PAQE TWO THE MIC HIGAN 'AIL SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1944 ' r : is FhftyFigau Yeaily F f ty-Fourth Year American-Japanese Defend Akiya Lecture... Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. EditoriA Staff Jane Farrant . Betty Ann Koffman Stan Wallace Iink Mantho . Blusiness Stafff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Sports Editor Lee Amer . .Business Manager Telephone 23-24.1 REPRESENTED FOR NATON,.L AOVERTialNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc, College Publishers Representative 4E0MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, N.Y. CNICAGO - BOSTONI " LOS ANGELESS °SAD FRANCISCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use br republication of all news dispatches credited to it or therwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- toubltcation of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann:Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Assodated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHIE SHARFMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff -aod represent the views'of the writers only. TWO REACTIONS: Philadelphia Stor THE Philadelphia Transit Company strike is the result of an attempted "comeback" by the PTC Employes' Union, a company union which is using opposition to employment of Negroes as part of its tactlics, according to evi- dence revealed by PM. Government officials expressed the opinion that the company union is using the issue to regain their jurisdiction lost to the CIO Transit Workers' Union, who won the Labor Board elec- tion. The cause behind this stoppage is a flag- rant example of uncooperative management. While CIO leaders are making every effort to get the workers back on the job, the company union with complete disregard for the neces- sity of full production, is undermining the determination of organized labor to carry on the war on the home front. The use of Negro discrimination to further the power of any group is to be condemned in the same sense as is Hitler's use of anti- Bemitism in his rise to power. Racial and reli- gious intolerance is not only incompatible with the democratic ideal, but it is a dangerous thing which gets out of hand and becomes a weapon for fascism. Disunity, regardless of its type or its source, cannot be tolerated; for if victory is to be won our forces must present a solid front. That solidarity demands the cooperation of manage- ment with labor, the elimination of all racial and religious discrimination, and the combined strength of all democratic forces. -Betty Roth LettingThem Down PHILADELPHIA whites could tolerate the presence of a Negro minority no longer and so held a general transportation strike this week. American soldiers, who could be em- ployed to better advantage elsewhere, were called in to take over the abandoned transportation system. And then we hear the civilian's cry "Soldiers bear animosity toward civilians-it's not right." It's not right for soldiers to dislike some civil- ians, but it's all right for civilians to knife in the back what our soldiers are fighting for? What soldier who has fought, sweated, and bled beside a Negro, for a common cause against a common enemy, will respect a civil- ian who won't keep civilian life going because a few Negroes are promoted? What soldier will look up to a civilian who has necessitated a, soldier's removal from assisting in the ter- iniiation of the war, to come back to do the civilian's job? None of us will receive the servicemen's re- spect until we show him that we are deserving of it. No civilian, enjoying the fruits of non- military life,. can have the 'guts' to welcome back a returning soldier, when he has been nullifying that soldier's sacrifice. -Irving Stahl News That Should Sober.. .. AMERICAN casualties in this war, wounded, missing and dead, already exceed those of World War I. In the weeks and months to come, in the hard overland fight across Frande, the WAS astonished to read Miss Chao's letter that my husband's lecture led her "to be- lieve" that he has a "Japanese genius for man- ufacturing half-truths," and anti-Chinese prop- aganda. Although he may have mispronounced words and used inadequate expressions; I think her letter is utterly unjust and baseless. Conse- quently I'd like to quote from my husband's manuscript and point out what I think she has misinterpreted. First of all, had she listened to the lecture until the end she would have grasped the theme of the topic. It is clear that the major point was not to lecture on anti-Chinese sentiments, but to discuss the historical background of anti- Japanese activities on the West Coast. Accord- -ingly, in particular he cited the fact that there existed a period of anti-Chinese sentiment in California during the last part of the 19th cen- tury. Moreover, he indicated that the figure of Chinese population in 1870. amounted to 10% of California's population. Please recall the facts. He also mentioned other figures on European immigrants to this country. She has written, "half-truths, by thei apparent plausibility, are as a rule more dangerous than falsehoods, and, when employ- ed as an instrument of propaganda, more potently deadly." On what gronnd does she criticize my husband's lecture as such? I keenly desire that she study U. S. history, particularly immigration. I should also like to recommend a brilliantly and scholarly written book, "Factories in the Fields" by Carey McWilliams, especially the chapter on Chinese. After acquainting herself with the facts, I should like her to reconsider the justification of her statement that "the whole affair was a sad instance of the human abil- ity to distort facts by an ingenious use of words." As she has taken for example the "Japanese aggression of Manchuria," she has written that the lecturer "referred to it repeatedly as the Japanese 'war against Manchuria' as though the Manchurians had invaded the peaceful shores of Japanese Islands and poor Japan hadk been compelled to resort to violence to defend her Empire!" He did not mention anything which should prompt her to make such a state- ment. On the contrary, my husband said "from the beginning of the outbreak of the Japanese aggressive war against Manchuria"; "under a fire of vicious protest from various nations of the world, Japan launched her shameful aggres- sion into Manchuria in 1931." He did not say "poor Japan had to defend her Empire." SHE HAS stated that "I have not yet to meet a Japanese who is pro-Chinese or rather, since that would be impossible, who is not