. T. Luther Purdom. The demand for trained people is great, with the field of stenographic work continuing to send out the greatest call for workers. Business firms want college trained secretaries for their better positions, girls who have had shorthand and typing in addition to the regular curriculum. Secretarial Training Needed The government, formerly a source of employment for those with social science and language majors with no secretarial training, has closed its civil service exam for graduate ap- pointments. Industrial firms request graduates with social science or language majors, but clerical train- ing is also required. Chemistry, physics and all fields related to engineering, public health and the biological sciences reflect accelerated wartime demands. Fewer Social Workers Needed This summer has brought a slack in the Bureau's usual number of re- quests for social workers. During the rest of the year, possibilities in this Speech Parley Will Be Held A conference on speech pedagogy and speech instruction in the second- ary schools, sponsored by the De- partment of Speech, will be conduct- ed by Prof. Karl F. Robinson of the speech department of the State ,Uni- versity of Iowa at 4 p. m. today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham building. Prof. Robinson holds the chair- manship of the secondary school committee of the National Associa- tion of Teachers of Speech and is advisory editor-elect of the Quarter- ly Journal of Speech. Director of Teacher Training in Speech at the University of Iowa, Prof. Robinson received his master's degree in 1936 from the University of Michigan and subsequently taught at Albion College and Northwestern University before going to the Uni- versity of Iowa. field are good, even for graduates with only a B. A. degree. Requests For Writers Traditionally, journalists are pic- tured as having to "go out after" their jobs. It is true that newspaper editors do not come running to the Bureau of Appointments for their re- porters, Dr. Purdom said, but the Bureau does make contacts with news agencies and journals. These con- tacts often result in positions for the graduates. Calls for writers are usually received from advertising and publicity departments of large com- panies. The Bureau always has good open- ings in the merchandising field for the college graduate. Most depart- ment stores have a permanent train- ing program and assure good post- war positions. ]Defendants Are Denied Acquittal Attorneys Prepare Arguments for Jury MASON, MICH., Aug. 4-(/P)-Mo- tions for directed verdicts of innocent for all of the 22 legislative graft trial defendants were denied today by cir- cuit judge John Simpson. The special trial judge held that the issues involved in the base were subjects for the jury to decide, and ordered the defense attorneys to be prepared Monday to begin their ar- guments to the jury. Bribery Is Charged The five finance company officials and 17 members of the 1939 legis- lature who are respondents are ac- cused of exchanging bribes to influ- ence legislation affecting the inter- ests of finance companies operating in the state. Haggerty assailed what he said was evidencesinsaihe trial that circuit judge Leland W. Carr's one-man grand jury provided money to pay part of the living expenses of Major Charles F. Hemans, a lobbyist who gave sensational state's evidence in the trial, and to Ernest J. Prew, for- mer finance company official in De- troit who has pleaded guilty and testified for the prosecution. Grand Jury Blamed He contended also that the grand jury paid Joseph C. Roosevelt, He- mans' assistant, board and room and gave Roosevelt "remuneration for his family" over a long period of months while preparing for trial. "It is just as illegal for the special prosecutor in this case to do these things as it would be for the defense to spend large gobs of money to bring witnesses here and maintain them in luxury," Haggerty argued. The case is expected to be present- ed to the jury August 11, for its ver- dict. Regents ®.. (Continued from Page 1) Rackham Fund. The Rackham So- ciological Research Project will re- ceive $6,500 while the Rackham Ar- thritus Research will receive $29,600. Contracts totaling $83,855 were signed during June and July by the University of Michigan Department of Engineering Research. Included in the 23 projects were three on spectographic analysis, one for the recovery of nickel from ores and one for the utilization of chrome bearing refuse. WAVES To Interview 'TTo Be Gien By L ibrarian "Seeing Things in Print," a series of five illustrated lectures by Charles B. Shaw, will be presented by the Summer Session and the Department of Library Science at 8:15 p. m. Mon- day through Friday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Shaw, Librarian of