anti- Chinese." Do you not think that statement is rather dogmatic? There are many facts which fail to bear out her unjust accusations. Has she read "Battle Hymn of China" by Agnes Smedley? In this book there is an outstanding illu- strationof Japanese who are pro-Chinese and extremely active against Fascist Japan. Also has she heard or read reports from Chung- king that there is a strong organization called "Anti-War League" composed of Japanese who side-by-side with the Koreans and Chinese fight against Japanese Fascism. Has she ever heard from her friends that there was held a joint meeting between Japanese and Chinese young Democrats after Pearl Harbor at San Francisco for the purpose of protecting rights of national minorities? As for my husband, I should like her to know of his past activities and his beliefs. She may then decide what kind of man he is-whether he is or is not a so-called genius for manufac- turing anti-Chinese propaganda. He has been an anti-Fascist for more than 20 years and he has never swerved in his belief during this period despite strong social pressure. Undoubt- edly she will realize what kind of changes the world has undergone-the battle against Fas- cism and the advancement toward democracy during the last 20 years. He was one of three Japanese members of the "American Friends of Chinese People," which listed among its mem- bers many prominent American people of San Francisco and the Bay Area Prior to Pearl Harbor when the U. S. was sending scrap iron to Japan, my husband and many Chingse friends made strong protests against such action. IN HER LETTER she introduced herself as "not a Japanese-hater nor do I wish in this article to arouse anti-Japanese feelings in the readers, but I do earnestly desire to warn the American public against a strange phenomenon in the J'apanese mentality with which the Chi- nese have had the misfortune of becoming fa- miliar for a number of years." However, when I examined her letter very closely, I felt that it aroused the sentiment of racial hatred in the minds of readers. At the same time she is dis- crediting the true purpose of the sponsors of my husband's lecture, who seek to establish racial harmony in America. Do not "pity" us, but see us with realistic attitude and accent facts as facts. Let us not dispute that Which is based on the facts, but let us unite for the purpose of defeating the Axis: Japan and Germany. -Mrs. Satoko Akiya IREAD Miss Chao's letter to the editor in The Michigan Daily with great interest. In Writing I realize that I am writing in answer to a student of philosophy and as these are the people whom I, as a student of the sciences, greatly respect I hesitate to write. Yet I shall attempt to clarify some ideas which I believe she has misinterpreted in her "warning to the American Public." It is regretful that the speaker Monday night did not have as good a command of the English language as any American should have. However, the position he is in as an instructor in the Army program here will speak of his sentiments and feelings toward democracy and America. I believe that his speech which was irksome to Miss Chao's sensitive Chinese ear was not an attempt to manufacture half truths or to work as an instrument of propaganda. I rather believe that in his poor command of the language and limited vocabulary, he spoke in such a manner as to have his statements mis- construed as a distortion of fact. I shall not apologize for his failure to learn the language of his country. I believe it is his responsibility. IT IS rather unfortunate, however, that Miss Chao has not yet met a Japanese who is pro- Chinese. I do not know how many Japanese she has miet personally in this country and abroad, but I am inclined to believe that she never met an American of Japanese ancestry. That is, a meeting where ideas are exchanged freely without preconceived discriminatory ideas about the individual's racial background. I can assure her there is a difference. I know it as a fact that the most sympa- thetic and understanding group here in the United States towards the Americans of Japa- nese ancestry are the American-Chinese, who by virtue of experiencing the same early in- tolerance of a few people in this country have a real understanding of the problems of the American-Japanese. I do not claim that all American-Chinese sympathize with the prob- lems of the American-Japanese, as the bitter- ness toward the Japanese (fascists) and its army which sinisterly attempted to engulf China can be almost beyond human toler- ance, but most of these Americans do under- stand the basic problems of their fellow Amer- icans and are their ready friends. As for her pointing out Japan's cultural debt to China, that is not an entirely regretful dis- covery. The only regret the Aiericans of Jap- anese ancestry feel is that Japan did not become more indebted to the Chinese by learning from them the cultural heritage of the Chinese of being good neighbors in the world of peace- lovih nations. UNDENIABLY, there are Japanese and Ameri- can-Japanese who are loyal to the United States and have proven it in many ways besides by their engagement in active combat for the Allied cause. Of the many thousands of American boys of Japanese parentage who are fighting for the Allied Cause, some of whom are in the China-Burma-India theater, I can assure you that every one of them has an ultimate wish of marching through the streets of Tokyo to liberate the , world of Jap tyranny and ag- gression. Hundreds of them will not have this wish granted, but many others will be proud Americans on Victory Day in Tokyo. These men need no pity that they are Ameri- cans of Japanese ancestry. They need no pre- scription for mental recovery. They have had time to think straight. They are Americans. They will not condone any Jap aggression nor invasion of their homes and peaceful way of life by the sacrifices they are making and have made. -Richard Ando Mr. Bricker Learns ... WHEN Gov. Bricker, the Republican vice- presidential nominee, got word that he was also the vice-presidential nominee of the Ameri- ca First party, Michigan section, he declined with some asperity to have any association with Gerald L. K. Smith's group. "I shall not permit mhy name to be used in any such connection," Mr. Bricker said. Obviously, Mr. Bricker does not want the Republican party and his own candidacy em- barrassed in the campaign by any of Smith's promotional stunts in boosting his ultra-nation- alistic and bigoted doctrines. However, the Ohio governor brought it upon himself when he was informed recently that the Detroit dema- gogue was supporting him. Bricker was quoted at that time as saying a Smith vote counted as much as any other, and his business as a candidate was to get votes. That doctrine represents both a low grade of political ethics and of political acumen. The candidate who repudiates the support of the blatherskite element not only keeps his own record unblemished but gains the respect of decent voters. Presumably Mr. Bricker has now learned that little lesson. -St. Louis Post Dispatch 0 Robot Over America DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, AUG. 5, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 24-S All notices for The Daily Official But- letin are to,be sent to the Office of the Summer session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a mieeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, Aug. 7, 1944, at 4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting and the proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. Edward H. Kraus Colleges of Literature,- Science and the Arts, and Architecture and De- sign; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music and Public Health: Summer Session students wishing a transcript of this summer's -work only should file a request in Rm. 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Fail- ure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh- man five-week progress reports will be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors The five-weeks grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps) will be due Aug. 5. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Arthur Van Duren Supervisor, Navy V-12 Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Music and Public Health: Ten- tative lists of seniors for September and October graduation including candidates for the Certificate in Public Health Nursing have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, University Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to report absences of freshmen on greenrcards, directly to the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards should be used in reporting sopho- mores, juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to absen- ces are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on page 47 of the 1943-44 Announcement of our College. E. A. Walter Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal for serenade; also reading of new con- cert material. All men on campus are welcome. Michigan Union, 3rd Floor, Monday, 7 p.m. David Mattern State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for Liquor Control Pur- chasing Agent V, Industrial Inspector I, and Boiler Inspector II, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Conference .in Speech Pedagogy: Dr. Karl F. Robinson, Assistant Pro-' fessor of Speech, Head of Speech, University High School, and Director of Teacher Training in Speech at the University of Iowa, will conduct a conference in speech pedagogy at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Building under the auspices of the Department of Speech. Graduate Students in Speech: A graduate symposium on the subject of radio will be held by the Depart- ment of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Lectures Monday, Aug. 7: Dr. John Somer- ville of Cornell University will speak on "Soviet Russian Education" at 4:10 p.m., in the University High School Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Monday, Aug. 7 through Friday, Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw, Librarian, Swarthmore College, will present a series of five illustrated lectures on contemporary typogra- phy, "Seeing Things in Print." The lectures will be held each evening at 8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Everyone is invited to attend. Tuesday, Aug. 8: Professor Preston W. Slosson will present his weekly Chu of the Library of Congress Ori- ental Section will present his last in a series of lectures on Chinese Civili- zation. The title of his lecture will be "China Today and Tomorrow," 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited, admis- sion free. Thursday, Aug. 10: Professor Nico- las Slonimsky of Cornell University will lecture on "Soviet Russian Mu sic" at 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture, Hall. The public is cordially invited to attend free of charge, Concerts All Russian Choral Evensong: First Methodist Church Choir, conducted by Professor Hardin Van Deursen, School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and Harriet ' Porter, Contralto; organist, Irene Applin Boice. Russian instru- mental selections will be rendered by Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, andRuby Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday, Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First Methodist Church. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Carillon Recital: On Sunday, Aug. 6, at 3, Percival Price will present a varied program of carillon music. The recital will include compositions by Mendelssohn, French sacred airs, songs by Schubert and Godard, and "Juba Dance" by the well-known American composer, Nathaniel Dett. Student Recital: Miss Florence Mc- Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present a recital on Monday evening, Aug 7, at 8:30, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Miss McCrack- en's program will include composi- tions by Brahms, Handel and Monte- verde. The public is cordially invited. String Orchestra Concert: On Tuesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8:30 p.m., the University of Michigan String Orchestra, under the direction of Gilbert Ross, will present a concert of music of the 17th and 18th cen- turies. The program will feature Dor- othy Ornest Feldman, Soprano, and Jeannette Haien, pianist, as soloists. Mrs. Feldman will sing the Cantata "Idolo Mio" by Alessandro Scarlatti, and Miss Haien will play Haydn's Concerto in G major, No. 2. The orchestra will present the music of Vivaldi, Frescobaldi, Mozart, and Sammartini. The public is cordially invited to attend the concert which will be given in Pattengill Auditor- ium. General Library, Main Lobby. In- cunabula. Museums Building: "What the Ser- viceman May See in the Pacific Area." (Animal Exhibits). BARNABY By Crockett Johnson - This shrewd political journalist intimates 1 wasn't nominated Ah! Yes! They need the wise counsel we elder statesmen , A sizable campaign contribution will not be amiss. Now that I'm To the OTHER party... To even things up, sportingly I