Swarthmore College, terms the series a brief resume of "Contemporary Typogra- phy and the Layman." For several Summer Sessions in recent years Shaw has served as visiting profes- sor in the library science department. He is known in librarian's circles for his compilation of "A list of Books for College Libraries." "Our Typographic Heritage," topic for the first lecture Monday, is an introductory discussion of the histo- ry of printing and typographic de- sign, of the development of machines and of various established conven- tions in style. "The Type Detective," "The Less Familiar Faces," and "Type for Display," the lectures to be presented Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will give the more technical viewpoint of the history and usage of various fonts. The final lecture of the series Fri- day, "Printer's Pleasantries," is a humorous report of misprints, hoaxes, parodies, verse, printers bijoux etc. USO To Hold Picnic, Dance A variety of activities is being of- fered -at the USO today, with swim- ming, dancing and picnics on the roster of entertainment, Mrs. Rob- ert Burton, USO director, announced yesterday. For servicemen who wish a chance to vanquish the heat, there is a swimming party scheduled to leave the club at 1 p. m. today to go to Whitmore Lake for the afternoon. Those interested should sign up at the USO promptly. , A picnic for both servicemen and hostesses will be held at the Saline Valley Farms, the buses leaving the club at 3:30 p. m. today. Among the activities offered at the farm are swimming, dancing, volley ball and baseball. There will be no charge, but hostesses attending the picnic should provide a box lunch for two and register at the club.immediately. The usual weekend dance will also be held from 8 p. m. to midnight today in addition to the other ac- tivities, Mrs. Burton added. man in a war factory and some state that the newspapers have had a large part in creating such situations. For the most part they appear satisfied with the Army paper, "The Stars and Stripes," that is printed in many theatres of combat. Of those who know about the chaplains in the armed forces, only about one half feel the utility of that work and what they are trying to do, the counselor concluded. Colleges Ready To Administer New G.I. Bill LANSING, Aug. 4-(P)-Dr. Eu- gene B. Elliott, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, reported today 26 Michigan colleges, junior colleges and universities were ready to start the Veterans Training Program un- der the new G. I. Bill of Rights law. In addition, he said, three others have requested approval but have not yet been inspected to determine whether they meet qualifications. Under the law the Federal Gov- ernment will reimburse the institu- tions for actual cost of educating veterans, up to $500 a year. The vet- eran-student will receive $50 a month living costs if he is single, $75 if he is married. The education program is offered to veterans who were under 25 years of age when they entered service and who served 90 days or more be- fore receiving honorable discharge, and the government will continue the payments for training for as many months over a year as the number of months the veteran serv- ed in excess of 90 days. Institutions approved for the pro- gram, Elliott said, include Calvin Col- lege, Grand Rapids Junior College, Highland Park Junior College, Hope College, Marygrove College, Michi- gan College of Mining and Technolo- gy, Michigan State College, Muske- gon Junior College, Muskegon Junior College, Northern Michigan College of Education, University of Detroit, University of Michigan, and Wayne University. The University of Michi- gan has been authorized to accept qualified veterans under the govern- ment program since July 19. Strike... (Continued from Page 1) COOL PLEASURE The heat won't get you down if you spend your time horse- beak riding along our wooded bridle paths. For your conven- ience we furnish a courtesy car ... GOLFSIDE STABLES. DA4Y * Akiya Continues Lecture Series Talk on Pearl Harbor Will Be Given Monday Carl Akiya of the Japanese Langu- age Department will continue his series of talks on "The History of Anti-Japanese Prejudice in the Unit- ed States" at 8 p. m. Monday in the Michigan League. "Pearl Harbor and Relocation" will be the subject for the second talk in the series. Akiya will draw heavily upon his own experiences as leader of adult education in the Topaz Relocation Center in Utah in presenting material for this lecture. Born in the United States, Akiya was educated in Japan, and received his degree from the mission school in Kobe. Because of his anti-fascist, anti-militarist activities in 1931, he was forced to leave the country. He came to the University in 1942. The final lecture in this series presented by Inter-Racial Associa- tion will be given at 8 p. m. Monday, Aug. 14 in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. Akiya's topic will be the "Nisei in the Future." Prof. Hsiao Speaks On Paper Industry China's paper industry before and during the war was the topic of a talk by Prof. Lian Po Hsiao at a meeting of the Ann Arbor chapter of the Chinese Institute of Engineers held Wednesday at the home of chapter president Mr. Chi Mou Tsang. Mr. Hwan Sin Kan was elected the new treasurer of the local unit, while Mr. Bacon Yeung, secretary, reported on the C. I. E. annual con- vention held last month in New York. Following the meeting, a pro- gram of record music was presented. TEE OFF To you who love the game of golf there are no more wel- come words. Come and enjoy our excellent turf. Excellent instructors to improve your game . . . MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE. i i the lines last night on President Roosevelt's orders, said persons with apparent enemy sympathies were preventing resumption of service. Bands of strikers had dissuaded many workers from returning to their jobs. War plants in this second largest arsenal of thenation reported absen- teeism at about 10 per cent as thou- sands again walked, hitch-hiked or rode employer-provided trucks to get to work. Race disorders-common earlier in the walkout-subsided. The strikers' attitude, as expressed in various leaders' statements, was that they would return only when assured that Negroes would not be given operating jobs on the lines. Biddle Orders Investigation Attorney-General Biddle in Wash- ington ordered an immediate investi- gation to determine whether federal law had been violated by the walkout. He directed that investigators pai- ticularly look for possible violation of the Smith-Connolly Anti-Strike Act. I , MICHIGAN TRADITION You haven't been at Michi- gan until you've spent an eve- ning at the P-BELL. Delicious dinners at reasonable prices. Our special hamburgers served after 8 o'clock. ~, ~.\ ~~ \ BIKE HIKE When the spirit moves you to get out and go, rent a bike for the hour or day. See Ann Arbor and the picturesque countryside in all its summer glory . . . CAMPUS BIKE SHOP. YOU CAN HOLD THE TITLE TO YOUR HOME LAND CONTRACTS REFINANCED THE TITLE to your home can be obtained through our refinancing plan if the balance does not exceed 60% of the appraised value. You will find endless enjoyment in the security that comes from holding the deed to your property. We have helped numerous others obtain posses- sion of their title. Maybe help you, too? Your inquiries are welcome. BUY WAR BONDS as many as possible For Your Sake, For "Their" Sake, For Our Country's Sake! A Ar i-I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) of Pearl Harbor on the Nisei and experiences during relocation. his USO Bulletin: Nothing better than a Sunday picnic to brighten up the week. And no better place to go than Saline Valley Farms, one of the lar- gest cooperative farms in the county. Come and enjoy a bang-up picnic dinner. Buses leave the club at 3:30. Volleyball, baseball, simming. .75 transportation charge. Come Satur- day night of course, you will want to trip the light fantastic at our weekly dance. There's plenty of everything to go around, latest recordings, fun, eats, and-or shouldn't we bother mentioning the hostesses? Churches ning servi.ce at 8p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "Spirit." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A con- venient reading room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington St. where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"j and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur- chased. Open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, will have its regular ser- vice Sunday at 11, with the sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Constancy of True Friendship." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will meet at the Lutheran Stu- dent Center Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock for an outing at Portage service at 10:30 a.m. and sermon by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn. Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship service at 10:30 a.m. and sermon by Rev. Rimmer in the absence of Rev. Henry Yoder. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples): Hill and Tappan Streets. 11 a.m., Sunday morning worship. The Rev. Parker Rossman will speak on the subject, "Nature's Blunder?" At 4 p.m. students and servicemen will meet at the Guild House, 438 May- nard St., for a trip to Riverside Park for games, a picnic supper, and ves- per service. In case of unfavorable weather the program will be held inside. The group will return to cam- pus by 7 p.m. First Congregational Church, State .-. A r t 1 AA, 1 _ l K i